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The Phoenix Gate

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Allen Tomsovic writes...

1a) Would The Eye of Odin have eventually killed Goliath? (It appeared to have been killing Fox.)

1b) (It seems that Avatars to Death Gods tend to die, like The Emir.) Would Jackal have eventually died as a result of being an Avatar?

Greg responds...

1a. Hard to say.

1b. Harder to say.

Response recorded on May 27, 2016

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captjack writes...

hey whats up again Greg?
when a mortal becomes an Avatar they have all that child of oberon's powers which i would assume includes their "immortality" correct;then how could the Emir have died in that cave in while still merged with Anubus?unless they somehow seperated at the last possible moment beforehand

Greg responds...

Well, first you have to define "immortality", but in any case, I think the Emir did indeed relinquish his hold on Anubis at the last second.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009