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WEISMANSWERS 2009-05 (May)

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Greg Bishansky writes...


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


1. So, I'm curious. When did Norman Osborn start preparing for his stint as the Green Goblin? Before "Survival of the Fittest"? After?

2. I also noticed that on Osborn's laptop monitor when he calls Peter and Harry out onto the balcony, there's a pumpkin bomb.

It seems to me like he's been preparing for this for a while now. Granted, he stole the glider just after Hammerhead threatened him. But, since "Catalysts" and "The Invisible Hand" take place on the same day, and Norman had that Goblin mask, costume and weapons ready to go, it makes me wonder.

So, question 3. Was he always planning to take control of the Big Man's empire? Or did Hammerhead threatening him push him there?


*** I'M SERIOUS ***


Greg responds...


1. Depends what you mean by "preparing". But the main impetus was being kidnapped and attacked by Vulture. He did not enjoy being that vulnerable. There was a line to that effect in "Final Curtain", but it was cut for time.

2. Was there a question here?

3. It wasn't just Hammerhead's single speech.

Response recorded on May 27, 2009

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg.

Big fan of all your work and just wanted to ask some general questions, none of which involve the possible Season 3 of TSS. (We're all hoping the show gets picked up!)

1. I'm very much interested in a career in screen writing, comic writing, and/or video game story writing. What steps did you take or what steps do you recommend for those pursuing this career? I'm an English major with a writing minor and I wondered if college degree played a large role.

2. Can you elaborate on any of the possible restrictions you may face if you persue the death of the Stacy's storyline or the introduction of Carnage? I'm not asking "if" you will develop these storylines in later seasons, but more of what kind of restrictions were you presented with for TSS. We all know how strict FOX was for the mid-90s animated series.

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

1. It helped me -- a lot. Both in terms of the education I received making me a better writer and in terms of the resume thing helping me get my first jobs at both DC Comics (from Dick Giordano) and Disney (from Gary Krisel). So I'm big on education. Beyond that, I've gone into greater detail in the past, so check the ASK GREG archives. But my recommendation is to READ a lot. WRITE a lot. And PROOFREAD a lot.

2. I haven't had any significant restrictions to date. Standards & Practices is NOT the reason those stories you mentioned weren't part of the first two seasons.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about language and translations.
Concerning the language "issue" in the Avalon World Tour, and the fact that everybody encountered by the travellers seems to speak English, you once wrote,
<<"Avalon compensates when it sends people to where they need to be...">>

From your response to my "Reunion" review, long ago, it appears this is still the case in canon-in-training. But is this also why Angela can apparently speak English? She seems to speak English in Manhattan. At least, she and Elisa understand one another. It also seems that something was happening when Tom came to New York, and spoke to Morgan and Elisa. Likewise, King Arthur is able to speak to Griff and the Manhattan Clan. And the Avalon clan and their human parents had no trouble talking to Elisa. King Arthur, Tom, the Magus, and Katherine all went to Avalon before the Norman Invasion of England, so they cannot possibly have learned anything resembling modern English before they went there.

1. What is the reason that Angela, Tom, and King Arthur can communicate with modern English speakers?

2a. Do they notice they (or the people they are talking to) are speaking a different language?
b. Did Elisa, Goliath, and Angela notice the language changes during the World Tour?

3. Yes or no: Is this effect(s) on Angela and/or King Arthur permanent?

Greg responds...

1. Again, I'm reduced to the notion that Avalon compensates.

2a. They don't seem to.
2b. They didn't seem to.

3. Seems to be.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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anonymous writes...

Hi, can yu confirm yet if Doctor Octopus will be back in season three? I love what you've done with Doc Ock on this show.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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Malinda writes...

I was wondering if you or someone else illustrated this show?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure which show you're referring to, but in any case, I don't draw.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

I know this has been asked alot and everytime you say you have answered it by i have searched through the archives again and again and cannot find your response apart from (im not calling you a liar maybe the question was kicked i dunno)

Confused Fan [Shocker Question] writes...
So, Montana was the Shocker.
Does this mean that Montana is Herman Schultz? :S
I think Montanas real name has never been told even in the comics?

Greg responds...
If it makes you happy...

So i have to know, why the combination of these characters, also as this is my sirst comment kudos on the show, i love it, and i discovered it by accident whilst watching the 90's series on youtube i saw a link and thought why not and was pleased to see what a great job you have done. I am very new to the comics and nearly all the stuff i know is from wiki (which i hope i can trust) anyway feel like i should ask some more questions:

2) Who is your fav villian, you probably have answered this but wasnt in first 100 question asked to you (i do have a life honest)

3) when (optimistic) season 3 comes out do you know the gap between release in US and uk (as i live in uk)

ok that will do for now, thanks again for an amazing show which appeals to all ages

Greg responds...

1. I'm just not getting into this again. I know it's in the archives. I'm not calling you a liar either, but look again.

2. I've answered this to. I don't have one. I like 'em all.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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ChickenChaser writes...

Just another wuick one, Is the thing about harry being framed as the goblin a new idea or has it appeared in comics, i thought this was so funny and was like wtf thats not right and then when it made it look like his mum in the return of the goblin i was so confused so good work.

Greg responds...

You don't know how hard it is to keep an audience guessing -- or at least off-balance -- when they already know the answer. We obviously added a few twists and turns.

Response recorded on May 26, 2009

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Akif kahn writes...

hi Greg I wached all of taginghe spectacular spiderman episodes 1-26 it left me haning I hope you get a pick up of season 3 I hope so they can add Professor Miles Warren as jackal and Hobgoblin and Scorpion.
best spiderman show ever

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Okay, so, I'm not sure if this'll be approved or not but:
Do you have any plans for anything revolving around the Tablet of Time?

Greg responds...


I thought I was being pretty cool by admitting/teasing that Hobgoblin and Scorpion would appear in Season Three, but it seems to only have encouraged people to demand still more spoilers. And I'm just NOT gonna do it.

Think of it this way. The fact that I'm still adamant about not talking is an indication of how much I still think we'll be back to do a Season Three. So it's good news, right?

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg! I just wanted to say that I'm huge fan of your series, TSSM especially (being a huge fan of Spidey). Just a few questions about villains in Season 3. It's fine if you can't answer any.
1. Do you have plans for Tombstone and Hammerhead? They were kind of cut out of the Goblin Returns arc, after I was expecting huge roles.
2. Is Lizard set to return? Season 2 seemed to set up for this perfectly. Even if not in Season 3, will he ever return?
3. Do you think we'll see Green Goblin again in Season 3? Or will we have to wait a bit longer?
4. Is Molten Man coming back? Your idea of having GG control when he is or is not Molten Man seems to make it a bit harder to have him in there without Norman pulling the strings.
5. Will we be seeing Silvermane come back any time soon? I've got another question here, but it may be risky, so I'll ask separately.
6. Is Walter Hardy ever gonna come back into the spotlight?
7. One character in this show I have to love is Electro. You've simply pulled him off so well. It seems obvious that he'll at least appear, but I was wondering if he would have his own episode in Season 3?


Greg responds...

I'm not commenting on any of this. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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anonymous writes...

Hello. I had some questions regarding a possible third season for "The Spectacular Spider-Man". I read what you said and I know that you can't reveal much about Season Three. But hopefully, these kind of questions won't really go into spoiler territory.

Still, there are SPIDEY SPOILERS in this post for those who haven't seen Season Two yet.


... Seriously.

#1.) Will Peter blame himself, be haunted by or feel guilty for Norman Osborn's "death" next season? He kind of was the one who damaged the Green Goblin's glider and sent him to his explosive demise at that water tower.

#2.) So the Connors are in Florida, huh? Does this mean it'll be harder to bring them back on the show, even though classic Stan Lee stories had Spidey fight the Lizard in Florida before?

#3.) I know you cannot comment on which villains you'll be using next season, new or otherwise. I know it's still questionable if there's a pick-up for a new season or not, but let's say that our prayers are answered and, praise Jeebus [thanks for that, Homer Simpson ;)], there's a new season! You said you cannot use the Owl and possibly not the Beetle either. Does this mean you can or cannot use characters like Boomerang, Jack O'Lantern and Swarm on your show at all, or is this "no comment" territory? I'm merely asking because the three villains I listed are essentially Spider-Man villains, but they were not first introduced in a Spider-Man comic and have fought other heroes as well.

#4.) I agree that Robbie and Mary Jane kind of got underused in season two, but I loved what you did with the Mary Jane/Mark Allan relationship. Is it likely we can see more of Robbie and M.J. next season, if possible? I don't know what you have planned or can reveal, but still...

On a side note, please do not introduce any of the "Clone Saga" or "One More Day"/"Brand New Day" stories on your show. I am still plagued by nightmares from reading those fiascos, and the whole clone mess they did on "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" didn't help me like the clone storys any better either.

Thanks so much for giving us two brilliant seasons of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" and I hope you get many more. This show can't end at just two seesons, Mr. Weisman.


Greg responds...

1. Guilt is one of Pete's go-to emotions.

2. No comment.

3. If and when I get back to Sony, I'd have to find out whether I had access to those characters.

4. I like 'em both too, you know.

Response recorded on May 22, 2009

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Matthew Woodley writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, it's a pleasure to ask you some questions. I've been a big fan of Gargoyles since I was a kid and I'm a big fan of the Spectacular Spider-Man in which I believe you're doing a great job at.

Now as for my questions...
1)Is the Green Goblins hatred for Spider-Man the same or at least close to his comic counterpart?

2) How much of Ultimate Spider-Man have you read?

3)Are you more of a supporter for the Gwen an Peter relationship? Or do you believe that a Mary-Jane and Peter relationship can work in some ways?

4) Has Marvel asked you to write for some of their other shows?

5) Is there a chance that you could (Theoretically) fit Brand New Day villains into new seasons?

6)If it comes to it, would you do the One More Day storyline if you got the chance to?

Greg responds...


1. That's a value judgement. And it's a tough one to make because there have been so many different interpretations of GG in the comics by different creators. I think we're on a level with the way Stan Lee handled the character.

2. A goodly amount.

3. Things come in their proper time.

4. Nope. Though I'd love to.

5. If we get more episodes.

6. Probably not. There's not much point in REBOOTING a continuity that we've only just begun.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Sage Vega writes...

Hey Greg, it's me again. to tell you the truth, Venom is my #1 favorite Diabolical villain in the Spider-Man Legacy. Thanks for bringing him in. I was wondering will Venom return in season 2 for some fun revenge on the Web-Slinger?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Ming writes...

About the Spectacular Spider-man cartoon, are you going to incorporate some (if not all) of the characters and storylines from the Spider-man: Brand New Day era into the show?

Greg responds...

There's one that immediately appealed to me. As for the rest, it depends how many episodes we get in the future.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Matt writes...

Just a quick question. I don't need any specifics or anything, but I wonder if you've ever decided what happens to gargoyles/beasts during solar eclipses. You mentioned you might have a story to tell there, have you ever figured it out?

It'd be interesting to see what happens. A gargoyle in a cave still wakes and sleeps normally because it isn't about sunlight, but about biological clock stuff. So, a solar eclipse shouldn't bother them... right? I dunno. An interesting thought. Any ideas?

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

Many ideas. Some that contradict others. But I'm not scooping any of them now.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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AJC writes...

Hi Greg!

Big fan of the The Spectacular Spider-man show! I love the animation and the designs (I was weary of the designs at first but I afterwards became accustomed to them. Now I LOVE Cheek's designs!). Your show has actually led me to read some key issues from amazing spider-man and maybe during the summer when I have more free time, I'll begin reading from issue number one. So thank you for that! Even after reading just 2 or 3 random issues, I was absolutely impressed with the characters and plots that you have taken from the comics and shaped it into a modern vision for the show.
(Spoilers SPOILERS spoilers from Season 2)
1)Don't you think it would have been appropriate to show the reactions of the Connors and Gwen after Eddie was carted away for his insanity? Do they not care? :(
2) Wasn't it a little too coincidental for norman to assume his son would be passed out (Even if Norman knew Harry was drinking it) as soon as he got back from fighting spider-man? BTW, loved 'Final Curtain'... Very suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat (Even better than the season one finale)!
3)What was the point of flash and Sha Shan getting together? Other than developing Flash's character, it didn't seem to affect Spider-man/Peter's life?
4)Would you revisit the gang war? I was kinda hoping there would be huger scale of the gang war like accomplices and gangland (I really loved accomplices because of that).
5)When the full season sets come out, will they have the gun fire sounds or lasers? Extra scenes? Any plans for commentaries for the episodes?
6) If you do not get a season 3 (which would be complete blasphemy!!!!!), would you think about doing plans for Spider-man DTV's sooner?
As a fan, I hope that when you DO get a pickup for further seasons, I really hope you get more than 13 episodes per season. This show deserves it!

Greg responds...


1. Of course, they care. But AGAIN, I just don't have room in 19 and a half minutes to show every possible reaction from every relevant character. To put in a Connors and Gwen reaction SOMETHING ELSE would have had to get cut. I feel we showed the MOST important scenes.

2. He didn't assume that. He wasn't planning to frame Harry. But he found Harry passed out beside a vial of Globulin Green, so he took advantage of the opportunity.

3. Actually, it's already had an effect on Peter. Remember Flash slamming Pete against a locker to get his advice on how to win Sha Shan over? Pulling him under the table on Valentine's day to make sure he didn't say anything stupid? And that's just the start.

4. Nothing is over.

5. I don't know.

6. I'm not clear what you're asking. If we don't get a third season, we're not likely to get the opportunity to do Direct to DVDs instead.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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This is my screen name writes...

This is a question kind of about a Gargoyles movie but not really. I read that back in the 90s one of the reasons a live-action Gargoyles movie wasn't made was because a good script couldn't be found. Not sure if this is true or not but it leads to my question.

Why is it, Gargoyles or otherwise, movie companies contact outside screenwriters to develope a script instead of the creator, if the creator is available for contact (Not dead or no longer working on the project)?

Greg responds...

I assume they think that the creator can't create something that would work for a wide audience because they'd be TOO faithful to their creation. I'm sure in some cases that might be true. But there's also a basic assumption that movie writers are inherently superior to television (and certainly cartoon) writers.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Thomas writes...

Spectacular Spider-Man is an amazing show, and you've done what other spidey shows haven't by having some of the story-lines from the comics like Master Planner and Molten Man and such. Are there any other story-lines form the comics that you'd like to use? Or are there some that you've made up that you feel would make the show even more spectacular then it already is?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Mike writes...

I'm sorry if this question has already been asked before but when do you expect to get any news on Season 3? Also how is your "cause" to get Season 3 on production?

Greg responds...

My "cause"? I don't know what you mean.

We'd expect news on Season Three sometime after Season Two begins airing on Disney XD, i.e. NO SOONER than late June. Probably more like July.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Galax writes...

I'm so sorry, I forgotten to tell which show I mean ^^

Of course Gargoyles ;)

So I ask again:

Can you tell me, which Animationstudio produced the episodes of the show?
Maybe a name of one or all?

thx a lot.

btw: keep on to bringing Gargoyles alive! :)

Greg responds...

Oh. Sorry, I guess I was in Spider-Man mode.

As for Gargoyles, the series was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Most of the first season episodes and many of the second season episodes were animated by Walt Disney Television Animation - Tokyo. Some others were animated in Korea by Han Ho. There were other studios too, but it's been too long, and I don't remember off the top of my head.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Galax writes...

Hi Greg.

Can you tell me, which Animationstudio produced the episodes of the show?
Maybe a name of one or all?

thx a lot.

Greg responds...

Sony TV Animation produced the series. But if you mean what studios animated them, we used Dong Wu, Han Ho & Moi.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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RTS writes...


Hi Greg.

Great work on Season 2, I might not know exactly how the system works, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be renewed. Hopefully by the time you answer this you will have good news to tell about that, but for now, a few questions regarding what's been done so far.

1) In season 2 episode 8, "Accomplices", we see Black Cat spray something onto a window before going through it, we then see the window wobble around or something after she goes into the vent. What did she do to the window, exactly?

2) Was the lead into Hobie Brown first speaking in the role of Puck something you planned well ahead of time, or did Hobie's silence become a running joke before you made that decision?

3) On the subject, any chance that you tried to get Brent Spiner to do the role?

4) In "Growing Pains", I couldn't help noticing that a certain "Greg Weisman" is named on the cast list shown at the end. I was just wondering whether you have ever performed any role in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", since it is mentioned in one of the FAQs that you've taken acting classes in the past.

5) You're the best. (This isn't a question)

Greg responds...


1. First she melted the real glass with acid. Then she replaced it with a reflective "paper" that mimicked the look of the glass. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

2. The former.

3. The role of Hobie? No.

4. Yes, I've been in "Midsummer" as Theseus and in another production as Philostrate.

5. Right back at ya.

Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Kyle Tonarella writes...

I just want to apologize for asking for the black cat question and say i won't bug you anymore about your season 3 plans. I'll just stop asking season 3 questions and support the show buying the season box set for starters and watching the show disney XD which I've been doing.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 20, 2009

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Thomas writes...

Alright, you've had Venom in season 1 and 2 or 'The Spectacular Spider-Man, and you gave Cletus Kassidy a cameo in season 2. Does this mean your going to introduce Carnage into the fray, or would that be a bit much for the show?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on May 19, 2009

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Michael Byrne writes...

Hey, Greg! Just wanted to say that I loved every new episode of Season 2, all the way up to Goblin and Spidey's climactic battle! But...there is something I want to understand about [[spoiler]] Norman. Why did he go to such measures to take over the Big Man's empire after his identity was guessed by Spidey? I mean, Normie has it all: a great tech company, a loyal son, and a home people only dream of renting. Was he trying to protect all that from others by taking command, or was he simply an ungrateful tyrant obsessed with power and money? I mean, I know he cares about his son in little amounts...but I just can't fathom the reasons for why he did what he did.

Either way, it's been a great two seasons so far, and I encourage you to keep the dream of a season 3 alive. This series, simply put, is lightning in a bottle.

Greg responds...


Well, my gut reaction is to say if it isn't clear what kind of guy he is from the episodes themselves (let alone 40+ years of continuity) then nothing I say here is going to matter much. But basically, he wanted MORE.

Response recorded on May 19, 2009

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