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WEISMANSWERS 2009-06 (Jun)

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MisterDrBob writes...

Hey Mr. Wiseman,
love the Spectacular Spider-Man and your take on the original Stan Lee stories. I especially love your characterizations of Shocker, Mysterio and Molten Man.
I have two questions. I think the first one was already asked, but I can't find it anywhere. How did you come up with the idea of making Montana the Shocker? Second, is there any significance to the fact that Morris Bench is voiced by Bill Fagerbakke, the voice of Patrick on SpongeBob SquarePants? A reference to mr. F's other watery work?

Greg responds...


If you can't find my answer to your Montana/Shocker question, you haven't looked very hard. Check the Spectacular Spider-Man archives here at ASK GREG or any number of interviews I've done over the last year or so.

Bill is a great actor, who I've worked with many times before on shows like Gargoyles and Starship Troopers, etc.

Response recorded on June 09, 2009

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Spidey on Disney XD

FYI, Disney announced this morning the rollout of SSM Season Two on June 22 with two back-to-back episodes: "Blueprints" and "Destructive Testing."

For times, check local listings.

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Mike again writes...

What are the musical scores playing in the Spectacular Spider-man episode Ganglands? Also what is the opera that is playing?

Greg responds...

The opera is Rigoletto. The rest of the music is by our composers, Lolita Ritmanis, Kris Carter and Michael McQuistion.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Derek writes...

Did Iago have a mate? Did he have an egg in the Wyvern rookery?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Will there ever be a new gargoyle series on tv?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Marjorie writes...

Hi Greg,

just read your response concerning other marvel superheroes in Spectacular Spider-Man. Even if we don't see them in the show, I think it's awesome that you give them a nod here, and let us marvel comic geeks imagine what their places would be in the show if time/situations allowed.

Obviously the center of the show is Peter Parker, and that's as it should be. I was just curious, however, if the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Ant-Man and Professor X are there (unseen) within the Spidey universe you've got going on, what is the general public's knowledge about them? Like, the Fantastic Four weren't underground like the X-men. They were an adventuring team that fought crime and didn't have secret identities, living like celebrities. Is it the same way in your verse? Are there strange news reports and sightings of a green giant springing up around the country? Is there public unease concerning people with strange inborn abilities on the rise?

I ask these questions not because I expect these characters to appear in the show, but out of curiosity for the world you're building up. It would be cool if Sally or Flash or somebody said in passing, "Did you hear what the Fantastic Four did yesterday? It was amazing!," I understand why that probably won't happen. It's just nice to know that the possibility of other heroes out there exists, even if it's never realized. Thanks!

Greg responds...

In my mind in the Spec Spidey universe, no one knows anything mutanty about Charles Xavier. He's simply the headmaster of a private school. The Fantastic Four are indeed celebrity super-heroes, the kind that fight COSMIC menaces, like the Skrull. Ant-Man, I'd think is pretty much operating under the radar (pun intended). Hulk is like a myth. Captain America is a memory.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Derek writes...

Their are obvious character similarities between Demona to the marvel comic book characters Magneto and Mystique. Was that intentional? Certainly physically Demona is a wringer for Mystique.

Greg responds...

I don't think there was ANY attempt to make Demona intentionally look or behave like Mystique. Magneto probably was something of an influence on me to some small degree, but I think the similarities are more superficial than deep. They don't really strike me as having much in common in terms of psychological make-up.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Derek writes...

Deep down does Demona know that Macbeth wasn't going to betray her?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Derek writes...

Would any of the Gargoyles have sympathy for Demona knowing how she suffered for those 1000 years or would they think she got what she deserved?

Greg responds...

Reactions vary and would vary, given more detail.

Response recorded on June 08, 2009

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Derek writes...

Just how similar is Delilah to Demona in personality? Are there any similarities excluding their genetics? She seems far more passive than Demona or even Eliza.

Greg responds...

Have you read the comics she appeared in?

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Derek writes...

Any chance of a big tell all double page splash in the next Gargoyle graphic novel showing us 2198, Artus, Gwenyvere etc? Giving us some hints about that series, Demona's future loves etc?

Greg responds...


Why would I do that?

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Derek writes...

Why did Thailog not clone Angela? I know in the past you've said that Demona never released the mosquito to gain Angela's dna and that's why. But Thailog could have easily have had his own mosquito(sounds so silly when I say it like that) and got dna samples from the clan himself like he did from Demona and Eliza. Wouldn't he have wanted the additionally manpower? He was planning on betraying Demona anyway that's why he created Delilah. Why respect Demona wishes with Angela? Did he think the other male clones would be easier to control without another female gargoyle?

Greg responds...

Your premise is incorrect.

When would Thailog have had the opportunity to gather Angela's DNA (before Clan-Building, I mean)? He got Elisa's DNA from one of Demona's mosquitos. We saw that in the episode. One presumes he got Demona's the same way. That is, the mosquitos were released and took a blood sample. It's not like Demona could tell them whom to bite. Her only control was to NOT release a mosquito. So when Angela was around, she didn't release one.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

If the show returns which villains besides Scorpion and the Hobgolbin will appear?

Why can't you use the Kingpin?

Will Peter and Eddie become friends again?

Greg responds...

1. I've already refused to answer this question about a hundred times.

2. I've already answered this question about a hundred times. Check the archive.

3. No comment.

And just so it's clear, I do NOT enjoy answering nearly every post with "NO COMMENT". This isn't fun for me either, gang, but since collectively you all keep insisting on asking for Spoilers that I've already made clear I'm not going to give, you're not leaving me much choice.

It would be LOVELY if you guys reread the guidelines, and checked the questions answered, archives and/or questions waiting to be answered sections before posting a question here. LOVELY. But if you don't, then we all get to enjoy me saying No comment again and again and again and again...

Happy to talk about Season One of Spidey, btw.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg!
Well, you've talked guest heroes before, but what about guest villains? If it's not "No comment" area, could you say whether or not you'd like to use guys like Doctor Doom or Juggernaut, assuming you could get the rights?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to start going through a laundry list of non-Spidey villains (beyond Kingpin) that I might like to use. There are some that seem like natural fits to oppose Spidey, but any character I don't have access to is still a character I don't have access to, so I haven't spent a ton of time coming up with stories that I couldn't use.

And I have barely scratched the surface on SPIDEY VILLAINS as it is. In fact, I know a bunch of fans think I've already introduced too many of Spidey's villains. I don't agree. I enjoyed introducing -- on average -- one per episode first season. And then a handful of additional villains with each following season, while trying to keep ALL the villains (heroes and supporting cast) alive. It's a challenge, of course, but it's a challenge I enjoy. Opening up our little Spidey series to the ENTIRE Marvel Universe never interested me.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Anton writes...

Will you make an adatation of The night Gwen Stacy died, and actually kill off Gwen?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

Regarding Spider-Man villains that appear in the Ultimate universe, will you use their mainstream identities or their Ultimate identities for The Spectacular Spider-Man. The characters I am talking about are as follows:

Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley OR Harry Osborn)

Scorpion (Mac Gargan OR Peter Parker clone)

Carnage (Cletus Kasaday OR Gwen Stacy)

Greg responds...

No comment.

Seriously, guys, how many times do I have to say it?!! I'm not SCOOPING the third season!!

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Here are some questions and comments:

1. In another fact about the Beetle, the other bad guy to fight him was Iron Man. As a member of Egghead's Masters of Evil, he fought the Avengers.

2. Though Mac Gargan was mentioned in "Final Curtin," this might be a hint for his appearance if the third season is confirmed. A reference linking to one your answered questions mentioned the appearance of Hydro-Man. True or False? If a Season Three is announced, will some of the villains you plan to include have their VAs made public?

3. When it came to Molten Man, he first met Spider-Man around the time of his high school graduation. Should the series continue, will you have an episode revolved around that?

Greg responds...


1. I knew that.

2. What's the question, exactly? Voice actors are always listed on the credits. If you're asking if I plan to scoop the third season if and when it's announced, the answer is NO.

3. Around what? Graduation? We will depict the senior class (i.e. Rand and Kong) graduating in Season Three if we get a Season Three. That's a given, since the third season would obviously include the months of April, May and June at least, so I don't feel like I'm spoiling anything. It's not likely that Mark will graduate with Rand's class, since he missed finishing his Senior Year with Eddie's class by being sent to Juvie and then wound up getting sent to Rykers after only a couple months of being back in school. Whatever course work he needed to complete to earn a diploma obviously could not have been completed.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Fred M. writes...

I have watched the first two seasons of Spectacular Spider-man and absolutely love them! I think the thing I appreciate the most is the fact my 3 yr old son and I can watch them with both of us being entertained. We can share that experience and take completely different things from the episode. Kudos for walking that tightrope. With the series moving to Disney XD I have a few questions. 1) How does the ratings thing work? We record and watch every episode that comes on and would LOVE for that to be counted as credit for you guys. I want to do whatever I can to ensure a third and forth season. 2) Is there somewhere or someone we can contact and/or email with our support for this series? I would hate for it to not get picked up. Keep up the good work if you get the opportunity!!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm glad you and your son both enjoy the show. That was the intent, for there to be something for kids and adults without short-changing either demographic.

1. Unless you are a Nielson household, your personal viewing is not specifically counted, but IN THEORY if you and your kid are watching and a bunch of other folks like you are watching with their kids, then the odds are some Nielson family just like yours is mirroring your collective behavior and that DOES count in the ratings. It has to do with statistics, and I don't pretend to understand it really -- or even fully buy into it. But that's how it works. Again, IN THEORY, if you stop viewing the show it suggests that somewhere some Nielson family just like you has also stopped. So DON'T STOP!!!

2. You can try to contact Disney XD through their website or write a letter to them. It can't hurt.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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I writes...

How much does it cost to commission or create a series or season and how does that work?
sorry for my ignorance and ambiguity,

Greg responds...

Um... costs really vary. A lot depends on the mode of production, the development budget, etc.

Episodic costs on Gargoyles averaged about $450K per episode, at least for the first 65 episodes. (I have no idea what the final budget was for Goliath Chronicles, but I imagine it was considerably less.) And those per episode costs do NOT include development costs, marketing costs, etc. So making a series is a VERY expensive prospect, which is why we need/put up with studios, networks and the like.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Wolf E. Urameshi writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. First off, let me say that it is an honor to be able to speak to you, regardless of whether my question is accepted or not. I truly wish I were able to meet you someday being a writer myself! If only my living in Puerto Rico were not so bothersome... (why not make a Gathering here? :3)

Anyways, on to my question. We all know the story: for reasons beyond us, Disney canceled the legendary Gargoyles TV show we all know and love, and then we got a certain spin-off fiasco. Then, literally a decade later, we get a gratifying notice: the comics! (which I will definitely buy this summer, hopefully, even if it's only the Clan Building trades.) But now, sadly, Disney's gone EPIC CANCEL on us. Again. Therefore, I must ask this question. Apologies if it has been asked, by the way. Here goes:

Has it crossed your mind to consult other animation companies, such as Viz, Funimation, Man of Action (creators of the excellent Ben 10 series) on acquiring the license off Disney, or perhaps giving the series a new animated show on a different genre, such as anime or CG? Hell, I'm pretty sure people would pack the theater if it were to be turned into an anime or CG, especially given the highly impressionable teenager crowd of today that's into these genres.

If you ask me, Gargoyles is definitely not doing well under Disney's wing- I mean, it was virtually untouched for a whole decade and more and would have been thrown into the dark hell of obscurity were it not for the fans-i.e. us, and I'd like to take the chance to thank the fans for doing everything the fandom has done.

Thank you very much for your time, sir. It has been an incredible privilege that you even read this letter. Greetings from Puerto Rico, God Bless and please keep giving us great stories to enjoy.

Wolf E. Urameshi
Lares, P.R.

PS: Did I mention your Spider-Man series is awesome? If not, there we go. :)

Greg responds...

First off, thanks for all the praise.

You're welcome to organize and hold a Gargoyles Convention in Puerto Rico. I'd be happy to attend too.

The reasons for Gargoyles being cancelled are NOT beyond us. I've laid them out many times, and you can find them by looking through the ASK GREG FAQ. Calling "Goliath Chronicles" a spin-off, isn't really accurate either. It was a third season, rebranded, and with different behind the scenes talent running the production.

And again, to be accurate, Disney didn't cancel the comics. Technically, SLG did, because they could not afford the license under the terms Disney was offering. But sales of the trades will determine whether we'll eventually be back.

And, yes, this question has been asked and answered MANY, MANY times, so check the archives for fuller answers. But briefly, there's no way Disney would release the animation license to another company. And bashing Disney's efforts doesn't further our cause.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Antiyonder writes...

Being that you've worked at Disney, as well as some comic book companies, I have a question regarding liscensed comics.

I've noticed that other companies have been publishing reprints of liscensed comics that were at one point published by Marvel (such as Dark Horse trades containing Marvel Comics Star Wars run).

If Disney ever was to show an interest in selling reprints of their 90s comics published by Marvel (i.e. Aladdin, Beauty & The Beast, Gargoyles, etc) can they legally reprint them anytime they choose?

Greg responds...

I would assume so, but it's not like I've personally laid eyes on the contracts.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

This isn't really a question, but a conversational response to a question Rebel asked.

"Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved."

While there has been disagreement for years about precisely where and when our species evolved, the evidence is now accumulating very strongly on the side of the "Out of Africa" theory. The evidence is pretty strong now that our species had fully evolved into our modern form before migrating out of Africa, although other human species had migrated to Asia and Europe before we did.

Greg responds...

That was my understanding, yes.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Ever been offered or interested in including the Gargoyles universe in the Kingdom Hearts series?

Greg responds...

Never been offered. Would definitely be interested. (Not like they need my permission, of course.)

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Some how I doubt this is your first crossover question, so I'm not going to go all FIRST on this one. Anyway: Which of the villains from Spectuacular Spider-Man do you think would be a good match for the Manhattan Clan, without it being too one sided?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination, Clark.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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Matteo Garofalo writes...

1. I am a huge fan of the show and I think that you have created the first truly perfect animated television series (it's not a question, but it's true).
2. I am also a fan of the J. Michael Straczynski run on ASM, will we see some of his villains (like Morlun, Shathra, est.) in any upcoming seasons?
3. Can you add in the Spider-Mobile, for one episode, just for the fun of it?
4. Will we be seeing Iron Patriot any time soon (I'm also a big Norman Osborn fan)?

Greg responds...

1. THANKS! (Uh, which show are we talking about?)

2. No comment.

3. No comment.

4. No comment, but now I'm guessing you were talking about Spectacular Spider-Man, right?

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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