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puck<40> writes...

You know that comment one of those peepers made about Oberon's children and fear of death etc? I found it very very interesting. It makes me wonder just a little about Puck. Now I know your not him... But considering most of the gargoyles characters share a little of your own opinion...

1) Do you think Puck had any sort of 'rude awakening' mortality feeling in City of Stone since he almost shattered? I'm sure Xanatos would've probably mentioned it.

2) Or... do you think Puck is more of a "what happens happens" type of person? (one of the reasons he didn't really care too too much in "The Price" about his hand)

3) Personally I think that he's one of those 'always out to experience new things' type of persons, and mayyyybe at first it would just been like. "Le meeps! For a second there I was almost not able to have fun." And when mayyyybe Oberon limited his powers, himself to the mortal form, and exiled he might've been. "uh oh, this really isn't too good... nuts".

Of course! Maybe it doesn't actually hit him, until 2198 when Alex vanishes and he has no outlet to turn back into Puck. In essence leaving him in a possibly permanent mortal form. Because up until then, he always had a sense of immortality to him.

4) Do you think in 2198 if Owen, always being one step ahead of everything (even Xanatos and Oberon both in "The Gathering", a none too easy feat)... actually has doubts about rescuing Alexander? Or a thought go across his mind that he may never be the Puck again? Especially if its uncertain if Alex is alive?

5) Do ya think Puck prides himself on being called "the" Puck? One single word, but emphasizing as much title as "Lord" does to Oberon, for the enjoyment of things he does himself.

Well anywhos. =) just some questions on personality of my favorite trickster. wheeeee!

Greg responds...

1. Perhaps. But Xanatos may not have mentioned it. And Puck as Owen may be quite wired as Owen, which would tend to smooth out any internal crisis.

2. Well, the hand is a different issue. Owen can afford to lose something like that (particularly before Gathering, Part II) because he knows he's Puck and can get it back at any time he feels like it.

3. I think there's truth in everything you're saying.

4. I don't think he has any doubts about rescuing Alex, who he helped raise from infancy. His own self-interest undoubtedly crosses his mind. That happens to all of us, I think. But I think he genuinely loves Alex as something akin to a son. Or at least a favorite nephew.

5. Probably.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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Anonymous writes...

Since Puck didn¡¯t know of Demona¡¯s link with MacBeth how did he think she stayed alive for ten centuries?
Does Xanatos trust Puck/Owen entirely?

Greg responds...

It's possible to simply acknowledge ignorance. Speculating on what his incorrect theory might have been seems pointless.

As much as anyone.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did you plan to introduce any other Shakespeare plays into the Gargoyles Universe besides MacBeth, Ill Met by Moonlight and the Tempest? What did Oberon, Titania and Puck think of Ill Met by Moonlight? What did Prospero think of the Tempest?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean "A Midsummer Night's Dream"...

Anyway, yes.

I like to think that all were happy enough with Shakespeare's work. But except for Macbeth's reaction, I haven't fully worked out the responses in my mind.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said in the contest that Owen still has the stone hand so are you saying that nothing else happened to him in the two hundred of so years working for Xanatos besides getting a stone hand? I found that alittle unbelivable.

Greg responds...

How does the fact that he still has a stone hand begin to indicate that 'nothing else happened to him'?

What a strange interpretation. I find that a little unbelievable.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who is more powerful Weird Sisters or Puck?

Greg responds...

The Hulk is more powerful, because as he gets madder he gets stronger. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

(Haven't I made this point already?)

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is it true that the fay don't have a true form?
If so why can't Puck in his Owen form perform magic while he is able to do it in his Puck form?

Greg responds...

It may be true.

Because becoming Owen isn't a magical act of illusion. It's a magical act of transformation.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

By 2198 how many fae are off Avalon?
Care to give a few names?

Greg responds...

Very few.

Puck. Alex.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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matt writes...

if Demona had destroyed Owen as a statue as she almost did twice in "City of Stone" what would've happened to Puck? would he have died? could he have recreated Owen if he did live?

Greg responds...

He'd have died.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

Okie-dokie, I have a really kinda bizzare Owen/Puck question here. Is Puck Owen, and Owen isn't Puck? Or is it Owen is Puck, but Puck isn't Owen? Or is it something else entirely? If it is something else entirely different, would you explain it to me, and use small words, I can be easily confused.

I just realized this question makes a lot more sense when you hear it rather than read it, so try saying the word to the question, it might help, if it doesn't help, you just wasted a minute or so of your life on a silly question.

I'm gonna stop typing now. Really. I am.

Greg responds...

Well, you sure didn't help me out much, context-wise.

I assume you mean that Owen is just an aspect of Puck, not the whole and not the other way around.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

does Owen have a social security number, pay taxes, and all that stuff? does the government have him in their records?

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Had Elisa ever meet Either Xanatos or Owen berfore awakening part 3? If yes, when?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

In "Future Tense" at the end of the illusion Elisa yells "No, not now!" and the illusion disappears and she becomes Puck. So my question is:

1. What was Puck referring to when he said that?

b. Was it Oberon's Law because Goliath realized that what he was experiancing was an illusion and the law dictates that Oberon's Children can not interfer in mortal lives and thus so forced the illusion to end?

c. Or was it another law that has to do with mortals willingly handing over talismens to Oberon's Children, kinda saying that if your intentions are discovered the game ends?

Greg responds...

1. That Goliath had figured him out when he was so close.

b. More or less.

c. More or less.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

When Puck was offering Xanatos 1 wish or life service, wouln't that be breaking Oberon's law if David chose the wish?

Greg responds...

No. Just bending it.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I guess Jully 4th was a bad guess. Is it perhaps Jully 10th now?

Now the question. What was Owen doing at the time Demona summoned him through the mirror?

Greg responds...

It's August 15th, I believe.

And I have no idea.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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JEB writes...

Regarding Team Atlantis: I don't quite understand how that universe and the Gargoyles universe can overlap in Paris 1920 and be separate otherwise. Could you explain that a bit more precisely? (I know you probably won't, but I wanted to try.)

Greg responds...

The two universes have some things in common. Some not. (Though this is all largely moot since Team Atlantis will never truly see the light of day.)

For example, they have their own Puck. (Though I suppose one might argue it's our Puck wearing a different body and using a different voice (Neil "Griff" Dickson's to be precise)).

They also have a different explanation for the Loch Ness Monster.

But they have certain things in common. And without a doubt the events that took place in Paris in 1920 took place in both universes.

Does that make it at all clearer?

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Puck said that he couldn't take the Phoenix Gate from Goliath--Goliath had to "fork it over". Is the same true for other Avalonian magical objects? I may be remembering this incorrectly, but didn't Odin physically attack Goliath and try to take back the Eye? And does this rule only apply to Children of Avalon? If so, it would explain why the Weird Sisters had to use Demona and MacBeth to steal the talismans for them (were you consciously doing this so as not to break the rule you would establish later about the Gate in "Future Tense"?)

Greg responds...

Odin may have been an exception, as the EYE could arguably belong to him.

But the general rule of non-interference prevented Puck or the Sisters from just magically or otherwise stealing anything themselves.

Response recorded on August 07, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

While I'm dealing with Oberon's non-intervention edict:

I happened to see "Future Tense" in the video room at the Gathering 2001, and spotted something that I hadn't noticed previously. Just before Goliath gets zapped by Puck's Future Tense illusion (by which, I mean, just before he gets struck by that lightning bolt which would have been Puck's spell), he wishes out loud to be able to see Hudson and the trio again. Is the timing significant, in that Goliath's spoken wish provided Puck with the loophole that he needed to put that illusion on Goliath?

Greg responds...

In part, yes.

Response recorded on August 06, 2001

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Mike M writes...

Q=how would you have developed "puck's" character

Q=would he have had further appearances on the show

Greg responds...



Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Future Tense:
1 Why didn't Goliath just let Puck have the Phenix gate?
2 Why didn't Puck just ask for the Phenix gate?
3 What would be so bad about Oberon having time traval acsess?
4 How was Goliath able to create the phenix flame above him instead of around him?

Greg responds...

1. Would you after what you had been through?
2. Not in his nature, and it wouldn't have worked.
3. What would be so good about it?
4. He used the Gate.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Gathering questions:
1a) Why does Oberon need a tracker to find Puck(a fellow fey), when both Titanya and the Wierd Sisters were able to locate the Gargoyles in the clock tower? b)Why could Oberon sence Titanya and not Puck? c)How was Budicca able to track Owen from the Park to the castle? Had Owen been frolicking in the park earlier?

2a)Did Titanya want things to end up as they did from the begining? b) If she did, how was she sure Puck would of shown up? c) If she didn't, then should I assume she wanted Gargoyles to help take the baby, and it wasn't reverse pyicoligy?

3)Why were nither Rinard, Vogel, nor the Gargoyle's put to sleep? Am I right in thinking Titanya protected them?

4)How did Rinard know about the danger? Did Xanatos or Titanya ask him for help?

5a) Why would the people of manhaten, think this was all a midsummer night's dream, with all the car crashes, injuries and, probably, deaths that occured? b) Would not all that damage break the non-interferance law?

Good luck with these, for all our sakes.

Greg responds...

1a. He was in the mood. Besides, Puck is better at hiding.
1b. Puck is not his wife/soulmate.
1c. It's a magic flute, man. Just flow with it!

2a. So she says.
2b. Intuition?
2c. I'm not going to interpret it for you.

3. Renard and Vogel were not in Manhattan when the spell was first cast. Also they had an energy field around the bridge.

4. Yes. Xanatos informed him.

5a. That's Oberon's interpretation.
5b. From his point of view, he didn't cause the damage. He was merely taking the mortals out of a conflict that would have interfered with their lives. The damage was a minor repercussion.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Is Puck one of Oberon and Titania's children? Keep in mind; if you say something like I can't tell or won't say, I'll take that as an affirmative answer.

Greg responds...

Well, Gipdac if you take every "not telling" as an affirmative you're just going to be wrong a lot.

But I will answer this. CUZ I'VE ANSWERED IT BEFORE!!!

No, Puck is not one of Oberon and Titania's children. What even gave you that impression?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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matt writes...

in "The Mirror" when Puck transformed the New York citizens into gargoyles why did he make them Scottish gargoyles?

Greg responds...

He didn't. He made them Manhattan gargoyles.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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matt writes...

1. before "The Gathering", did anyone besides Xanatos and demona know that Owen was Puck? you've said before that Fox didn't know, correct?

2. from what i know of Oberon and his relationship with Puck, i doubt that bringing him the Phoinex Gate would've convinced Oberon to let Puck stay in the mortal world any longer. what do you think?

Greg responds...

1. Correct.

2. Might have worked. Depended how Puck approached him. He's known Oberon a lot longer than you have.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How much has Owen/Puck matured by 2198? A lot?

Greg responds...

Owen is. And Puck's not around.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Jimmy_Q writes...

Hey, Greg, at the end of "the mirror" (or whatever it's called, haven't seen the series in a few years, so i may not remember every little detail), Demona was shown reacting to the situation as if she had no idea that she had somehow transformed. In fact, she didn't figure out she turned human until later in that scene. Now, if I was her, I wouldn't be enjoying the thought of not being stone during the day so much as I would be freaking out over the pain I just felt throughout my whole body. Sorry, but if all of a sudden I felt like every bone, sinew, muscle, etc. in my body was being twisted and tied into knots, I wouldn't exactly spring up and bask in the sunshine as if nothing happened. So what happened here? Is this simply simply another one of those errors made throughout the series? BTW, just in case you're wondering, i discovered this site just a night or two ago, so it's not like it took all these years for this question to occur to me. Thanks for your time, bud.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

There was no pain during that first transformation. Puck wanted to spring it on her as a surprise, so the pain was surpressed that once.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Sloth writes...

When Goliath found out Puck was Owen, or owen was puck, whey didn't he persue the matter of whether Future Tense was a dream or a profossy?

Greg responds...

What's a 'profossy'?

Seriously, did the timing seem right to you?

And at any rate, G's not a dope. He knows he'd never get a straight answer from the Puck.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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Mark Howard writes...

Right heres the deal im not the worlds biggest fan but then if i was the chances of me asking this would be pretty slim. Puck as a kid of Oberon is supseptable to only one materail (or so im lead to believe)i was wondering if you could tell me wat it is or at least if it was ever mentioned. Sorry if i sound pushy but can't think of a better way of putting it. Thanks for your help.

Greg responds...

You don't sound pushy -- just a bit portentious.

Puck isn't Oberon's kid literally, you know that right?

Anyway, Puck is vulnerable to iron. Is that what you meant?

Response recorded on June 30, 2001

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Rob (the Sloth) Irwin writes...

Does Demona know that Puck is serving Xanatos, since she said "You served the human, now you serve me".
just wondering

Greg responds...

Demona knows that Puck is Owen.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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puck<40> writes...

A question I asked earlier dealing with Oberon's Law of non interferance...
"3. If they are magically restricted, how much of a strain does that put on Oberon himself?

3. None, anymore. It's a done deal. "

1. Does this mean something is in place that could be taken down to remove the law?
2. Is Oberon bound to it just as strictly as his "children"?
3. Trying to understand this in full. I *think* I have it now. hee hee. So..... A fae cannot physically or magically *break* the law in any circumstances. Even Oberon himself. If they tried, nothing would happen since its a restriction on themselves. But if they can justify it in there minds, it provides a back door, hence the possibility. Meaning it might come easier to *some* fae than others... hence like ones who can twist meanings of ones words like no tomorrow. But the restriction is a more of a physically mental one (oxymoron 9.9;) to if they can't justify it, they can't do it. That about right?
4) Do some things take priorty over others? A for instance, Puck changes *all* the humans into gargoyles and vice versa. I can only come up with two reasons, being bound by iron and commanded to do it takes priority. Or since the humans and gargoyles never noticed the changes themselves, it didn't interefere with there lives. o.O Kinda curious. ^.^
5. a)Mab. would she be considering among the "first generation" of fae? b)Would Oberon be of second generation? c) Would Puck be Third?
6. And just a comment. ^.^ I like how you don't quantify power, because it comes in so many different forms. For instance, Oberon was magically weaker than Mab, but in terms of "power", he defeated her. anyways, just a comment.

Greg responds...

1. Huh?

2. Yes. But he's also the interpreter of his own edict. So if he can find a mental loophole, it exists. In one sense, that's true for all of them. The difference is that if Oberon later disagrees, then the transgressor may be in trouble. So everyone else has to be more careful than Oberon himself.

3. Yes. Exactly. More or less.

4. Both, I guess. He's trying to obey the law, I suppose. Mostly, he's trying to stick it to Demona for imprisoning him. He's more or less off the hook as he's Demona's slave. Oberon's more likely to punish her than him.

5abc. More or less. I'm not going to stratify things at this point.

6. YES!! Exactly.

Response recorded on June 28, 2001

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Jacob writes...

You said by day Demona is completely human, right?
But at the end of the episode when Demona and Macbeth finally have the three items (sorry, but I only know the German name of it) and they began to quarrel her eyes were glowing red. Have you an explanation for it?

Greg responds...

Well, artistic license. Either by us, or Puck, or both.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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lorienne writes...

Hey, I've read a while back somewhere that you said that you were going to have puck play his flute to temporarily put oberon in some kind of trance. and also that you were going to name him goodfellow instead of puck. also that ransom was going to be an episode with puck and other tricksters. (that idead would of totally rocked) anyways where i am getting at is puck is my ablosute favorite character. my friends and family actually wanted to get me help cause i have printouts of him all over my house. it worries them :P i was wondering if you had any ohter plans for him, or if like there were other ideas such as the flute thing that you guys were going to use. just brainstorming maybe that wasn't actually in the show. i'm just trying to dig up as much information as i can about him. thanks for taking the time to read this.

Greg responds...

Yes, I had other plans. (Though maybe it's NOT such a good idea to feed your obsession.) Have you read Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook Hill?

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Demona Taina writes...

This just ocurred to me. The night Puck put the spell on Demona, the "turn to human during the day" spell, wouldn't she had noticed that she was in PAIN when the sun rose? Instead she was just happily standing in front of a window, stretching and enjoying the heat.

1. Did Puck give her a little freebie in not letting her feel pain the first day?
2. Is it a script error?
3. If all of the above are negative, then what IS the deal?

Thanks for reading! :)

Greg responds...

1. Yes. He wanted shock value that first morning.
2. No.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, for most the sereis Xanatos doesn't know where the gargs new home is, suddenly in "Hunter's Moon" he does. my guess is that Owen/Puck found out from Goliath in "Future Tense" that the live in the Clocktower and then he told Xanatos, is that right? if not, how did Xanatos find out? i think that Xanatos was smart enough to figure they lived in the Clocktower after two years anyway, i mean, it was an obviously good place to Elisa, couldn't Xanatos figure it out?

Greg responds...

Puck may have had access to that information from as far back as "The Mirror". But info gathered by Puck was not info that Owen could give to Xanatos, as a function of their agreement.

I'm not sure Xanatos knew until Owen let it slip in Hunter's Moon, Part Three. By which time the info was useless. I guess what you're missing is that moment when David says, "My god, you mean to tell me they've been in the Clock Tower the whole time?! Why didn't I see that?! I'm such a fool!"

Of course, that's not very Xanatosian, is it? He takes the revelation in stride. As if he'd always known. That's his style.

Then again, maybe he had figured it out long ago.

On some level, I'll leave that decision up to each and every one of you.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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matt writes...

just watched "Possesions", one of my favirote eps by the way, anyway, i thought of a few questions...

1. ok, is it me, or does Lex hate Coldstone? the whole clan doesn't like Iago, but Lexington seems to hate Coldstone in general... in "Legion" he trys to convince Goliath not to invite Coldstone into the clan, or back to the clocktower and that was before they knew about the other souls in Coldstone, in "High Noon" he warns Goliath about freeing Coldstone, this time his concern was justified, but in "Possesions" Lex really seems to hate Coldstone, when Coldstone first arrives Lex screams his astonishment at Coldstone being brought to the clocktower by "Goliath" and "Hudson", then he seems to be the most skeptical about "Goliath's" plan, and then he is the only one not to volunteer for the soul transference. so, am i right? does Lex have a major problem with Coldstone? is it jealousy, i mean, does Lex wish he was as integrated with technology as Coldstone is? "Future Tense" comes to mind...

2. why does Puck keep trying to make Xanatos look evil to the gargs? in "Future Tense" his illusion of Xanatos is pretty nasty, and in "Possesions" Puck goes on about how Xanatos is about to unleash new robots and he is not sincere about oweing Goliath for helping to save his son, obviously Puck doesn't believe these things, but why try to make the gargs believe it?

3. any reason that Iago/Coldsteel didn't have a tail (either in cyberspace or as a robot) in "Possesions", but did have one in "Legion" and "High Noon"?

sorry for the lengthy questions...

Greg responds...

1. No. I don't think so. I just think he's very aware of Coldstone's potential danger to the clan.

2. He's simply playing to Goliath's weaknesses.

3. I never noticed that. Are you sure?

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Slightly silly question, but: does Owen receive Workmen's Comp for that stone hand of his, after "The Price"?

Greg responds...

Owen is well-compensated. He doesn't need extras. Or the extra paperwork.

Response recorded on April 17, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

A quick thing about OUTFOXED:

When I saw Vogel, a near-twin of Owen, I chuckled to myself and thought "Oh, there's gonna be something interesting behind that!"

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Shavri writes...

I'm curious, how much does Xanatos like Goliath, and in what way? Goliath seems to be his favorite gargoyle, because he was always modeling things after G and so on. Does he think of Goliath as his sort-of friend or his plaything? Because Xanatos really seemed to get a kick out of playing with his emotions and all. Poor Goliath...

Greg responds...

Xanatos likes Goliath a lot. Thinks he's a good guy, if a bit of a stiff. I'm not sure Xanatos yet knows the true meaning of friendship, though his relationship with Owen comes close.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Iron is obviously harmful to the fey--even deadly. However I don't understand why it is that once Puck and the Sisters were wrapped in iron chains, they followed the orders of whoever captured them. It's not like they weren't able to use magic to free themselves, as Puck was obviously able to cast spells for Demona. I don't see why they couldn't do something simple like turning themselves into mortals or teleporting away and leaving the chains behind. Similarly, I don't see why Oberon couldn't use his powers to escape from the bell (unless the bell shorted out his magic completely, but then I don't understand why this is more harmful than being in direct contact with iron chains).

Any clarification would be appreciated!

Greg responds...

You're just being too literal minded. The iron bell sent out waves of ANTI-MAGIC against a creature of pure magic.

The chains created a bondage/servant situation.


Or come up with your own explanation.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Josh Wurzel writes...

Dear Greg,

Puck seems like a pretty powerful little fae, what with the whole soul transferrence thing and turing all the humans in Manhattan into gargoyles (with help from Titania's Mirror) If Puck really wanted to, could he break the Weird Sister's spell over Demona and Macbeth? And why did he serve Oberon? Was he created/bred/conceived for that purpose? Or did he just sign up for the job? And if he did sign up for the job of Oberon's lackey, in god's name WHY did he do it?

Greg responds...

It's harder to interfere with the magic of others than it is to just cast spells of your own.

And as usual, I'd prefer not to quantify who's more powerful.

As to why Puck once served Oberon, that's a long story.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) Which race and civilization (or "clan" if they were gargoyles) created the Cauldron of Life? b) Which was the Cauldron made of--mortal, fairy, or some other magic? c) If it was made of mortal magic, did the mortal energies have any adverse effect on Puck when he dipped in his hand (other than the petrification itself), or was he spared any possible additonal effect because he was in mortal form as Owen?

2a) When the Cauldron's iron was reforged into the Coyote robot, was its ability to turn objects to stone lost? b) Did the Cauldron have any magical abilities other than petrification? c) Did the magic in the Cauldron's iron really make it more effective at capturing the Coyote fae, or would regular iron have been just as effective? If the Cauldron was made with mortal magic, did these mortal energies play a part in its effectiveness as a prison for fey?

3) What did Xanatos do with the magical iron after that Coyote robot was disabled?

Greg responds...

1a. That's a story in its own right.
1b. Mortal, largely.
1c. No adverse effects on Puck.

2a. Not necessarily.
2b. Not necessarily.
2c. Didn't hurt.

3. Wouldn't you like to know?

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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matt writes...

at the end of "The Mirror" Demona is looking out the window at the sun and she says, "I can't believe it, he actually did it. And the sun is so warm." i'm wondering, did she say she can't believe it because she thought Puck was playing games with her when he cast the spell or because she was astonished that the spell actually worked?

Greg responds...

The former. Which includes the latter.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Oberon writes...

1) If Puck made Xanatos the chioce between Puck and Owen (since Xanatos want immortallity so badly now) would he still make the same chioce.
2) I know that Owen is loyal, but given that he ofered Xanatos a life time of service, does he really want Xanatos to become immortal

Greg responds...

1. Definitely.
2. Owen does. Puck?

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1) What is Puck's sexual orientation? (assuming his true form is male) Does he have even any interest in sex?

2) Has Puck ever had any loves? If so, who and of what race?

3) Under optimal conditions for both parties, who has the most magical strength, Puck or one of the Weird Sisters (assuming the Weird Sisters are of equal strength; if not, Puck vs. the Strongest Weird Sister and Puck vs. the Weakest Weird Sister)?

Greg responds...

1. Is that really any of your business?

2. I'm not saying at this point.

3. I'm not big on quantifying this kind of thing.

Response recorded on February 22, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

I know that Puck made up the Future Tense universe to mess with Goliath's head, but we do already know that some of the things he predicted came true, such as Alex being born and the clocktower blowing up. Of course, Puck didn't have to be psychic to know these things, since Fox was pregnant, and Goliath let it slip that they lived in a clocktower, which was an obvious target for any one of their many enemies. What I was wondering, however, is whether Puck actually *had* any knowledge of the future, acquired personally or second-hand? (note, I'm not asking what that knowledge was or how he got it, just if he had any, though if you'd like to mention these things, I won't mind) ;)

Greg responds...

He might.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Oberon writes...

1: How often (if ever) did Puck turn back to his normal form prior to the gathering.
2: How often did he do magic.
3: Is his form in the mirroe his "true form"

Greg responds...

1. Periodically.

2. Periodically.

3. Who knows?

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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ANGELA writes...

Hello, Greg. This is a question about Puck/Owen. Did you plan to make Puck be Owen when you first started the show, or was it maybe a last minute thing to get the aucience shocked? It's weird we the viewer's realze that Puck was Owen the whole time!! Thanks for your time. :)

Greg responds...

We didn't know Owen was Puck from the first episode or from Owen's intro in the second, but we knew it almost immediately while working on "The Mirror", the episode that intro'd Puck.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

In A MIDSUMMER'S NIGHT DREAM Robin Good-fellow lists lurking "in a Gossips bole,/ In very likenesse of a roasted crab" and impersonating items of furniture foremost among his hobbies.
a) Has his sense of humor improved much since then?
b) Was Puck speaking literally?
c) This isn't how Owen spent his time off prior to _The Gathering_, is it? :^

Greg responds...

a. You tell me. Did you find him amusing?

b. Why not?

3. No.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

1) When Puck gave Xanatos a choice between a granted wish or "a lifetime of service from Owen", whose lifetime was he talking about?
2) Does their 'contract' actually take precedence over Puck's obligation(s) to Oberon?

Greg responds...

1. Xanatos'.

2. Oberon didn't think so. But deep down, Puck did. Now they fit together nicely, though Puck's not too happy about it.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

What are Preston Vogel's thoughts vis-a-vis his evil twin Owen? His "I assure you, sir, we are not" reply when Petros asked if he and Owen were related came out awfully smooth. (Preston's coolness may be somewhat less remarkable when you consider how much practice he must have with that line. He's still a lot more nonchalant about it than I'd expected, though. Doppelgangeren are creepy.)

Greg responds...

I don't think it was smooth at all. I think he was affronted. He just has a very thin range of demonstrable emotion.

I do think Owen bothers him.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

a- Why does Preston wear that cheesy bow tie? b- Is this why Owen wears a regular one (or vice versa)?

Greg responds...

a. He likes the look.

b. Owen's got better taste.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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