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Phil writes...

Demonskrye asked about the Buzz Lightyear episodes you wrote. I really like the show (not just your episodes, but the whole series). It ranks right up there with the Gummi Bears just behind Gargoyles.

I've notice that, except for Gargoyles, all my favorite Disney cartoons have Tad Stones' name in the credits. And we've seen from your memos that he had a hand in the development of Gargoyles, too.

What are the chances of getting Tad to come to the Gathering? Or better yet, the chances of him working on the show if/when it comes back? Just a thought.

Greg responds...

Chances are good for the former, probably slim for the latter.

Tad and I are currently developing another series together for Disney. Too soon to talk about, but hopefully we can make an announcement soon.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Hey Greg!
So that's cool that your still trying to get the Gargoyles back, I really miss 'em, alot of people do. I know about ten people at school that really want 'em back. So theres about ten fans plus millions on the web. I really wish there was something I could do, I wrote Buena Vista tons of times, but from my point of view that's the only thing I could do. Do you have any ideas that might help get the word out people still miss Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Organize a big group of all ten of your friends and their parents and siblings etc to come to Los Angeles next June for the GATHERING 2001. I'm not kidding. The best way you can help me get the show back on the air is to make attendance at this year's gathering HUGE!

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Ishimura Clan questions:

1. After seeing the memo recently posted on naming schemes used in the series, I was wondering if any specific pattern was used with the Ishimura clan?

2. I don't know how involved you were with the individual names of the Ishimura clan, but what does Kai's name mean? Sora and Yama have only one kanji character associated with their names (yama: "mountain, hill, knoll," sora: "sky, heavens, air"), but there are over 40 kanji characters that are pronounced "KAI".

Greg responds...

1. I believe so. Yama means mountain, and I vaguely recall that the other names Sora and Kai meant something too. Can't remember what anymore, though. Sorry.

2. Oh. So Sora means sky. That just leaves Kai. Might it mean "Leader"? I just can't remember. But you can ask Story Editor Gary Sperling at the 2001 Gathering in Los Angeles this June.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Mary Mack writes...

I'm glad you love "Buffy". I do too; it's such a great show. (Reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch...)

Speaking of vampires (So I'm not subtle. At least I'm not talking about Star Wars any more), is there anything else you're willing to tell us about Gargoyles-Universe vampires?

Are they vulnerable to sunlight, for instance?

How does one become a vampire?

I remain on the edge of my seat.

Oh! And, while I don't know about sixteen people (as you suggested/inferred), I am trying to rope everyone I possibly can into attending the Gathering. Family's covered; time to wear down friends and co workers. I open a lot of conversations with "Did you ever see a show called 'Gargoyles'?"

A friend of mine was once baby-sat by Marina Sirtis. (Ms. Sirtis and my friend's parents were in a production of "the Rocky Horror Show" together.) Now that Marina Sirtis is a guest, I'm sure I can get my friend to come... and her boyfriend... I think I'm up to about five or six good leads, plus my family.

Sixteen.... Maybe.

Greg responds...

Wow. Great going. I'm bringing guests too. Including Marina, Thom Adcox, Frank Paur, Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler, Jamie Thomason and more. I'm up to 22 now.

Can't you all match that? :)

As to vampires... you'll have to keep that breath bated a little longer. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 16, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1) How does the Matrix's consciousness/mind work? Is it the collective "mind" of all the nanites, or are some nanites assigned the function of being the "brain", and direct the actions of the rest of the nanites?

2) *Must* the nanites obey the collective mind/"brain-nanites", or is it in their capactity to work apart from it?

3) Did the nanites somehow fuse themselves *into* Dingo's body, or do they just form a suit of armor around him?

Greg responds...

1) All of the above.

2) They all do. Whether they "must" or not is a different issue.

3) Just armor around him. Come to the Gathering to see the BAD GUYS Leica Reel and you'll see how Dingo and Matrix interacted.

Response recorded on November 16, 2000

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alexandra lynn freeberg writes...

greg u said something about the gathering i have herd about it please tell me how?
and what i would bring i have seen pic of others do u wear coustumes?

Greg responds...

I haven't personally come in costume, unless you count my traditional striped shirt.

But costumes are welcome. For more info check out the G2001 website: http://gathering.gargoyles-fans.org/

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Brian writes...

I am 15 and my family and I are planning a trip to the gathering 2001. I'm the only one who's really interested. Are the events all day long or just in the evening? Do you know what events are the most important for someone of my age? Thanks.

Greg responds...

Brian, I hesitate to generalize for "someone of [your] age". You're 15. You could be anyone by now.

At any rate, there are a full day's worth of events every day. I recommend keeping a close eye on the Gathering 2001 website. The staff have a mighty impressive schedule in the works, which should see the light of day soon. And you can decide for yourself what you'd like to see. If you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask them or come back here and ASK GREG.



Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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RPG [rpg7@poczta.fm] writes...


I'd like to ask You for a Carl Johnson, editor of the such wonderful music sound track to the Gargoyles. Yes, I know there's nothing like a original motion picture soundtrack from the series (however, I know about a fan-made one), but what I want to know if something about this guy, especially what other movies he illustrated with music (I've asked many people, on cr too, but nobody know really nothing).

Another question: how You probably know, there was a TV horror movie Gargoyles (which I haven't seen, btw). I'm curious if You saw this movie and if it inspired You even a little.

Sorry for my english (I'm a polish fan), and thank You in advance for answering my questions and doing it for fans - You are great! ^_^

[Btw: I noticed there was a question about a possibility of releasing a Gargoyles role-playing game. If You are interested to see a fan-made amatour rp conversions of series, I've got some (there's much more of this stuff on the web) of them at following adress ftp://vortex.efekt.pl/people/gargoyle%5E/gargoyle_gamez/]

Greg responds...

Carl wasn't the music editor. He was the composer. He's a nice guy, but I don't have access to his bio. He will, however, be a guest at the 2001 Gathering in Los Angeles. I suggest you attend. (I know Poland's a long ways away, but L.A. is a great city to vacation to. And we've had fans come from Europe and even Japan and Israel before.)

If we're talking about the Cornell Wilde/Bernie Casey tv movie, than yes, I saw it. But I don't think I got any inspiration from it, since I saw it AFTER we had developed the series.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Alexandra Freeberg writes...

please let gargoyles be back on the air i will do aney thing e-mail me at avalon@rome.com

Greg responds...

I'd do nearly anything myself. But I don't control the property. Again, Alexandra, if you really want to help than PLEASE attend the GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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John Edward writes...

Hey Greg,...I am a Gargoyles Fan, and i wanna know about some future proyect, you know, like a movie or more Chapters of the serie......Thanx a million

Greg responds...

There's a live-action movie in development at Touchstone Pictures (a division of the Walt Disney Company). I hope to bring the series back in one form or another some day. And I'm working to that end.

The best way you can help is by attending the Gathering 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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I'd just like to point out that I'm a man of my word. At the 2000 Gathering in Orlando, I vowed that the 2001 Gathering in L.A. would have a MINIMUM of 20 special guests. As of today, we officially have 21. And we're not done by a long shot.

Of course, the big news is MARINA SIRTIS, the voice of Demona, will be attending.

Here's the official announcement reprinted by permission of the G2001 staff:

The Fifth Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles
The Gathering 2001: City of Angels
June 22-25, 2001 -- Los Angeles, CA


The staff of The Gathering 2001 is pleased and excited to announce the addition of SIX NEW GUESTS. We're most excited because the list of new
additions starts with the voice of Demona herself, MARINA SIRTIS! Also well known for her role as Counselor Deanna Troi in the "Star Trek: The Next
Generation" television series and films, Ms. Sirtis joins the voice of Lexington, Thom Adcox-Hernandez, on the sure to be growing list of "Gargoyles"
voice actors and actresses who will be in attendance at The Gathering 2001.

But wait, that's not all! We also have five new names joining our guest roster from the "Gargoyles" staff and production crew: Lisa Salamone, Jamie
Thomason, Karen Peterson, Dave Schwartz, and Julie Morgavi. Many said it couldn't be done when we promised at least 20 guests - more than every
previous Gathering combined - but our complete list is now up to 21! And even more are sure to be added in the future!

For the complete guest list and most recent info, visit:

With such a terrific guest list and so many exciting events planned, it's a sure bet that The Gathering 2001 is going to be THE place to be for "Gargoyles"
fans next June. Our goal is to have 500 people or more in attendance at what will be the BIGGEST and BEST Gathering yet, and only YOU can make it
happen. If you have already registered and purchased your membership, we thank you! But if you haven't, please don't wait too much longer! The
early-bird membership rate of $30.00 for adults ($15.00 for children ages 10 to 14) will only last until December 31, 2000! Don't lose out on what could
be as much as a 50% discount! The rate goes up to $40.00 for adults ($20.00 for children) as of January 1, 2001, and the adult membership rate at the
door will $60.00.

And while you're signing up for your membership, don't forget to reserve a place at the Gala Awards Banquet! Many of our special guests - including
Marina Sirtis, Thom Adcox-Hernandez, and Greg Weisman - are scheduled to be in attendance at this special event, and we hope to see YOU there, as
well. Tickets are only $60.00 per person and they are going fast! Seating is limited, so don't delay!

For more information about the convention, visit us on the web at:

Or contact us by e-mail at gathering2001@art-chicks.com

We hope to see YOU in Los Angeles next June!

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Amberie writes...

You mentioned earlier that Simon Kinberg was writing the latest script for the movie and that he'd be done by October. So, since it's just about November, have you heard anything so far?

Thanks so much...for your efforts and for all those wonderful contests. I'll definitely be there for the 2001 Gathering!

Greg responds...

I haven't, which isn't surprising, as they aren't great about keeping me informed. I'll try to remember to check in with them next week.

And I'll see you in June.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Happy Rosh Hashanah!
1. A Wyvern is a mythical beast, akin to a dragon. So how come Wyvern Hill is named such? Did a battle with a wyvern occur here, or does one sleep in the caves under the ground? Or something else entirely?

Greg responds...

Not saying. But there's a hint in the Dark Ages pitch which you can see at any Gathering -- like next year's in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

uhm... im seeing posts about "2198" contest or something. did you announce the next contest (after the 'guess 14 clans' contest) BESIDES the "who can bring the most ppl to G01" (ill do my best on that one)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Greg writes...

Ok, so I'm quite new to this. I'm from South Africa and we only got one season of Gargoyles and then I bought the feature film (Heroes Awaken)That's all I've seen. I love it, they are all brilliant. I was wondering as I always do wether there were any plans to release the series (in full) and all the movies on DVD. Come on, you know you want to!!! mickeyandme@hotmail.com

Greg responds...

I know _I_ want to. Not up to me. The first season was released on video. The movie you rented, plus four other tapes with two episodes each covering all 13 eps of the first season.

But as far as I know, Disney has no current plans to go beyond that. But we're gonna try and change their minds, particularly at this summer's Gathering in L.A. I know South Africa is pretty far away, but how 'bout making a family vacation out of it?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm... soon after the winning deduction of Vashkoda (one post after I posted the wrong Phillipines guess) I had realised it would indeed be the winning guess post and had congratulated her concerning it. It now seems that this congratulatory post was deleted. WHY, Gorebash or Todd? It's been said that not all comments need be questions...


Greg responds...

It helps very much. (Not that you had anything to make up for.) Nice recruiting. Four people in two months. By June I'm expecting you'll have Sixteen. Right? :)

Can anyone top Mary? How about an unofficial competition to see who can recruit the most people to G2001?

Ready, set, GO!!

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Mary Mack writes...

Wow, people are noticing me. That's odd, in a good way. Thanks for the support, Entity. Thanks for leaving me an avenue for reching you, zippysquir. And, Aris? I got my Vrykolakes story from one of Llewellyn's Magickal Almanacs-- I forget which year. They specialize in the older versions of legends, so I didn't even realize (should've, because you mentioned that Ancient Greek was closer to Modern Greek than Middle English is to Modern English) that somebody else might know the word in a different context.

And Greg? Thanks so much for letting all of us who get off-topic come back later and ask relevant questions. 'Cuz I can't think of one right now, and I'm sorry about that.

Oh well. You're a wonderful person anyway. Will it help if I tell you that I'm going to the Gathering 2K1, and I'm bringing at least four friends? Maybe five, I'm still working on it...

Greg responds...

It helps very much. (Not that you had anything to make up for.) Nice recruiting. Four people in two months. By June I'm expecting you'll have Sixteen. Right? :)

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Ithica writes...

NO questions:

1. I'm quite interested in the Romeo-Juliet relationship in NO. (Maybe I'm just a romantic) I take it the two involved in it are called Sphinx and Terry Chung?
2. Obviously, Sphinx is a NO. Is Terry a human?
3. Is Terry male or female?
4. What, as vaguely or roughly as you'd like, does Sphinx look like?

Note: I have never seen your NO pitch. *Sob* I've never been to a Gathering!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Male.

4. Come to the next Gathering and see for yourself. L.A. 2001. Fourteen announced special guests already (and it's only September). You really don't want to miss this one.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Stephanie Stanley stephstan @yahoo.com writes...

We are having a difficult time finding the gargoyles action figures. E-bay has been our only avenue lately. Any suggestions?

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry. You might try attending the Gathering in L.A. this coming June. There always seem to be some action figures available in the dealers room.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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DKomit2000@gateway.net writes...

Hello Greg,

I have been a gargoyle fan since the first episode and I was looking through this site and I found out that you are trying to bring back the show and I have two questions about this.
1)If you did bring back the show would the same charaters (voices) be the same?
2)It all matters how many people come to the gathering next year right?So I was wondering what about the people (kids) who what to come but don't have the money nor will there parents let them come,could you do a internet site or something for the people who can't come? I was wondering this becaues I live in Arizona and I know that my mom would not let me come, and I was thinking about all the other parents who wouldn't let there kids come because of money wise or it's just to far away.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Well, there is an internet site:


So check there on a regular basis.

But, if this isn't too obnoxious, try working on your mom to get her to make L.A. in June a family vacation. There's a lot to see. Universal Studios and Universal Citywalk are both in the same location as G2001's hotel. Plus Disneyland's not too far. Magic Mountain. Hollywood. Rodeo Drive. Etc. etc. etc. Anyway, it's worth a shot. You've got nine months to convince her, right? (Please, feel free to ignore me.)

I would like to clarify what you wrote. Getting a large turnout at G2001 is the best ammunition I can get to getting the show back in some way, shape or form. It's not a guarantee. What I can guarantee, because I've been in on some of the planning discussions with the con staff is that this con is going to kick ass. It's really going to be great. With many guests from the cast and crew who made the show.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

addition to quest in my last post: If Not Keith, how hard would it be to get Jeff Bennet or Thom to read one line?

Greg responds...

Neither would be impossible, but again, I don't like to speak FOR them.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Okay, a G2K1 question for ya: If someone in the fandom (I'm already making plans) Were to make a commerical for G2K1 using video and sound clips from the first two seasons; would it be legal to have it air on a television station? Or do you know?

Also, how much would it cost to get Keith David to record like 2 lines for it? Or more accurately, how realistic would it be to even talk him into doing it?

G2k1 here I come! And bringing half of San Francisco with me if I can help it! ^_^

Greg responds...

I'm not a lawyer. I don't know. But I think it could be a problem if you didn't have Disney cooperation. I'm not sure getting Disney cooperation would be impossible, however. Why would they object?

Keith's a good guy. But I don't want to speak for him or his representation.

I'd suggest coordinating with the con staff.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Had a good time at the Gargoyles Adult Chatroom the other day, and it got me thinking. Someone named VP (or VJ?) made the point that everything I've done after, well, "The Journey" I guess, is fanfiction. At first, I misunderstood him. For example, I thought he was confusing Katana with Sata. But he made it clear, that he meant the quote-unquote Master Plan. My initial reaction was to balk.

But I think he's got a point.

Some of this stuff was completed while I was still on the Disney Payroll in late '95, early '96, but none of it's canon in my mind. Canon, as far as I'm concerned only includes the 66 episodes running from "Awakening, Part One" through "The Journey". The other 12 Goliath Chronicles are debatable. Because the show ISN'T on the air, I think I personally am free NOT to regard them as canon. If and/or when the show does get going again in some shape or form, then a more definitive decision will have to be made at that point about those additional 12 stories.

But putting Goliath Chronicles (and Marvel Comics and Disney Adventures, etc.) aside for the moment, that still leaves us with what to do about things like:

--"Once Upon a Time There Were Three Brothers..."
--Various ASK GREG and other revelations.
--My further plans for the GARGOYLES main series itself.

Calling the work I've done on any of the above "fanfic" rankles at first, but that's largely a problem of semantics. It certainly isn't canon. At this point, legally, I have no more connection to the GARGOYLES property than any of you do. Plus, as I've said many times before, I won't be held to any of it. Hell, for all you know everything I've revealed is just one big snow-job to keep you from guessing my real plans. (It's not, but it might have been smarter of me if it was.)

I do think I'm something of an authority on the subject of Gargoyles. And I also think that if the show is ever brought back, the PTB at Disney would be likely (at least given current management) to come to me first to try and revive it. Plus I'm actively working on getting the show revived, again "in some shape or form".

But that doesn't change anything regarding the question of canon.

As many of you know, I've been working on a major revision of 2158. This is taking me longer than I thought, because -- and I shouldn't have been surprised by this, but -- it's effecting the ENTIRE chronology of the series. In addition to changing the year (and thus the title) of GARGOYLES 2158, I've already been forced to go back and make adjustments to both DARK AGES and "Once Upon A Time...Three Brothers". I now know that the last posted chapter of three brothers wound up being the last chapter of that little story period. Because "3Bros" really wound up being just a prologue to DARK AGES. And where "3Bros" leaves off is in fact right at the beginning of where DARK AGES begins.

The 2158 revamp has also necessitated minor changes in TimeDancer. And has clarified my thinking on Pendragon and Bad Guys as well.

[Thankfully, none of it has effected the Clan Contest. We should still be able to put that monster to bed soon.]

All this flux has made it difficult for me to keep certain details clear in my head. For example, at that Friday 9/1/00 chat, I revealed that Hudson had two biological children, Hyppolyta and Broadway. That was an error. Hudson had THREE biological children. (I got my dates mixed up.)

I'm hoping that the work I'm doing now will clean a lot of stuff up. I'm hoping that clarity (and my personal certainty) will return. But this flux isn't necessarily a bad thing. I know I screwed up at least a few times (Garg Universe-wise) within the 66 episodes. I tried to keep those mistakes to a minimum, but they happened. I'd like to avoid making more mistakes, even here at ASK GREG. I definitely feel like I'm getting closer to the "true" Gargoyles Universe, if that's possible and/or makes any sense.

Updates on all this should come over the next ten months. But I'm targeting Gathering 2001 for completion. I'm hoping to be able to make some big announcements there. So bear with me.

But to be fair to VP, he was right. I wouldn't call what I do "fanfiction". For starters, none of it is in the form of fiction. And so calling it that may be giving it TOO MUCH credit. But at the moment, I have no more claim to canon than anyone.

Rather, I'd say that if you like the stories I did come up with on the original 66, and think you might enjoy what I'd do next -- the way you might enjoy what Christine Morgan or Christi Smith Hayden or TGS does next -- than stay tuned. I've got more to tell you and more to reveal by and by.

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Tana writes...

Well, I'll have you know that I'm making every effort to get myself, and probably more than half on my entire school's enrolled population to go to the Gathering: City of Angels. I'm gonna put up posters and all sorts of coniving things that even Xanatos would be proud of. I figure since I go to an Art School in San Francisco, that I can scare up plenty of people who are gargoyles closet fans. *gives an exstactic hug to greg "the man!"* Any chance we might get Frank Paur at the upcoming gathering?

Greg responds...

A good chance, I'd say. We'll invite him as soon as we have a confirmed date and location (i.e. hotel) to invite him to. That should be soon.

And I'm gonna hold you to that attendance figure!

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

in response to your question 'would anyone attend a CPR class at G01?' - - YES. ive learned CPR at least twice in my life (once in life management class in high school and once in basic training) and i think its VERY important. ive actually watched someone die. a girl drowned right in front of me. my dad dragged her out of the pool and pumped her chest for 20 mins until the paramedics arrived. unfortunately it was too late- she had already been under water for 10 minutes by the time we got there. she died because her friends were too drunk to help her. i always thought that maybe if they had known CPR, they might have been drunk enough to try it.

Greg responds...

As Elisa said "CPR, the gift that keeps on giving." I took it once when Erin was born, but it's been too long. I'd definitely take it again.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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