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TheKingofWinter writes...

not sure if this is asking for spoilers, given i have no idea how far your plans for how you would feature the gargoyles version of atlantis in story, but here goes.

How far did the atlantean empire stretch in the gargoyles universe before the continent fell into the sea, and was the continent located west of africa like the the original legends go, or was it somewhere else?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. Sorry.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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B writes...

You've indicated that Nimue was the third daughter of Igraine and Gorlois, exchanged with the changeling Morgana. Does that make her magic (or that of stolen children in general, if you prefer) mortal sorcery by definition? Except mortal sorcery isn't allowed on Avalon, where stolen human children would logically be raised. Did she not know any magic before Merlin taught her (as in the legend) despite her upbringing by the Third Race, or is she (or stolen children in general, if you prefer) able to manipulate the energies of Avalon like the Magus learned to, thus technically staying within the prohibition?

Greg responds...

Mostly, I'm going to answer: NO SPOILERS. But I will say that not every option you cited above is mutually exclusive with every other option.

Response recorded on October 31, 2016

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James writes...

Did the Gargoyles have a diffrent title for thier race and just adopted the name Gargoyles from man, or were they always known as Gargoyles

Greg responds...

It seems that the word "Gargoyles" descended from the Atlantean word "Gorlois". Whether that word is truly Atlantean, or itself came out of something the gargoyles themselves articulated is as yet unknown.

Response recorded on March 17, 2010