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WEISMANSWERS 2009-06 (Jun)

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CL writes...

I found out what the ratings were for Spectacular Spider-Man: low. Does this kill the chances of season 3? Does it worry you, or are they expected to increase come the next season?

Greg responds...

Your information has no context. From what I've head, relative to other Disney XD fair, the ratings have been decent.

Obviously, I'd prefer them Spectacular, but since the second season hasn't even aired yet, we are still in wait and see mode.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Animation Fiend writes...

Hello. Does Greg have a MySpace page?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Count Orlok writes...

Greg, what films are you a fan of and how have they inspired and/or influenced your work on the creation of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Uh, I'm not going to list all the films I like. That would take forever. There's no specific film that jumps out to me as a direct influence on Gargoyles, though as I've said before, television series including Gummi Bears, Bonkers and Hill Street Blues were major direct influences on Gargoyles. In any case, check the "Influences" archive here at ASK GREG for more info.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Mike Cucuk writes...

I've read before that Disney rejected the idea of producing a live-action movie of 'Gargoyles' back in 1996. Exactly elements do you believe in the animated series could not possibly merge into live action?

Greg responds...

Huh? I don't understand the question. But in any case you have your facts wrong. Disney pursued a live action Gargoyles from 1994 'til about 1999 give or take. Then they shelved the project.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
i love your version of spiderman it keeps me entertained and i just can't seem to be patient for the next one. i like yours for various reasons. one of them being of that gwen stacy is the main love interest not mary jane. Which is cool cause it's not like the original but i do know how things can change around. You can make relationship not work(which would be a drag) or even kill her off which brings to my next point, i don't like the original Spiderman story because everyone dies: Gwen Stacy, Mary-Jane, Aunt May, Harry, the Sandman etc. its so DEPRESSING. i just pray that you make a good story and end it good if not great(you have so far). Also just wondering do you have and idea when season 3 will debut?(not in America cause i know season 2 is starting over here)

Greg responds...

I know Aunt May has died at least once, but that wasn't permanent. Even Harry is back. And I don't ever recall Mary Jane or Sandman dying. But maybe I missed that.

As for Season Three, please, please check the archives.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Paul writes...

What are the titles for the second, third and fourth story arcs in The Spectacular Spiderman? I know that the first is Biology 101, and you recently posted the titles for the ones from season 2 (Engineering 101, Human Development 101, Criminology 101, Drama 101). And will you ever revisit certain subjects/modules/courses of study in future seasons (for example, by having a Biology 102)?

Greg responds...

I'm not running out of titles yet.


Biology 101
Economics 101
Chemistry 101
Psychology 101

Engineering 101
Human Development 101
Criminology 101
Drama 101

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

this was buggin me for a while. is Hammerhead's driver someone from the comics?

PS: this is not a question. One of the reasons I want so bad season 3 is to see what you will do with Hobgoblin. You used many of Hobby's aspects for Green Goblin - the whole framing other people thing, Osborn taking the green in small doses so he wont become insane, heading to Carribean (probably???). All of this happens to Roderick in the comics so I'm very curious what you will do with Hobgoblin.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Paul writes...

Is Ben Urich off limits in The Spectacular Spiderman? If so, does that mean that Phil Urich is off limits too?

Greg responds...

Ben is off limits. I'd have to check on Phil, but if I had to guess, it's likely he's off-limits too.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Jim writes...

1. So now that Norman is dead to the world, where does this leave Vulture? Is his place in Ock's organization and his Spider-grudge enough to keep him in the rogues' gallery, or will he figure "mission accomplished" and hang up his wings? Is this topic something that we should expect to see explored next season?

2. Without getting into spoiler territory, was the Tombstone/Venom scene meant to be building to something? I can't decide if it was a one-off and meant only to highlight what Spidey wouldn't do, or whether I should keep that connection in the back of my mind for future use, as an unresolved plotpoint.

Speaking of Venom, it just occurred to me that they are the only ones that would still think Harry is the Goblin. Unless Gobby's identity is public knowledge by now?

3. Someone asked a question earlier, but I didn't think your answer was the most clear (you seemed to be responding only to another part of his question): Was Mysterio ever in jail? Was the Beck who talked to Lee a robot, or was it the real deal, and he escaped at a later point?

4. Was Tinkerer working for Tombstone because he had defected or was he merely lending his services for a fee? If the latter, why would Otto let him give the enemy weapons when he knows a gang war is looming?

5. I had assumed that the money Norman got from Kingsley was being used solely for his getaway to the islands. Someone else thought he had used the entirety of his unmarked account to rig the city for his duel with Spidey. Which is correct? Or is it a combination?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. Though I have my opinion, I'll leave this up to the interpretation of the viewer.

4. Tinkerer is a freelancer.

5. He has the money. How he spends it is his business.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Chirag Rana (Zilla) writes...

Hey Greg I've been the biggest Spectacular Spider-Man Fan. After Season 2 ended I was thinking what could happen. So I'm making a Novel called Spectacular Spider-Man The Big Change. Now I need to get get this approved by you so can make a Comic Novel edition for the fans. i really want to publish this Novel to the world. I'm not really a good artist so can you get somebody to make the Comic Novel Edition. I'll tell the Plot once I'm done with it.

Greg responds...

Hey, have fun with your project, but please do NOT involve me. If you're wondering why I'm passing, please review the guidelines here at ASK GREG once again.

Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Peter writes...

Will 90's Spiderman Cartoon ever come out on DVD.

Greg responds...

I thought it was.

Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Cartoonlover writes...

None of my local stores carry anything Gargoyles. Would buying it from Amazon suffice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Matthew writes...

In Gargoyles 2158, you said Deliah will be uncomfortable about having human genes from Elisa. How will she even know she has this since Gargoyles are raised communally?

Greg responds...

It's Gargoyles 2198 now. You might check that archive. Beyond that, I'm not going into any details about Delilah at this time.

Response recorded on June 02, 2009

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Paul writes...

Which week in March does “Final Curtain” take place?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Will the couple that Spider-Man saved (and ended up marrying) make further appearances in the series? Do they have any established names and are they going to be Spider-Man's equivalent to the Yuppie Couple?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


Okay, so, I exist in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe, and I was Norman Osborn's chauffeur at one point. Harry mentioned me as the worst chauffeur ever, and that he thought his dad was going to pop a vessel.

Okay, so later on, Norman went nuts, and became the Green Goblin. He went after the Big Man, tried to kill Otto, and just plain went nuts on people he doesn't like.

Am I still alive in the Spectacular Spider-Man Universe? I think that if I had that guy mad at me, it's okay for me to inquire to my present health.

Where am I now in the Spideyverse? ;)


Greg responds...


Dude, could this question be any more self-aggrandizing if you tried?

But somehow I doubt that Goblin ran around avenging every petty annoyance. I mean, hell, I let you live.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Martin writes...

in a previous response, you stated about the Spectacular Spider-Man series, "We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel." it's obvious that you cant reveal the characters, but can you at least tell how many they are? can you reveal the characters? :)

Greg responds...

I don't have the list with me. And even if I did, it's a legal document. It's not my place to go into detail about it.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

How do you decide what villains/characters to include in Spider-Man? Is it a matter of what they can provide to the story, personal preference, or is their a certain formula to balance out well known and not as well known characters?

Greg responds...

It's a very organic process. Basically what feels right, respecting the core of the characters.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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Anonymous writes...


Greg responds...

I'm pretty sure that show (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!) is out of production.

Response recorded on June 01, 2009

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