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WEISMANSWERS 2009-06 (Jun)

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Aaron writes...

when willl the 3rd season of the spectacular spiderman start and wat villans will we see in the season and wat will happen of norman osborn since he didn't die...

Greg responds...

I've answered all this before. Check the archives.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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adam writes...

will other superheroes appear in the series like the x-men or prowler in the spectacular spider-man?

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Check the archives.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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The Whistler writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering if, in the event that the Spectacular Spider-Man isn't renewed for several more seasons, will anybody at Sony or Marvel be planning to make available a suicide hotline staffed with sympathetic counselors knowlegeable in Spidey-lore, for those of us who feel we will not be able to live without MORE of this show???? (I'm kidding of course... Barely.)

I'm almost 40 years old, grew up with Spider-Man, have been an avid fan all my life, and truly I have to say this is without a doubt the BEST animated adaptation ever, and is possibly better than the Spider-Man live action movies. I wouldn't be surprised if the main fan base for this show turns out to be males age 30 to 50.

So now, my real question: When are we going to find out whether there will be a season 3? (And when it will air?) This is killing me!! Uh... Just a figure of speech.

Greg responds...

The answer to your second question (when will the third season air) is of course totally dependent on the answer to your first question (if and when will we get a pick-up).

And AGAIN -- the earliest we could possibly find out about a third season pick-up is AFTER the second season starts airing this coming Monday (6/22). Frankly, the earliest we could REASONABLY expect a pick-up is July. And it would not be surprising to me if the pick-up didn't come until after all thirteen episodes had aired, in which case we're talking September.

But AGAIN, I just don't know. And AGAIN, I promise to tell you as soon as I do. SO PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, STOP ASKING!!!

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

In your opinion who do you think is more powerful: the Weird Sisters or Puck? I ask because I've noticed that they're the only ones of Oberon's Children who consistantly fight or aid the Gargoyles and I was curious what would happen if they ever came into conflict.
Also Oberon forbid his Children from harming or interfering with humans, did he forbid his Children from fighting amongst themselves? Again I ask cause I wonder why Grandmother didn't fight Raven herself.
Finally, why does Oberon even care what he or his race do to mankind? It's a little suprising that a being so powerful could have compasion for such 'mere mortals'.

Greg responds...

I guess I'd guess that the Sisters are more powerful, since at the very least there are three of them. But of course Puck's a trickster, and really the question seems a bit pointless.

Oberon did not forbid the Children from fighting among themselves. But Grandmother wasn't fighting for herself, but for the island. Plus, there's some question as to whether she could have beaten Raven in a straight-up head to head fight. Especially since fighting is clearly NOT her way.

I'm way more powerful than my dogs and cat, but I have a lot of compassion for them, and certainly wouldn't want anyone to harm them.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg.I wrote about Doctor Octopus and storylines.So now i want to share my thoughts about Venom.
Venom as i said is one of my favourite Spider-Man Villains,and i like fact that he was created after later(i mean after Gwen Stacy Death).He may be even more dangerous enemy than Green Goblin A.K.A Norman Osborn.Now i will write what Eddie's role was in every arc.
Lizard Arc:He was good guy,spent time with Peter.But after Peter took pictures of Lizard,he became angry with and it hurted their friendship.
Big Man Arc:He forgave Peter but said that he(Peter) should back off for some time.And later invited Gwen to Fall Formal.
Green Goblin Arc:He was shown angry when Gwen thought that Peter lied to her.
Symbiote Arc:In first two episodes he becomes very very,and VERY Angry to Peter and blamed Peter when he(Eddie) was fired,because ESU Can't get funds.In last two episodes he became Main Villain(possibly he was main villain from beggining of arc and possibly main villain of series)Venom,and tried to make Peter's life miserable.
Now for Season 2
Master Planner Arc:He made small appearence in Blueprints and attacked Peter.But it was just a nightmare(but i realy liked his appearence in that episode).And Peter searched for him but he didn't find him,but he (Peter) was distracted by Master Planner and him super-villains.
Venom Returns Arc:He was big baddie there.In First Steps,he stalked Peter and found symbiote.In Growing Pains he posed as Spider-Man and framed him.Although in Growing Pains more attention was given to Coloner Jupiter,but Venom was mastermind behind Jameson's hatred and Coloner Jupiter hatred towards Spider-Man and worst Venom action was when he revealed Spider-Man's identity.And tried to force Peter to drink Gene Cleanser.Then Venom would unmask him,and Peter would be victim of his worst villains.But that didn't happen and both fought in school(one of best episodes ever)
He was absent in Gang War and Green Goblin arcs.He should return in Season3 and if he and Peter will not become friends,you should let him be Venom until Season 5.

Greg responds...


Yep, that's what happened all right.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

What exactly did the Pack do for a living before being hired by Xanatos and becoming celebrities?

Greg responds...

Dingo was a thief and a robber for a long time. But Dingo, Hyena, Jackal and Wolf were all mercenaries immediately before getting hired by Fox. Fox's story I'll keep to myself for the time being.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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Dylan writes...

Hey Greg,its been awhile since i saw you at comic con 07, i was the in the white hat, and was called "Peter Parker". I have a cuple of questions i wanted to ask.
1. I was wondering, have they (Disney/4kids or whoever is airing Spider-man.) Greenlight season 3?
2. Will we see you and Vic have another Cameo in season 3?
3. Will Venom return? or will this bring the brith of Carnage? (you don't have to anwser the last one, I just had that idea,since it seem,well logical to me, but you and Vic, are the bossess,so,its pretty mutch up to you and wirters i think.)

Greg responds...

1. Not yet, no.

2. I don't know.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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steve writes...

first of, spectacular spiderman is the greatest show i have seen in a long time...just one of those episode can beat a whole entire series of some other shows.

second, i hav a few questions involving the show, but if they dont get answered thats cool:

1. since eddie went of to ravencroft will we see carnage anytime soon...i heard u dont like the character and why is that exactly.

2. villains not so popular such as spot, beetle, boomerang, and the smythes, will they be in the series at all.

3. are there anything that says morbius cant bite people because if you put him the show it would be shocking and disgusting to see that but cool

4. are we gonna see any villains such as demogoblin and jack o lantern. it would be a first.

5. last but not least but a reliefe to u probaly...will hobgoblin be harry like in ultimate spiderman or green goblin II like in amazing...either way i think u could work it out.

thnx for ur time and the greatest series out there.

Greg responds...

1. Who told you I don't like Carnage? I keep refuting this rumor, and it's still out there. Otherwise, no comment.

2. As I've mentioned, I don't think I have access to the Beetle. No comment on the rest.

3. No comment.

4. No comment.

5. No comment.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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Oregon Shakespeare Festival 2009

I've been meaning to post this all week.

Last Friday, my family and I headed up to Ashland, Oregon to attend the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The Festival runs for nine months a year, producing 11 different plays. During the summer months, there are nine productions going on in repertory at any given time. We saw five plays in three days, and just had a blast.

We started Friday night with Shakespeare's HENRY VIII, and this was the best production of this play I've EVER seen, including the production I saw in London years ago. Vilma Silva as Katherine and Anthony Heald as Wolsey were both fantastic.

On Saturday, we saw EQUIVOCATION, a new play by Bill Cain that was the highlight of the entire trip (which is saying a lot)! Equivocation is set during the reign of King James I of England (a.k.a. James VI of Scotland). William Shagspeare has been commissioned to write a play about the Gunpowder Plot, and his attempts to tell the truth -- and not get hanged in the process -- are played out. The cast of characters includes his daughter Judith (and for those of you who saw my "Doc Shakespeare" radio play at the 2005 Gathering in Las Vegas, you can imagine how fascinated I was by this), the King, SIr Robert Cecil, Guy Fawkes and various members of the Kings Players. It also features bits of King Lear, Macbeth and Henry VIII, giving a sense to the origin of those plays as well as Shakespeare's later "romances" such as Pericles, Winter's Tale, Cymbeline and The Tempest. Anthony Heald, so good the night before as Cardinal Wolsey is fantastic as Shag. An actress, whose name escapes me unfortunately, is wonderful as Judith. (She played Anne Boylen in Henry VIII) and four other actors (all fantastic) cover all the other parts. I liked this play so much, I immediately went to the gift shop and bought the text. And stayed up reading it that night.

Saturday night, we went to see a Nigerian play called "Death and the King's Horseman", based on a true story and set during World War II. This was a fascinating look at African vs. European (Western) values and theater.

Sunday, we saw Shakespeare's MACBETH. I've seen a LOT of productions of Macbeth of course, but there were a lot of cool elements to this version, including a sense that the Weird Sisters weren't done with Fleance at the end, which was something completely fresh to me. It was also great to see it right after seeing Equivocation.

Finally, Sunday night we saw a wonderfully funny production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

In addition to the shows, we had a number of wonderful meals -- and okay, a couple mediocre ones too -- in Ashland. And my daughter, father and I had a great hike through an absolutely gorgeous park.

All and all, I can't recommend the Festival, Ashland and especially EQUIVOCATION enough.

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nacnud writes...

dear greg,
do you think a live action Spectacular Spiderman movie could work, you know, like having the movie take place between season 1 and 2? I think that would be really cool, especially because it's ratings could help get a seaon 3.

Greg responds...

There already is a live-action Spidey franchise. You might have heard of it. I have no desire to compete with that.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Will Gwen Stacy be removed from the show, and if she is when possibly?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Bazell writes...

I was rewatching 'Enter Macbeth' yesterday and was wondering how sentamental Macbeth is about material objects collected over time. Watching his New York mansion burn and crumble must have left a bitter taste in Macbeth's mouth, but was it just the defeat? That stained glass window was pretty nice. Probably was an extensive project to commision. There was that whole hall of weapons. Were any of them relics from the past? Macbeth sure has a tendancy to hold a grudge, which would lend itself to the habit of collecting keepsakes. But then again maybe not. In 'A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time' he was interested in Merlin's scrolls for their potential power and scoffed at Broadway's suggestion that they were important in and of themselves. I'm Goliath didn't destroy everything of value to Macbeth as I'm sure his storhouses are many and plentiful, but was there / would there ahve been anything of sentimental value to Macbeth destroyed in that fire? Does he collect such things? Original edition books; paintings; photographs; etc.

Greg responds...

I'm sure he has/had a substantial collection. And I'm sure there were certain things he lost that he'd miss. But I don't see him as being all that materialistic. And I definitely don't see him as a guy who generically carries grudges against any perceived slight. I also don't think he scoffed at Broadway's suggestion that the scrolls were important in and of themselves. Quite the reverse, he hadn't thought of that UNTIL Broadway pointed it out. At which point, he let them go back to the museum without a fight.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Paul writes...

In "Blueprints" and "Identity Crisis", there's something suspicious about the way that Norman acts when interacting with Peter in the latter or talking about him possibly havingan alter-ego in the latter. I thought that those instances implied that he knew Peter's secret, but in "Final Curtain", he doesn't seem to know, which confused me. Does Norman know Peter's secret identity in "Final Curtain", or does he not?

Greg responds...


No comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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wood writes...

holly molly
whats with all these difficult confusing in depth questions all these guys ask.
why can't anyone. (like myself) just say..

greg. man you have done an absolutely AWSOME job on spectacular spider-man season 1 and 2
i loved every single bit of it
you are a big inspirtation to me and where i will be going with my life
thank you so much
fingers crossed for a 3rd season
i realy hope there will be.
thank you


Greg responds...

You're welcome, wood, and thank you.

And, just to be clear, I don't mind in depth questions, but mostly what I'm getting is various versions of (1) "Please provide Season Three Spoilers" or (2) "Can we have team-ups?" or (3) "Has the show gotten a pick-up?"

So one more time...

1. I'm not going to give any spoilers beyond what I've already revealed (Hobgoblin and Scorpion will appear). No matter how one rephrases this question (being extremely specific or ridiculously vague), it still won't change the fact that I'm NOT going to spoil Season Three.

2. As of now, no. We just don't have the rights to any character not firmly part of the Spidey corner of the Marvel Universe. If that changes, I'll let everyone know. I SWEAR!!

3. The moment it does, I PROMISE I'll let you all know. Until then, there's just no point in asking me.

Praise, of course, I'll take any time! So again, thanks, wood.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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adham writes...

will there be any heroes or allies in the spectacular spider-man?

Greg responds...

Please check the archives. I'm tired of answering this question.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

When's the absolute latest you can get a pick-up for season 3? Also, do you have any plans to bring back Norman Osborn in season 3?

Greg responds...

There is no such thing as an "absolute latest" time for a pick-up, unless you're going to add some other criteria, like "What's the absolute latest you can get a pick-up for Season Three and still have new episodes ready to go in September 2010?" Or whatever. But theoretically, Sony could pick up the show three years from now. It's not likely that if they waited that long that they would still pick us up, but nothing "absolute" prevents them from doing that.

As for Norman in Season Three: no comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Well Peter writes...

Do you know if Thor is ever going to be in Spectacular Spiderman. Can it be a Thor cartoon some day?

Greg responds...

Well, no, it's not likely to MORPH into a show about Thor. That's a completely separate license -- and as I've said MANY times before, we currently don't have the rights to ANY other Marvel heroes.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Wesley Nichols writes...

I have a question regarding child rearing among the fae or Oberon's Children as they call themselves. Human children are generally raised by their biological parents while Gargoyle children are raised by the whole clan. How do the fae raise their young?

Greg responds...

There's a lot of cultural inconsistency there, but generally I'd say parents raise children.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Eric writes...

I want what is best for this series and i just want to let you know that if Gwen Stacy would die that would leave me heart broken. How do you stand if she will die or you will get rid of her so Peter and MJ start up? My stand point is that Peter and Mj never get together and it's only Peter and Gwen together.

Greg responds...

I've reread your question three times, and I'm not sure what you're asking exactly. I'm not sure the word "stand" means what you think it means. But if you're asking what I have planned for Peter, M.J. and Gwen, the answer is no comment.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Dan writes...

Mr. Weisman,
First of al thanks for what is easily the greatest adaption of Spider-man.I have a couple of questions.
1. Where did the idea come from to have the pumpkin bombs emit screams?
2. Was the final twist in the season 2 finale kept heavily under wraps? For example did Josh Keaton, Steve Blum,etc. know when they recorded "Uncertainty Principle"?

Greg responds...


1. That was Vic Cook's truly brilliant idea.

2. I don't remember who knew what when. The writing staff all knew the truth from day one.

Response recorded on June 18, 2009

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Amanda writes...

There was time, so long ago, in cities far away that Gargoyles were one of the most watched cartoons in the land. Many seem to ask the same questions on release dates, but I am curious if there was anyway to contact the "mouse" other than by sales. Is there an email address, or physical address that one could "write too", and maybe get the corporate heads to see that the fan base has never left? They have created the sci-fi through movies and tv series in the last few years, I would have thought Disney would want to be in the "game".
I am 28 now and remember rushing home from school just to watch the latest and greatest of this fantastic series.
Anyway, with out the brilliance of the creators and writers, I don't believe this series would have done as well as it had...well with the exception of season three. It was okay, just not up to the standards of seasons 1 and 2.

Greg responds...

Well, I'm sure there are e-mails and addresses you can write to. I don't know them. But a little research could probably reveal them to you. If you do write, I'd recommend being respectful as opposed to hostile. But I still say the best way to get Disney's attention to the property is with one's wallet.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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SPECTACULARspideymanfan writes...

why is it that you didnt use kingpin, dont get me wrong i love tombstone but i heard you wanted to use the kingpin at first.

Greg responds...

Kingpin was not available to us. Check out the Spectacular Spider-Man archives here at ASK GREG for a fuller answer to a question I've covered many times before.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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spideyfan215 writes...

In the spectacular spiderman episode the uncertainty principle was that man-wolf cameo just there for us hardcore fans or did it imply we might see john turn into the man-wolf...also hope we see carnage in pcoming episodes.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Bianca Louise Lapuz writes...

HI Greg!When will "The Spectacular Spider-Man" show in television??? I'm very excited!!!

Greg responds...

It's showing now on Disney XD.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

in spectacular spiderman i loved what you did with green gobli, lots of mystery...but i was disappointed that he didnt find out spideys true identity and he didnt kill gwen. will norman come back and do that or will you leave that to the not so evil harry osborn green goblin. or are u just gonna leave all that out?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on June 17, 2009

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