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Anonymous writes...

1. Will Zatanna join the Justice League?

2. Where do Mal Duncan, Karen Beecher, Wendy Harris, Marvin White, Bette Kane, and Barbara Gordon fit in in the TV series?

Greg responds...


2. I honestly don't understand the question. Mal, Karen, Wendy and Marvin go to Happy Harbor High. Bette and Barbara go to Gotham Academy. But you knew that, right?

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Green Lantern's Night Light writes...

Hi Greg.

I have a few questions:
1. Does capitalising "Season One" mean you consider this an official title or is it just your own personalisation?
2. Who presicely lives in Central City?
3. Did at any time Joe Chill live in Gotham City?
4. Is Uncle Dudley's full name Dudley H. Dudley?

Thank you for your time and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

1. I do it for clarity and emphasis.

2. Millions of people. The one's we've met are Wally, Mary and Rudy West, Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen and Jay and Joan Garrick.

3. Well, yeah.

4. Yep.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Echoing the previous question on how much I liked issue 9 and ep. 15! My question is this: was Robin's little thing for Zatanna another case of "teen crush at first sight" or did he know something about her beforehand? Because he didn't exactly waste any time... I thought it was cute, though. "Batman: The Animated Series" had an episode that showed Zatara teaching Batman escape artistry, so I wondered if maybe Batman or Zatara had talked to him about her before. I have no idea if that's comics canon or just something the showrunners thought would be cool, though.

I'm also amused by the fact that Conner and M'gann took 11 episodes to get together, Kaldur was let down, and Wally and Artemis are... I don't even know, but Robin sees girl, Robin talks to girl, and by the end of the episode it seemed like Zatanna was at least open to the possibility! In general, it just seems like he has better luck with girls than Wally and Kaldur.

Anyway, I'm loving the show and will be very said if Zatara really does ground Zatanna forever, or Red Tornado never appears again.

Greg responds...

They hadn't met before, if that's what you're asking. I'm sure he knew that she EXISTED, but I think he was just crushing on her.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Tupka writes...

Long time reader, first time asker. It's been a great week. I don't know which had me more thrilled, issue 9 or Humanity.

1) Probably asked before by now, but I couldn't find it in unanswered: Can you "translate" Zatanna's spells? I only got the second one, which appears to be "Time to try out a new look". Does Zatara speak backwards too?
2) I noticed the gender swap on Red Inferno and Red Torpedo in Homefront, though I gave it no second thought. However, now with the reveal of the "human" identities in Humanity, was the swap deliberate so you could use the golden age hero James Lockhart/Red Torpedo?
3) In issue #9, you used the name "Nathaniel Adams" as opposed to "Nathaniel Adam". I noticed you used the name before in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "Powerless!"; the "Adams" version was, IIRC, introduced in Justice League Unlimited. Did DC ask you to use this name, or do you prefer it over "Adam"?

Greg responds...


1a. Yes.

2. ASKED AND ANSWERED, but yes. Except, I'm not the one who did the gender swap. When I wrote the original Red Tornado mini-series, Inferno was female and Torpedo was male because Torpedo has ALWAYS been male. Of course, they didn't publish my version. So whomever wrote the version they DID publish is the one who did the gender swap. I just went back to the original.

3. I actually do prefer "Adams" over "Adam". I'm sure in this great big world, there's someone out there with the last name "Adam," but even back in the 80s when I first started writing Captain Atom with Cary Bates, I always thought that the last name "Adam" felt artificial. "Adams" always felt more natural to me.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

After watching "Humanity" I have two questions.

1) What was/is your vision for Zatanna's personality? She seemed shy at first, but as the episode progressed she became more playful and outgoing. Is the demure schoolgirl routine an act for dad? Or does she still lack some self-confidence?

2) You have said that at least some members of the Justice League know Captain Marvel's true identity. That being the case, why is he with the Justice League as opposed to the kids?

Greg responds...

1. I really shouldn't answer this, because I should let the episodes stand on their own, but I guess I'm in the mood. The 'demure schoolgirl routine' is, to some extent, an act for her dad. I don't really think she lacks self-confidence, though I think she's fairly objective about her own magical abilities at this stage, and doesn't want them overstated. I also think she was less shy when she was first introduced than she was... bored.

2. Have I said that? Really? Well, in any case, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Katara Kane writes...

Hey Greg! First of all, I love Young Justice! I have their DVDs and their poster. Plus I have every episode on my tape and I watch it over, and over, and over, and over till the next Friday. Just have a few questions if that's okay.
P.S:I understand if these are spoilers.
1. Why doesn't Kaldur go to school?
2. Exactly how old is Zatanna?
3. What is the relationship between Robin and Barbra? (But I understand if it's a spoiler, just wondering how she'd act if he liked Zatanna)
4. So in Homefront, Artemis' sister left because of their dad what exactly did he do, I mean, come on, it's already noted that Cheshire is her sister and that he trained her and Artemis to be assasins, but why did she leave if she's already one in the future?

Greg responds...

1. He completed his standard schooling, and dropped out of the Conservatory of Sorcery to become Aquaman's protege.

2. <sigh> 14.


4. The short answer is that he was emotionally and verbally abusive.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Carter writes...

I've been wanting to know for a while--how did the collaboration with Geoff Johns regarding Aqualad come? Who "pulled more weight" regarding his creation (his backstory, wardrobe, etc.)?

In the theme song, there are several holograms showing the Team in action. They've been seen in promos in stuff, too. Are we going to see those particular clips in any episodes?

Do your kids get special screenings the day before, or whenever an episode's completed?

What are your top 5 moments from the series so far?

Greg responds...

1. Our Aqualad, i.e. Kaldur'ahm, was completely created and designed BEFORE Geoff started in his new (now not-so-new) position at DC. So our version of his backstory and wardrobe, etc., all pre-existed Geoff's involvement. The version that he went on to put into DC's main universe, i.e. Jackson Hyde, was completely HIS adaptation of Kaldur (with help from an artist whose name I'm unfortunately blanking on at this moment). And we had NO involvement with that version at all, beyond providing Kaldur as inspiration and providing EXPLANATION of how his Water-Bearers work. The only element we really collaborated on was the identity of both versions' father.

2. I don't think so. I think most were from footage created either for promotional purposes or specifically for our main title. Of course, there's clips from every individual episode in that episode's main title.

3. LOL. Originally, I would show them the episodes on a DVD the day it aired. But more recently, we went through and finished out the first season - mostly because my daughter is going off to college in the fall, and I wanted her to have a chance to see it all. Given CN's hiatus-prone way of airing us, it seemed prudent. ;)

4. My mind just doesn't work that way.

Great questions, btw.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Tacos writes...

How come wonder woman wasn't in episode 14 but the rest of the league was?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Night Wonder writes...

Hi Greg, I love Young Justice! Humanity was a good episode, still not better than Revelation though. Anyway, I have to say that I really loved that Zatanna was a teen and I have a couple of questions about it:

1- Did you or whoever the idea was decided to make her a teen so there could be a hint of something that might happen between her and a member of the Team, Robin the obvious case?
2-How old is Zatanna? And what's the probability that she appears again? High, poor, none?
3-Same about Barbara Gordon. Probability that she re-appears? High, poor, none?
4-I know Robin doesn't have a love interest in Season 1, what about season 2?
5-In episode failsafe, there will be an alien invation. Can you tell me from what planet or galaxy?
About the voice talents of the show.
6-How much is true about Kari Wahlgren voicing Hawkgirl in the future? If she will I can't wait to hear it!
7-Who would you or Jamie Thomason (casting and Voice Director) consider to voice Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman?
8-About Wonder Woman. Why didn't she appear in 'Revelaton'?
9-By any chance, since Khary Payton voices Aqualad and Tara Strong did Dr. Roquette in 'Infiltrator', would Greg Cipes, Hynden Walch and Scott Menville voice some character in the serie too? I don't lose anything asking that.

10-According to designation numbers Wonder Woman would be 03, Wally is B03 and Zatanna is A03. What does the 'B' and the 'A' mean? I'm more curious about Zatanna's case.

I think that's all. Thanks for your time. I hope you don't have problems with this questions.

Greg responds...

1. That wasn't the reason, just a side benefit. The main reason was that we had a generational father-daughter dynamic that was built into the DC Universe that we wanted to exploit and explore. Most of our adult/teen relationships aren't strictly parental. This one was.

2. Once again, she's FOURTEEN!! And by now, hopefully, you saw that she did appear again.

3. Again, by now you've seen that she's reappeared.

4. You KNOW he doesn't? That's impressive. In any case, SPOILER REQUEST - NO COMMENT.

5. By now, you've seen it. But seriously, think about this question. Given the length of the queue here, was there any point in asking it? I mean the episode was airing ONE WEEK after Humanity. Was there EVER a chance that I'd get to this question before you saw for yourself? And if I had - if by some miracle, I managed to answer your question during that one week period, my answer would have been "SPOILER REQUEST - NO COMMENT". So why clutter the queue?

TIME OUT - I've lurked occasionally on a few sites, and I see I get the occasional criticism for being rude here at ASK GREG. I also get just as many if not more defenders, who sympathize with my plight. But I want to make it clear that I don't want to be rude. That "rude" is NOT the tone I'm going for. Occasionally, I drop what we refer to here as a "Smart-Ass Response". And there's no doubt that I occasionally find myself exasperated by the questions when I've REPEATEDLY requested that (a) that posters check the archives before posting, (b) that they check the queue for the questions posted ahead of them before posting and (c) that they not ask for spoilers. And despite these fairly simple requests, I get constant appeals for Spoilers and constantly repeated questions. I mean, how many times has someone asked Zatanna's age? It's certainly easy enough to type "14" but it's frustrating. And I do get frustrated. But the tone I'm going for is exasperated, not rude. Of course, the internet is notorious for not quite making one's intended tone clear. So to anyone who feels I've been rude, I apologize. Okay, TIME IN.

6. There's no Hawkgirl on Earth-16. If you're talking about Hawkwoman - SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.



9. YOU don't lose anything, but I lose time that could be spent answering other questions, see? SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

10. B is the designation for the Team. As for A - ASKED AND ANSWERED. (I'm pretty sure B is ASKED AND ANSWERED TOO, BUT MAYBE NOT.)

I thought your first question was great. The other nine... not so much. Please follow the simple guidelines in the future.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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Lian writes...

Reading the comic book series, I saw that in one issue, Miss Martian talks about how there are three different "races" of Martians; Green, Red and White. I know that the white martians are treated badly, but why not the Red Martians? Or is this a spoiler, its fine if it is but I was just curious.

Greg responds...

The Red Martians are a higher caste than the Green. They're considered royalty.

Response recorded on January 26, 2012

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