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Well I finally got my copy of Clan Building 2 last week; it was weird, even though I'd been waiting MONTHS to read this, when I had the book in my hands I wasn't in that much of a rush to read it. Maybe subconciously I was registering that this would be the last few stories of Gargoyles that I would read for some time. :(
Anyway, I have to say when I did read it I loved it, couldn't put it down.
Just one question (for now at least):
As of 1994 (or "Awakening part 4") did Demona remember her encounter with "the gargoyle of the sword" back in 997? If so, how did she reconcile it with Brooklyn waking up in 1994 after being put under the sleep spell?
I have to say, I loved the 997 arc btw; thought it was brilliant. Especially loved the end pages of #12; finally we get to see Katana, Nashville (or Gnash as he likes to call himself) and Fu-Dog (& not to mention Egwardo) after all these years.
It was also a surprise seeing Coldstone and Coldfire rejoin the clan.
On the whole loved the book; here's hoping for more soon.
Yes, she remembered. She must have put SOME of it together. And it may be why she chose Brooklyn in "Temptation".
Since we now call them "Beasts," if you could, would you change the line in "Awakening 1" from "I see you've met our Watch-dog..." to something like "I see you've met our Beast..." ?
No. To Goliath, it is -- and always was -- a metaphor.
I've been reading and re-reading Clan-Building 2 this past week and I love it. I think I finally understand it well enough to ask a question.
In the Stone of Destiny story arc, how did the convoy end up using the "trick car" with the rotating trap door? And how was Xanatos able to drive away with it after the Stone was "safely" transported back to Scotland? (I have theories, but they may be considered ideas so I'll refrain from suggesting them.)
Thanks for everything. I'm looking forward to getting Bad Guys: Redemption and whatever future Gargoyles stories are coming.
Xanatos has, of course, resources. And I'll be honest, it seems unimportant to me to spell out EXACTLY how he happened to get the trick car in there, but I like to think his company (or a subsidiary) provided the cars. After the "Stone" was delivered, it seems somewhat simple for him to reclaim possession of the "empty" car and drive off with it.
You've established that you mentally cast actors for some of the new characters in the Gargoyles comics, such as Quincy Hemmings played by Morgan Freeman (or someone who can sound like him i.e. Kevin Michael Richardson). Anyway, do you have any voices in mind for some of the Illuminati figures (Percival, Duval, Shari, et al.)? What about Katana and Tachi and some of the characters from the Phoenix Gate arc?
Generally, I don't "cast" until the characters have actual speaking parts. So neither Katana nor Tachi have been cast yet.
As I believe I've mentioned, Peredur "is" Jude Law, and Shari "is" Zehra Fazal, who played her in the Radio Play this past summer.
Duval "is" Eddie Marsan.
In CBV2, We see a clan of Gargoyles with Demona as her leader. There are two beasts.
I think my two favorite character designs are: the small green Gargoyle in Demona's Clan (He also appears briefly in CoS, squating near Demona and Macbeth as he names her) and in the trade; and Fu-Dog. I love Fu-Dog's color, and the basic style.
I currently use Future Tense Brooklyn as my Avatar on Station 8, but if I could, I would switch to Fu-Dog. Great job on the new designs, Greg, and to all the artists who worked on the comics!
1. When designing new characters, is it a back and forth between you and the artist on the look and coloring? Or is it all from your imagination, or previous concept designs?
2. I know Disney owns Gargoyles. Do they own any NEW characters you create like Fu-dog or Gnash? Who DOES own them, if not?
Thanks again, Greg! Thank you for all of your hard work over the last couple of years! (You don't know how much I appreciate it.)
1. I have ... a starting point, a basic description. But I like to see what the artist brings to it. I may then have a note or two, and we'll go back and forth, but it's a collaboration. It's why I've been reluctant to state much visually about characters like True here at ASK GREG. Don't want to tie the artist's hands.
2. Disney owns all things Gargoyles. Everything I (or any of the artists) do on the property is "work for hire".
In CBV2, we see more of London Clan (Leo and Una were a nice cameo touch) and young Lunette. (I was literally standing at work staring at a wall thinking about the new trade when it hit me that Leo + Una = Lunette.
1. Did the Name "Luna" come into play ever? Did you decide against it? I am jsut wondering as Leo + Una = Luna as well.
Well, the name Lunette has other reference points. And Luna is already the name of one of the Weird Sisters, so I never really considered it.
Hello! I haven't posted anything to "Ask Greg" in quite some time, although I do enjoy reading responses.
I just got through reading the trades for the hundredth time (in only four days mind you.)
Sooooo.... How could you so this to us?! Shame on you!!!
The trades were the hight of awesomness, and worth ever second of wait time, but you ended both books on such cliff-hangers! Not really, but... Brooklyn et. al show up at the end of CBV2, the Redemption Squad doesn't complete their objective... leaving the door open for more... I mean, I want to see more! I turn the page and there isn't another page! It's really a big tease, to me at least.
I know it will be a long time before/if we get anything new, and I know how hard you worked just to get out what we have, so I will not complain but rather (how can I compliament you without gushing too much?) praise you magnificent job on all three trades and 12 comics.
I wanted you to know that I (and probably many, many, many others are ecstatic with the trades and the job done by all.
Thank you!
Leaving you wanting more is the goal of most artists.
Hi Greg
The two Gargoyles & Bad Guys TPB volumes are currently winging their way to me via the net. Do you know if there is any chance that the Marvel series will be reprinted (maybe by SLG, in the fashion that Dark Horse reprint Marvel's old Star Wars stuff). I know you weren't directly involved with that run, but I was just wondering if you were in the loop. Thanks for the hard work.
No idea.
..sorry.. i know this isn't a question. just wanted to hopefully tell Greg he's an awesome storyteller and a great human being.. the funny thing is at least 50% of the cartoons i grew up with and loved had something to do with him, if not written, voice directed, etc. by him. he was nearly everything in my childhood that made it great to watch cartoons(with very few exceptions). I hope this gets to him....and..well.... Greg, you're an awesome Human Being.
P.S. Todd, you're a great guy too, even if this never gets to Greg,,,,, heh.... there should be a "Thank Greg for being so awesome" area too i guess.
Sincerely, Mike Greenwood
P.P.S. I'm 23...and still love classic cartoons cause of you ;) and i probably always will. thanks, Greg!
P.P.P.S. i LOVE the "you DID check the archives first, right?" bit ;)
Thanks, Michael.
Hey. I wanna start off by saying I love our work, Greg, especially on Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man. Anyway, I know why you decide to diversify the cast and think it's okay.
So, it may be a stupid question, but was Jean DeWolff one of the characters whose race you'd changed? I mean, her skin seems darker, so I thought I should ask.
We made DeWolff Native American.
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