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Logan writes...

Big fan of the idea to ground the show in realism. After watching your previous work I've always left your show's feeling that I've gotten much more than your typical cartoon experience. I was pleased to have similar feelings after watching young justice.

In spirit of the covert and behind the scene missions that batman will assign the young league, and given the show has the appropriate rating, will we be seeing REAL guns and bullets, and not your typical random super villain technology laser gun every other episode?

I love the covert angle and being that the young league is going to be in the shade for now, we'd love to see some realistic shady characters and some shady gat's...

Greg responds...

We do have realistic guns and bullets where appropriate.

Response recorded on January 26, 2011

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kon-el writes...

1.Is Superboy going to learn to fly?
2.Does Superboy have super speed?
3.What can you tell me about the love triangle between Superboy, Miss Martian and Kid Flash?

Greg responds...

1. Wait and see.

2. He's faster than the normal human.

3. Lots.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Robin writes...

First of all, the Young Justice premier was exquisite, I can't wait for more. However, I do have one question. When the Young Justice team is led by the Justice League members into the decoy base, lounge is show to be in full view of reporters (who are behind a glass window. A few minutes later, the warning happens. Are the reporters still viewing that room when this warning comes? Or was there some sort of off-screen blocking of the windows? Thanks

Greg responds...

They could SEE the warning, but not hear it. If private business takes place, however the windows can be made to go opaque.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! First off, great work on the YJ pilot. A few things bugged me (like the faintly ridiculous lack of female characters and the way they were handled) but overall it was excellent and I can't wait for the series to start!

I have absolutely no idea if you can answer this, but was Guardian being called 'brother' at the end of the Young Justice pilot supposed to imply anything?

Greg responds...

I can answer it.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Lucas writes...

Hi Greg - loved Young Justice! I was curious about Cadmus, though. Are there only saw three humans actually working in the sub-levels? (Guardian, Mark Desmond and the female scientist) Or were there more that we just didn't see?

It seems like there should have been more, since there was a large men's washroom, with a number of stalls in it... I'm assuming they wouldn;t have built that just for Desomnd and the Guardian. If there are more people working there, why didn't they respond to all the craziness going on?

Greg responds...

1. There were more.

2. Lockdown.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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FinalAvalanche writes...

1) Did you expect the fans to react so strongly in response to you not revealing the identity of Artemis in Young Justice?

2) In past interviews you've said who Artemis isn't and that has led to people grasping at straws for who's left. The two most popular theories at the moment are Olivia Queen, and Artemis Crock. Would you be surprised to know that I've even heard Stephanie Brown's name be mentioned?

Greg responds...

1. No, mostly because I thought her identity was so obvious.

2. I feel like this question is really a not very well hidden attempt to extract info.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Logan writes...

I saw a Jan 7th return date online ...

was not expecting it that early. early young justice makes me one happy fanboy.
good looks.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Heck, I didn't even shave today.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Greg Weisguy writes...

Do you feel like DC's Fifth Dimension characters (such as Mr. Mxyzptlk, Bat-Mite, Qwsp, Jakeem Thunder's Thunderbolt, etc.) would be tonally appropriate for Young Justice? I'm not asking if you have any plans to use them, just whether you think those characters would be able to fit in with your show's relatively serious take on the DCU.

Along the same lines, how do you feel about red kryptonite (the variety that causes random changes in Kryptonians for a roughly 24 hour period)? Would it be too silly for a show like this?

Greg responds...

I hesitate to answer this at all, because I don't want to tie my own hands, and an idea could occur later that would put the lie to this... but now, neither of those concepts feels like a natural fit at this time.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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tomi writes...

I saw premiere of Young Justice, and once agains, brilliant job well done!

I was just wondering, who,s voice director on that series?
My two guesses would be either Andrea Romano( since She has directed almost all existing animation adaptations of DC)or Jamie Thomason( since you have together history).
Once again, nice work, and keep it up!

Greg responds...

Jamie Thomason is the voice and casting director on Young Justice. What's a matter? Couldn't you read his two millimeter credit during it's micro-second long appearance on screen?

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Baron Ultron writes...

Few thing have bugged me since cancelation of Spectacular Spider-Man.

1)Does Marvel hate Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon or not.I ask this because they are making new Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon and Spectacular Spider-Man was canceled and there was lack of promotion in Marvel.Com(While Avengers or Super Hero Squad have many promotions).Also in one of your answers you said that Marvel are not planning to make comic book based on your show or something like that.So does Marvel hate your show or not?

2)This might be stupid question but worth a shot.Will you ever work for Marvel or Disney again due to cancelation of your show and Disney retooling Gargoyles into Gargoyles Goliath Chronicles.

3)What do you think about Avengers:Earth's Mightiest Heroes Cartoon.Do you think it is as great as Spectacular Spider-Man or bad.Also in your opinion which show is better:Young Justice or Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

4)Will you watch Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon?And also is there a chance that you will work on Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes or some Marvel Comic Book?

Good Luck

Greg responds...

1. I hope not. Ask Marvel.

2. I'm perfectly willing.

3. I haven't seen Avengers, but Frank Paur is producing it, so I take it for granted that it's great. But in any case, I don't see YJ as being in competition with Avengers. There's room for both.

4a. No. There's no upside in me watching Ultimate. If it's great, I'll be jealous. If it sucks, I'll be frustrated.

4b. No. I'm plenty busy on YJ.

4c. I hope so. Ask Marvel.

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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