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For clarification: is it fair to assume that in the Gargoyles Universe, nature operates through the principle of Darwinian natural selection as opposed to other evolutionary theories? A lot of your language seems to suggest so.
Assuming so, then the Fae's ability to use magic is just an evolutionary adaptation - albeit a magnificent one. The philosophical implications of this alone could fuel a lecture. Regardless, a sub-question: are Fae suseptible to cancer?
It's a fairly Darwinian Universe, yes.
reading through MORE timeline I found this little nugget
Vinnie visits family
Was that just random or is there a story there, and if so can we hear it?
There's a story there. And I hope you can hear it -- or at least read it -- someday. But not today.
I've been looking through your time line and an entree cought my atention.
JUNE 22 2001 A crisis brings together representatives from 4 clans.
Can you give us even a hint of what that crisis is? And if so would you please?
Yes, I could. No, I won't.
Why does Tombstone in Spectacular Spider-Man look the way he does? I know his origins in the comics, but he has yet to have an origin in the show - is it similar? I always wondered why the public does not question why he looks the way he does - does he tell them it's just a skin condition? Also, his strength is unbelievable - he took down Spidey for crying out loud! Will Tombstone's history be explored in the future if given the chance - or do you think it's best to keep it a mystery? I know that you said Tombstone with superpowers is left for us to interpret - I just would like to know if you have a definite answer for us in the future.
Thanks!!! I love the show!! Fingers crossed for a renewal!!!!
I have a definite answer, but part and parcel of it is leaving it open to your interpretation.
Hey there! just going to get to the point. You've said that gargoyles started in pangea and where at one time a international race. What happened to american gargoyles before the manhatan clan got there?
Long gone...
I'm realy nervous to ask you this because I realy dont like showing my perverse side to people I respect, but I've already asked one perverse question so I might as well ask another, even if this one is more blunt then the other.
Is Elisa a virgin?
There I asked it!
I couldn't understand why so many commentators were gushing about Hammerhead. He just seemed a generic, Dick Tracy villain type. Now I've seen Accomplices. FUN!
Uh... thanks?
Hello again sir, in the episode of Spectacular Spider-Man Accomplices I was wondering something about what happened to Mr. Kingsley. When the police arrive to make an arrest for the distribution of the illegal expirement that made Rhino they clearly see that the man they are going to arrest is Kingsley, so would he be in hiding now because of his exposure to the police during the start of the Gang War?
No evidence. They could prove he was there. Not that he ever possessed the goods.
can you get the swine flu twice?
I guess that depends on how badly you want it.
Sorry for asking so many questions. I hope you've at least found them interesting. Any way, on to the next one I want to ask you. When Grandmother healed Elisa was that realy just the plants she used that did the trick or was it a little magical intervention supplied by a loophole of some sort?
I think the former.
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