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Marvelman writes...

Did you have Beatrice and Benedict in mind when you created the Wally-Artemis dynamic?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I suppose it'd be cool to answer yes, but the truth is - and I'm not pretending otherwise - it's a pretty common trope, and mostly what we had in mind was Wally and Artemis and tracking how they'd react as individuals.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marie writes...

I want to ask something and it's really random, but stil:
I was watching Homefront and I saw that there are no individual showers, I mean one in one cabin. There are just many in one room. Why? XD

Greg responds...

It's a locker room shower. Most that I've been in don't have 'cabins'. There's a girls' locker room and a boys' locker room, though I forget which was in Homefront. Of course, each bedroom has it's own private bathroom too.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Hammer writes...

First off, GW, I have to applaud you for such a well crafted series. I can't applaud your team enough for this series. Here's hoping we get favorable news on Season 3 soon!

As for questions:

#1.) We know Wonder Woman and Red Tornado were part of the All Star Squad. Were any other members of today's Justice League in the All Star Squad (such as Captain Atom) ?

#2.) In regards to the countdown:
#2A.) To the best of your knowledge has there ever been any characters you counted on your countdown that didn't show up in the series due to time constraints?
#2B.) Are characters from your countdown counted if they are mentioned or are they required to show up in an episode to be counted? (IE In the episode Terrors, Headmaster is mentioned but doesn't show up. Is he counted?)
#2C.) Are characters counted even if we don't know we've seen them yet or are they only counted once we (generally) know who they are (IE Were both Speedy and Red Arrow counted in episode 1 even though we met "Clone Speedy" in episode 1 and didn't see the real Speedy until episode 26?).
#2D.) In the countdown, are you currently (up until episode 26) counting Guardian and Clone Guardian as two characters or one?

Greg responds...

1. Doctor Fate.

2. What countdown? I'm going to assume you mean my list of characters, cuz I can't figure out what else you might be referring to. (But how is that a countdown?)


2b. No, a mention doesn't count.

2c. These seem like two separate questions. Characters are counted if they've appeared, whether or not you recognize them as such and/or they are named. Characters do NOT count until they appear. So Clone-Roy was counted from episode 101, but Original-Roy wasn't counted until episode 126.

2d. When has the Golden Age Guardian appeared?

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

The local library finally got a few copies of the Season One Volume Three DVD of "Young Justice", and I watched it last evening. I enjoyed it, too. Here are a few thoughts about the individual episodes.

BEREFT: Psimon was one of the creepiest villains I've yet seen in the series - I especially liked his "Psimon says - forget!" line. I'm curious about this partner of the Light, and look forward to finding out more about him/her/it/they in later episodes.

Makes a change to have Superboy rather than Kid Flash wind up with a souvenir.

TARGETS: Hearing Ra's al-Ghul voiced by somebody other than David Warner takes a bit of getting used to (when I hear Warner speak, I can understand why you brought back the Archmage in Season Two), but another good episode. Lex Luthor was certainly impressive here, and his conversations with Red Arrow were a delight, contrasting Red Arrow's passion and suspicion with Luthor's calm, amused tone. (A bit like the confrontation between Goliath and Xanatos at Castle Wyvern in "The Edge".)

I picked up the "Superfriends" joke with Marvin and Wendy as two of Connor and Megan's classmates - and thought it was hilarious when Connor and Megan thought that "Kent" was a reference to Kent Nelson (clearly Superman hasn't been sharing his alter ego with them - though in light of his troubled relations with Superboy, that's not surprising). I also liked Connor's explanation about Rhelasian history and his bewilderment over humans at war with each other.

TERRORS: I'd seen Professor Strange in a few episodes of "The Batman", where he was a villain (and an especially creepy one, ready to plunge Gotham City into chaos more than once just so that he could study Batman), so I wasn't surprised when he turned out to be another agent for the Light.

Icicle, Sr. made an impressive villain, and I liked the parallel between the two Icicles and Superboy and Superman. Though I kept wondering who the guy with the odd helmet was, who'd recognized Superboy; my memory of some of the earlier episodes must be getting fuzzy.

And now we know why all four of those ice-themed super-villains were on the rampage all at once in the first episode.

HOME FRONT: The two Red Tornado-like intruders were truly creepy, and I look forward to seeing what their connection is with Red Tornado.

Among the highlights: Artemis commenting on how cliched the secret entrances behind the library bookcases were, the "They're all dead!" moment, Kid Flash helping Robin set up the EMP even while a prisoner, and Kid Flash and Superboy bluffing their captors. (Though the book-lover in me felt horrified when the intruders were on the loose in the library - I kept wondering what kind of damage those torrents of water and the toppling bookcases were doing to those books, even if it was less important than whether Robin and Artemis would be able to escape.

I hope that the local library will be able to get the rest of the episodes on DVD soon (I understand that the remainder of Season One comes out on DVD next month).

Greg responds...

Thanks. That guy with the helmet was Professor Ojo, who appeared in episode 106.

Response recorded on November 09, 2012

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Cooper writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman I have 2 questions:

1. Does Aquaman's telepathy in the show only affect fish life or can it also affect mammals/humans in some way?

2. If Aquaman can affect humans does Black Manta's helmet protect him from telepathy?

Greg responds...

1. Can't effect fish. Really only marine mammals.

2. He's not really a human telepath.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Moe writes...

It has been confirmed for a very long time that next year there will be a new batman series for DC nation. But recent information says there will also be a new Teen Titans go series[which is supposed to be comedy heavy..not sure how I feel about that. And it looks like its animation went very down]

Anyway my point is next year 2013 if those two shows will be on DC nation block what does that mean for Young Justice? Will DC nation be extended to two hours. Or maybe every week they will switch up the shows?

Greg responds...

I can't comment on this.

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth-16, if you had to make an educated guess, which ocean would Atlantis be located on the world map?

Greg responds...

Atlantis. Atlantic. Make sense?

Response recorded on November 07, 2012

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Zodisgod writes...

I was wondering if you could shed some light on the process of breaking a story for young justice. Does the storyline come first with characters who you feel will suit the story being plugged in afterwards, or do you decide on certain characters being spotlighted then working a story around them?

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Check the archives. Then if you have specific questions, you can post those.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If there were any cartoon series that eventually become spin-offs of Young Justice (though I'm not saying that I'm thinking that it might actually happen), then would the unofficial term for all shows that take place on Earth-16 then be collectively called the "Weismanverse?"

Greg responds...

No. It would be called Earth-16.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Daniel writes...

3. Has DC approached you guys yet with the possibility of a spin-off series in the Earth 16 continuity (JLA, JLI, Green Lantern Corps, LoSH perhaps)?

Greg responds...

Not so far.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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