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Anonymous writes...

regarding your post about not owning a smartphone... i saw you playing on your phone one year at sdcc. i think it was way old school, with the green screen and all. haha. :)

anyway, my question is: are the yj stories in the dc nation magazine new stories, and are they canon? (trying to decide whether i need to pick it up.)

Greg responds...

Ah, those were the days...

To be fair, it didn't have a green screen but it was tiny and it wasn't a smartphone. I held onto that phone until it flat out stopped working. Then I had it fixed three times, but it kept dying. So, finally, just this past September, I broke down and bought an iPhone. But I still mostly ONLY use it as a cellphone. I don't check e-mail or the internet on it. I do not WANT to be that connected.

I'm not sure I've seen the DC Nation Magazine, so I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Thus far, when members of the Justice League attend meetings at Watchtower, they have:

a. Vote who joins/leaves the Justice League (which has been seen in Season One as an example).
b. Vote on who becomes the overall leader of the Justice League (a term of one year according to archives; no example has been actually seen yet).

What else normally goes on during these meetings besides other than what is just mentioned above?

Greg responds...

I dunno. Whatever business needs to get covered. Briefings. Things related to the Light, for example. I mean what do you think goes on?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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btgr writes...

1. Did you based the character designs of both that thug voiced by John DiMaggio from the Green Arrow DC Showcase and Henchy from the YJ episode "Coldhearted" on video game character Marcus Fenix from the Gears of War series, or was it just a coincidence?

2. Who do you think would win in hand to hand combat? Merlyn or Count Vertigo?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I didn't design the character, so I have no idea. But I can tell you I've never heard of "Marcus Fenix" or "Gears of War".

2. See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.
(Haven't used this one in a while, huh?)

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Would you ever consider doing rambles about YJ like you did for Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Maybe... someday in the DISTANT future.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Sportsmaster have a favorite daughter?

Greg responds...

No. He may think that Jade has slightly more common sense, but let's give him credit for this much as a parent: he holds both his offspring in equal measure of adoration. (That is, pretty much none.)

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

Sorry for the multiple posts in a row...I would have put this question in with the first, but the rules say to make seperate posts for differant topics (but I swear this is the last one for today) so here goes:
What was the reasoning behind not giving Artemis the "Tigress" persona, whether or not she eventually becomes a villianess...

Was it to keep at least one thing true to her origional character? Brcause that was her name when you wrote about her and you dont like other peoples ideas? You just like the name better? Other reason?

Personally, I usually detest the idea of writers making hero monikers rxactly the same or similar to given names...but im also a HUGE Greek mythology buff, so I dont mind it much this time, im just curious about your (was it your...?) decision.

Thank you for all of your time spent.

Greg responds...

By now, I assume your question is moot.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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JAC writes...

I didnt include these questions in my last post, lest the entire thing get deleted again, as they may encroach "spoiler reqest" territory maby a smidge further...

1. WAS there an origional "James" Harper? (its establised that hes a clone, but not of whome).
2. Did he (Guardian) ever find out who he was really working for?
3. Are he and Dublex still in contact?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. There was. But OUR Jim Harper is a clone of Jim's descendent Roy Harper, not of the original Jim Harper.

2. Yes.


Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Did you have Beatrice and Benedict in mind when you created the Wally-Artemis dynamic?

Greg responds...

Shrug. I suppose it'd be cool to answer yes, but the truth is - and I'm not pretending otherwise - it's a pretty common trope, and mostly what we had in mind was Wally and Artemis and tracking how they'd react as individuals.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Marie writes...

I want to ask something and it's really random, but stil:
I was watching Homefront and I saw that there are no individual showers, I mean one in one cabin. There are just many in one room. Why? XD

Greg responds...

It's a locker room shower. Most that I've been in don't have 'cabins'. There's a girls' locker room and a boys' locker room, though I forget which was in Homefront. Of course, each bedroom has it's own private bathroom too.

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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Hammer writes...

First off, GW, I have to applaud you for such a well crafted series. I can't applaud your team enough for this series. Here's hoping we get favorable news on Season 3 soon!

As for questions:

#1.) We know Wonder Woman and Red Tornado were part of the All Star Squad. Were any other members of today's Justice League in the All Star Squad (such as Captain Atom) ?

#2.) In regards to the countdown:
#2A.) To the best of your knowledge has there ever been any characters you counted on your countdown that didn't show up in the series due to time constraints?
#2B.) Are characters from your countdown counted if they are mentioned or are they required to show up in an episode to be counted? (IE In the episode Terrors, Headmaster is mentioned but doesn't show up. Is he counted?)
#2C.) Are characters counted even if we don't know we've seen them yet or are they only counted once we (generally) know who they are (IE Were both Speedy and Red Arrow counted in episode 1 even though we met "Clone Speedy" in episode 1 and didn't see the real Speedy until episode 26?).
#2D.) In the countdown, are you currently (up until episode 26) counting Guardian and Clone Guardian as two characters or one?

Greg responds...

1. Doctor Fate.

2. What countdown? I'm going to assume you mean my list of characters, cuz I can't figure out what else you might be referring to. (But how is that a countdown?)


2b. No, a mention doesn't count.

2c. These seem like two separate questions. Characters are counted if they've appeared, whether or not you recognize them as such and/or they are named. Characters do NOT count until they appear. So Clone-Roy was counted from episode 101, but Original-Roy wasn't counted until episode 126.

2d. When has the Golden Age Guardian appeared?

Response recorded on November 14, 2012

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