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Anonymous writes...

Are we going to expect more Disney voice actors to be working on Young Justice like Jim Cummings for example?

BTW did you know that is really Ron Stoppable voicing Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) on B:TBTB. Best portrayal of the third and current Blue Beetle EVER!

Greg responds...

Are there ANY other portrayals of the Reyes/Blue Beetle?

Anyway, I'm sure there'll be plenty of overlap.

Response recorded on January 04, 2011

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Grant writes...

Do the Atlanteans and their stigma for blond hair exist in the YJ universe like they do in the comics? Does that extend to Aqualad?

Greg responds...

Not in my mind.

Response recorded on January 04, 2011

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Grant writes...

1)So if the original Black Canary was born in 1943, whats years was she operating from? Did she still have any connection to the original JSA?

2)Were there any heroes besides her that you have transplanted to the interim era between the Golden Age and the Modern Age?

Greg responds...

1. I have all this in the timeline, but I'd rather not commit to non-canon material at this time.

2. Maybe.

Response recorded on January 04, 2011

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Tyler writes...

According to the Wikipedia, in the Young Justice article you chose the characters from a list of around 50. I was wondering just which of these characters you were looking at but didn't make the spot. Do you have a list of characters you could post here you were looking at for us to peruse, and if not can you post the most prominent ones that were the closest (but did not make the six) to getting on the show?

Greg responds...

I have all these things, but I won't post them at this time, because any way you shake it, it becomes a spoiler.

Maybe once the series is over and done.

Response recorded on December 30, 2010

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Billybob writes...

Soo... did the group dynamics of young justice resemble gargoyles by accident like maybe you didn't realize you were writing them that way. I mean robin is cleary the lexington of the group the smallest and the smartest, and aqualad has goliaths role as the mature leader. And the boys reaction to seeing miss martian for the first time was pretty much the same as the trios to meeting Angela. (who was also new to the city the same way miss martian is new to the planet.)

Greg responds...

Uh... gee, when you put it that way, it all seems pretty unoriginal. But I don't actually think your parallels go much beyond the few surface characteristics you've listed. (I mean is Kid Flash supposed to be in any real way like Broadway because they both like food?)

Keep watching and let me know...

Oh, and no, no parallelism was intended.

Response recorded on December 27, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I heard that Young Justice's premiere was viewed by over 2.5 million people which apparently is very good. I dont know what numbers for channels like Cartoon Network are usually like, can you kinda explain how good that number is?

Greg responds...

In this day and age, it's GOOD.

Response recorded on December 27, 2010

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Edward writes...

The animation on young justice looks amazing. I was wondering would you be aloud to show LGBT characters on a show like young justice in this day and age?

Greg responds...

"aloud to show" is quite the typo, Edward.

I could definitely SHOW LGBT characters. I just don't know if I'd be ALLOWED to be all that ALOUD about it.

Response recorded on December 27, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Greatly enjoyed the premier of Young Justice.

Minor to medium sized Spoilers:

Oddly enough I wasn't in love with the trailer - it seemed a little juvenile to be so excited about forming a kids group...nice misdirection. It makes perfect sense in context. Speaking of what was already in the trailer...WOW you aren't shy about killing - unless there is away all those flash frozen families were flash unfrozen? Alot to love, but one ting in particular that stood out for me was the meeting between Superman and Superboy. I'm so used to Supes being the big blue boy scout it's nice to see him fall short of expectations, and beautifully expressed in the process.

Greg responds...


Glad you liked it. And More to Come...

The pilot will repremiere as episode one on January 7 and episode two on January 14, with episodes, 3, 4 and 5 following on consecutive fridays.

Response recorded on December 27, 2010

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Paul writes...

When Young Justice starts airing in January, will there be a theme song at the beginning of each episode (or a minute or so in, like in The Spectacular Spider-Man)?

Greg responds...

I'm gonna let you wait until January to find out.

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I want to say how much I enjoyed the Debut of Young Justice. I know this is going to mainly focus on the kids but will we be seeing some stuff amongst the adults too? Specifically for me Superman and Wonder Woman. I loved that little silent interaction between her and Superman at the end of Independence Day. So while I know this isn't about the adults, I would love to see some of the shared friendship /tension/chemistry that the comics have with them that DCAU always ignore. The super/wonder fans have had very little in animation to cheer about other than one awesome Ruby Spears Episode.

Greg responds...

We've tried to (whenever they're on screen) present ALL characters honestly and reveal their relationships whenever possible.

But as you said, this is a series about six teenagers. Superman has a direct relationship to one of these six. Wonder Woman has none. Both appear in the series, but screen time is precious, of course.

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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