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Vilensky writes...

THIS are Sergeant and Lieutenant Marvel questions What year did they leave the team ? Why did they leave the team ? How did the two Marvels get their powers ? How did they join the team ? Why did they join the team ?

Greg responds...

All stories I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How did the young justice Megan Morse{M'GANN} get money to pay for her shopping ?

Greg responds...

At what stage of the series?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Takato writes...

What year did Malcolm begin working for the team ? How Malcolm did find out the team ?

Greg responds...

That's a story I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Kyle writes...

Hey, I'm a big fan of your shows and I was wondering how in-depth you get with certain things regarding timelines, especially in Young Justice. So:

1. For fictional cities - Metropolis, Gotham, etc. - do you have a general outline of the city's history planned out? Or would you only come up/research that kind of stuff if the story needed it? Do you use the same way of thinking when dealing with fictional countries, like Bialya or Qurac?

2. How do you come up with the ages of certain characters? For example, was there a specific reason you and the others working on the show decided to have Dick be 13 in Season One, while Miss Martian and Superboy (who, in the comics, are usually younger, around Tim's age) are 16? (Not that I'm complaining! I really like the change up, and it definitely works for the show, I'm just curious about what made you want Dick to be the youngest on the Team at that point.) Did it just feel right? Or did you base it off Bruce's age? Or vice-versa? (Sorry if this is confusing you. Basically, which elements dictate what the age of a character should be?)

3. For characters like Wonder Woman, Ra's al Ghul, Vandal Savage, Klarion, etc., I know you keep relative track of how long they've been alive, but do you also keep track of what age they are biologically? Rather than chronologically?

4. Are there any real-life incidents that didn't happen on Earth-16? I know you said that 9/11, the World Wars, etc. have happened, but was there any big time incident that didn't? For example: the Titanic, or the Columbine Shooting, or the 2011 Japan earthquake.

5. Not really a question, just me thanking you for you and the Young Justice crew for all your hard work! And thank you personally for keeping up with and adding more of your guys' amazing ideas to your timeline, because, honestly, in my opinion, timelines - especially deciphering them with every little bit of info - is really fun for me.

Greg responds...

1a. No.

1b. Exactly.

1c. Yep.

The only exception is Star City, where I have a little more background info, because I developed my thinking on Star City based on a number of proposals for never-made comic book series that I pitched to DC in the mid 1980s, including the almost-made BLACK CANARY mini-series, a STAR CITY proposal, and a proposal for a new SUPERGIRL character unrelated to Kara Zor-El (during a period when John Byrne didn't want a Kryptonian Supergirl but DC wanted to maintain the trademark name - before Byrne solved the problem himself by creating the Matrix-Supergirl).

2. It mostly just felt right for the show we were developing. A young Dick with the most experience was an important element to the character and the character dynamics of our first season. Generally, I try to make each new character as young as I think I can get away with, given the needs of character and story. This is because we know that, unlike a typical comic book, we're going to let every character move/age through time, so the younger they are when they start, the younger they get to stay (relatively) as our seasons progress.

3. Yes.

4. As far as I know, everything real world also happened on Earth-16. EXCEPT for the 2019-2020-2021 COVID pandemic. Because it began too late for us to incorporate it into Season Four, in my head, the COVID-19 pandemic started exactly one year later on Earth-16 than it did here on Earth-Prime.

5. Thanks for your kind words. We do try our best!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fuhram writes...

IN 2010 when M'gann came to earth did she plan to live the rest of her life on earth ?

Greg responds...

To the extent she was planning anything, yes.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Stirewalt writes...

What Megan Morse do for fun during summer vacation
in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Fun stuff.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Brad writes...

When M'gann begin attending Happy Harbor School as Megan Morse what did the information on her say where she was born at and when she was born and were did the information say were she lived at and who was her legal guardian in the school records ?

Greg responds...

It said everything it needed to say to convince school officials that she was just a normal teenage girl.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Atti290 writes...

Regarding martians, i see in this unniverse martians are alive and well... i'm curious what are their numbers, thousands? millions? billions?

Greg responds...

Uh... I'm not really sure. I'd guess... Millions?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg, I love the show more than any other TV show in the last 30 years! I wanted to ask since we have an uncertainty in the DC wiki discussion boards about Black Manta's nationality. Some users claim that Black Manta is American and all of his crew members as well. We know that it was established in New Earth continuity that he was from Baltimore and his name was David. What is the case for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

He's American. But I'm not confirming or denying his exact place of birth or name at this time.

His crew is exclusively Black, but not necessarily exclusively American.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Owen writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know who Marie Logan was ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice does Artemis own and where a baseball cap like her big sister jade does?

Greg responds...

Sometimes, I suppose. It's not a regular style choice for her.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again, and good day.

1.) That was indeed during the New 52, though it was late into that era, in 2015, when Duke and the "We Are Robin" crew came into the picture in prominence. Of note, Duke 'was' a Robin, albeit somewhat unorthodoxically so (though as generally proud of being as any of the '4' Robins) and for a relatively brief period during that time frame about a year before Rebirth.

2.) If you find time in your busy schedule, even if just for research (though I would hope for pleasure), I do recommend the "Endgame", "We Are Robin", "Robin War", and "Superheavy" series of books that features the character, among others things and events. Good reads all around.

As always, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure you're referring to some previous exchange, but it's been so long - my bad - I don't recall what we were talking about. Basically, I know (and generally like) Duke as The Signal, post ReBirth.

2. I'm way behind on all my DC Comics reading, just trying to keep up.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Dakota writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman. I just wanna say that I loved spectacular spiderman, gargoyles (as a very young kid) and young justice. Spectacular and young justice have become my favorite cartoons of all time! You sir are awesome and so are your shows

Greg responds...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm thrilled you like our stuff!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Tyson writes...

Why did Batman have that unhappy look on his face when he learn from Martian Manhunter that Miss Martian was born 48 earth years old in Young Justice episode Agendas ?

Greg responds...

I don't think he was unhappy about Miss Martian's age, if that's what you mean. He knew that already.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I was surprised that this wasn't asked already, but maybe I missed it going through the archives. Was Batman seriously completely unaware that aqualad was a double agent, given that he taught nightwing how to strategize, and was the world's greatest detective? And if he did know, did he support the idea, or help come up with it in any way? Also, did he know black manta was aqualads father bbefore aquaman told him?

Greg responds...

1. He didn't know. And being the World's Greatest Detective doesn't make one omniscient. How boring would he be if he were?

2. Maybe. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did zatanna go to school at happy harbor high after her dad became doctor fate, or did batman send her to gotham academy

Greg responds...

Neither, initially. She finished her semester at the Catholic school in New York that she had been attending. It was just a zeta-tube ride away.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Arakawa writes...

Why did Megan Morse who is in realty Miss Martian choose to study for a college degree since she can live for at least a another two hundred more years ?

Greg responds...

She values education. What does her lifespan have to do with that?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Dearka writes...

How did THE villain Queen Bee know the team was at the Logan family home in episode image after Miss Martian use Queen Bee's form in episode Image ?

Greg responds...

Intel from her army.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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King_Joey_3rd writes...

Dear Mr. Wiesman,

You once responded to a question with: Relative to a normal human, yes. Less than a Kryptonian or an Atlantean or an Amazon, but more than a typical human. Of course, it also depends on what form him or her is in and thus the current level of his or her density."

This was a question about Martian super strength.

1. You already stated that atlanteans have super strength ranging from "undetected" to Aquaman level strength (I'm assuming the word undetectable is what was intended for that statement). So my question is can the same be said for the Amazons or is Wonder Woman the only Amazon with super strength do to her unique origin?

I'm only asking because it varies from story to story and the way you said it suggests that all Amazons have some degree of super strength. However it also seemingly suggest that all Atlanteans have some degree of super strength too and Atlanteans with "undetected" (I'm assuming the word undetectable was intended) are basically at surface dwelling human level.

Greg responds...

I think all Amazons are probably a bit stronger than the typical human, but mostly due to training and maybe a bit from the Purple Ray. They're not all as strong as Diana or Troia or Cassie.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is Queen Miras's magic on the level of wotan? or Zatanna? Or pre Docotor Fate Zatara? Or is she weaker than all three

Greg responds...

I'm not big on ranking. But she's incredibly powerful.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Bykowicz writes...

What was M'gann's age when she first started watching earth tv shows on mars sent to mars by martian manhunter ?

Greg responds...

Pretty young. I first started in utero.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Don Wolff writes...

Did Garfield Logan attend a church after his mom died before he lived at the cave since he is a Christian ?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. He seems pretty secular to me.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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