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Electric Tiki, Rubén Procopio, Goliath and Me...
I literally just got back to my office after a trip to Rubén Procopio's studio in Burbank. Some of you, I'm sure, met Rubén at this summer's Gathering. Rubén is sculpting Goliath for Electric Tiki, and Tracy Mark Lee of Electric Tiki was at Rubén's studio too.
Rubén's Goliath sculpt -- in its final approval phase before baking, sanding, etc -- just kicks ass!!! Tracy and I had some extremely minor notes, but really, even if it went out exactly as is, I'd be thrilled!
I'm a big fan of the Randy Bowen Goliath that I've currently got sitting on my desk -- which is very much Randy's interpretation of the character. By contrast, what Rubén has done is bring the television show's Goliath to life in 3D. It's totally on-model, and in fact Rubén's workspace is surrounded by actual model sheets of the character from the series. Tracy tells me the sculpt will be available next summer, so if you're a fan of Goliath, Gargoyles or just great sculpts in general, start saving now! I've already reserved my copy!
I have some pictures of Rubén and I with the in-progress sculpt, which I'll figure out how to post or link to or something soon. Stay tuned.
You stated that, when in response to Elisa and Goliath having kids, "Elisa could never be pregnant with Goliath's child without assistance from science or magic. I've already stated that I don't see them going that way."
I was wondering, what makes you think Elisa wouldn't want to use magic or science to carry Goliath's child?
Elisa seemed happy and esily adjusted to her as a gargoyle during "The Mirror". She even hinted this at the ending of the very episode, thus you can see my confusion.
I don't think that's what she was hinting.
Who's idea was to use the flashbacks with Uncle Ben and all that in "Intervention"? THAT EPISODE WAS PURE GENIUS!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!! BEST EPISODE EVER MADE!! That episode alone blows the whole Spider-Man: TAS right out of the water. Congratulations! I can't believe they didn't use that idea in Spider-Man 3 and in TAS.
Thanks. It was my idea.
Hello! I'm very sorry to have heard about the license for the comic expiring, but I'm gearing up for the TPBs which should be out shortly (assuming amazon.com's dates are accurate).
Since the license for the comics has a questionable future at best, I was curious as to how likely Disney would be about licensing Gargoyles for other purposes, namely rpgs & video games. I am huge pen & paper roleplaying game fan (or nerd, for short), and the Gargoyles universe would make a great setting. How likely would Disney be to go for something like that, assuming Disney even knows what an rpg is?
TPBs are in fact out. If you don't have 'em yet, order 'em now! (Please.)
I'm sure Disney's willing to license it. The question is anyone interested in paying the licensing fee.
Is your version of Eddie Brock named for his father? Both the movie and Ultimate editions of the character were juniors, and yours obviously borrows a lot from the Ultimate line. I don't think his full name has ever been stated on the show, which of course doesn't confirm it either way.
I'm thinking he's a junior.
Hey Greg.
First off, Kudos for finally making a media incarnation of Spider-man that really captures the essence of the character. I haven't enjoyed any of the other cartoons, nor the movies as much as your show.
Moving on, I had a question concerning both the Stacy's. I've really enjoyed the relationship you've set up with Peter and Captain Stacy. It reminds me very much of a Gordon/Batman-esque relationship, with Stacy all but saying he knows who Spidey is (much like Gordon has done throughout the years with Bats.) Now, I think we all know the future of Captain Stacy in the comics, but I was wondering if you were toying around with the idea of sparing this particular Stacy that fate.
Being a comic fan, I naturally shy away from changing big events like that, but I can't imagine Batman without Gordon, and after seeing the relationship you've established between Stacy and Pete, I'm not sure I want to see a Spider-man without a Captain Stacy.
Leading into that, we all also know the fate of Gwen in the comics. I've read that you were toying around with doing this in a direct to dvd format, after you get to do a full run of the series, which I think would be a great idea, because I personally think The Death of Gwen Stacy story could be great material to rival other great animated superhero movies like "Mask Of The Phantasm."
Going off the first question, I was wondering, if you do decide to do a Gwen's Death movie, if you've considered leaving Captain Stacy alive for that as well. Watching how Stacy has (apparently) deduced Spidey's identity, it made me wonder how he would react to Peter since Peter's involvement in his daughter's life lead to her death.
Any who, thanks again! I really hope you get picked up for a third season. Watching Spectacular Spidey makes me wish they had picked up you to write the movies. When they reboot the Spidey series (probably 20 years down the road) you should jump on that!
No comment.
Hi Greg. Can't wait for Gargoyles #2 and Bad Guys to come out. I have a question about the new mutates introduced in Bad Guys. Are they considered part of the Labyrinth Clan or just residences of the Labyrinth. Thanks.
Ps. I hope these two tradepaper backs are not the last of Gargoyles.
The Labyrinth Clan in the Twentieth Century isn't quite as defined as a concept as it eventually will be.
I was rereading "Quidditch Through the Ages" (a small book put out by J. K. Rowling a few years ago as part of a support to a British charity group) last night, and came upon a passage that mentioned a Quidditch match between the Toyohashi Tengu (a Quidditch team from Japan) and the Gorodok Gargoyles (a Quidditch team from Lithuania) in 1994. Now, this is probably just a coincidence (I don't know if Rowling's even ever been that aware of "Gargoyles"), but I thought that you might be amused at the notion of two teams with those names having a match in the very year that "Gargoyles" premiered.
That is very cool. Thanks.
You know, normally I don't do this, but this recent answer about Xanatos and Norman Osborn tickled me on a fanboy level:
"I think he would have been appalled at Norman's parental approach. He'd of course have to admire his business acumen and respect his machiavellian bent. But I find it hard to imagine the two has friends. "
The comparisons between Xanatos and Osborn are obviously easy. But comparing and contrasting Demona and Osborn seems to intrigue me a little more... especially on a parental level.
Now, I don't think it's a stretch to say that both of them love their children... albeit in a twisted, almost possessive way.
This is almost tough since we've gotten really only one episode of Demona and Angela ("The Reckoning") and several episodes of Norman and Harry... not to mention forty three years of comic books delving into them. But, for now, I think I'll stick to "Spectacular" in this topic.
Up front, one key difference is that Demona never got to be a parent. She met Angela for the first time when Angela was already an adult. Contrary to Norman, who raised Harry since birth but was never a good father to him.
Both Norman and Demona are willing to commit unspeakably horrible acts and rationalize them by saying they're in their children's best interests. In Demona's case, she cited protecting Angela in "Hunter's Moon Part Three" and Norman justified framing Harry because if he'd been sent to prison, who'd have made a man out of Harry.
Would Demona risk herself to protect Angela? We know she would. We've seen her do it. Would Norman risk his life to protect Harry? In the current comics, the answer is definitely no. In SSM, I'm... not sure. I'm really not.
I tend to think that both of them see their respective children as property. There are several instances of Norman treating Harry like property. And Demona did use the phrase "she belongs to me" when Thailog threatened Angela.
I definitely think Demona loves Angela more than Norman loves Harry (Hell, Norman doesn't even like his own kid). But even there, Demona was more than willing to risk Angela's life at the end of "Hunter's Moon Part Three" to escape... there was no guarantee Goliath would have been able to catch that vial.
Now, I realize I'm answering a lot of my own questions and I have my own interpretations here, but I'd be curious to read your thoughts here?
It still feels a bit like Apples and Oranges to me. Let's face it: Demona is really f***'d up. Norman isn't. He knows his options and is doing exactly what he wants, is being exactly who he wants to be.
As for parenting, Norman rationalizes... a little. Demona's entire life is a rationalization, with Angela being only a part. If Angela could meet the Demona that Demona and Goliath met in "Vows", we might see a very different dynamic. But at best now, D's playing catch-up.
With the popularity of the X-Men, The Punisher, Harry Potter, and all of the Star Trek movies - has anyone suggested a live-action Gargoyles movie? It could have the potential to be a wonderful reunion of past Star Trek stars.
Please check the ASK GREG archives before posting.
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