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Hi Greg,
this is the first question i post in YEARS... sure feels weird...
Anyways, with the comics being quite a success (for us - thank you so much for making this dream come true), I finally hope I got how the "spin-offs" were intentioned. Somehow I allways got the idea of them being "real" spin-offs, with as many episodess as Gargoyles. I'm happy BAD GUYS has come out in this form and this capacity, it suits the story, theme and place in the Garg-universe.
With the future of the comics being on-hiatus though, I would love to hear if you have thought of releasing the other spin-offs on potential mediums.
For example, I just read into the 2198 storyline, and it came to my mind that it would make a quite interesting computer game. Not that I want to limit my question to this, but today there are so many different ways of telling a story, that hold many opportunities in character development and storytelling (be it computer games or a youtube series or "Alternate Reality Games" for the Internet, that consist of prequels or spin-offs, as was done with Dark Knight or LOST or Cloverfield - for the film version of WATCHMEN, there'll even be an animated panel-retelling of the chapters - kind of like what is done at the Gathering with the voice-acting
I know Disney still has to give the OK, but have you ever thought about releasing one of the spin-offs on a totally different medium than Comics or TV? And if you did, would it change the "course" of the story?
I hope this is not too off, since I know you're fighting for the comics to stay alive and the DVDs to be released, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Thank you so much,
Have a nice day.
I'm always open to trying new things. But no company has approached me about it. And it isn't as simple as saying Disney would have to okay it. Of course, they would, but their okay would be contingent on being paid a considerable sum of money... up front.
Hey Greg,
Wanted to write in and say that I'm looking forward to reading your new comic work in the coming year.
I think you are getting the Red Tornado at a great time after what Brad Meltzer and Dwayne McDuffie have been doing with him in JLA. I am interested in seeing where you take one of the most unique characters in comics. Reading your latest responses Chuck Logan asked about when DC announces when books will be published. The best answer I can give him is to keep up with the solicits every month. DC solicits three months ahead, as I write this it is the end of August and they have previews up for November on their site. Every month, usually the 3rd Monday they release new solicits. So check their website - http://www.dccomics.com/dcu/comics/ or www.newsarama.com for the latest and look for Red Tornado :)
I am also very interested in Mecha Nation and Progeny (or is it Prodigy.. I've seen it spelled both on various sites). I'm always interested in new characters from my favorite creators.
Also, just read Gargoyles: Bad Guys #4... wow the hang em high aftermath of the jailbreak... you couldn't get away with that in any cartoon. Very solid issue though, I'm enjoying all of the Gargoyles comics. Sad to see that #12 of the series and #6 of Bad Guys may be the last, but I have high hopes... Kingdom Comics was just formed so i doubt they would let an established comics property like Gargoyles go to waste.
I have to confess I haven't seen Spectacular Spider-Man yet... but I have all 13 episodes on my DVR... thank goodness for that invention. I plan on sitting down and checking them out soon though as I have heard nothing but good things.
Keep up the great work, you keep writing I'll keep buying.
Unfortunately, DC cancelled the Red Tornado limited. It's a shame. The first issue and the designs for characters new and old, penciled by Joe Bennett, were just gorgeous. And I was very happy with the three scripts I wrote before the cancellation.
Oh, and it's Mecha-Nation and Progeny.
Hi Greg,
My favorite episode is "The Mirror," not just because the acting, animation and writing are all so great, but I loved seeing Elisa as a gargoyle, and ever since I've been dying for more. Seeing as though the license hasn't been renewed, I realize it could be a while before we get new stories, but I'm not losing faith. So, I don't want to ask if it's possible that we see her as a gargoyle again, cause I'm pretty sure almost anything is possible in the gargoyles universe, so I'll put it differently:
1. How likely is it that we'll see Elisa as a gargoyle again?
2. I don't expect you to be too specific, but how far into the future (in their world, not ours) would it be? Very far in the future? Not too far? The near future?
Also, if you don't wanna answer I'd understand that too. Thanks a lot, keep up the great work!
Does Delilah count?
I've watched the first season of Spectacular Spider-Man and let me tell you this show rocks, especially with surprises and characterizations throughout the arcs.
Are there any comic book storylines for the Spectacular Spider-Man series that you would like to do?
1.) Will we see the Enforcers back on "The Spectacular Spider-Man"?
2.) Will we see Spider-Man use his spider-tracers on the show?
3.) People have been saying on message boards of websites about which characters they want to see on your show. The ones I saw listed the most were Beetle, Carnage, Hydro-Man, Jack O'Lantern, and Tarantula. But are there some villains you are not allowed to use on your show as they might be connected to other heroes, like how Hydro-Man has also fought the Fantastic Four?
Thanks for reading.
1. Yes.
2. Hopefully.
3. There are many villains from the Marvel Universe that we cannot use, and just because they once fought Spidey is no guarantee that they are an actual part of the Spider-Man license.
How can the Gargoyles comic be saved?
The current comic -- with single issue releases -- cannot be saved. But the trades will come out finishing both the Gargoyles Clan-Building arc and the Bad Guys Redemption arc. If those sell well enough, SLG wants to do graphic novels and will approach Disney about it. If not, I'll look for a new publisher. But again, high sales on what we have and eventually release will make finding a new publisher easier -- not to mention convincing Disney to license the book to SLG or a new publisher.
Sorry, I meant Crocodile...not Crodile
Yeah, I got that.
Did Sevarius Mutate Thug with Alligator or Crodile DNA?
Hello Greg,
Gosh, it's been over 7 years since I asked a question here!
First off, I'd just like to say how thrilled I am that you still continue to push for Gargoyles to reach the fans. No matter the medium! Before the comics, I lived for the "Ask Greg" section of this site, (I still enjoy reading here when time away from work and my horses allows). The comics have really been a godsend. It's always a disappointment to find your favorite show has no new material in the works, so I commend you for helping to keep Gargoyles alive and available to us all no matter what obstacle you must cross.
I'm very upset to hear about the license situation with the comic, but I have not given up hope for the future spin offs and further stories.
I'd guess you write timelines and probably have notebooks and computer documents full of continuing ideas. Have you ever thought about doing an encyclopedia/compliation with all of the characters, places and events as well as future events you have outlined? (Obviously with Disney's approval of course)
I apologize if the question has already been asked. I searched the archives and didn't see a mention. (There are alot of pages!)
Best of luck, keep up the good work and Long live the Gargoyles!
I've thought often about it. No publisher has ever expressed any interest.
You mentioned that one of your new dogs is named Hermione. Was she named after the Hermione of Greek mythology (the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy), of "The Winter's Tale", or of the Harry Potter series?
I don't know. She came with the name Hermione from Daphneyland, the basset hound rescue ranch.
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