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Anonymous writes...

First of all this show it absolutely amazing. It is my favorite. All the other shows just are super boring! Please keep going! I was just wondering What are the episodes for December?

Greg responds...

Of what year?

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

61. Where is harm now?

62. Where were harm parents?

63. What martial arts does batman, robin, and artemis know?

64. Did 9/11, hurricane katrina, or the iraq war happened on earth 16?

65. Have any other superheroes were involved in any other wars besides ww2?

66. Were any of the jsa members were active crimefighters after the jsa disbanded?

67. Did jay fight any supervillans during his semi retired days?

68. How hard was for ya'll to get alyson stoner?

69. Does robin school have any halloween events?

70. Where did captain marvel go trick or treating and how much candy did he get?

Greg responds...

61. (Why 61?) Anyway, he's awaiting trial and a psych evaluation in New York, most likely.

62. Dead.

63. Plenty O'

64. Yes.

65. Depends what you mean by "involved".

66. Yes.

67. Yes.

68. I don't recall it being hard, though of course we were glad to have her as part of the cast.

69. I don't know.

70. Fawcett City.

70a. Don't know.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I think what that one anonymous person meant about Artemis living in Gotham is, if she's supposed to be Green Arrow's sidekick, shouldn't she be living in Star City, where she can be more available to, uh, do sidekick things?

Greg responds...

But she doesn't live in Star City. She lives in Gotham City. It's where she was brought up and where she lives. It's where her mother lives. Just because it would be convenient for Green Arrow, doesn't make it so.

Fortunately, Star City is just a Zeta-Tube ride away.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

Why does it take you so long to answer questions?

Greg responds...

Because I get questions like THIS one, taking up my time.

And because people insist on bogging down the queue with spoiler requests and repeat questions.

And because I have a job and a life, i.e. other things that I NEED to do.

This, believe it or not, I do because it's fun. (Most of the time.)

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

What was lex luthor hair color?

Was joe chill a hired assassian hired to kill the waynes and was he ever sorry that he killed them?

How did batman and co found out about venom?

Can kryptoians have kids with humans on earth 16?

What was the worst injuries batman ever recieved

Greg responds...

1. Red, I think.

2a. No.

2b. Not so far.

3. Batman's a detective.

4. I don't see how.

5. I don't know. Probably a gunshot wound of some kind. No broken backs, if that's what you're getting at.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

1. Why did Klarion joined the light?

2. What young justice questions are considered spoilers?

3. Are you bothered by the amount of young justice questions?

4. Where do most supervillians draw the line for instance do most of the belle reeve inmates hate sexual crimes?

5. How long has guardian been working at cadmus and how long has he been a superhero?

6. How long has green arrow has been a superhero?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly, because it seemed like fun.

2. Anything that asks about stuff yet to come.

3. Not by the "amount" of questions, but I am bothered by (a) the repeated requests for spoilers and (b) the repeated requests for answers that have ALREADY been answered. (That last category would include this question, by the way.)

4. The population of an entire prison is too diverse to answer this.

5. He's been a hero for two years and head of security at Cadmus for one.

6. Nine years.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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conner writes...

1.Why did Artemis laugh when Zatanna asked how long have Conner and Megan been a couple?

Greg responds...

She thought Zatanna was confused.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I know that sometimes in DC Comics, there are storylines that are presented that usually take place a certain number of years ahead of the present, which usually show possible futures. In your opinion, will this concept be explored in the Young Justice Show at some point?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

About Failsafe - do the characters in the training actually exist? We know Eiling exists in the real world, but are Jason Bard and David Reid actual soldiers or only created for the mission?

Greg responds...

They are or were soldiers that Martian Manhunter knows.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

Without spoiling any names, can you please tell how many villains there are from each character's Rouges' Gallery (For example: Batman -## villains)? I don't believe numbers count as spoilers because technically you're not naming anybody, and giving the numbers allows fans to think about the possible candidates, since not every villain will show up on the show, right?

Thanks! Looking forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...

No. Just no. Aside from the fact, that this is a de facto spoiler, no matter how you spin it, it's also a massive pain to compile. (And that's aside from the fact that some villains could easily be listed under more than one hero. For example, Kingpin is both a Spider-Man and a Daredevil villain.)

Once the season ends - YOU CAN DO IT!

Otherwise, just exercise a little patience.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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