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Wotan writes...

Thanks for answering fan questions. Just has a couple Wotan ones.

1. How did Wotan join Klarion after getting captured in Revelation?

2. Any chance Wotan's escape after Revelation may get featured in the comic?


Greg responds...

1. It's hard to hold Wotan prisoner... especially with allies like Klarion.


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.Does Billy Batson have a crush on Miss Martian? Or is it like a fan crush thing?
2. How much does Green Arrow care about Artemis?
3. Are Artemis, Megan, and Zatanna going to have some girl bonding in future epsiodes?
4. How close are Icon and Rocket? Does Rocket think of him like a father? What does Icon think about Rocket?

Greg responds...

1. What's a 'fan crush thing'?

2. You want me to quantify it?



Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does anyone in the Justice League know that Cheshire is Artemis' sister?
2. Did Artemis tell Green Arrow or anyone in the League that she let Cheshire go?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

hey Greg
1. does Two Face make an appearance on Young Justice
2. Will Joker make any future appearances

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Andreas G writes...

Given their similarities was Red Inferno's story based loosely off of Tomorrow Woman's?

Greg responds...

Nope. (As I was, at the time, unfamiliar with Tomorrow Woman.)

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
I was just wondering if the team knows the relationship between Kid Flash and the Flash, similar to how they know that M'Gan is Martian Manhunter's niece, Zatanna is Zatara's daughter and that Artemis is Green Arrow's "niece".

Greg responds...

Neither Wally nor Barry play their secret identities as close to the vest (among other heroes) as, say, Batman does. So I'd think, yes.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Kenzey writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,
First off I want to say how much I love Young Justice; the story telling and animation style is gorgeous and brilliant, and I love how it always keeps me guessing, I never know what will happen next. I have a couple of questions relating to the comics and the relationship of Batman and Talia.
1 How old is Talia?
2 How long has the "relationship" been going on?
BTW just saw Misplaced and it was fantastic! And I have a couple of questions about that as well:
1 Was the big blonde guy riling up the crowd outside STAR labs in Gotham Sportsmaster unmasked?
2 Was that Commissioner Gordon on top of a squad car with the megaphone in the same scene?
Lastly this isn't a question but an observation. I've read a lot of the Ask Gregs and internet chatter about Superman and how people don't like the portrayal of him being so cold towards Superboy, because they find it "unSuperman" but I love it. It seems so natural that he would feel violated by people he has sworn to protect, and I'm sure on a deep level he knows it isn't Superboy's fault he exists he just doesn't know how to act around him.
Keep up the amazing work, I can't wait to see how this season's story ends :)

Greg responds...

1. Talia is 26.

2. I'm just going to refer you back to the comic.

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Robin/Zatanna writes...

Hi, Greg, Young Justice is genius. Have a couple questions-

1. Have you heard any rumors or news around the studio about a potential YJ season 3?

2. Do you have an idea in mind for where you would take the show in a season 3?

3. Have you ever considered ideas for a Young Justice spin-off?

4. Would you ever consider doing a different Earth 16 Series if given the chance?


Greg responds...

1. I don't report on rumors. (Why, what have you heard?)

2. Absolutely. Brandon and I have enough ideas to fill a few hundred seasons.

3. Yes.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Xum Yukinori writes...


It's really cool of you to take time out to answer questions like these. This is the closest to "DVD commentary" that we can get, which leads to my question:

Would you consider doing a "director's commentary" podcast of an episode or few of Young Justice (your choices of course) that could be posted here as mp3s that we can play along while watching to episode on mute?

Thank you again for your time.


Greg responds...

I'd be happy to do it, but that's way beyond my technical capabilities.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Sylviechic writes...

Hi Greg!
I just have one question.
In "Terrors", did Miss Martian put on the other prison uniform? At the end, though, she shifted fully back into her superhero costume. Can she just shift out of whatever she's wearing, regardless of whether or not it's "Martian" clothing?

Greg responds...

She pulled a fast one, so that it was assumed she changed, but she was still wearing her organic Martian clothing.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Larry writes...

Someone asked you about the occurrences of the number 16. I just wanna let you know where you can find a list of them:

Question: Failsafe is episode 16. Did this bear any relevance while writing the episode?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Robin Hearts Zatanna writes...

Greg, I love Young Justice, it's really wonderful show. So I have a couple questions-

1. I'm not sure if you can say anything on this yet, but how.does Young Justice: Legacy work within conjunction to the show? According to what's been released so far, it features a brand new storyline set between seasons 1 and 2, but yet you said season 1 ends December 31, and Season 2 begins January 1. Does the game take place over a night?

2. What made you guys choose for Zatara to become the new Doctor Fate? Was it make Zatanna more like Robin with the loss of her dad?

Thanks for answering fan questions.

Greg responds...


2. It felt right, and - in a strange way - true to the comics, especially if you've read the Swamp Thing issues that led to Zatara's death.

2a. No.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Mark writes...

I just want to say how much I appreciate how you are using Milestone characters in Young Justice. Even though it was not meant to be this, it still is a great tribute to Dwayne MacDuffie's memory, especially considering how underused the characters are in the comics proper.

And now for actual questions...
1) Out of all the villians in the Light, Queen Bee seems very out of place. In the comics, the Bialian Queen Bee was never given an actual name. So, was Queen Bee added because A) you wanted a dictator supervillain and she fit the bill, B) it was the perfect role for Marina Sirtis, C) you wanted to add an obscure character to the Light, or D) all of the above?
2) Related to the above, will Queen Bee be given an actual name? Not searching for spoilers, it just bothers me that she didn't have a name in the comics.
3) Since Young Justice is TV-PG, you can get away with a lot more stuff than, say, Spongebob. So I'm wondering if there was anything in the scripts that you wanted to add but the higher-ups did not allow. I say this because someone asked earlier about Rocket's son and wondered if Cartoon Network would have allowed a character to be a teen mother. Not looking for spoilers, like I said before, but I just like knowing behind the scenes stuff, although I assume you would like to save revealing this stuff until after the show's finished.

And finally, will Stephanie Brown appear? Oh, wait...that might be a...*puts sunglasses on* Spoiler Request. *YYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH*

Greg responds...

1. None of the above, really. She made the master villain list, and she seemed to be a nice fit with the others. Much as I love Marina, casting didn't play into it at that stage. Her being the dictator of a country, her powers, her being female all played in. I personally don't think of her as being obscure, but that's probably because I was writing comics in the late eighties, when she was prominent.

2. What makes you think her name isn't Bee?

3. We haven't had much in the way of censorship issues on this series.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Dope writes...

Hey Greg, just watched Misplaced. Y U DO THIS TO ME? My feelings are exploding right now. But thank you.

1) How do you feel about CN constantly putting your show on hiatus? Does it make you feel angry like your "babies" are being ignored? I mean it's been over a year and the first season isn't even over, granted it will be in a couple weeks, buutttt... Yep.

2) Is Klarion gay? He seems very flamboyant and metrosexual. Or maybe it's just me stereotyping. Love his nails, by the way. And his facial expressions. And everything about him, it's pERFECT.

3) Are any characters gay or bisexual? If so, who?

4) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Or if you can't decide, which superhero would you like to be and why?

5) Does Artemis use any hair products? She has a lot of it so maybe she might need even hairspray or something.

6) Any of the girls use make up? Or even the boys, haha.

7) Will the Flaming C ever be a regular on the show? Wait, before you answer it, is it a SPOILER ALERT?

8) In Bereft, when Wally wakes Artemis up and she yells "Who put me in this?!" in regards to her costume, then Wally says right after, "I'm not touching that with a ten foot..." and then he never finishes the sentence. Why does he say that and what does it mean? I never understood its context or anything.

9) In Misplaced, when Wally tells Artemis that Dr. fate targeted Teekl to defeat Klarion, he didn't have his cast on (this was also a released screenshot before the episode). But later Wally did. It's... very confusing. Not a question, but just pointing this out.

Okay, thanks Greg. ROCK ON!

Greg responds...

1. Well, the hiatus seems to be over, so...

2. He's young. Why label?

3. I'm sure there are, but these are DC characters. It's not for me to say.

4. People keep asking me this recently. I'm not sure why. Once upon a time, I had different desires. Nowadays, I mostly just want a big damn sword.

5. I don't know much about that stuff.

6. Ditto.


8. I'm really not eager to explain this. Ask a friend.

9. It's what we call an error.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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GoldStarz writes...

Misplaced was a really good adaption of A World Without Grown-Ups! Really happy Zatanna is on the team,too.

1. Now that Zatara is Doctor Fate, is someone going to replace him on the League?
2. Is this the first time the Justice League has lost a member?
3. Was Amber an original character? I looked up her name on the DC wiki, but couldn't find anything.
4. Was the intro shortened by you or CN?
4A. If it was you, why did you shorten it?
4B. SPeaking of intros, will we get a new one for Invasion?
5. How did you decide who went into Klarion's magic group? Was it like what you did for the Team?

Greg responds...

1. By now you've (hopefully) seen the League discuss just that, but you'll have to wait until this Saturday for the results of their vote.

2. Yes.

3. Amber Joyce is a pre-existing DC character.

4. It was shortened to buy time for the DC Nation shorts.

4A. See above.

4B. Yes, but it'll be just as short.

5. These were all characters who were on our original villain list for potential Light members. Blackbriar Thorn has always been a particular favorite of mine, since I loved the Kubert design.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey! First of all, thank you for the awesome show! I was never into superheroes until it saw your show!! Thanks! XD
Secondly, I just saw Misplaced (which was amazing by the way!) and I was wondering why Klarion's eyes turned al red and small. Does it happen whenever he wants and did they do that before in Denial?
This might be considered a spoiler, and if so then just don't answer, but will there be more Batman and Robin moments? Cause those are definetly my favorite!!!
Thanks for the awesome show!!!! :)

Greg responds...

1. We have two models for Klarion. One is more demonic than the other. We used both in both episodes.

2. Normally, I'd say SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT. But this is so basic and obvious, that it's easy enough to answer yes.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So I have a quesstion about the spell Klarion and the others were using in the beginning of "Misplaced." It sounded like it was German? I could pick up the first three words, "Wir sind die," which translates to "We are the," but I couldn't understand what came after that. What did they say? Were they speaking German? Or am I totally off base?

Thank you! :)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"119 'Misplaced'/ Klarion's spell (shared with Wotan, Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust and Wizard):
Wir sind die pfeifer von hamelin…"

[Response recorded on April 11, 2012.]

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Ms. Spoiler writes...

Hey Greg, let me start by saying I love Young Justice, espacially the art! Now I have a couple of questions:
1. Who does Bette live with?
2. Did Bette ever go by Betty, if so why did she change it?
3. Where was Wonder Woman during Misplaced?
4. In Misplaced when, the adults were missing and the teens were taking care of the children, Did Barbara wonder were Dick was?
5. Does Miss Martian think she and Artemis are close friends? Does Artemis think she and Miss Martian are close friends?
6. Where was Roy during Misplaced?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't thought about it.

2. No. She's always been Bette.

3. Busy.

4. Maybe she called him.

5a. Yes.

5b. Yes.

5c. Both their definitions may be one-sided.

6. In the adult dimension, helping to deal with the resulting chaos.

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Kes writes...


I have a few Young Justice questions about magic. First, is magical affinity in their world partly genetic? (Zatanna shares her father's powers, and many Atlanteans have magical skill.) Or does it have more to do with teaching and personality (Kent Nelson told Nabu that Wally's soul belonged to science)? Could a lone student with a spellbook learn, or does it take more than that?

Last, I absolutely loved Zatanna changing her boots to a more practical version in "Secrets"! More battle-practical female attire, please!

Greg responds...

1. It helps.

2. Certain individuals may have more of an affinity for magic than others.

3. Potentially. Doesn't mean they'll be good at it.

4. Thanks; we agree.

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ writes...

Hey Greg :)
Did the event of Snowbird's Don't Fly ever happen in the show's universe? It didn't look like it, from the way Roy left Ollie, but you never know. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the archives.
Thanks! Love the show by the way; everybody who's complaining about it is just looking for reasons to gripe.
(And good luck with all these questions!)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Anon writes...

What spell did Zatanna try to conjure before she was "chocked" by Red Tornado? What did she say?

What spells Zatanna used in "Secrets" and "Misplaced"?

What does Klarion say when he attacks Zatanna? Was that reversed speech too?

Greg responds...

Have I really not answered regarding 115 and 118 yet?

Okay, here we go. (I assume you can do the backwards translating yourself once you see them in writing.)

115 "Humanity"/Zatanna's spells:
Trulb tuo S’worrom eurt noitacol!
Emit ot yrt tuo eht wen kool!
Etaerc a… a… dleihs dnuora ym-- <choke sound>
Emoks emoceb a dlofdnilb!
Ekoms dna srorrim…Etaerc Dik Hsalf snoisulli!

118 "Secrets"/Zatanna's spells:
Egnahc sehtolc otni ruo smrofinu!
Teah taht s’nopaew letam!
Etativel reh!
Teah taht s’nopaew letam!
Etativel drows ot em!
Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub!
Lacitcarp raewtoof won!
Dloc dniw wolb! Dloc dniw wolb! Dloc dniw wolb!
<muffled: Sepor, emoc esool!>
Sepor, emoc esool!
Etativel sexob! - (Actually, this one got cut for time.)
Egnahc sehtolc otni sgnidnib!

118 "Secrets"/Sword of Beowulf spell:
Abannan Afol Beowulf.

119 "Misplaced"/ Klarion's spell (shared with Wotan, Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust and Wizard):
Wir sind die pfeifer von hamelin…

119 "Misplaced"/Zatara's spells:
Tup hcae meti ni sti reporp ecalp!
Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros!
Nommus eht gninthgil!
Ekat em daetsni.

119 "Misplaced"/Zatanna's spells:
Etacol retnecipe fo yrecros!
Etativel mih ffo eht margatnep!
Temleh fo Etaf, laever flesruoy!

119 "Misplaced"/Billy Batson & Captain Marvel's magic word:

119 "Misplaced"/Klarion's 'baby magic' spells:
Fi ehs stnaw ot etativel os yldab, tel reh.

119 "Misplaced"/Zatara & Doctor Fate (i.e. Nabu & Zatanna) spell:
Yam eht owt emoceb eno ecno erom!

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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BLA writes...

Hello Greg,
I absolutely love watching Young Justice, and I want to compliment you and your staff for putting on such a stellar show week after week (when Cartoon Network actually decides to aire episodes, that is). The script and attention you all give to detail is truly phenomenal, which brings me to my first question:

1. For the particulars of each episode (ie: Robin’s knowledge of computers, Wally’s knowledge of science, and people speaking foreign languages), do you actually have specialists on hand such as linguists, chemists, geologists, physicists, etc. to consult when determining how exactly you would diffuse a volcanic explosion among other things? Or do you and the writers just do an obscene amount of research before writing up each scenario?

Also, I’m fairly convinced at this point that the ability to withhold spoilers is some sort of superpower. I know I’d be too excited for the show to refrain from giving out details. Do you don a mask and cape to become “The Weisman” before answering our questions?

Thank you for your time. As always, it’s a pleasure watching your work and reading your responses.

Greg responds...

1. Mostly we do a ton of research - and we also make a ton of stuff up. But I do have a few experts I go to for certain things. For example, Aris Katsaris has provided us with the Ancient Greek which we've adapted to Atlantean. John Wells helps out with all things DC Universe. Etc.

2. No cape. But sometimes I put on a funny nose and glasses. Actually, I'm just a stingy individual when it comes to SPOILERS. It isn't hard for me to refrain from revealing stuff. In fact, some of the folks here at Warner Bros. want me to TEASE more about upcoming content, and I'm extremely reluctant.

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Batman's Bitch writes...

How did Red Arrow know where Artemis was at the end of episode six? There are many zeta tubes teleporters, and not only in gotham, how did he know where to find her?

Greg responds...

He obviously ran a surreptitious computer check in the Cave before departing. (Or something else. To some extent, the specifics don't matter.)

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #24 ("Performance") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #24 ("Performance") Credits

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Jon Weisman

Directed By
Michael Chang

Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Crispin Freeman as Dane Danger
Stephanie Lemelin as Diane Danger
Jesse McCartney as Dan Danger
Danica McKellar as Dawn Danger
Nolan North as Dean Danger
Jason Spisak as Wally West

Adam Baldwin as Parasite
Clancy Brown as King Faraday
Stephen Root as Jack Haly

Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Casey Sandin

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore
Coran Stone

BG Key Design
Cynthia Q. Ignacio
Hakjoon Kang

Prop Design
Hakjoon Kang
Alex Kubalsky
Charles E. Drost, III
Michael Goguen
Jeff Johnson
Keo Thongkham

Storyboard Clean-up
Owen Sullivan

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Doo-Hyung Lee

Background Director
Jung-Ho Park

Production Manager
Young-Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Pan-Seob Kim
Su-Mi Beck

Production Coordinator
Hyo-Sun Ryu
Seong-Mi Park
Layout Artists
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim
Joo-Hyeon Lee

Color Stylist
Min-Yi Kim

Byoung-Ryul Kim (Director)
Hyo-Yoon Beck
Kyoung-Hee Kang
Soo-Jin Yu
Sung-Ho Jo
Jeong-Mi Lee

Model Checker
Ki-Duk Park

Key Animation
Byong-Eui Gwack
Kyong-Ho Lee
Bum-Seok Lee
Kyong-Ah Jang
Jung-hee Yang
Chang-Ho Park
Hyo-sick Jang
Yun-Jae Go

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh

Final Checker
Kyun-Ho Han
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Aldo Martinez - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Hey gang,

This coming Saturday, April 7th on Cartoon Network's DC NATION is episode 124 of YOUNG JUSTICE: "Performance." It's focus is on Robin, his origins and one of his oldest friends. Plus we've got a nice little Superboy subplot, Red Arrow's second mission with the Team and much, much more. The whole block (which also includes Green Lantern and some terrific shorts) repeats again on Sunday the 8th. Check local listings for times.

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #23 ("Insecurity") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #23 ("Insecurity") Credits:

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Peter David

Directed By
Jay Oliva

Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Lacey Chabert as Zatanna Zatara
Crispin Freeman as Red Arrow
Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis
Danica McKellar as M’gann M’orzz
Nolan North as Conner Kent
Khary Payton as Aqualad
Jason Spisak as Kid Flash

Thom Adcox as Klarion
Jeff Bennett as Red Tornado, Bernell Jones
Nick Chinlund as Sportsmaster/Crusher Crock
Kelly Hu as Cheshire, Paula Crock
Josh Keaton as Black Spider
Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo, M.O.N.Q.I.
Alan Tudyk as Green Arrow

Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Klarion Created by
Jack Kirby

Zatanna Created By
Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson

Cheshire Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore
Coran Stone

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Fedja Jovanovic

Prop Design
Eugene Mattos
Jay Baker
Tim Divar
Seung-gyu Lee

Storyboard Clean-up
Brendon Clogher
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi
Christina Louise Sotta
Owen Sullivan

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
James Tim Walker

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.

Supervising Animation Director
Heechul Kang

Background Director
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi

Animation Directors
Deagu Heh
Hyeoksoo Lee

Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)
Layout Artists
Changnam Kim
Jinyoung Kim
Minsu Kim

Final Checker
Hosoon Shin

Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji

Model Checkers
Junghee Kim
Mikyoung Kim

Sangbong Oh
Hoyeon Joo
Yuri Choi
Daehee Rim
Sunghun Lee

Key Animation
Yeoungsik Hwang
Seokjin Jang
Mansoo Jung
Seongil Kim
Sinkwon Kim
Mingu Lee
Jihyeon Nam
Jaejin Yu

Seokki Um
Misook Choi
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Aldo Martinez - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Tune in this Saturday and/or Sunday morning (March 30 and 31) for episode 123 of YOUNG JUSTICE: "Insecurity". This one focuses on Artemis, and the pressures on her to keep her secrets as Red Arrow officially joins the Team, which is then assigned to track Sportsmaster! Check local listings for times.

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #22 ("Agendas") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #22 ("Agendas") Credits:

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Kevin Hopps

Directed By
Michael Chang

Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Lacey Chabert as Zatanna Zatara
Danica McKellar as M’gann M’orzz
Nolan North as Superboy, Match, Superman, Zatara
Jason Spisak as Wally West

Dee Bradley Baker as Wolf
Jeff Bennett as Red Tornado
George Eads as Flash
Crispin Freeman as Guardian
Bruce Greenwood as Batman
Phil LaMarr as Dubbilex, Aquaman
Chad Lowe as Captain Marvel
Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary, Amanda Spence
Maggie Q as Wonder Woman
Kevin Michael Richardson as Martian Manhunter, Nabu, John Stewart
Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor
Alan Tudyk as Green Arrow

Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

Wonder Woman Created By
William Moulton Marston

Martian Manhunter Created By
Joseph Samachson and Joseph Certa

Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris

Doctor Fate Created By
Gardner Fox

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Zatanna Created By
Gardner Fox

Dubbilex Created By
Jack Kirby

Guardian Created By
Jack Kirby
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Casey Sandin

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore

BG Key Design
Cynthia Q. Ignacino
Fedja Jovanovic
Hakjoon Kang

Prop Design
Alex Kubalsky
Charles E. Drost, III
Curt Geda
Michael Goguen
Jeff Johnson

Storyboard Clean-up
Owen Sullivan

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Wut It Is
Jhoanne Reyes

Card 13

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Seung-Bong Lim

Background Director
Jung-Ho Park

Production Managers
Young-Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Ok-Ki Lee
Su-Mi Beck

Production Coordinator
Hyosun Ryu
Seongmi Park
Layout Artists
Tae-II Kim
In-Soo Kim
Hak-Jin Kim

Color Stylist
Min-Yi Kim

Byoung-Ryul Kim (Director)
Hyo-Yoon Beck
Kyoung-Hee Kang
Sung-Ho Jo

Model Checkers
Yang-Sook Kim

Key Animation
Eun-Jung Kang
Eun-Hee Yang
Jong-Jin Park
Bong-Geun Kim
Seong-Joon Kwon
Soo-Jin Lee
Han-Young Lee
Young-Chase Kim
Yun-Ho Choo
Sang-Young Uhm

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh

Final Checker
Dong Moon Choo
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian

Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones

Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.

There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Aldo Martinez - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Ed writes...

1. Is Atlantis a Constitutional Monarchy or an absolute Monarchy?

2. How big is Atlantis?

3. I know this may seem as a spoiler but how big a chip does Conner have on his shoulder?

Greg responds...

1. Constitutional.

2. Big. Atlantis was a small CONTINENT.

3. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I have a couple more questions and a statement.

First my statement:
When I heard about Young Justice back around Thanksgiving of '10, I was so happy, and watched eagerly the entire airing of Independence Day and Fireworks. As the story went along, and Artemis was added, I didn't really like her, but since Homefront, I've come to like her, as she proved she was a true hero. I'm so happy about this show, and really anything with Robin (and that Robin could be Dick, Jason or Tim).

First Question:

I know Superman didn't get all his powers at once, I believe they came one or two at a time. Will Conner (Superboy) be the same in that way since he is a clone of the Man of Steel?

Second Question:

I've noticed something about the companion comics. They have been releasing about 2 months or so before the date printed on them, like Issue #13 has an April '12 date on it, but it released in January.

Oh, one more thing, loving the comics, they are the first set I've ever officially started collecting, and I love how they fill in the gaps in the show. I'm doing this about 2 hours before the premier of Misplaced, but hey, the episode is bound to be great.

Thank you so much for bring something new to the DC Comics TV Shows.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not confirming the premise of your question, let alone answering it.

2. What was the question?

Wow - it just occured to me that ALL the questions I've been answering since we got back from break are from BEFORE a new episode even aired. Yikes!

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Tupka writes...

I've been thinking over a lot of questions; these are the only good ones I could come up with. If it's already asked, it must have happened yesterday, my apoligies.

1. I've noticed you give out plot teases for future comics, but not episodes. Is this a tactic to get more people buy the comic?
2a. In Young Justice #9 and #10, the Pentagon is said to be in Washington. Shouldn't it be Arlington County?
2b. Also about that first DC timestamp in #9... it says 23:03, but it's light as day. Coloring mistake or timestamp mistake?
3a. I think it's safe to say that Captain Atom is close to you. Was Kevin Hopps acquainted with the original story or did you give him homework? Was adapting the story difficult?
3b. Do he and Brandon Vietti have favorite characters that they like to give screentime?
4. Issue #11... Why was there a tanker truck so close to the launch pad? It's not like it has to fuel the rocket, and it would blow up from the heat of the launch.
5a. Concerning the guests at Kent's funeral... It was nice to see Wildcat still alive. Is he still active, or has he retired like Jay and just dressed up for the occasion?
5b. I couldn't recognize the woman with Barry. Was that Iris?
6a. In #7, Paula exits the bus to Bludhaven. Christopher Jones mentioned on his blog that he added the Bludhaven because he likes adding those details. Have you at this point thought out where Bludhaven is, or is it just "a busride away from Gotham"?
6b. Did you ever have to call him back to remove a reference?
7. In Welcome to Happy Harbor and later Schooled, Gotham is established in Connecticut. But in Downtime, the Gotham Academy had Artemis' address with the zip code 10510 - that's Westchester County, NY (coincidentally the location of a certain school in Marvel Comics). Shouldn't it have been an 06... code? Or has the Postal Service on Earth-16 come up with a new numbering?
8. In Downtime, the Daily Gotham in the Crock apartment [http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/File:The_Daily_Gotham.png] had a picture from the 1992 Batman series [http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/File:Poison_Clippings.jpg]. I looked if any of the people credited with prop design (Andy Chiang, Alexander Kubalsky and Eugene Mattos) had any history with the Batman series, but couldn't find a link. Do you know whose idea the photo was?
9. Issue #13 - how did Clayface know which teammember to "team up" with eachother to take them down? The Team hasn't really shown romantic tension or friendship in #12 and #13 (on-panel, at least).
10. Also in #13, Artemis mentions her "record and pedigree" will have her end up in Belle Reve. Does she actually have a record, or did she say that to fool Icicle?
11. People have asked about the NYPD police cars and why they're not blue and white. Closer inspection reveals they're the same as the Metropolis police car in "Revelation" and even the Taipei police cars in "Targets". My absurdly trained DC Animated Universe eye (see the newspapers question above) recognized them as the Metropolis PD cruisers from Superman: The Animated Series... which were reused on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited for Gotham PD and Central City PD. Were the designs reused to save time and money, or is there one car manufacturer (Lex?) that has completely cornered the world police cruiser market?

Greg responds...

1. It is indeed.

2a. It should, yes.

2b. Coloring.

3a. The original story was SO complicated, I gave the three-parter to Kevin to read and said to him something along the lines of "I'm too close to this. You tell me what is essential and what needs to be cut." (Also keeping in mind that instead of using Captain Atom, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and Mister Miracle as the protagonists, we were going to use Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis.

3b. You'd have to ask them.

4. We don't really know what went on with Ra's raid on the facility prior to when the issue began.

5a. Largely retired.

5b. No, that was Joan Garrick, and she was with Jay/Flash, not Barry/Flash.


6b. Not so far.

7. No comment.

8. Never noticed before.

9. He paid attention.

10. Heh, heh, heh.

11. Uh... both?

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did you know that the DVD close captions reveal the identities of L-1, L-6 and L-5? How did this happen?

Also in the captions, when L-6 lists the interferences ran by the Team, he says "Monsieur Twister", but it sounds like he says "Mister". What does he say in fact?

Greg responds...

1. They don't consult us is how. There have been SO MANY leaks on this series, it's hard to get too worked up over that one.

2. I think "Monsieur", as I recall.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've been waiting since December for this. I checked out the second "Young Justice" DVD from the library then, and here's my review of its episodes (almost three months old now, I'm afraid, not fresh).

SCHOOLED: You certainly opened this episode on a surprise. A school bus is in trouble (I noticed, incidentally, that you mentioned that the school bus turns up in other episodes as a running gag, and my immediate thought was "So now 'Young Justice' has its own counterpart to the yuppie couple!"), and the first person whom we see ready to change into super-hero gear and respond is Bruce Wayne! (Obviously he has to be there to see Superman's response to Superboy and talk to him about it later on - but I can't help think that part of the point might also have been to have some fun messing with the viewers' expectations!) Of course, Superman shows up before Bruce can don his bat-gear, but it's still a bit of a shake-up.

A lot of other people have no doubt already mentioned this, but I thought that Bruce and Clark's dessert orders were wonderfully appropriate.

I immediately thought of the Winged Monkeys in "The Wizard of Oz" when Professor Ivo's robot monkeys showed up, especially since they emerged from the cornfield (yes, I know that the cornfield and the winged monkeys are in different parts of "The Wizard of Oz", but it still somehow helped with the imagery). And I loved Professor Ivo's line about how long it took him to come up with the acronym for them.

I'd heard of Amazo before, if just the name (which, in print, looks like it's derived from "Amazon"; fortunately, when pronounced, as in this episode, it's clear that it's derived from "amaze" or "amazing"). Definitely a great idea for a challenging adversary - and I liked how you had the Team take him down, using his own skill against him.

One final delight: Kid Flash getting taken out by Black Canary after he hits on her.

INFILTRATION: Red Arrow's choice for a new name over "Speedy" seemed well-advised to me (apart from his desire to be his own person rather than standing in someone else's shadow). As I mentioned in my review of the first "Young Justice" DVD (and as someone commented in the opening episode), "Speedy" sounds more appropriate for a super-fast super-hero like Kid Flash rather than an archer; with a name like "Red Arrow", it's clear what his skills are. (Artemis likewise chose her super-hero moniker well, a name that also makes it clear - at least, to anyone familiar with Greek mythology - what her skills are.)

The scene where the Team are in telepathic conversation with each other - and soon regret it (as does Dr. Roquette even more) was another hilarious moment. So was Wally suffering through his first day in the new term at his high school while everyone else is having a great time at the beach (is it just me, or is he the natural target for comical humiliation)?

This is a minor issue, but Robin's interest in word-play invites it; when he said that the Fog had decimated Star Labs, I thought that the word "decimated" would have been more appropriate if it had only wiped out 10 percent of the building, rather than the whole thing.

DENIAL: Kent Nelson's voice sounded familiar to me when I watched this, and although I usually don't give too much thought to who voices whom, I decided to pause during the ending credits to check - and, yep, voiced by Ed Asner. Who did a fine job on him, too.

Kent established himself as a great character from the start, first when he tells the phony fortune-teller that if his wife really was trying to contact him from beyond the grave, she'd be telling him off for wasting good money on a fraud rather than uttering the usual "I miss you" cliches (which also establishes her as a great character), and then exposing her tricks.

I'd only seen Klarion before in an episode of "The New Batman/Superman Adventures" (which got my attention because of its Arthurian content; Klarion seized control of an old demon that had served Merlin once through a branding-iron belonging to Morgan le Fay); there he was just a spoiled brat with access to magic. This Klarion, as a Lord of Chaos, is a lot more deadly, outranking the Klarion of "The New Batman/Superman Adventures" the way Voldemort would outrank Draco Malfoy.

And I smiled (if not laughed) when the big action took place in Salem. (Well, where else would a magic-themed super-hero keep his tower?)

Can't help but suspect that Dr. Fate was drawing on Kid Flash's style when his way of defeating Klarion's henchman was to make his outer garments vanish, leaving him in his underwear.

DOWNTIME: I immediately thought when I saw the opening scene, with its gloomy architecture and gargoyles, "Must be Gotham City" - and then a moment later, the caption confirms it.

Another good episode, with its glimpses of the Team's civilian life. I liked Alfred's cameo (he's one of my favorite characters in the "Batman" universe). The scene with Superboy and Miss Martian was funny (particularly Red Tornado's brief visit), though a bit creepy when I began to wonder whether Superboy's watching a blank screen had something to do with his upbringing at Cadmus Labs. And the scene with Wally was, as usual, funny - and also showed that super-speed apparently runs in his family (sorry, that one just slipped out), complete with the family patriarch apparently having been a super-speedster in Kent Nelson's generation.

Two bits in the Atlantis scenes got my attention. The first was when Aqualad and Aquaman were speaking to each other in Atlantean with subtitles; I knew already that their language was based on ancient Greek, and recognized one word from a high school course on Homeric Greek that I'd taken: "anax", meaning "king". It got me wondering whatever became of my textbook for that course (which included the full first book of the Iliad in the original Greek, complete with commentary).

The second was Prince Orm. He says that he doesn't mind not being first in line for the throne now that Aquaman's going to have a son, but I wondered if he meant it. I've seen enough cases of royal treachery from younger brothers who have a nephew standing in front of them in the line of succession (from John Lackland and Richard III down to Scar in "The Lion King") that I wondered if Orm was telling the truth. On the other hand, there've been some loyal "royal uncles" (such as John of Gaunt to Richard II), so I shouldn't be too quick to expect skullduggery from Orm. At any rate, if he shows up in any more episodes, I'm keeping a close eye on him.

So that's my review. I hope I can review episodes 9-12 soon.

Greg responds...

Me too! THanks. I'm glad you're enjoying the stuff.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What happens to Robin's grappling guns when he leaves them behind?

Greg responds...

He leaves them behind?

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Congratulations on the video game. I'm talking about YJ: Legacy, of course. Will the story be canon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When was the android T.O. Morrow created?

Greg responds...

Which one?

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Professor Ivo distributed the prison uniforms in the men's wing, who distributed them in the women's wing?
Who was the Black woman sharing a cell with Devastion?
Were all of the inmates at Belle Reve named characters, or were most of them just extras?

Greg responds...

1. I seem to recall it being Shimmer.

2. I'd have to look again. I don't remember.

3. Most were name characters, but there were a few extras.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I read somewhere here that the number 16 has some magical meaning on YJ. I know I've seen it in some timestamps and Red Tornado's number is 16. What's it significance? Can you list all its references so far?

Greg responds...

1. Decide for yourself.

2. Nope.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You said Superman doesn't have superbreath, but he used it to blow away some monqis in #2.

Greg responds...

Are you sure?

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Can you please rank the members of the Light by IQ?

Greg responds...

No, I cannot. It's not just that I will not - though I won't - but I also can't. I've never really understood IQ numbers or what they mean.

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What the names of the songs of Rigoletto featured in SSM "Gangland"? The only ones I recognized were:
"Ella mi fu rapita...Parmi veder le lagrime"
"Duca, duca!"/"Scorrendo uniti"
"Cortigiani, vil razza dannata"
"La donna è mobile"
By the way, I thought it was BRILLIANT of you to use that score diegeticly and extra-diegeticly and extra-diegeticly. It just proves that ANY kind of music can score a fight sequence, not just rock or techno.
How did you think of it?
Will you do some alike in YJ?

Greg responds...

1. I'm afraid I don't have access to my old Sony SpecSpidey files here at my WARNER BROS. Young Justice office, and I just don't remember exactly which songs we used.

2. "diegeticly"? Did you mean digitally? I'm not sure what you mean here...?

3. I think that one inspiration was clearly the Godfather movies.


Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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EXALT writes...

1)Why is Dinah Lance/Black Canary your favourite DC character?
2)Who is your favourite Marvel character and why?
3)Do you happen to know Brandon Vietti's favourite DC character?

Greg responds...

1. To some extent, I'm not sure I have an answer to this. She just... is. But I think it's a combo of factors. Part of it, I'm sure, goes back to the adolescent boy in me that just thought she was hot. (I'm not necessarily proud of this, but I'm not ashamed of it either.) She's a strong, beautiful woman, who holds her own in the company of folks like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, etc. - even without any super-powers. (And you need to keep in mind, I'm old enough to remember a Black Canary who didn't even have a Canary Cry.) She's developed over time into a leader. I also REALLY like her relationship with Green Arrow (though I haven't always liked the way some writers and editors have portrayed it.) I love the martial arts skills, and I love (and even miss a little) her original undercover m.o., i.e. the way she operated as a criminal underworld figure, secretly working on the side of the angels. I mean, the lady kicks ass! What's not to like? Then add in the fact that one of my very first assignments at DC in the eighties was to write a Black Canary mini-series (that never got published). So I feel a personal connection to the character also.

Now, having said all that, there are a TON of DC Heroes that I really love. Black Canary is the first among equals, really.

2. See the last sentence of my previous answer. I don't feel like there's a single character that stands out in the same way for me over at Marvel, though there are many, many, many that I love. Of course, working on Spectacular Spider-Man gave me an insight into Peter Parker that almost qualifies. (Same with Flash Thompson, actually.)

3. Nope, but you can ask him on his website: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/

Response recorded on March 23, 2012

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Hey gang,

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 24, 2012 - and repeating again on Sunday - is the American premiere of Young Justice episode 122, "Agendas". This is a BIG story for Superboy - and for the entire JUSTICE LEAGUE, as well, featuring special guest star MAGGIE Q, who absolutely rocks it as WONDER WOMAN! So tune in!

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Janelle writes...

It's so unfair (and frustrating) that other countries aired new episodes before the U.S. does. All the same, I've still been watching the leaked episodes online in Turkish and Portuguese with the occasional fan letting me in on a translation. So I've had some hope in all of this. I know you can't control it, but how do you feel about it all? And, also, thank you in advance for your time!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Personally, I think it's bad enough folks are spoiling things FOR THEMSELVES, when they will soon be able to see the episodes in English and at a decent quality within a matter of a few short weeks. (And the blame-Cartoon-Network excuse holds ZERO water for me, as these people are still CHOOSING to view episodes ahead of schedule. No one is holding a gun to their heads.) But the fact that they are spoiling things for folks who are trying NOT to get spoiled is just outrageously obnoxious."

[Response recorded on March 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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Drew writes...

Hello greg, i would like to know what year is the young justice and earth-16 set at the moment. Is it 2010 or 2011?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We intentionally have NOT put a year on the present day events on the show. There is NO CANON YEAR, as far as I'm concerned.

But the days of the week are based on the 2010 calendar. And in my timeline, now a whopping 185 pages, for purposes of math - relative to events in the past - we're set in 2010."

[Response recorded on November 18, 2011.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First, thank you for doing this awesome show! I think Young Justice is my favorite DC-show! Also, thank you for taking the time to answer questions of the fans, it's really appreciated :)
What do you think about YJ episodes being released earlier in other countries? Spoilers are out on the Internet, do you think it's spoiling the final or on the contrary it raise the anticipation?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Personally, I think it's bad enough folks are spoiling things FOR THEMSELVES, when they will soon be able to see the episodes in English and at a decent quality within a matter of a few short weeks. (And the blame-Cartoon-Network excuse holds ZERO water for me, as these people are still CHOOSING to view episodes ahead of schedule. No one is holding a gun to their heads.) But the fact that they are spoiling things for folks who are trying NOT to get spoiled is just outrageously obnoxious."

[Response recorded on March 19, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

!.How old is rocket?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Rocket is 15."

[Response recorded on January 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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PunkRoseBlitz writes...

So, I'm watching the new episode of Young Justice, and loving Wally's humor as always. Since his birthday is November 11th, what would would be the other characters' birthdays(Just the heroes like Robin, Red Arrow, etc.)? Keep up the amazing work by the way.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Some of the birthdays of the Team are SPOILER REQUESTS. Others I just haven't needed to figure out yet."

[Response recorded on February 23, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Greg! I was wondering since Young Justice first aired in 2010 does it still take place in 2010 today or did it change? I've noticed how the episodes are time stamped with months and days but not years, so I was just curious, have a nice day!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We intentionally have NOT put a year on the present day events on the show. There is NO CANON YEAR, as far as I'm concerned.

But the days of the week are based on the 2010 calendar. And in my timeline, now a whopping 185 pages, for purposes of math - relative to events in the past - we're set in 2010."

[Response recorded on November 18, 2011.]

Response recorded on March 19, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #21 ("Image") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #21 ("Image") Credits:

Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman

Written By
Nicole Dubuc

Directed By
Jay Oliva

Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis

“Hello, Megan!”
Music by Michael McCuistion
Lyrics by Nicole Dubuc & Greg Weisman
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Jesse McCartney as Robin
Danica McKellar as Miss Martian, Marie Logan/Megan Wheeler
Nolan North as Superboy
Jason Spisak as Kid Flash, Monkey

Bruce Greenwood as Batman, Rumaan Harjavti
Logan Grove as Garfield Logan
Vanessa Marshall as Dinah Lance, Noor Harjavti
Kevin Michael Richardson as Martian Manhunter, Paul Sloane/Lead Singer
Marina Sirtis as Queen Bee, Sandra Stanyon/Mrs. Wheeler
Alan Tudyk as Psimon, Oliver Queen

Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Martian Manhunter Created By
Joseph Samachson and Joseph Certa

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Beast Boy Created by
Arnold Drake

Psimon Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore
Coran Stone

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Fedja Jovanovic
Hakjoon Kang
Art Lee

Prop Design
Alex Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos
Jay Baker
Tim Divar Owen Sullivan
Lauren Montgomery
Owen Sullivan

Storyboard Clean-up
Christina Louise Sotta

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Jan Browning
Chuck Gefre
Janette Hylett
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Jhoanne Reyes
Card 13

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.

Supervising Animation Director
Heechul Kang

Background Directors
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi

Animation Directors
Junsik Cho
Sangjoon Lee
Hyeoksoo Lee
Myeonghwan Park

Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)
Layout Artists
Junyeop An
Hyeonwoo Seo
Insik Um

Final Checker
Hosoon Shin

Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji

Model Checkers
Junghee Kim
Mikyoung Kim

Sangbong Oh
Hoyeon Joo
Yuri Choi
Daehee Rim
Sunghun Lee

Key Animation
Daegu Heh
EunHwa Jung
Howoon Jung
Dongwook Kim
Kwonil Kim
Younhmi Lee
Kyounghwa Seo

Seokki Um
Misook Choi
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate

Production Support
Vivian Hernandez
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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