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Tenchi T writes...

Because Megan has such a large family, at least from what she said, do Martians either have multiple births at once, have a cultural emphasis on children, or are polygamous (the latter also known as, a way to keep both the Supermartian and Wonder Boy (Tenetive name) fans happy)

You answered the question about Robin and Kid Flash being a homosexual pairing.....

Greg responds...

Definitely multiple births. I'm not sure about the cultural emphasis thing, but I'm not ruling it out. Not polygamous.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just out of curiosity, if you could pretend that everything that has happened in Season One of Young Justice was like one big DC Comics crossover event, what would be the name of the title you would have given for it?

Greg responds...

"Young Justice: Secrets and Lies"

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Jemm is Truly Outrageous writes...

I don't know if you have any interest in action figures at all but... Is it annoying to you that the 6 inch line of Mattel's Young Justice figures got cancelled without anyone getting a Ms. Martian figure? 'Cause, to me, this is maddening, ridiculous and inexcusable. Could you guys send Lobo to visit Matty and hash this out?

Greg responds...

Well, since you wrote this, Mattel offered the opportunity to get Miss Martian and Superboy (in his standard costume) in the six inch size via pre-order. Unfortunately, they didn't get enough pre-orders to justify it, so they cancelled the offer. I was pretty bummed, actually. But the fans spoke to their disinterest in the product at that price-point, so there's not much for me to get all Loboish about.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

batman shows up all the time in the mount justice
martin manhunters there pretty often too

do green arrow flasha nd superman ever just drop by to check up on there sidekicks?

Greg responds...

Flash is more likely to see Kid Flash back in Central City. And as you've seen, Artemis and Green Arrow have regular outings in Star City. But both stop by occasionally. Superman, during Season One, didn't view Superboy as a sidekick.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Ok, my question is about the "death rules" in your shows, AKA the conditions under which you could kill a character off (for example, you said in your Gargoyles' rambles that you could show Othello and Desdemona in "City of Stone, Part 1" because A)the audience already knew they were dead and B)it already knew they'd be back as Coldstone, otherwise you couldn't have personalized the victims of the massacre; you also said that, even though you killed off the Magus in "Avalon, Part 3", you couldn't actually say outloud that he was dead).
So, the question is: under which conditions you could actually kill a character off in Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H. and Young Justice?
(Ok, fine, I suppose it counts as three questions)

Greg responds...

Well, you seem to have already answered your own question vis-a-vis Gargoyles. And I'm not going to reveal anything along these lines for Young Justice.

That just leaves W.I.T.C.H. And I can't remember killing off anyone in W.I.T.C.H. Though we had characters who were already dead.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Ashton writes...

I wanted to know if Rocket kissed Aqualad on the cheek as a friend or was that the start of there relationship? Personally I hope Aqualad keeps his head clear because being a leader of a team is already enough to worry about. For example Batman has always been solo and he knows its dangerous to be in a relationship because your putting that person your with a risk.

My second question is how old would you say these new teen superheroes your introducing Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, Lagoon Boy are they all around the same age as the Young Justice team 16-17?

Greg responds...

1. Rocket's clearly attracted to Aqualad. Anything beyond that is a SPOILER REQUEST.

2. They range from thirteen (Beast Boy) to twenty (Bumblebee).

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

Keeping in mind that the first series was set in 2010,

1) What year did Savage start recruiting for the Light?
2) What year the Light fully come togeth (when L-7 joined)
3) What year did Jade leave home?
4) How many years ago was Savage attacked by that bear that scared him?
5) What year was the Justice Leage formed?

Greg responds...

Keeping in mind that I've never confirmed 2010 and don't consider the first season to be set in 2010...

1. After the League was publicly announced.

2. Shortly after Savage extended invitations.

3. When Artemis was nine, and Jade was 13.

4. About 50,000 years ago, give or take 20 or so.


Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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JAC writes...

Not sure if this is a spoiler request, if so please disregard...
My qyestion is about "Agendas"...what was the Leauge's decision on age for membership...chronology, biology, or simething as simple as legality - the age of aduthood where that person is from?
For instance, Gipsi is a nomad who isnt under one juristiction..how would you catagorize her (I tried to think of a character that I assume you are not going to use...Im not asking if she is GOING to be in the Leauge...just if it were possible under the rules you set).

Greg responds...

1. First and foremost, the decision was to take things on a case-by-case basis. Since, living in the world that they do, there are always going to be exceptions. But generally, they decided on the biological/chronological age of 18 as the cut-off.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Daemon writes...

In the episode when m'gann, wally and superboy go to the halloween party thing, Superboy's logo is showing on his shirt. Was this a mistake, or just there like that?

Greg responds...

Just there. He learned on his first day of school that it's no big deal to have a Superman t-shirt.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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EXALT writes...

1)Since Superboy is only half-Kryptonian, is he less vulnerable to Kryptonite than Superman?
2)Speaking of Kryptonite, how rare it is on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. There's been no scientific study.

2. Rare.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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