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Hello, your highness (you deserve to be called that because you are AWESOME). I know you plan on continuing Spectacular Spider-Man with DVD movies once the show is over but have you also considered continuing the show with a comic book just like you've continued Gargoyles with a comic book?
I'd love to. But it's not up to me. Though I have made the suggestion to Marvel.
And to be clear, I don't "plan" on continuing Spec Spidey w/DVDs. I just would like to... AFTER we've done 65 episodes.
Have you watched The Goliath Chronicles (season 3 Gargoyles)? If yes, what did you think of it?
P.S. The Manhattan Clan is the best super hero TEAM ever made. It's better than the Justice League, better than Teen Titans, better than the Avengers, better than the Autobots, better than the ninja turtles, BETTER THAN ANY SUPERHERO TEAM EVER!!!! Also, your version of Spider-Man is the best super hero ever!!!
Check the archives for the answer to your question.
Thanks for your kind words.
Hello again,
you asked "But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?"
I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I'm definitely not copyrighted.
So, I guess, sure, I'm public domain.
If you feel so inclined you could email me at: fackler.timothy@gmail.com
I'd love to hear from you and see if there is any possibility.
Thank your time again.
I've forgotten what we're talking about, but if you are an individual then in fact you own you. So you're not public domain and not free for me to put into the series (if that's what this is about).
Greg, if you could do this, would you make a video game of The Spectacular Spider-Man. And if you do what would it be about?
I'd be happy to participate, but I have no experience in that medium, so I'd be looking to collaborate with someone who did. And before one of you guys volunteers, remember also I'd be looking to get paid.
is there really a yet to be commissioned third season as it says on wikipedia or are audiences having false hope?Have the season 3 characters been really designed?
There is in a very theoretical sense a "yet to be commissioned third season" in that I have a number of ideas and plans for said third season. And I wouldn't call rooting for it "false hope". It's all about ratings. Killer ratings and we'll probably get a pick-up. Deadly ratings and we probably won't. Anything in the middle... is a toss-up. As for character designs, no, those don't exist, as the season has NOT been greenlit, so there's no one to pay the designers to design anything.
hi greg. i love your show of The Spectacular Spiderman.
So i just wanna know if you've gotten any data on the ratings for season 3?
if so i'd love to know how its doin
There are no ratings on Season 3 as there is no Season 3 for there to be ratings on.
Hey Greg why do you and other people always call the green goblin's comic look classic Halloween style the movie one armored and the ultimate one demonic, the ultimate one is monstrous but it's not demonic, the movie one is not Armored it's just a way of trying to reproduce the comics version, and the comics version is just classic, so i'm just asking why you guys just call it that? i'm just asking that?
Who exactly are these "you guys" you're referring to? I don't recall saying anything that would include me in that group. But in any case, you seem to be splitting hairs. For example, one person's monster is another person's demon. In this case you could view them as synonyms.
I have some more questions. 1. How old will Hutson live to be? 2. What is the year he will die?
I'm not revealing this stuff.
You stated Hobgoblin will be in season 3. Do you know who will voice the hobgoblin persona. I personally think Kevin Michael Richardson will do great. The voice he did for the Joker in Batman was incredible, and you do have him included on the show already so...Anyway can't wait for more Spectacular Spiderman.
We haven't discussed something THAT hypothetical.
One more I forgot to ask: How does the process of casting voice actors work? Do you have a specific actor in mind when a character is concieved? Is it an open audition process? Or does it vary from role to role?
We auditioned eleven roles at the beginning of the SpecSpidey process. After that, with the exception of Mark Allen, we didn't hold auditions, we just cast people. This usually involved a discussion between myself and voice director Jamie Thomason. And obviously, actor availability played a huge roll in whom we ultimately cast.
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