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FusionSamurai writes...

So, firstly. Thanks for responding to all our comments, it probably gets a little bit annoying sometimes, but its really cool that you interact with your fans, and I hope you keep doing it! ^_^

So for my questions-
1. You've said you dislike how time travel works in DC. It does seem really confusing. I've flipped through all mentions in previous comments and have come up with a question regarding Bart.

So, you've said "Earth-16 had a history that Impulse thwarted. You can view his original history as Earth-16a, I suppose. Or you could just mark it up as GONE."

So, if such is the case, would Impulse be at risk of fading away? Does only the future itself fade, and Bart avoids it by not being there? Time travel is really complicated to write, so I just wanted clarity on that.

2. The team started with the original 6, being Superboy, Ms.Martian, Kid Flash, Robin, Artemis, Aqualad. Now there are somewhere around 19 members that are on the team or are associated with the team. Do you ever feel like it is hard to balance so many characters?

3.Does giving an individual character like Bart or Cassie development get harder as more characters are added?

Thanks for your time/responses, it means a ton to me. \(^_^)/

Greg responds...

0. I'm still doing it. It just took me a while to get back to it.

1. I kinda have addressed this in the past, but for now I'm going to say NO SPOILERS.

2. I do. Many fans seem to think it's even more difficult for us than we think it is.

3. Of course. But I'm basically okay with that. When the story dictates that one character or another is the lead, that's great - we'll move them into the spotlight. But until then, our leads remain Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis, with whichever two to four additional characters that the season dictates gets the spotlight.

Response recorded on August 13, 2021

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julie ! writes...

hey greg ! I was curious to see what sparked your interest in comics and what lead you to focus on comic storylines when it comes to your content? I grew up watching your work, and was around 11 when YJ premiered on CN, and it actually had a really big hand in me gaining interest in production ! so you inspired me to be where I’m at, which makes me really curious to see what inspired you to be where you’re at !

Greg responds...

Hm. I just always loved storytelling. And I always loved superheroes. I was always desperate to get more superhero comics, tv, movies. I began at such an early age that I honestly can't tell you what specifically sparked this interest. It's intrinsic to my personality. But if you look at the INFLUENCES section of the ASK GREG ARCHIVE, you can see lists of the things that influenced me.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Aprotny writes...

What language do they speak in Bialya? Is it Arabic or some language unique to that country?

Greg responds...

A Bialyan dialect of Arabic. Although in parts of Greater Bialyan, they speak a Quraci dialect of Arabic.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Taha writes...

Are speedsters able to time travel without time machines in the Young Justice Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Dreamer writes...

Megan's character development is very complicated. why do not we know her story? why is she unreliable for 3 seasons?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on what you mean. I agree she's complicated, but that isn't a bad thing in my mind. I wouldn't call her unreliable at all, though.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg,

Does Zatanna have any other family members besides her father? I know in the middle of Season 1, Batman offered to take her in, implying that she literally had no where else to go.

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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anonymous writes...

Do you think there is more hope of Spectacular Spiderman coming back after Tom Holland saved Spiderman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He convinced Disney and Sony to negotiate over the rights for a 2nd time after Spiderman was temporarily off of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after the 1st negotiation. I think Spectacular Spiderman can come back if you help Disney, Marvel, and Sony negotiate over Spiderman TV rights again. If they see the success of the series you've worked in like Young Justice maybe through a portfolio or something, they could give it another shot. Tom Holland showed me that rights issues can be solved if we take action though that might've been because of the big bucks of the movies. Times are different now, maybe if you can help propose those companies to make a deal over the TV rights, they can accept it because it can be financially better for both companies to run something like that. Times are different with revivals nowadays like with Young Justice, companies care a lot about money so maybe you and other people can convince that it will financially benefit both companies. I really believe one day, the series will be revived.

Greg responds...

I don't help with negotiations. EVER. That's way above my paygrade.

(I don't even handle my own negotiations, frankly. My agent does that.)

And by the way, plenty of people have seen my successes on one show or another - and felt very, very free to ignore them. I am FAR from having the kind of clout that you're implying I have.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Aprotny writes...

I saw a message on the archives in regards to cloning and sexuality. As an identical twin, I know me and my sister do not have the same sexuality despite having the same DNA. I know there's also nature vs. nurture. Would you consider cloning to be similar to the shared DNA of twins in the YJ universe? If so, would it be possible for one of the Roys (like Jim or original Roy) to have an attraction to a guy or, say, a genomorph without a gender, in contrast to Will's clear attraction to women. I am not asking if that is the case, but rather if it is possible.

On another note, I am an avid Young Justice fan who loves your show and is looking forward to Season Four. I hope Starfire or Raven or Supergirl or other characters that are popular but have yet to show will show up!

One last question, do you ever look at the YJ fanfiction archives? Either out of curiosity or for inspiration? Just curious if you or Brandon ever peek at those!

Thanks and love your show!

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know enough about the science to be sure. But I suppose I could do more research. So the short answer is: "It's possible?"

2. We don't take requests. We can't take suggestions.

3. Never. It's legally dangerous for me to read fanfiction covering anything I work on professionally. The same is true for Brandon.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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ButterChicken writes...

Hi Greg Weisman,
First of all I love Young Justice, it's what made me get into animation in the first place. I have a question about one thing. Since that the show is taking some real life views, it made me wonder, did the 9/11 attacks occur in 2001?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Prior to the modern-day incarnation, how were previous members of Vandal Savage's Light usually chosen?

2. Because Vandal Savage is immortal, could it be assumed that he knows certain truths in human history that no one else even knows about?

Greg responds...

1. <shrug> I guess the answer is NO SPOILERS.

2. <shrug> He certainly thinks he does.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Bluebird722 writes...

Hi Greg! Once again, thanks for the amazing show that is Young Justice. I wanted to ask a few more questions about the show I adore.

1. How old are Traya, Anissa, and Jennifer?
2. Was there any debate between the writers, producers, and actors over how to pronounce Lian? (I know some people including myself pronounced it as LeeAnn, and sometimes say that)
3. If it was Cadmus policy to delete the source material, how come they kept Roy alive and frozen instead?
4. How did Mal and Karen discover Conner's and Megan's real identities, or is that something we might see later?
5. What's your response and feeling when people come up to you and say that the show (or even Gargoyles) helped them during a difficult time, maybe even saved them from suicide?


Greg responds...

1. By the end of Team Year Eight...

Traya Smith is 11;

Anissa Pierce is 5;

Jennifer Pierce is 3.

2. I pretty much set it as Lee-AHN from the beginning and Brandon, Jamie and the actors followed my lead.

3. The Light thought they might have a use for him later.

4. Yeah, no spoilers.

5. On the one hand, I'm glad we were of use, but it's sad that we were necessary in that way.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Godzilla Buddies writes...

What are the names of the members of the Bumblebees cheerleaders?

Greg responds...

Well, there's Wendy Harris, Karen Beecher and Megan Morse. The rest, assuming they have names, would be spoilers to reveal.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a limit to Vandal Savage's healing factor? If he were to be decapitated, would he be truly dead? Would he truly die if he were reduced to ashes or if he were to be blasted by Darkseid's Omega Beams?

Greg responds...

Damn good questions. I'd lean toward there being a limit. But I don't want to nail things down here.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Just so I can understand correctly, the Light was actually named around the second millennium BCE, but it was NOT until his conversation with Ra's al Ghul around 2006 to 2007 that Vandal Savage founded the modern day incarnation of the Light?

2. Between the second millennium BCE and the 21st Century AD, what kind of threats throughout history prompted the Light to appear?

3. When the modern day members of the Light were brought into the group, did they ever asked Vandal Savage, "What's in it for me?" I mean, did each member wanted something in exchange for joining the group; perhaps to fulfill their own individual goals that were separate from the Light's main goal?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. No spoilers.

3. They were likeminded individuals. They all had goals. Their goals fit. But there was no quid-pro-quo, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the comics, Vandal Savage's original name was Vandar Adg. Does this also hold true in the YJ universe and would that mean he eventually renamed himself Vandal Savage at a later point in his life?

2. In the New 52 continuity, it is mentioned that Vandal Savage was born in what would be eventually become the Perigord Noir region of France. Does this also hold true in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I don't think so. But I'd have to do research.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Godzilla Buddies writes...

Do some of Shazam's enemies other than Black Adam exist in the Young Justice universe?

Greg responds...

We've already mentioned Ibac and Sabbac in the series, back in Season One, I believe.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Wanda writes...

In the young justice universe Why is the team call a covert unit out of the spotlight when in fact the sidekicks are seen working togather with out the justice leagers with the them on missions is seen by people save they save and by bystanders and these people tell others the justice league let there sidekicks work togather there as a team on missions ? this about the team before outsiders were form .

Greg responds...

Sorry, I'm trying, but having a bit of trouble following you here.

You're asking, I think, how the Team remained covert before the Outsiders became public, even though some people saw them here and there.

And if that's the question, the short answer is, they aren't holding press conferences. People may spot them, but then the Team vanishes into the night. And although some of the Team are famous proteges, most are full-time covert heroes, including Nightwing, Superboy (until episode 326), Miss Martian, Tigress, etc.

Dick was a public hero as Robin, but when he switched to Nightwing, he let Jason take over the Robin role, and he went covert as Nightwing. And he's never come out publicly in this new heroic identity.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Young Justice" universe, is Bonnie King-Jones the name of Arrowette's mother? Also, why has she not yet appeared on the show?

Greg responds...

1. Well, her name is Bonnie. Since we haven't yet seen her, I don't want to make a decision now as to whether she's hyphenated (King-Jones) or stuck with her maiden name (King). But it's clear, she hasn't fully switched over to Jones.

2. We haven't had the space for her yet, unfortunately. As you must know, we've barely had space for Cissie up to this point.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jacob Williams and sherry Williams writes...

hello Mr Wiseman me and my sister are big fans of your work
we have 2 quest
1.is wonder bat a possible ship u would ever considering useing ? my brother says this stupid to ask but I got still got to ask
2.what ever happen to Captian marvel sidekicks Mary and Freddie Freeman?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but we have a few standard rules: (1) We don't take requests. (2) We can't take suggestions.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

We know that Bruce Wayne is the legal guardian of Dick and Tim in Young Justice, but I wondering if this applies to the E-16 versions of his other kids.
- Was Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Jason Todd?
- Is Bruce Wayne the legal guardian of Cassandra Cain?

Greg responds...

Do we know that Bruce is the legal guardian of Tim in YJ? I'm not saying he's not, but I don't ever remember revealing that, so I'm not saying he is, either. And if I won't confirm Tim, I'm obviously not going to confirm Jason or Orphan.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In what years did the original members of the Light joined after Vandal Savage founded the group's name?

Greg responds...

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. The name "The Light" goes back to Marduk's time. If you mean when did they join the modern incarnation, they all joined in the same year Vandal and Ra's founded it, which was the year the Justice League went public.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

So, just how did Guy get into the League when Hal and John were so adamantly opposed to it?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. When did Pamela Isley become Poison Ivy?
2. When did Victor Freeze become Mister Freeze?
3. When did Jervis Tetch become the Mad Hatter?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Negative Four.

2. Team Year Negative Seven.

3. Team Year Negative One.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young Justice universe, do Batman and the Joker have a similar history to their history in the mainstream DC Universe? For example, was Joker the one to kill Jason Todd and cripple Barbara Gordon, or did those things happen in different ways in this universe?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I know that you said that by the time of Young Justice Season 1, Bane had not faced Batman, but has he faced him in the time since Season 1? Has he broken the Bat since then?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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