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Marvelman writes...

To what extent does the League understand Vandal's true agenda? Do they understand Vandal has an agenda beyond forcing human evolution? Do they understand that Vandal is doing what he is doing to fight Apokolips & Darkseid?

Greg responds...

Up to a point, yes.

Response recorded on August 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

When ocean master was a member of the light was he aware that klarion and vandal savage’s sunk Atlantis?

Greg responds...

Don't know. Probably not.

Response recorded on August 18, 2022

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Carson C writes...

1) Are Superman's powers working into space or on Apokolips ?
2) When Lex proposed that Klarion stop the armada back in season 3, was he serious ? I mean, is Klarion that powerful ?
3) How powerful is he actually ?
Thank you for this show, it's amazing and and like it more and more ! Wonderful work :)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure what you're asking here. His powers - such as they are - work under yellow suns, and don't work under red suns. So, yes, they work in space if the closest sun is yellow, or if he's retained enough of a yellow sun "charge" to keep going for a bit.

1a. As for Apokolips, have we shown its sun?

2. Did Lex propose that? I thought it was Vandal. Anyway, he's potentially that powerful. I mean think about it. He could portal them away without even attacking. In theory.

3. He's a Chaos Lord. He's plenty powerful.

Response recorded on August 18, 2022

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Impetuous_77 writes...

I only got 1 question..

1. Since Superboy hates monkeys, does he love rats?

Greg responds...

I don't understand or see any causal connection between those two things.

Response recorded on August 18, 2022

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Family writes...

This might be a question for the designers, but were Wildcat's bandages carried over from Batman: The Brave and the Bold?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on August 15, 2022

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Mark writes...

Hello! I have a question about the Crock family's finances.

It's been shown that Artemis lived in the same rundown apartment not just after Paula got out of jail and Crusher left, but before that as well.

But it appears Sportsmaster was a high level assassin and mercenary employed/contracted by very powerful and wealthy organisations, not least the Light and League of Shadows. And Huntress too, pre-injury/capture. I'd assume that would pay pretty well, so why do they live in such poor conditions? I wouldn't expect Wayne Manor levels of opulence, but they surely could have afforded much better than that apartment.

Could you shed any light on their financial situation please? Or am I just overestimating how much assassins get paid? I have my own theory for why, but that might constitute an original idea, so I won't mention it here.

Greg responds...

No one ever accused Crusher of being a genius with money.

Response recorded on August 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Great work on Phantoms so far; the mid-season finale was incredible and I'm excited to see how the rest of the season turns out!

I have a bit of an obscure question, but I was wondering if you and the Young Justice team had discussed how Mount Justice was formed? I understand that the mountain itself has been used in other DC media before YJ, and it's mentioned in the first season of YJ that Superman and Green Lantern had hollowed out this universe's mountain and reinforced it, but I was wondering if you had a general idea about how the mountain itself was formed? I'm not familiar with Rhode Island geography, but a singular mountain of that size on the coast seems like a super unique occurrence!

If you guys hadn't discussed this weird little tidbit, no worries at all. Thanks!

Greg responds...

Yeah, sorry. It's never come up before now.

Response recorded on August 15, 2022

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Anonymous Idiot writes...

Ay I got a few questions

1. When did Lynn Stewart and Black Lightning get married?
1a. when did they get divorced?
2. When did Hawkman and Hawkwoman get married?
3. Is Black Canary married to Green Arrow?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Zero.

1a. Team Year Seven.

2. I haven't nailed this down.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 15, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

Are there Zeta-Tubes on Oa?

Greg responds...

Not Earth Zeta-Tubes, no.

Response recorded on August 12, 2022

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FictionalCountryGuru writes...

1. Did you and Brandon ever bother coming up with Queen Bee's actual name?
2. Were Troia and Garth's relations to Man's World and the Surface World respectively what gave them an edge in beating out other candidates for becoming the ambassadors for Themyscira and Atlantis? If not, were their relatively young ages (physically in Troia's case) and, as such, lack of experience in intergovernmental and foreign relations seen as a problem by some?
3. Are Themysicra and Atlantis the most recent additions to the United Nations, or did Greater Bialya join after them?
4. Troia is the current Secretary General of the UN. How is this possible given her young age (again, physically) and what is surely only a handful (if that) of years worth of experience, not to mention the country she represents being one of the newest additions to the UN as well?
5. Is Vlatava a member of the United Nations?

Greg responds...

1. Is it me, or is that question just LACED with attitude? Did we bother? Did DC Comics bother? Maybe we CHOSE not to reveal any prior identity.

2. Their experience with the "outside world" was a determining factor.

3. I haven't tracked that, but Greater Bialya is just the successor to Bialya. So it's been with the U.N. longer.

4. Politics.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on August 12, 2022

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FictionalCountryGuru writes...

1. Is Vlatavastok the capital of Vlatava?
2. Is the royal family of Vlatava (a.k.a. Queen Perdita) based out of Vlatavastok?
3. What year was Greater Bialya founded: in the second half of 2016, in 2017, or in the first half of 2018?
4. Is Bialya--now Greater Bialya--still seen as a constitutional monarchy after Queen Bee's use of violent meta-human criminals to invade and take over Qurac?
5. Was Bialya ever a member of the United Nations, or did it only join (thus allowing Sumaan Harjavti to become its UN Ambassador) after forming Greater Bialya?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. 2017

4. Greater Bialya claims it's a constitutional monarchy. But it's really a dictatorship.

5. It was a member.

Response recorded on August 12, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Does Cadmus know that Clark Kent is Superman?

Greg responds...

Depends on how you define "Cadmus". But the short answer is no.

Response recorded on August 11, 2022

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Kevin writes...

1. What does Vandal Savage in general think of religion? Not asking a specific one just what are his thoughts on spirituality since he was born before organized religion.
2. Why doesn't Vandal Savage want his story to be told wouldn't he want to be known/remembered as a hero/leader of humanity?
3. Does Vandal Savage have an enhanced memory along with enhanced strength and healing? Does he have a better grasp of recollections of past events or is he closer to what regular humans have?
4. What made Vandal Savage choose his current name "Vandal Savage"? I am guessing Savage is for what is needed to survive but why did he choose Vandal?
5. Does he know the difference between Survivor of the Fittest and Social Darwinism? As in one who adapts to environment and not the ones with the best physical/intellectual traits that Social Darwinists think they have.

Greg responds...

1. It's useful.

2. No. He prioritizes his plans for the future over any fame regarding his past.

3. Better than normal.

4. I don't know at this time. Obviously, we kinda inherited the name on YJ.

5. He believes in both, I think. I'm sure he knows the difference.

Response recorded on August 11, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

Did the Justice Society elect leaders?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 10, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

What did The Team do with Bane? (besides tying him to a tree?)
Where did Dr. Fate take the sorcerers in "Misplaced?"

Greg responds...

1. Nothing.

2. I can't recall if we had anything in mind.

Response recorded on August 09, 2022

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Family writes...

Were The Terror Twins your idea?

Greg responds...

Pretty much.

Response recorded on August 09, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

What kind of crimes did Eel O'Brian commit before he became Plastic Man?

Greg responds...

He was a heist artist, I believe.

Response recorded on August 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is teekl 1 monster transformation something teekl 1 is capable of herself or can she only take on that form with klarion’s magic?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Are Kent Nelson, Madame Xanadu, Zatanna and Zatara Homo Magi?

Greg responds...

Zatanna and Zatara are.

Kent and Nimue may be, but until we tell more of each one's story, the answer for them is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 08, 2022

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Family writes...

How did Luthor know that Superboy was out of shields?

Greg responds...

It's rather mysterious, isn't it?

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

Where were Aqualad and Zatanna during "Performance?"
Are Carlo and his brother twins?
Who voiced them?
When did Raymond Jensen become Parasite?

Greg responds...

1. Otherwise occupied.

2. Yep.

3. I don't think Carlo spoke, did he? As for his brother, I don't recall for certain. I have a vague memory it was Nolan North.

4. August, 2006.

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Where were Artemis, Robin, and Aqualad during "Agendas?"

Greg responds...

Celebrating Thanksgiving?

Response recorded on August 05, 2022

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me writes...

according to
Troia and the marvels left the team in year 5 and the video game, Young Justice: Legacy, tasks place in February of team year 5 and they aren't in it does that mean they left in either January or before February 15.
also according to this
time become robin in the same time frame, did they level before or after he joined? or did you mean that he becomes robin in July-august and they left between July to February 15?

Greg responds...

1. Just because they weren't in the game doesn't definitively mean they had already left the Team. Robin wasn't with the others in "Denial," but he was still with the Team. He was simply otherwise occupied. I haven't set a specific date (beyond the year) for when those three left the Team.

2. Again, you're attempting to connect things up that don't need to be connected. I haven't set a specific date (beyond the year) for when Tim Drake/Robin joined the Team.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

Where did the Brain and Monsieur Mallah vanish to in "Alpha Male?"

Greg responds...

Does it matter?

In that moment, they didn't necessarily go far. It was all misdirection.

Shortly thereafter, they rendezvoused with Ultra-Humanite in Bwunda.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

When the soon-to-be founders of the Justice League first met, did everyone immediately get along?

Greg responds...

Generally, if not perfectly.

Response recorded on August 03, 2022

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