A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1.) Will we see the Enforcers back on "The Spectacular Spider-Man"?
2.) Will we see Spider-Man use his spider-tracers on the show?
3.) People have been saying on message boards of websites about which characters they want to see on your show. The ones I saw listed the most were Beetle, Carnage, Hydro-Man, Jack O'Lantern, and Tarantula. But are there some villains you are not allowed to use on your show as they might be connected to other heroes, like how Hydro-Man has also fought the Fantastic Four?
Thanks for reading.
1. Yes.
2. Hopefully.
3. There are many villains from the Marvel Universe that we cannot use, and just because they once fought Spidey is no guarantee that they are an actual part of the Spider-Man license.
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