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Tyler writes...

Hi Greg,

Congrats on the new YJ show. I'm extremely excited for the show. I have a couple questions. The first is there going to be any major character or minor character deaths in the first season of the show? Also another question I was wondering is what do you personally think of the new Aqualad, do you think he's leadership material and do you believe he'll be a likeable character to watch? My last question is how much creative guidance do you have on this project, are as much creative control as you did in the spectacular spiderman?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. I'm stunned by this question. OF COURSE, I think he's leadership material and believe he'll be a likable character to watch, since Brandon and I co-created him, made him the leader and put him in the show. Seriously, what did you expect me to say?

3. Brandon and I have been given full creative control. Which is not to say that we don't have guidance from Warner Bros., DC and Cartoon Network. We do. But I feel very free on this show, as I did on SpecSpidey.

Response recorded on August 20, 2010

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Steven D. writes...

Hello again.
I have one other Young Justice question.

I was always a fan of the shows set within the DC animated universe.
While doing some of the most faithful adaptations I have ever seen, they still occasionally created a brand new character for the show. Some would get so popular, they would eventually find their way to the comics themselves, becoming a full part of the mythology (Harley Quinn being the most famous example).

This is obviously the opposite of what you did with Spectacular Spiderman, which drew entirely from the Spider's already rich mythos.

Since DC has just as rich of a mythos to draw from, I'm curious, which path are you taking with Young Justice:
1) Drawing entirely from the existing DC mythology, or
2) Occasionally creating a brand new character.

Also, are there any lessons you've taken from past DC adaptations for developing Earth-16?
Thanks again.

Greg responds...

All of the above.

Response recorded on August 18, 2010

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Mo writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. First, let me say how sorry I am that Spec Spidey was cancelled. It truly was the best show Marvel ever produced and was the first I honestly felt told stories of the web-slinger and didn't talk down to it's audience. Bravo on making an excellent program.

This does, however, make me all the more excited about Young Justice. I never read that specific series, but i've been a fan of Teen Titans for a while (including the trippy TV series) and am really looking forward to this series. I have a few questions, though:

1) Why the change in Aqualad's character? Was Garth just not interesting enough or was Jackson just cooler? And did the idea for him come from the comic first or did you guys make it up?
2) Why add Ms. Martian to the roster? She's a fun character to be sure, but doesn't exactly scream classic Titans/YJ member (It sort of seems like she's a stand-in for Starfire as the 'alien immigrant' of the team).
3) Will any voice actors from Spec Spidey be working on Young Justice?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

Just to be clear, Marvel did not produce Spectacular Spider-Man, though of course they were very involved. But Sony produced the series, not Marvel.

1. The idea came from myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa, though we had many, many conversations with the folks at DC, including Geoff Johns, obviously. And obviously, we think he's an interesting and cool character, or we would not have put him in there.

2. She's not a stand-in for Starfire at all - not in our minds. She's not a stand-in for anyone. To be honest, you need to get out of the mindset of some kind of fixed team, where all we did was substitute a few characters here for a few characters there. That wasn't our process AT ALL. We began with a list of over fifty teen heroes (male and female) and chose the ones that worked best for us on a number of different levels, ranging from chronology, power mix, personality, iconicness, dynamics, etc. We really started from scratch, with no preconceptions. It would be best if the fans did the same.

3. Yes, some.

Response recorded on August 18, 2010

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Tank writes...

Hi Greg! Love your work! Anyway, Can you tell me if any of these characters will appear in Young Justice: Raven, Zatanna, Starfire, Wonder Girl, Harley Quinn, or Joker will be appearing? Telling me if any of them will appear will be really Nice! Thanks!

Greg responds...

Yes, I can tell you that some of the characters you named will be in Season One.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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AJC writes...

Very excited for your new series! Its good that you can move on to something else, especially after how spec spidey ended.

My questions are, how much have you watched of teen titans and justice league and JLU?

Will you watch the new ultimate spider-man cartoon when it comes out?

Greg responds...

I've watched many Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans episodes (particularly from the early seasons of each) but not every single episode.

And, no, I won't watch Ultimate Spider-Man, though that's not a dig at it. If it's great, it'll just drive me crazy with envy. If it's not, it'll just drive me crazy with frustration. It's a no win proposition for me. So I might as well just avoid it.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Steven D. writes...

Hey Greg.
I'm a first time asker but a long fan.
This summer I used my DVR to rediscover the Gargoyles series on DisneyXD, and finally saw the first 65 episodes at least once. I truly feel it is one of, if not the most, underrated action cartoon of all time.
I also was a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and it was the first time in a very long while I was really saddened to see a show I like come to an end.
I really hope both will find ways to live on in the future.

Anyways, I am now looking to the future at Young Justice. I have felt a great emptiness in quality action cartoons lately, and being a DC fan, I'm excited and intrigued.

As I've been reading up on it, I found the premise particularly interesting, specifically how the Justice League maintains a constant presence, and their own fame prevents them from operating, and require their wards to carry on the fight.

The main reason I found this interesting is in the Teen Titans cartoon, (which it sounds like you're familiar with. Apologizes if you are not), some of the situations seemed so dire and world threatening, you had to wonder sometimes why the experienced Leaguers NEVER intervened, or at the very least why Robin never called on his old partner.

I know a few of these were based on old comic story lines (like the Judas Contract), so since I've never read the originals, I don't have any reference to how world shattering events were dealt with in the original stories.

But regardless, was the decision to include the Justice League and give them a reason to not be actively involved in the story influenced by the sometimes in implausible absence of them in past adaptations, like Teen Titans?

Thanks Greg, and good luck on the show.

Greg responds...

Brandon Vietti and I wanted to cut our own path, navigating between Scylla & Charibdys, i.e. between the incredibly impressive creatively and commercially successes of the Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans television series. So our tone and depiction of the DCU would be different from both. But I'm NOT confirming your last statement, which sounds like a dig at Teen Titans to me. Everything we're doing is organic to the show we developed and no longer any kind of reaction to or against anything in those other series.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Grant writes...

I noticed there are numerous references to the number sixteen in Young Justice including:
-a 16 member justice league
-from reports this is an Earth 16
-Miss Martian is 16 in Martian Years
-Connor is 16 weeks

Is this some sort of in-joke on the part of the crew or is there a much deeper reason?

Greg responds...

<chuckles evilly>

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Daniel writes...

Hi Greg!
Two questions about Young Justice:
1. When rumors of a Young Justice cartoon first began to appear online the roster was said to include(going off memory here)"Nightwing,Martian Girl, and Impulse". Was this simply a mistake/rumor or did the roster undergo some changes?
2. Somewhat related to the first question. I was suprised(though not upset)to learn that it would be Dick Grayson and Wally West in the show rather than Tim Drake and Bart Allen. It made sense once I read that this is a young DC Universe. Was the plan always to start in the early days and see the DCU evolve?

Greg responds...

1. Mistake and rumor. I assume "Nightwing, Martian Girl, and Impulse" was someone's error for "Robin (Dick Grayson), Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz) and Kid Flash (Wally West)". Our roster has been the same pretty much from day one.

2. The plan was always to start in the (relatively) early days and go from there.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Ming writes...

Hi. First, I heard about what happened to the Spectacular Spider-Man. I'm sorry you didn't have a chance to do all the things you wanted to do. I would have loved to see stories Venom vs. Carnage, Harry Osborn as the New Green Goblin, the Hobgoblin, the deaths of Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn or a shortened version of the Clone Saga or the return of Norman Osborn. Ah, well, so much for possibilities.

Anyway, I'd like to ask about Young Justice:

1) Will you be adapting Young Justice or Teen Titans storylines (i.e., Young Justice: A World without Grown-Ups)?

2) I heard that Red Arrow (or at least, the Roy Harper before Cry for Justice and "Rise" of Arsenal, which I don't know if you've heard of) and Tempest will show up. Any other Titans or Young Justice characters that will show up as the show progresses?

Greg responds...

1. You'll have to wait and see.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Grant writes...

1) Since Red Tornado is present in the Young Justice Cartoon, will he have the mentor role that he had in the comic book? Will we also see his human family?

2) Will there be more racial diversity down the line for the team or is Aqualad it?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.

1b. You'll have to wait and see.

2. There's more racial diversity than just Aqualad already, but, yes...

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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