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I'll start off with my question, but please forgive me for including some praise which I feel you are due.
My question: With Disney's recent decision to raise their licensing fee (effectively ending production of the Gargoyles comic) as well as their now seemingly permanent decision to not release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD - do you ever get the feeling Disney thinks of you as the bastard child they never wanted and would do anything to make go away forever?
On a personal note - I would like to thank you for making my childhood better. "Gargoyles" was always a major part of my childhood - I had the toys, I had the VHS "The Heroes Awaken" with the game, I had everything. I even remember getting yelled at for putting TV above family when I commented to my mom one day that I couldn't go anywhere with her because the new "Gargoyles" episode was about to come on. After recently finding the two DVD collections currently available, I watched every single episode - and was once again amazed at how great they were.
Thanks for all that you do - I'm currently trying to buy all the comics that I can. I hope that, one day, we'll see the rest of your creation available on DVD, because I would love for my children to see it one day.
No, I don't feel that way. For starters, they did WANT us originally. They just never quite knew what to do with us. How to help us be as successful as possible. Now, we're simply a low, low, low priority. A corporation with literally hundreds of IPs needs to prioritize certainly, and we're low... largely because we have never made them quite ENOUGH money to be a high priority.
Did you ever thought to approuch people like Jerry Bruckheimer about Gargoyles live action movie?.He seems to be always interested in orginal ideas that Disney put into development like Pirates of the Caribbean and the Prince of Persia so I think maybe he will be able to persuade Touchstone to make The Gargoyles movie.
Did you gave any thoughts how the Gargoyles in live action would look like.I mean in 2D animation they look fine but with CGI technology
there will be many elements that will have to look realistic and therefore affect the original design of the characters.
P.S Sorry about some mistakes in English.
I've thought a lot about the look of the thing...
But AGAIN, this isn't my property to pitch -- to anyone BUT Disney.
I really love this show. Thank you for showing us your vision of Spiderman.
One thing I really have to know is that Josh Lebar's actual laugh or he just does it for the show? I love Flash Thompson's laugh its the funniest thing I've ever heard. Keep up the good work.
It's probably an exaggerated version of Joshua's laugh.
Did Demona and Macbeth realize that the "Coldsteel" personality was in control of Coldstone. Did he tell them? I was wondering because Macbeth seemed surprised when the real Coldstone took over the body and turned the tables.
I'd have to watch the episode again.
Oh I forgot to say, thank you for coming to CONvergence again. I went to the signing but was kind of too shy to have a chat.
I'm sorry about that. I'm always happy to chat -- especially about Gargoyles.
Hello, Mr. Weisman.
I checked the archives and didn't see this question asked or answered or anything, but if I missed it and it's been asked before, sorry.
Anyway, I was wondering. When you get to the direct-to-DVD movies of Peter Parker's college years, would you be interested in including the marriage of Peter and Mary Jane as one of the college years movies? I'd love to see this as a direct-to-DVD movie, as Peter and Mary Jane are my favorite married couple in all of comics (despite what's unfortunately happened for the couple in current "Brand New Day" continuity).
Thanks for reading.
You're just so far ahead of me... but, yes, eventually.
I've been thinking about the Gathering of the Third Race, and its effect on the various pantheons of the Gargoyles Universe. Once when asked about the afterlife and the Underworlds run by the gods, you wrote:
"My gut reaction, based on Dante as much as anything, is that people go where their souls truly want to go. Since it's voluntary, though not necessarily consciously so, there's no conflict with Oberon's edict."
I find this response interesting, since it allows those religious beliefs to all be true and (fairly) accurate, at the same time.
You've also told us that during the Gathering, the Children of Oberon (with a few exceptions like Puck and Titania) will be mostly confined to Avalon and will have to stay there until the Gathering ends. This raises two questions in my mind.
In various mythologies, the afterlife/underworld is populated by gods who judge and watch over the dead. The Greek myths mention Elysion, Tartaros, and the Kingdom of Hades, and Egyptian mythology mentions the Duat. The Aztec gods have several different afterlife options, such as Mictlan. In your previous response you said that dead mortals can still go to afterlives/underworlds controlled by the Third Race if they give some unconscious assent. But what happened to these afterlife places (or whatever you want to call them) after the Gathering started?
1. Are the Children of Oberon completely forbidden to visit in these underworlds/afterlife places during the Gathering?
2. During the Gathering, are the Children of Oberon completely forbidden to visit Earth or interact with the mortals there?
1. I'm sure Oberon doesn't want his "officers" shirking their responsibilities. Some considerations have probably been made.
2. Largely, yes.
Personal question about your taste in music: what's your favorite kind of music to listen to? Im a country fan meself
Also, related to music, I know that youre not a fan of Gargoyles fanfiction (which makes perfect sense since its an ongoing story) but what do you think of fan-made music videos (or even fanart for that matter)? While listening to a country station today, one of my favorite songs came on. Its called 'Put A Girl In It' by Brooks and Dunn. Since I had Gargoyles on my brain at the time, I thought it would be a perfect song to describe the Trio before Angela arrived on scene. But do you also ignore AMV's like you ignore fanfiction?
I have somewhat eclectic and perhaps old-fashioned tastes. I find myself listening to standards at work online at the Lounge.
Check out: http://webclust1.liquidcompass.cc/sos4cust/SMCM/audio_player.php or http://www.martiniinthemorning.com/page.php?9
Hi Greg,
I absolutely enjoy the show!Every episode has been perfection in my opinion.I was wondering were the red light on Spidey's belt came from? Did you get it from the comics or was this another great idea from you and the crew? I'm sorry if this question has been asked already but I didn't see this question.
Thanks for your excellent work, and can't wait to see season 2!
It's right out of the comics.
Are you the maker of Gargoyles? and if I want to make a book what should I do?
Please tell me how to make a good story.
I'm the creator (or at least co-creator) of the GARGOYLES television series. I was one of the writers, supervising producers and supervising story editor, and I'm currently writing the GARGOYLES and GARGOYLES: BAD GUYS comics.
I'm not sure what kind of book you have in mind. Generally, I advise would-be writers to get a great liberal arts education. Read... a lot. Write... a lot. And proofread.
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