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How was Brother Valmont able to fire magical arrows with his "Saeth" spell without using a talisman or other magical conduit? I'm curious about this, since we haven't seen any other mortal sorcerers perform such feats, save for the Magus on Avalon, and he perished doing it (not to mention magic was the lifeblood of Avalon, making it possible for him to tap into it).
How do you know what he did or didn't have?
Mr. Weisman, why was Valmont called Brother Valmont? Was he a member of a religious order, or does he just pose as one?
He's not a poser.
You've mentioned that the Magus and Archmage both came across, at least initially, as conventional fantasy wizards. Their character designs certainly looked the part: the long flowing robes, the Archmage's long grey beard, etc. - the younger Magus, in the 994 scenes, struck me as looking a bit like an elvish wizard from "Dungeons and Dragons" style art (except, of course, that he's human).
When Brother Valmont entered "Gargoyles" in Brooklyn's first TimeDancer adventure, he looked quite different from these. He had no beard or hair at all, and wore a tunic and breeches rather than a robe. Did you intend his character design to differ from the "conventional fantasy wizard" look that the Archmage and the Magus both sported, to make him more original-looking?
I'm not sure I was thinking either. The bald wizard is easily as much of a cliche as the others you've mentioned.
Mostly, I was thinking "monk-gone-bad".
In "The Gate" and "Tyrants", Brother Valmont summons up fiery arrows with the word "Saeth". Is this word an invention of yours, or an actual word from some ancient language (presumably Gaelic, by the look of it)?
The latter.