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WEISMANSWERS 2009-07 (Jul)

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Shadow Wing writes...

How much of Jackel and Hyena's upgrades are attached, and how much is removable?

After all, the organic components of any cyborg do require some form of nourishment, which would in turn lead to other biological necessities.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the question. Their organic systems do still require nourishment, elimination, oxygen, etc.

Response recorded on July 27, 2009

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Paul writes...

I read your response to my question about when "Final Curtain" takes place and I thought I'd ask: does "Final Curtain" take place before, on or after St. Patrick's Day (considering the emphasis on the colour green on that day, and for the villain of the episode)?

Greg responds...

Not sure.

Response recorded on July 27, 2009

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Antiyonder writes...

An aspect that often attributed to Spider-Man's success is that the audience can, has or had related to him. With that said:

1. As far as Spidey's civilian life (because I have serious doubts that you have superhuman strength or can stick to walls or have a spider sense) goes, do you or have you related to him in any way?

1a. If yes, then how?

Greg responds...

1. I think Pete's an everyman in the classic archetypal sense. He has money troubles, girl troubles, family troubles, job troubles, etc. So sure, I can relate.

1a. What, you want personal details from my life? Sorry.

Response recorded on July 27, 2009

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ComicCon 2009

Hey gang,

Had a fun convention. We had 100 copies of Clan-Building Volume Two on sale, and they went like hotcakes. David Hedgecock and I did multiple signings.

Also did a signing at the Ape booth for Mecha-Nation with Vic Cook.

And Vic, Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Josh "Spider-Man" Keaton, Robert "Vulture" Englund, Kelly "Sha Shan" Hu and myself had a successful Spidey panel on Sunday.

Saw friends. Ate meals. Bought a Captain Atom action figure.

Good times.

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Hey gang(s),

Here's my basic itinerary for SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON 2009. You can find me at the following places at the following days and times. So I hope you'll stop by and say hello!

11:30am - 1pm - SLG BOOTH.
David Hedgecock and I will be signing Garg stuff. Dan Vado assures me, we WILL have 100 copies of GARGOYLES: CLAN-BUILDING, VOLUME II, sent FED EX directly from the printer. We might even have copies of GARGOYLES: BAD GUYS: REDEMPTION, although that's not definite. And of course we'll have copies of GARGOYLES: CLAN-BUILDING, VOLUME I, as well as individual issues of both series. We're also hoping to have a prototype of the Electric Tiki Goliath statue on display.

4 - 5:30pm - SLG BOOTH.

2 - 3pm - APE BOOTH.
Vic Cook and I will be signing promotional postcards and talking about MECHA-NATION, our new comic book series (with Greg Guler and Antonio Campo). This was a project that was seen at a couple of Gatherings and was previously announced with SLG. Unfortunately, SLG had to bail, but the good folks at APE scooped it up.

3:30 - 5pm - SLG BOOTH.

10 - 11am - ROOM 6A.
THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN panel. Vic Cook, Character Designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway and voice actors Josh "Peter Parker/Spider-Man" Keaton, Kelly "Sha Shan Nguyen" Hu, Robert "Vulture" Englund and Greg "Donald Menken" Weisman will all be there, talking, answering questions and showing NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE. This is not stuff you'll find on as-aired episodes or DVDs or YouTube or BitTorrent or anywhere else -- except maybe the Gathering next month.

12:30 - 2pm - SLG BOOTH.

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

So, I'm curious about something involving the early development of Gargoyles...particularly, the pitching process. I'm not exactly sure how to word this, as my knowledge of how the process of actually pitching a show works, but I'll try my best.

Listening to commentary on Awakening recently and browsing the Archives revealed that you had pitched Gargoyles multiple times: First as a comedy, then as an action show. What intrigues me in particular is the fact that the show had multiple pitches over the course of however long (the amount of time escapes me, sorry).

1. Are repeated pitching sessions common for television shows?

2. On what basis are pitches repeated (after being tweaked)? Positive notes from executives, faith in the concept, a combination?

3. Has the environment for pitching become stricter? As in, are concepts expected to be marketable/viable in one try or are multiple pitching attempts on the same concept still possible?

I apologize if these aren't worded all that correctly, it's just something I find very puzzling and I'm not entirely sure how to word my questions.

Greg responds...

1. Sometimes, although more often if a show doesn't sell the first time out it dies. But often enough, a creator will keep trying variations until he or she sells their idea... or runs out of people to sell it to.

2. All of the above, plus a smidgen of desperation.

3. See above. Nothing's really changed, though it's definitely tougher to sell an original idea now than it was back then.

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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Clyde writes...

1 more question i forgot to ask:
The Green Goblin in Spectacular Spiderman seems a lot more dangerous than in the comics. He sort of reminds me of the Joker from The Dark Knight. If Venom and Green Goblin would get into a fight in the show, who do you think will win?

Greg responds...

These sort of hypotheticals don't really interest me.

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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Clyde writes...

1. Is there at least a small chance that Spider-Man will bond with the symbiote one more time in future episodes?
2. Is is true you hate Carnage?
3. Your goal is to reach 65 episodes. If the show gets really high ratings after you're done all 5 seasons, would you still continue the show with a season 6 and beyond?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. Rumors, vicious rumors.

3. I'll continue as long as they'll let me.

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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SpecSpidey546 writes...

which Hobgoblin do you prefer - Roderick Kingsley or Jason Macendale?

Greg responds...

Do I have to have a preference?

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

This is probably a strange question, but here goes:

In (or before) "Mark of the Panther," Anansi became big and fat because the werepanthers brought meat to him, right? But the Third Race are creatures of pure magic, not mortal flesh and blood, so they don't necessarily digest food the same way we do. For all I know, even eating is a strange magical process for them.

I'm not saying that he should not have become fat or that I disagree with the story. I'm just interested in how it happened, because it seems to me it could possibly be different from how a mortal becomes fat. Anansi isn't a sympathetic character in Gargoyles, but it did seem like he enjoys food!

So just out of curiosity, in what way did eating a lot make Anansi big and fat? Did he gain chemical energy from the protein, carbohydrates, and fats in the food like a mortal animal would, by chemically digesting them? Did the food simply add matter to his body? Did it give him some kind of non-chemical energy? Or was it some other reason?


Greg responds...

He was a gourmand. He liked food. He ate food. His spider-form got larger. Beyond that, I have no details.

Response recorded on July 21, 2009

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Matus/Slovakia/ writes...

I just wanted to say how pleased I am with all TSS stuff. Great job. No questions, life is full of surprises and I am going to wait for it all in TSS S3!

Greg responds...

Glad you like it.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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SpiderFan89 writes...

oh, I forgot to ask you - if season 3 is ordered, will the situaton with season 4 be same (waiting for the ratings and stuff)?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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SpiderFan89 writes...

Greg, congratulations for your Spider-Man series. I watched the two seasons and as everybody else, I want more. but I'm not gonna ask season 3 questions because:
A) you wont reveal anything
B) by the time you answer this we will know if there's going to be another season

1) have you watched the other new Marvel shows - Wolverine & The X-Men and Iron Man - Armored Adventures? if so, what do you think of them?
2) theres been speculation that Teletoon (Spectacular Spidey's Canadian home) may step in to save the show. is that a possibility, or the fate of the series depends entirely on Disney XD?
3) can you use Jack O'Lantern and The Punisher?
4) which Spider-Man games have you played?

thats for now.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't seen them.

2. I have no idea.

3. Not the Punisher.

4. None. I'm not really much of a gamer. But I do love Tetris.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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AJC writes...

Based on season two of Spectacular Spider-man, the character Debra Whitman appears to be quite aloof and unsympathetic (when she stood in the background as miles warren basically took over the connors' lab and fired them). What was the reasoning behind this characterization and how is this bringing out the essence of the character? Sorry if I am being analytical.

Greg responds...

There was actually a bit of a mistake there. Deb was supposed to be walking by when she was introduced. She doesn't respond, but it's not because she's being rude, it's because she's completely immersed in her work. The board artist didn't get that and had her stop for the introduction but then walk away. She comes across quite differently than we intended. I caught the error and alerted the director, but it fell through the cracks, and the boarded version was animated. As you can imagine, I wasn't pleased, but I was stuck with what we had.

Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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Lylat-Warrior-Galaxia writes...

You know the funny thing is? I played Star Fox 64 on my Nintendo Wii and I had noticed that there are two characters and two planets are named after th animals and history stuff. Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell (Fox Xanatos and Wolf of the Pack) while Titania and MacBeth are the planets (Queen Titania and MacBeth Xanatos hired). Pretty funny huh? Next thing you know, Star Fox might have another character and/or planet named after the Gargoyles character's name.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 20, 2009

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Alex writes...

Hi, Greg.

Have you ever had the chance to watch any episodes of Gargoyles or The Spectacular Spider-Man on another language (German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, ...)? If so, which did you enjoy the most/least?

Greg responds...

I haven't.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Pete writes...

Before I begin i just wanna thank you for the best superhero animated series EVER!!!!
Now, with that said I would like to ask...
1.) If you were to ever use any other hero in the marvel universe who would it be?

2.) Did you like the fact that Harry was Hobgoblin in the Ultimate Spiderman Comics?

3.) Are you a fan of the Crime Master? (The crimelord that was in about two comics with the goblin then killed off.)

4.) Season 1 and 2 were both incredible, none of the episodes were below 8 out of 10, but something is bugging me...Norman's alive just like in the comics, were you trying to respect the comics or were you not aloud to keep him dead.

5.) Quuestion four leads me to another question, can you name some of the things you are not aloud to do on the show?

6.) Finally, when, not if WHEN, season 3 gets commisioned will you announce it on this site.

Thanks for your time and the best anime series out there:)

Greg responds...

1. In Spec. Spidey? Or in his or her own show?

2. If I say yes, does that imply that I'm planning the same thing? If I say no, does that imply I'm not?

3. I'm not not a fan.

4. Neither.

5. i can't think of anything beyond using realistic gunshot sounds.

6. Yes.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Rachel N. writes...

Just as a brief FYI, in the May 2009 issue of Empire Magazine, on page 73 in an article about the movie "Angels and Demons", there's the following blurb:

"Unsurprisingly, the Illuminati often crop up as Hollywood baddies. As well as Angels & Demons, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and TV cartoon Gargoyles feature the Illuminati, or Illuminati-associated wonks, as villains."

I just thought it was cool that they mentioned Gargoyles and made that connection.

Greg responds...

I agree!

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

**Spider-man spoilers***


Ramble: Child Development 101

Okay, so last season I thought the Symbiote arc was pretty good, I didn't really like Eddie that much, but I thought that the take on the Symbiote was interesting. My only real complaint was as with most symbiote stories (in Ultimate, in the other Animated Series), we didn't go long enough thinking it was just a regular costume. (Though I guess that'd be kind of pointless with most people knowing it's an alien.)

I find the theme of this arc hard to pin down. Psychology made sense last season as we were sort of looking into the motives and histories of Eddie Brock and Peter Parker and how they contrasted with one another. But here? We're not really getting a deeper look into Eddie or Peter's history beyond the first episode. I suppose to a degree the major theme is people with power they cannot yet handle or control. (Jameson and his spores, Sandman and his beach, Eddie and the Symbiote.) Which is of course, a big part of growing up.

Anyway, overall while reinforcement was my least favourite episode, this was probably my least favourite arc of the series. Most of the B-plots were always more interesting than what Venom was up to. I really loved the Sandman plot, I thought there could have been more information involved in the relationship between the Master Planner and the Big Man. I also vastly preferred the personal stake Jameson had in the Colonel Jupiter episode. And the third episode had some fun with people considering whether Peter could be Spider-man.

I have a theory about Norman's "No." but I'll chose to keep that to myself until I review Drama 101. The Conner's perspective is interesting, and I kinda like that they suspect, Aunt May's reaction is okay, but I'm still disappointed Peter has never told her. (And that's something I still don't really get. I guess he doesn't want to worry her, but it still seems irresponsible.) Stacy's reaction is of course, awesome. There are so many series and movies out there where the police are made out to be incompetent and completely incapable of foreseeing or preventing even the smallest of crimes, nice to see that subverted here. Stacy is actually a detective.

The use of the gene cleanser was an interesting choice, but a lot of wasted potential in the last episode again, I feel. Kind of like Reinforcement, I think a re-balancing between action and the villain's reaction to Peter Parker would have been apt (that one fight with Venom seemed to go on for a really long time for me). Though that's a tricky bit of writing to pull off, as I also find it difficult to justify why somebody like say, Tombstone (or even Beck really) wouldn't get rid of Peter just in case he was Spider-man.

Other than that, I liked the use of different soliloquies for each part here. Made for nice little bits of character development. While Gwen hooking up with Harry is almost as foolish as Peter hooking up with Liz. Bah, teenagers.

Overall, like I said, not my favourite arc, but overall much better upon reflection. I enjoy Venom somewhat, but still feel like there's something missing with the character. His motives make sense, but I think I just find them too petty to be invested in them. And Venom comes across as too much as a petulant child for me to find him scary beyond his first appearance.

Greg responds...

Okay... hopefully the next arc will work better for you.

Response recorded on July 17, 2009

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luis salaz writes...

where can I watch the crossover "team atlantis-gargoyles"?

if i live in mexico...can i watch it on any site on the net?

(i'm so very bad in english lenguage)

please,answered my question...



Greg responds...

Currently, the only place to see this is at the Gathering: http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/g2009/

It's not too late to sign up!

Response recorded on July 16, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

I heard a rumor that a Gargoyles-themed world might be made for the in development Kingdom Hearts 3. I was skeptical at first but a little research showed that with the exception of some of the main characters who were voiced by mainstream actors (Goliath, Elisa, Demona, Xanatos, etc), a significant portion of the other Gargoyles voice actors are already working or have worked on KH (Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings, Matt Frewer, Cree Summer). Do you know if there is any truth to this? From a story standpoint, the Gargoyle's universe seems to lend itself well to videogames like KH.

Greg responds...

I'd bet it's just a rumor. I've heard nothing about this. I haven't even heard the rumor.

Response recorded on July 16, 2009

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Matthew writes...

When the DVDs for Spectacular Spider-Man were being talked about (prior to the release), the plan was for the arcs to be combined into "movies" and would feature cut material as well as stuff like gunshots. The first release followed this format. The episodes smoothly transitioned into each other and there were added scenes (as far as I know, only the scene with the cop shooting at the Lizard and Flash hitting Pete in the crotch with a water balloon). Now, when the following 3 volumes were released, this format was changed. The episodes were separate and the gunshots were still lasers. No apparent added scenes were present.

I just saw an early solicitation for the upcoming series set and it made no indication on whether or not the set would include extra scenes or actual gun sounds. I was just wondering if you have any idea if these will be uncut episodes or not.

Also, I've been curious, in "Group Therapy" when Black Costume Spidey fights the 6 for the second time Rhino gets shocked by Electro and Rhino's mouth moves, almost like he's trying to say something. Was his line removed? Or was this just part of the animation? It's been bugging me a lot and I just wanted some clarification.

Thanks for the time. The show is amazing. I was actually at Wondercon when you premiered the pilot of the show and ever since then I was a HUGE fan of your take on the Spidey mythos. I can't wait for the second season to air in the US and I have my fingers crossed for a 3rd season (as well as a 4th and 5th!)

Greg responds...

I assume the series box set will be the as-aired episodes. But I'm not in the loop.

I'm afraid I don't remember the Rhino moment you're referring to. I'd need to see it again.

Response recorded on July 16, 2009

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gary writes...

i would like to say thank you for creating the best superhero animated series of all time...second, this is a question, i know you can't and won't reveal any future plans for the series but can you answer this, i know fox had a hellofalot things the 90's series couldn'y do like punch...PUNCH, obviously this series doesnt have as much problems but, finally my question, is carnage to dark for the series, along with morbius biting people, and how about the death of gwen and george stacey stories? thanks

Greg responds...

I don't know any way to answer this without making it sound like hints toward future plans.

So just talking about S&P in general, the situation shifts and changes all the time, depending on everything from the network and its current strategy and target audience to the individual giving notes -- but most of all depending on how any given thing is handled by the writers and board artists. Ultimately, it's all about execution.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

****Spectacular Spider-man season 2 spoilers***

***Avert your eyes!!***

Ramble: Engineering 101

These reviews are taking me forever to write out, I don't really have that much to say about each individual episode so I'll just write the reviews about arcs instead.

Here we have Engineering 101. I really liked this arc, I think. The mystery was kinda absent and hard to follow, but of course I think establishing that the Big Man is not necessarily Foswell, Shocker is not Herman Shultz and 'Harry Osborn is the Green Goblin' made it so that we could believe it might be someone else.

I think I just found it too silly to believe that Dr. Octopus' arms were the Master Planner. Which is what it seemed like you were going for. The mystery also was given too much breathing room, there wasn't enough called into question. Though I guess that was true of the 'Big Man' mystery as well, it didn't seem like as much of a... mystery? If that makes sense. But maybe that was just because I didn't know that Foswell was the Big Man in the comics, so I had no real suspects. (Unlike the Master Planner arc where I had one, maybe two suspects with the Chameleon.)

At first I didn't really enjoy this arc that much. Reinforcement is probably my least favourite episode in the entire series. There wasn't a whole lot of plot development and outside of the first five minutes and the last two minutes, nothing really changed or progressed. I also didn't feel the action, while exemplary as usual, made up for this fact. I find the gigantic robotic dragon...especially puzzling.

Blueprints and Destructive Testing were fun diversions that introduced new villains while connecting them to the overarching plotline of the Master Planner. I actually liked Kraven's design as a 'mutant' and I thought it made his character development a whole lot more visceral. Though I hope to see some more depth injected into this in *crosses fingers* season 3. I definitely don't agree with many who want to see this change reversed, however.

Warren is an interesting creature, I don't know a lot about his character from the comic. But he makes a good enough anti-Dr Connors with his experimenting for money and his carrying a handgun around wherever he goes.

Really nice direction by Kevin Altieri here, especially with the scenes in the lab. It's so cool that he got the threat of a handgun into a scene without having to make issue with standards and practices. And there was this one great shot focusing on the lion's eyes. I love scenes where people square up against eachother without actually fighting, and merely one-up eachother with their demands. They're so much more interesting than actual fights.

Calypso was also very cool. Another character I hope to see more of in the future, though it's strange to me that she just disappeared. The drum motif that accompanies her is also very cool, and gives the character a sense of power that I appreciate.

Shear Strength is very cool, though. It was nice to see the Vulture and Electro taking up major roles in this episode, giving certain villains their own spot-light episode to accompany the major sinister six episode. This is also where I (and I believe the rest of the fandom) began our secret love affair with George Stacy. The guy was cool last season in Persona and Nature vs. Nurture, but here he's sticking it to a super-villain to ensure his daughter's safety, and who doesn't love that?

The end to this arc is both disheartening and interesting. I kind of like Liz, though she's... really wrong for Peter. Good for her for sticking up for herself anyway, though Gwen really could and should have done the same beforehand.

Overall a pretty rocky, but overall good arc, I enjoyed it immensely and hope to see more in the future!

Greg responds...


We were absolutely NOT going for the idea that his arms were the Master Planner. What we were going for was the idea that Otto was a big, fat faker in "Reinforcement". And I would think that his conversation with Electro in "Shear Strength" made that pretty clear.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was the Norman Osborn right before and after the accident that created Doc Ock Chameleon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

I have to congratulate you on the success on The Spectacular Spider-Man series. Season 2 Spoilers ahead! Good job on letting the villains like Ock and Norman use big words. I found out that Norman had no idea that Harry was drinking the green after he mentioned that it was "more serendipity" that he found Harry there after mentioning that he happened to find "Norman Osborn" witnessing a Green Goblin theft. It was genious, I applaud you for making people look up words.

Fredrick Foswell obviously knew that Mr. Lincoln was the "Big Man" during the events of the episode "Gangland". Now when initially asked by Peter about this, he tells the teenager that Mr. Lonnie Thompson Lincoln is a good man and is not a criminal. Why was that? Now I beleive that Foswell is a good man and isn't a reporter/crime lord like his comics incarnation. I can only assume that he didn't want this child going out to investigate it and getting killed.

Will they EVER catch Mysterio? Also, I want to know ouside of the aftermath with Tinkerer in "Blueprints", have we even SEEN the real Quentin Beck as Mysterio? Does Spider-Man catch the robots? I tend to think that when he speaks it is really him (Spider-man catching him in "Blueprints" and "Reinforcements", and Beck's prison appearance in "Identity Crisis") because when he is revealed as a robot, he has some kind of blank stare...so I guess he escaped out of prison off screen after "Identity Crisis". Am I right?

Does anyone outside of the Osborne family, Pete, Gwen know about Norman's "hobby"? I assume not because I'm sure that being a supervillain/crime boss is looked down on in the world of business and Oscorp will be asking for a bailout...

Greg responds...


Foswell found out about Lincoln at the opera house in "Gangland". He didn't know before.

As for the Mysterio stuff, I think it's way more fun to leave you guessing... so I will.

And, yes, the world learns that Norman was the Green Goblin somewhere between his "death" and his funeral, which -- as you saw -- was rather sparsely attended for a man of his means and stature.

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

What would you say is your favorite mythological creature/character (not including any from the Shakespeare mythos)?

Greg responds...

Uh... gargoyles?

Response recorded on July 15, 2009

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Bazell writes...

Personal question:
Do you read nonfiction? I enjoy the polar opposition memoirs and essays provide to the wonderful fantasy that you are known for which is my other love.

Asking as one writer to another, do you keep a journal?

Greg responds...

I do keep a journal, though I'm inconsistent about writing in it.

I do read non-fiction sometimes.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Henry Goeldner writes...

Hello Mr Weisman, an Australian fan here curious about quite a number of things pertaining to your most excellent adaption of the Spiderman mythos. Hypothetical questions in fact.

You have stated previously that you had wished to use Kingpin in some form and still hope to. If you could use Kingpin, for season three or hopefully even a season four (or five, six, seven, it deserves that much at least) would you have Daredevil make an appearance as well? What of other costumed adventurers, both major and minor? If you could use any Marvel hero, which would you incorporate into your highly entertaining series?

Say for instance, Prowler?

Greg responds...

I've answered this many times. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Forrest writes...

Do you know when The Spectacular Spider-man Season 1 box set will come out, some people say it will come out this summer. Do you know a release date for it? And will there be a Season 2 box set?

Greg responds...

July 28th for the first season box set.

I assume there will eventually be a Season 2 box set, as well.

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Mo writes...

Guess what? More Spidey questions!

1) Exactly how did a Goblin costume tailored for Norman Osborn convincingly fit Harry Osborn?
2) Is Spider-Man at all wanted for the attempted murder of Otto Octavious in "Group Therapy"?
3) Did nobody put together the disappearance of the Symbiote, Spider-Man being at the scene of the crime and him wearing the black costume?
4) Will Spider-Man at all appear in season 3?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. It's stretchy.

2. Nope.

3. Why would anyone associate a missing alien with a change in color to Spider-Man's costume?

4. Yes. (You got me.)

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Timothy Fackler writes...

Hello Greg, and whoever Todd is.

I’m not really sure if this qualifies as a question, and I think it fits the guidelines…
Then again if it doesn’t I won’t get an answer anyways, but that’s not the point.
(Sorry, I’m nervous.)

I’m not sure if I’m too late or not, I don’t think I am.
I found out Lex is indeed a homosexual, but I don’t think his mate has been released yet.
I was wondering if I could in fact be with him, or at least go on a date maybe?
I Always had a bit of a crush on him, and I know Gargoyles and humans have been mates before.

A bit about myself:
I’m 20, which I think is close to Lex’s age if I remember.
I’m kinda nerdy, if you couldn’t tell by me asking to date a Gargoyle.
I’m in college for English and Psychology.
My interests are anime, comics, manga, hanging with friends, coffee, shopping, and obviously boys.
I’m tall, about 6 ft. and a little over 200 lbs. I guess I could send a picture if you want?
I don’t know if it really matters but I’m a versatile top >.<
Thank you for your time, and I hope I get to be with Lex soon.
I suppose you could email if your interested?

Greg responds...

But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Gargoyleslady writes...

Hi, Greg! I've got a question about Broadway. In Deadly Force, did Broadway feel so guilty about shooting Elisa that he felt like throwing up?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on July 13, 2009

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Forrest writes...

Hi Greg,
I'v been watching Spectacular Spider-Man on Disney XD, and its always on when Im at school. And its never on agine, do you think you can change the time from the morning to the afternoons. So there can be more viewers for the show, so third season could come out.

Greg responds...

I have no control over time periods, but you should check your listings, because I know they rerun episodes ALL THE TIME.

Response recorded on July 13, 2009

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So I stopped by the bank this morning, because my wallet was totally cash-free. Both ATM's are "Out of Service" so I go into the branch to get some money. It occurs to me that I haven't actually been inside a bank in many months, maybe in a couple years. But here I am in the single rope-line that traverses back and forth in front of the tellers. The line is fairly long -- probably because the ATMs are down. Within a minute or so, there are a few people behind me and about a half-dozen in front of me.

The next customer achieves her teller, and I turn the corner so that I'm now facing the entrance to the bank. My eyes are wandering about, bored mostly, when I notice a tall man enter the bank wearing a trenchcoat. Now, it's July in Los Angeles, so this is odd. And maybe I'm kidding myself -- I am a cartoon writer, after all -- but the security guard who's standing by the door, seems to think this is odd too. He takes a few steps forward to keep an eye on this guy.

Trenchcoat marches right up to the end of the line, and says -- not loudly, not muttering: "The A.T.M.s are out of order." The guy at the end of the line turns at this and nods curtly to Trenchcoat. Then Trenchcoat says: "Get out of my way." End-of-the-line gives him an incredulous look. If he says anything at all, it's too quiet for me to hear (and I'm about two yards away).

Then shouting "GET OUT OF MY F***ING WAY!", Trenchcoat pulls -- I kid you not -- a goddamn MACHETE from out of his coat and swings it down at End-of-the-line over and over. But -- and it's a huge but - he's not hacking at him. He's WHACKING him with the FLAT of the blade. End-of-the-line is holding up his arms defensively and screaming. I don't think he even realizes he's not being chopped into horror-movie bits. All he sees is this maniac swinging a machete down at him.

Meanwhile, nearly EVERYONE in the bank -- myself included -- does absolutely nothing. We all stand, rooted to our spots. Maybe we're too shocked to react, maybe too afraid. I remember noticing that Trenchcoat is hitting him with the machete instead of cutting him, but still I don't move. I don't even run away, let alone help. I just stand there.

The only person who does react is the Security Guard, who is standing behind Trenchcoat. There can't be anyway for him to know that End-of-the-line is not being horribly murdered. Security Guard pulls his gun. He says something like "Drop the knife!" (He said "knife", but it really was a machete.) Trenchcoat turns to face Security Guard, holding the machete high. He does not drop it, but takes a step toward Security Guard, who promptly shoots him twice. The gunshots are very loud, and I can almost still hear them echoing in my eardrums. Trenchcoat goes down. The machete clatters to the (probably faux) marble floor. The Security Guard advances quickly and kicks the machete out of Trenchcoat's reach. It goes skittering across the (probably faux) marble floor until it hits the carpeted area where the loan officers have their desks.

Security Guard then kneels beside Trenchcoat, who is lying on the (probably faux) marble floor, breathing heavily with his eyes open. Security Guard, keeping his gun aimed the whole time, pulls open Trenchcoat's coat. I lean forward and see that Trenchcoat is wearing what appears to me to be a bullet proof vest of some kind. In any case, there's no blood that I can see.

The police arrive almost immediately, which suggests that at least one of the tellers was not quite as paralyzed by events as I was and hit a silent alarm. End-of-the-line is freaked out but basically fine. He has some nasty welts and a few extremely superficial scratches on his arms, I suppose from where the edge of the blade dug into his skin a bit. The cops insist on him going to the hospital. An ambulance arrives to take Trenchcoat away. One cop actually suggests that End-of-the-line get in too. Unsurprisingly, End balks at riding with the guy, and then makes it clear he's not even willing to go to the same hospital as "that F***ER". He eventually gets in a squad car and is driven away.

They keep all of us there for about two and a half hours. I talk to a uniformed officer and then to two plainclothes detectives. I tell them what I saw, but I have more questions than answers. I get no answers. And since I knew I wouldn't get any, I make very little effort to ask the questions. Finally, they take my information and let me go. I leave, passing the useless ATMs as I go.

It's all like some really bizarre performance art, and now that it's over I can't help wondering if that's exactly what it was. But if so, it was incredibly elaborate and damned irresponsible.

But in any case, that's why I'm broke and late for work.

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Cherie writes...

Dear Greg,
I think you did an amazing job on Gargoyles. It really was a great show/movie. As you instructed, I read through the answered questions and I couldn't find the question I am about to ask you.
1. I know that we don't know about any Gargoyle movie coming out anytime soon, but if there are so many fans that really do like it and would like to see it come alive, how would we go about that?
2. I know Disney owns the rights to Gargoyles, but if there was a movie to come out with live action, would you be able to pick the people to play the characters? I hope so since you are the visionary.
I hope that you can answer these questions. I know you are busy just like the rest of the world is and I thank you for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. Have a great day!
Cherie L. R. M.

Greg responds...

1. Buy Gargoyles product. Tell Disney.

2. I doubt it would be up to me. But if they gave me that power, I wouldn't turn it down.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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Tanner writes...

If the third season of the Spectacualr Spider-man does come out, when will it come?

Greg responds...

No idea.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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cboy305 writes...

When recording voices for animation, must all actors record voices in the same studio?

Greg responds...

It's not an absolute, but we like it both for reasons of actor chemistry and because it's easier on our budget.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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Natan writes...

Hello Greg!

Will you be doing audio commentaries for the season sets of Spectacular Spider-Man?

I have currently have the individual volumes and I have to say that the special features are very disappointing to say the least. Are you involved with the distribution of the DVD's at all? Do you know when fans can expect the sets to be released? I hear it might be this July.

It would also be fun if there was a sort of pop-up video or trivia special feature that tells you all the little references to the comics from each episode. I love how every little supporting character plays a part in this show and how they are all existing characters in the comic book world - even ones obscure as Sha Shan (I don't think anyone even realizes that she is an actual character in the comics!).

Also, will you be attending San Diego Comic Con this year?


Greg responds...

I will be at San Diego Comic-Con, and we'll be having a Spider-Man panel on Sunday, July 26th at 10am in Room 6A. The panel includes me and...

Supervising Producer/Supervising Director Victor Cook;
Supervising Character Designer Sean "Cheeks" Galloway;
Josh Keaton, the voice of Spider-Man/Peter Parker;
Robert Englund, the voice Vulture/Adrian Toomes;
Kelly Hu, the voice of Sha Shan Nguyen...

I haven't done any audio commentaries yet, but I hope to. I'm not involved with the production of these DVDs, however.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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AL writes...

Hi Greg,

First I just want to say congratulations on creating what many have dubbed "the definitive Spider-Man show". Spectacular Spider-Man is such a wonderful show. Everyone working on the show has just done such an amazing job. Thanks for all the hard work.

I know you are still awaiting a third season to be picked up. I've read a lot of concerns from fans about how the show might never get more than 26 episodes. This is pretty irrational since it's still too early to know, but there is always a chance that a third season may never be picked up. So my question is, IF the show does not continue with a third season or IF the show is canceled (let's hope not!) before it reaches your target 52 or 65(?) episodes, do you think it's possible to continue the story in a different medium? For example: as a comic book series. Or, could the show continue as a series of straight to DVD movies, like what you planed after the entire series ended?

Thanks! Crossing my fingers for Season 3!

Greg responds...

I'd be willing, but ultimately it's not up to me.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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M. writes...

Another issue I'm not completely clear on is why Xanatos and Sevarius parted ways(assuming they had). I never knew them to be on bad terms, except for the brief moment in "Double Jeopardy". Did Xanatos' moral changes have anything to do with it, or was there some other reason? Again, I apologize if this question had been done over and over. I never found any question quite matching the one I'm asking, or at least I don't think matches it.

Greg responds...

I don't think they've totally parted ways. I just think Sevarius has gone freelance.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Nikolaj Zbikowski writes...

Dear Greg,

I've been trying to locate the original Gargoyles Trailer (or Teaser) featured on VHS from when I was younger (presumably, before the movie/show came out). It's the trailer that shows Elisa's perspective as stones fall from Xanatos's castle, where she comments: "What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?" At the same time this is happening, the title "Gargoyles" is being panned across the screen (similar to "The Terminator"). I have not been able to find it on YouTube or Google search, or even this website. If you know of a link or website featuring it, I would appreciate your help locating it.

Nik Z.

Greg responds...

I don't. Sorry. I'd suggest trying to find the Nightmare Before Christmas VHS on E-Bay. I think that's where it appeared. I think.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Daniel Abraham Raviv. writes...

Hey Greg, may i ask you something? What would you do If Disney decided to put Gargoyles In Their Kingdom Hearts Series, or they and Allan Moore decide to Put Gargoyles in The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen? If you know what those series are? Would you want to have anything to do with it? I know they won't be considered canon, but would you want to work on it, after all they're your characters and you're with them to the end, would you want to help with those series, like you'll guide the others on what Goliath would do or what he wouldn't do, or you know just try to put them in the Universes of those two series? What would you Do?

Greg responds...

Well... I'd be all for Gargoyles going into Kingdom Hearts, and I'd be happy to work with those folks. Unfortunately, no one has asked.

As for, LOEG, that's seems an even more unlikely hypothetical. But what the hell? If Alan and Disney somehow made a deal ... and if Alan wanted my help... well, both scenarios are just nonsensical, but, yes, I suppose I'd be game to play along.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Mo writes...

More Spidey questions!

1) Regarding JJJ: I think Daran Norris does an amazing job in the voice role, but i'm wondering if you ever considered having J.K. Simmons reprise the role.
2) With John Jameson, why did you choose him to fill the role of a rival hero? And why did you make Colonel Jupiter rather than, say, Man-Wolf?
3) The influence of Stan and Steve's work, the Ultimate line and the films is clear in the show. Did earlier Spider-Man programs influence it at all?
4) Regarding Green Goblin: Did you ever consider using the Ultimate demonic design or the movie's armored design or did you always want to use the classic Halloween costume look?
5) If you had to choose, who has been your favorite villain on the show?

Once more, I thank you.

Greg responds...

1. It was discussed, but Sony Features vetoed the idea, as they wanted the two casts to be distinct.

2. I love the original Colonel Jupiter story from the Lee/Romita Sr. run of The Amazing Spider-Man. You should check it out.

3. I'm sure the 60s show is a deep influence, as I inhaled that series as a kid. But I consciously chose NOT to go back and rewatch it, so my memories of it are a bit vague. I'm not personally all that familiar with the other animated incarnations. I don't think I've seen more than an episode or two of any other version.

4. Classic. Always.

5. But I don't have to chose.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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The MythMaker writes...

The Egyptian term "netjer", which a previous commentor says can be translated as "god" actually means "watcher". There is more to this story...

Greg responds...

...and you're hiding it from me?

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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AJC writes...

Does Walter Hardy know Spider-man's identity?

Greg responds...

I think he might be able to guess. Maybe.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Joe writes...

this is kinda weird question but when you answer "No comment" is it like "Oh my god, the question is so stupid" (because I've seen some pretty dumb being asked) or "No comment because if I answer I might spoil something"?

Greg responds...

I'm not particularly consistent in my evasions.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

If you had been able to use Kingpin in the series, would have used something similar to his designs from the 90's animated series or the Daredevil movie? Would you still have cast Kevin Michael Richardson in the role?

Greg responds...

Too many what ifs, my friend. We never got that far.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Martin writes...

In "The Invisible Hand" Foswell tells Peter "rumor is that Big Man aka L. Thompson Lincoln is some kind of a crime lord" after which Spidey goes to confront Tombstone. How does Spidey know that Big Man is in this tall building (the one he goes to)?

Greg responds...

L. Thompson Lincoln is a semi-famous local philanthropist with a number of legitimate businesses.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

In the past, some posters here have implied that only iron can kill a member of the Third Race. This has never really been confirmed. Yet, when once asked if there were casualties in the war between Mab and Oberon, you said "yes, any war has casualties." If some of the Children of Mab did kill each other in that war, I find it hard to believe they used iron weapons!

So, is iron the only thing that can kill a member of the Third Race?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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Wendy Self writes...

To whom it may concern,

My name is Wendy Self and i am a Second Year Student of Animation and Design at the University of Sunderland, UK. I am currently preparing the research for my dissertation, which i want to base on violence and censorship in children's animation. I was keen on looking at how both aspects are applied to 'message' episodes and mature themed story lines.
I was hoping that i would be able to ask Mr Weisman some questions on the writing and content of the Gargoyles series as it is one of the main examples that i am using for mature writing and intelligent subject matter in a children’s TV show.

I understand that this is probably an unusual request but I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. However I do realise that Mr Weisman is busy with his own work so if it is inconvenient for me to speak to him directly then I fully understand.
My university contact is wendy.self@sunderland.ac.uk

Thank you very much for looking at my question and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Wendy Self

Greg responds...

You couldn't post your questions here?

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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Nelio Belmont writes...

Hi Greg, this time I have a production question about Gargoyles. Given that Youtube has started putting commercial products such as old TV shows and what not, do you think there is a chance that Gargoyles will be put up on it as well? More specifically, do you think the second half of Season 2 may be put up there? And finally, if those episodes gets lots and lots of views, do you think Disney would consider a DVD release of Vol 2?

Greg responds...

I think it's (illegally) on YouTube already. I have no idea if Disney intends to put it up legit. Or how that would effect their DVD plans.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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David Blyth writes...

Hi Mr. Wiesman

A question related to "The Batman", it was a very different kind of Batman series, fresh off the gridiron and airing alongside the final seasons of JLU, I'm not sure if it had a chance to really "define itself" in light of such a strong legacy, but part of what gave it it's own identity was the hard work of Duane Capizzi, Alan Burnett, a great voice cast (Mitch Pillegi!), and your own scripts.

"The Everywhere Man" featured the voice acting of "Superman Returns" leading man Brandon Rough, who played the main antagonist, his co-star was Allison Mack, aka Chole Sullivan from long-lasting Superman series "Smallville", so all in all, it felt like a big Hollywood atmosphere

1. Do you have any memories of this beyond just the scripting process?

2. Were you told to write characters that "complimented" Brandon and Allison or did you know they were coming in?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I was at the voice recording, and it was a lot of fun. Both Allison and Brandon were VERY nice. SUPERMAN RETURNS had not hit theaters yet, but was due out soon, and Brandon really struck me as Clark Kent.

2. Didn't know who was going to play the characters when I wrote the script.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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David Blyth writes...

Hi Mr. Wiesman

As a folllow-on from something asked of you by "Anonymous" on the issue of growth and evolution in Spider-Man , I would like to, first, argue that the Spider-Man series you have been working on isnt "pinned down" by the problems the comic version of Spidey faces. You have placed Peter, MJ, Gwen, Harry and others into the most innocent kind of "hell" on Earth, High School.

Long before girls fell off bridges, long before clones and long before Peter realized MJ was the love of his life and married her, you don't have to worry about "resetting" there because that only affects the characters outside of High School...where readers expect them to act grown up and responsible for one another, and when they act like rank adolescents as they do in BND (my opinion), or heck, ever since the last ten years worth (Spidey's never recovered since 1999, again, my opinion)

Spider-Girl has now been running for eleven years, with another good few years left in the tank (I don't know how long Tom intends to tell it, right now the word is "indefinatly"), yet Tom recently admited if he so much as fought for an animated series, he'd be shot down. I find this incredibly tragic and disheartening.

And yet...look at what D.C accomplished ten years ago with Batman Beyond.

Terry McGuiness may only have had the golden rule of syndication ("Get 65 and DIE") one movie, and one episode of JLU, but it says a great deal about the higher-ups at WB to risk three years worth on character growth on someone new, whilst balancing that with remarkable doses of growth for Bruce Wayne and Barbera Gordon to that extent than, say, three more years of "The New Batman Adventures"

Hell, let's argue LOONATICS. Done CORRECTLY, this would have made Loony Toon characters DRAMATIC...key word there is "done correctly" of course, but premises like that are ones any writer can eat up with a spoon...again, WB risked it, suceed or fail.

Likewise you have put a lot of risk into Spectacular Spider-Man that has paid off, so maybe it's not a case of marketers being afraid of "growth and change", maybe it's more a case of certain groups being behind the times and just not living in the here and now.

Time will tell. Right now, I like to think those people KNOW that we need something new. Nothing lasts forever.

Not even the relevancy of the "Modern Myth".

My question: Why is it easier for something like Batman Beyond to be favoured over something like Spider-Girl?

Greg responds...

No idea. Not even sure that's true, frankly.

The thing to keep in mind is that the business is fluid and NOT monolithic. Things change. There's much human turnover, and with that turnover comes changes in direction at every studio and every network. What the RULES are this week may not be the rules in six months time.

I've often said we'd NEVER have gotten Gargoyles on the air today, and that's true TODAY. But tomorrow is a whole other story.

Maybe Batman Beyond hit at the right studio and the right network at the right time.

Spider-Girl's situation is complicated by the fact that Marvel and Sony co-control the Spider-Man license. I'd guess (and it's ONLY a guess) that Marvel views Spider-Girl as a separate property. And I'd guess Sony views it as part of the Spider-Man license... and that disagreement (assuming it exists and/or has EVER even come up) would obviously be a roadblock to making a Spider-Girl series.

In any case, you give me credit for taking risks that I don't really think I deserve. Sony and Marvel came to me and ASKED me to do a Spider-Man series set in his High School years that was not in continuity with the movies or the current comics or Ultimate or anything. That's all they gave me, but that fit perfectly with what I wanted to do with the character. And given the fact that Spidey is one of the top marquis characters in the known universe, it wasn't exactly a risky proposition.

I like to think we executed well, but let's face it -- ANY Spidey show would do pretty well just by virtue of it being Spidey. I can't exactly take credit for the character's popularity. All I can do is strive to do him justice. It's for others to judge if we succeeded, though we succeeded well enough to satisfy me. I'm biased, of course, but my standards are pretty high.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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Martin writes...

you said that you already have overall plan for season 3. does this mean everything from the begginig to the finale is in your head, including what characters and villains will appear?

Greg responds...

Not to the last detail. Not even broken down episodically. But I know what the four arcs are and who the Big Bads are for each arc, and SOME idea of who the villains are/might be. Nothing etched in stone. But the basics are fairly clear in my head.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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Branden Harvey writes...

I'll rephrase my question since I confused you the first time (my fault, of course, not yours):

In The Uncertainty Principle, when Harry was "revealed" as the Goblin, he was switching back and forth between himself and the Goblin persona right in front of Spider-Man and Norman. Since Harry was never the Goblin, what was going on there?

Greg responds...


What you interpreted as him switching back and forth never happened -- though of course it was what we wanted you to think. Because we told you Harry was the Goblin, you interpreted his drug-addled ramblings as the Goblin persona surfacing. But it was just Harry. All Harry. Look again.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

1. To be honest Greg, I may have to agree with Daran Norris doing Man-Wolf if included. I even wonder if Daran can pull of the Man-Wolf vocal effects though.

2. Still, I would recommend Frank Welker and Dee Bradley Baker if another bunch of werewolves (i.e. the Lobo Brothers) were included in a future season. I don't know if you heard of them, but outside of Eduardo Lobo knowing Glory Grant when she worked as a secretary for J. Jonah Jameson, the Lobo Brothers were in a gang war against the Kingpin.

3. I was wondering if you read an earlier comment about Sally Avril later becoming Bluebird in the comics. What is the year that the TV series takes place in since it wasn't specified in the show?

4. As an added bonus, I was wondering if a future season would include the Sinister Syndicate since you already have the Sinister Six and the Enforcers on the show? That which was made up of Beetle (who not only fought the Fantastic Four and Iron Man before becoming a founding member of the Thunderbolts), Hydro-Man, Rhino, Boomerang, Speed Demon, Leila Davis (the getaway vehicle driver before becoming the second Beetle), Blacklash (an Iron Man villain), Constrictor (who was a member of the Serpent Society), Scorpia (she started out as a minion of Silvermane), and Shocker. I don't mind if this is answered as a "No comment."

Greg responds...

1. I wouldn't underestimate Daran -- or our sound effects people.

2. Hm.

3. It's the present day. !962 updated to the present.

4. Many of the villains you mentioned aren't part of the Spidey license.

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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Jess writes...

Hey Greg! I know you've been mostly dealing with Spidey queries lately, but hopefully you won't mind "kickin' it old school" so-to-speak and answering a Gargoyles question.

I'd been taking a Shakespeare course this semester at school, and I chose to write a paper on Shakespeare's Macbeth's influence on yours. (I got an A by the way). Anywhoozle, obviously this meant re-watching some Of the Mac-centric episodes, including of course the wonderful "City of Stone", which as it alway does, reminded me of how much I love Macbeth's complex backstory and that of the legacy of The Hunter.

Now I did search the archives before asking this, so I know the Canmores in "Hunters Moon" were not aware of Macbeth, but I couldn't find if you had said whether or not HE was aware of THEM.

Was he as of "Hunter's Moon?" And if not, is he aware of them as of "The Rock" in the comics?


Greg responds...

I'd guess Macbeth has encountered a Canmore or two over the years. But it's not canon 'til it's canon.

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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SpecSpidey546 writes...

Greg, as much as I love Spectacular Spider-Man, I have a complain. "Reinforcement" is, in my opinion, the weakest episode of all. While it had its moments, it didnt feel like "Group Therapy". Who's idea was Sinister Six to attack Spidey in pairs? and the thing that really annoyed me - Electro shooting electricity from his mouth?!?!? what the hell? Other then this, the series is amazing and I hope it lasts 5 seasons.

Greg responds...


Electro's been shooting electricity from his mouth since his very first appearance. We think it's cool. And your the first person to complain about it.

It was my idea to have the S6 attack in pairs. My feeling was that Ock would feel that in "Group Therapy" they got in each other's way too much, i.e. that Spidey was able to use their powers against each other. So instead he tried to send complimentary pairs, so that it would be easier for the partners to keep track of each other and NOT get in each other's way. In addition, the hope was that Spidey would get progressively more worn out, so that even if he did have some success, by the time he faced the final pair, he'd be exhausted. Of course, Ock was missing a crucial bit of info about the symbiote. And his plan didn't work. But I think it made sense from his point of view.

I'm sorry the episode didn't work for you, but I'm not sorry we did it the way we did. We liked it.

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Does the real Gisela have that great spirit and did she ever live in Mexico?

Greg responds...

Actually, I knew a Gisela from Mexico. She and her brother Alex went to the same summer camp, Bear Pole Ranch, as my siblings and I did.

Of course, I have no idea what YOU are talking about here.

Weird, though, huh?

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was it your idea to have Black Cat's father to be Uncle Ben's killer or another member of the team? Well who ever did it I can say it was nothing short of a stroke of genius! One of the biggest plot twists I've seen in a Superhero Cartoon in a long while. My girlfriend's a little sad though, she really liked Black Cat and Spidey together.

Greg responds...

It was my idea. I'm glad you liked it.

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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Lucas writes...

Hello, this isn't a question so much as it is a comment regarding a question Greg previously received. He received a statement from a handle named 'Marn Hierogryph', and I'd like to say that that is me, however I did not send that post in. That was actually a part of a post that was taken out of context from a forum I go to and wasn't in anyway shape or form directed at Greg Weisman or any other crew who work on Spectacular Spider-Man. It was taken from a topic discussing the comparison/contrast of various shows. I'm not sure who sent that in or why, but I'd just like to apologize for whatever annoyance that may have given Mr. Weisman. I'd like to think I have more respect for the people in charge of these shows than to directly write to them critiquing the people who work for the show. It was just a random discussion in a topic. Again, I apologize on behalf of whoever sent in that post to Greg.

Greg responds...

Hey Lucas, I appreciate the apology. And I'm sorry someone used this forum to take your words out of context. That's very uncool.

Response recorded on July 06, 2009

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CONVERGENCE converges with the GATHERING

I just got the following e-mail from a buddy on the staff of CONvergence (http://www.convergence-con.org/), which is taking place NOW:

Hi Greg!

I'm at CONvergence, and I am seeing flyers all over the hotel
advertising for the Gathering. They are having over 40 guests? Wow!

So thanks to those posting our flyers at ConVergence (my second all-time favorite convention). Have a great con!

But don't miss the Gathering, which as of yesterday actually has OVER FIFTY GUESTS attending! Fifty and counting. Soon the guests will outnumber the fans. ( And, dude, I wish I was kidding.) You will NEVER find a better fan to pro ratio at any convention ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!!!! Sign up now at http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/g2009/ !!!!!

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abnormalpixarfan writes...

if you could would do a revamped of johnny quest with you at the helm?

Greg responds...

I'm a big fan of Jonny Quest, so if anyone asked me...

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

Greg, I was looking at list of Spidey's villains and realized that there are 5 big villains left that you will/should introduce: Hobgoblin & Scorpion (both confirmed), Hydro-Man, Jackal & Carnage. I just hope you dont do like the 90s cartoon and have 3 awesome seasons and terrible 4th season (their season 4 was awful). there are good B and C list villains that deserve to be seen on your show - Spencer & Alistair Smythe, Swarm, Boomerang, Carrion, Jack O'Lantern, Sin-Eater, Spot. Not really a question, just thought I'd share this with you.

Greg responds...

Well, gee, Martin. I was planning to do a lousy fourth season, but since you feel so strongly about it, I guess I won't.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Mo writes...

So I was going over the first season of Spectacular Spider-Man on YouTube, and I noticed something. In "Interactions", Electro cleary sees Spider-Man taking pictures of the both of them for the Bugle. Did he ever put that together with Peter Parker's photos later showing up in the paper(s)? Did he not know the full details of the Bugle's contest? Or was he just too darn crazy to care?

Again, thanks.

Greg responds...

I doubt he made the connection as NONE of Pete's Spidey/Electro pictures made it into the Bugle. When Pete's Spidey/Lizard pictures were published, there was no particular reason to make the connection between Pete and Spidey. Keep in mind that Electro ALSO saw a college student try to take pictures of the Spidey/Electro battle.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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MisterDrBob writes...

Hey sorry about spelling your name wrong first off (last time Mr. Weisman)
Do you have any other characters planned for if there's a third season? I understand if you can't say, but I'd love to see Hobie become the Prowler, you seem to set up Hydro-Man and Carnage, and I think you could do great things with Blackie Drago the second Vulture, Will-o-the-Wisp, and Rocket Racer.
I also have a comment. I love what you've done with the Tinkerer. You've made a character who appeared maybe once in ten years a central figure to the underworld. But I also kind of think that you run the risk of making him a plot device. What do you think?

Greg responds...

I think we try to keep all characters as characters first. If Tinkerer starts to become nothing more than a plot device, I'm sure the fans will let me know.

And, yes, I have plans for a third season.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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David writes...

Big fan of the show. I've always wondered, how Elisa can afford such a nice apartment. I know she's a detective but no way can a detective make that much money to afford that?

Greg responds...

Your premise is faulty. Stating that there's "no way" she can afford that is patently false. We don't know if she owns, rents or sub-lets. We don't know how she got the place. We don't know who had it before. We don't know what it looked like when she got it, whether it was a disaster that she cleaned up or an empty industrial loft. We don't know if the building is a co-op, rent-controlled or rent-stabilized. We don't have enough information to state what you've stated.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

So, what's Midtown High student Greg Weisman like?

Greg responds...

I know you're kidding, but I'm not quite getting the joke.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Thorgrimur writes...

I would like to ask a few questions about Preston Vogel. For some reason, I actually like him more than Owen.
1. Does Puck have any liking for Vogel?. Did he create the Owen persona more to honour or mock Vogel?
2. How did Vogel and Owen get along when they were both working at Cyberbiotics?
3. Did Vogel get to keep the fee he was paid by Fox for sabotaging the Cybots in "Outfoxed"?
4. (This has been asked before, but not properly answered). In the Silver Falcon story memo, there is a line refering to "Vogel's murder" (the exact line was: "Vogel's murder in the other premise, was never gonna fly". What was that about?

Greg responds...

1. I think Puck was amused by Vogel and wanted to do him one better.

2. Owen got along fine with Vogel. Vogel was somewhat disconcerted by Owen, for reasons he could not quite put his finger on.

3. Good question.

4. I don't recall. But clearly an earlier draft of the writer or story editor's premise had Vogel being murdered, and I was saying that would never get past S&P.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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captjack writes...

hey whats up again Greg?
when a mortal becomes an Avatar they have all that child of oberon's powers which i would assume includes their "immortality" correct;then how could the Emir have died in that cave in while still merged with Anubus?unless they somehow seperated at the last possible moment beforehand

Greg responds...

Well, first you have to define "immortality", but in any case, I think the Emir did indeed relinquish his hold on Anubis at the last second.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Lucedo writes...

Since Disney has provided a deal to stream their shows on Hulu, is it possible that the Gargoyles animated series could be on Hulu?

Greg responds...

No idea.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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captjack writes...

hey greg was just curious about something.ive read a few times that in the Gargoyles universe the Olympian gods(Zeus,Apollo,Hades etc)are all half mortal,seriously?

Greg responds...

You've misinterpreted what you've read, confusing the Olympians with the New Olympians.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Charles writes...

Hey Greg, first off I'd like to say thanks for Spectacular Spidey. Easily the best animated version of the character, and I find myself watching the episodes time and time again (particularly those with Venom, you certainly did him justice). Got 3 questions/comments.

1) I heard that Spectacular Spider-Man was renewed for a 3rd season, is this true? If so, congrats!!

2) I know you won't be giving any spoilers for the future of the show, but have you heard of or read the Carnage one-shots "Mind Bomb" or "It's a Wonderful Life"? Certainly worth a check imho, makes the character a bit more (if not brutal) interesting, giving him one trait that makes him different from every single villain in Spidey's rogues gallery - he's completely irredeemable.

3) Any plans to introduce the character of Ann Weying into the show? (again, not expecting any spoilers, just wondering if its crossed your mind)

Thanks for your time, keep up the incredible work!!

Greg responds...

1. Not yet.

2. No comment.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Hal_Emmerich writes...

Hey Greg

In several responses, you have indicated that the events of A Midsummer Nights Dream did occur, albeit in a different manner. This actually leads me to a series of questions surrounding the existence of the Immortal Bard I was wondering if you'd answer.

#1: Was the play itself written in the Gargoyles universe?
#2: Did Shakespeare actually have knowledge/involvement of the events, or was he merely writing from folklore and legend?
#3: We've seen that characters from both Macbeth and Midsummer Nights Dream exist in the Gargoyles Universe and are real. Did any of the other plays occur as well (The Tempest for example)? If so, were they written in Gargoyles Chronology, and did Shakespeare have any special inspiration/connection to writing them.

Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm not revealing that at this time.

3. All the plays were written. As I've mentioned before, a version of events in "The Tempest" and other plays also took place at various times. Sometimes Shakespeare had special knowledge. Other times he didn't.

Response recorded on July 02, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Following up on what Clark asked, how is that such a powerful artifact, the Phoenix Gate, is used by such a simple incantation that even Goliath, certainly no trained sorcerer, quickly learned it? Maybe I'm conditioned by role-playing games to assume that more powerful magic will always be harder to learn than the weak magic, but it seems quite strange to me that the Phoenix Gate incantation, and for that matter the incantation to enter Avalon, are so easily learned when they seem to be quite powerful spells.

Greg responds...

It has to do with the nature of the Gate and of Avalon. I don't want to go into too many details (particularly on the former) when we're so close to the release of the Trade.

Response recorded on July 02, 2009

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ThatNickGuy writes...

Hey Greg,

Long time fan dating back to the beginning of Gargoyles. When I heard you were heading up Spectacular Spidey, I was overjoyed.

I'd just like say and ask a few things. Oh, and of course...


1) Thank you very much for Spectacular Spidey. I feel that it captures everything about the Spider-Man mythos in every way, shape and form. In fact, I would go as far as to say it's my favourite version of Spider-Man in whatever form (comic, TV, even movie). Some of my favourite episodes seem to be the ones written by Andrew Robinson, so please send along my thanks to him, along with the rest of your fantastic team.

2) My only minor complaint was the mutation of Kraven. Given the set up and payoff in regards to the overall arc (setting up Miles Warren, continuing on the theme of genetic manipulation), I can understand why. I guess I was always a fan of Kraven as he was and was hoping for some more classic Kraven, such as Spidey fighting off a zoo of animals and such. Any chance I could hear your thoughts and reasoning on the mutation? I wasn't crazy about it, at first, but the idea and look has grown on me.

3) You actually had me guessing on the identity of the Goblin. I was literally on the edge of my seat during season 2's finale and the big reveal actually had my mouth gaping. Highest kudos to you and the Spidey team.

4) Given that this is, by far, one of my favourite animated series now, I hope and pray that a third season will be coming our way.

Thanks again, Greg. It's been a great, wild ride that I hope never ends.
That Nick Guy

Greg responds...


1. I will.

2. Well, (a) we thought it was a cool idea, borrowed from Ultimate Spider-Man and (b) we have long term plans that make the change important.

3. Thanks.

4. Me too.

Response recorded on July 02, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

hi i just want to say that you are doing an awesome job on the spectacular spiderman series! this is properly beast version of spiderman ( Evin the 90s series) that i have ever scene! what i like the most about this that the characters are both close to the original characters and have new feel to them. but their one character that I'm curious of what you are going to do with and that gwen Stacy. most us that she hast a vary tragic history ( Evin the 90s show didn't show her until the last episode) so my Question is what are you going to do to her?

Greg responds...

Uh... hold her hand until we get a pick-up?

Response recorded on July 01, 2009

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DarkFae writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I have read through the FAQ and archives and could not find an answer to why the Third Race is called the Children of Oberon or the Children of Mab. Why are they called these things? Is it to show they follow that leader or is it something more? And what would happen to a member of the Third Race who called themselves a Child of Mab while Oberon ruled? Thank you for any consideration you give this question.

Greg responds...

It seems fairly straightforward to me, so I think you may be overthinking it. Oberon's the leader -- and a very paternalistic one at that -- so his "people" are referred to as the Children of Oberon (which is NOT to say that he is their literal parent). Before him, Mab was the leader, and they were referred to as the Children of Mab. It doesn't seem likely after so much time that anyone would still mistakenly refer to the Children of Oberon as the Children of Mab, so if it happened, it would probably be a political statement of some kind, and Oberon would deal with that depending on the situation.

Response recorded on July 01, 2009

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Comment Rooms

Before I begin, let me make something perfectly CLEAR. The Station 8 Comment Room is NOT my comment room. It is the property of and under the management of Gorebash for him to run as he sees fit. Personally, I like the Comment Room as is. I'm not a big fan of forums. If the vote goes that way, and Gore decides to make a change, so be it. But I voted against the change. My problem/issues with the comment room is about the (occassional) bad behavior of some people who post and what I perceive as the over-reaction of other people (often the same people, I suppose) to what I perceive as innocuous (or only slightly bad) behavior. But to reiterate, I stand by whatever decision Gorebash makes.

So what follows is only my opinion. Not even that really. What follows is my brother's opinion. And it's not even his opinion on the Station 8 Comment Room or on anything Gargoyles related. As some of you know, my brother, Jon Weisman, has a blog: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/dodgerthoughts/

This blog on the Los Angeles Dodgers gets more hits in a day then we get here in a week. Or two. Probably even three. One of the main features of his blog, one of the things that he has told me is a big draw for DodgerThoughts, is the comments that his readers post regularly, their exchanges and their dialogue with him and with each other. So Jon has developed some basic guidelines for commenting that I think are calm and intelligent and worth considering for what we do at Station 8. Here they are:

Dodger Thoughts Commenting Guidelines
Thank You For Not ...
1) using profanity or any euphemisms for profanity
2) personally attacking other commenters
3) baiting other commenters
4) arguing for the sake of arguing
5) discussing politics
6) using hyperbole when something less will suffice
7) using sarcasm in a way that can be misinterpreted negatively
8) making the same point over and over again
9) typing "no-hitter" or "perfect game" to describe either in progress
10) being annoyed by the existence of this list
11) commenting under the obvious influence
12) claiming your opinion isn't allowed when it's just being disagreed with

I think these guidelines are very common sense and with the possible exception of #9, apply directly to Station 8. #12 seems particularly applicable. I'd actually add a #13:

13) thinking that just because no one has responded to your post that you are unwelcome. (Your post may simply have inspired no comment.)

These guidelines seem SO straightforward to me, I was stunned to learn today that some people over at DodgerThoughts OBJECT to them. So here's the post Jon made responding to these objections:

Dodger Thoughts commenting is healed - in practice, if not in spirit
After nearly two months, the folks at Typepad have finally solved the bug that prevented comments at the bottom of a page at Dodger Thoughts from appearing until several had been cached. So in that respect, we're back to smooth sailing. Any of you who departed out of frustration, please feel encouraged to return.

On another commenting note, some have voiced to me, either on the site or in e-mail, dissatisfaction about the commenting guidelines and a feeling that only one point of view at Dodger Thoughts is tolerated. I'd like to address these concerns in this post. ...

Starting with the guidelines ... I realize that they are not everyone's cup of tea, but I still feel they do far more good than harm. Conversation can quickly become heated on the Internet, and I firmly believe the guidelines keep things from getting out of hand. It'd be nice if we were all mature adults -- but we're not. Myself included.

The guidelines are meant for everyone, and they apply to the most diehard regulars. If, for some reason, you feel that a comment has been posted that should be deleted, don't hesitate to let me know, either here or via e-mail. If you find the guidelines too confining, then consider the big picture of what they accomplish. If that big picture doesn't look attractive to you, well, I've learned all too well that I can't please everyone. Believe me, it's been humbling.

There are a few other points I'd like to emphasize:
*Although off-topic conversation is allowed at Dodger Thoughts, it is meant to broaden the discussion and the community here, not narrow it. If someone's talking about television when you want to talk about Chad Billingsley, then make a comment about Chad Billingsley. There's nothing stopping you.
*No Dodger Thoughts rule prevents a point of view. Every point of view is welcome.
*People who agree on some issues disagree on others. We're all human.
*There is no ban on any style of conversation that would be allowed in a civil, offline venue.

One quirk that occurred to me overnight is that the people who complain the most about the site's rules tend to be the people who, frankly, are most protected by them. A primary purpose of the comments is to safeguard those who have minority viewpoints.

Since more than one reader is encountering this problem, I take it very seriously. I want to remind people to treat everyone with respect -- especially those with whom you disagree. This is of the utmost importance.

At the same time, I'd like to remind those whose comments meet opposition that disagreement is not censorship. It's easy to become defensive -- it happens to me, like anyone else -- but if someone is rebutting with you without attacking you personally, the simple thing to do is respond to the rebuttal. Or write it off. The point is, we're all here for the same purpose.

If you feel you are being chased away, let me know. But first, examine if that's truly happening. It's not easy to be in the minority on an issue, but inevitably, someone is going to be.

My transition to The Times has not gone as smoothly as I had hoped, for three reasons that I can name (not counting the requirement to capitalize both Ts in "The Times"). One has been the technical problems, and another has been a bit of a culture clash between readers.

Perhaps the oddest wrinkle in the transition has been the effect of the Dodgers surprising all of us by having the best record in baseball. That itself has led to a divide between those who find some complaints about the team petty, against those who feel that no problem is too small even when the team is winning.

It's not so much that there's heated disagreement on the main issues, as there is disagreement about how to respond to those issues. For example, I would say a minority of readers believe Matt Kemp should bat low in the order, but a majority feel it hasn't been worth losing sleep over. A minority of readers think the Dodgers have a playoff spot locked up, but a majority don't seem to think it's time to panic. And so on.

I can see both sides. The level of negativity this season has struck me as remarkable and kind of depressing, not because I'm a knee-jerk defender of all things Dodgers (another accusation I've encountered more than once lately) but because I simply want to savor the good times as they happen. That being said, I should probably be more tolerant of the negativity and not make such a big deal of it.

But also, maybe that means that some other commenters shouldn't make such a big deal over some things as well. From the site's very first day, long before commenting was even a notion, I've wanted Dodger Thoughts to be a place to seek perspective on the team (and the sport, and life). That doesn't mean a "No Griping" rule. But it does imply that the gripes should have a sense of context -- and sometimes, I feel that is lacking.

In the end, I consider this site my responsibility. As we near the All-Star Break and I look back at the first half of the season, aspects of site management that I could have handled better shout out at me. I am going to do my best to improve over the second half of the season, which may bring us a breezy jaunt to October or a tense pennant race. I hope, win or lose, people continue to find this a nice place to hang out.

Greg again here. What strikes me is that even though Jon is discussing very specific Dodger-related issues above, it's stunning how much this seems to apply to us here at Station 8.

*Griping is totally legit. But griping without any sense of context does get old and leads to temper flare ups.
*The MORE you disagree with someone, the MORE respectful you should be. If you can't be respectful, don't respond. Or at the very least, GO AWAY for an hour or two until you calm down.
*Don't sink to the level of the most obnoxious posters. If we've got a troll, it does NOT help to troll back at him or her.

I think it would be a good idea, no matter what format the comment room takes going forward if some version of the DodgerThoughts guidelines were adopted and POSTED on the sidebar for everyone to see every time they post.

Again, that's merely my opinion. Gore can and should simply do whatever he wants.

Finally, I want to thank my brother, whom I admire to no end. I'm sure he has no idea of the problems we had here last week. It's not like I planned to post anything else on the subject. But there it was. This incredibly well-written common sense response to a problem he didn't even know I was having. Thanks, Jon.

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