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Bridgette writes...

Hey, Young Justice is awesome man! Your doing great on that series.
1. How come while Artemis, Robin, Wally, M'gann, and Superboy have to go to school, Aqualad doesn't?
2. Are you planning to reveal more about Green Lanterns in Young Justice or at least making them a main focus in an episode?
3. What grades are the Team all in?

Greg responds...

1. He graduated from his basic Atlantean required schooling and completed his mandatory military service. And he dropped out of the Conservatory of Sorcery.

2. Eventually, the television series and/or the comic will reveal more.

3. Conner & Megan are in 11th grade. Wally & Artemis are in 10th. Dick is in 9th.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Sarah Lynne writes...

Great job on Young Justice so far. I got a few questions:

1.What are the names of Red Tornado's "sibling" androids from episode 12?

2.Will Kid Flash and Artemis become friendlier to each other?

3.Will more characters join The Team later on in this season or next season?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Red Torpedo, Red Inferno and Red Volcano.



Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Kenzey writes...

Hello Again Mr Weisman! Thanks so much for the answers earlier, and now I have a couple more.
1 In Young Justice issue #6, Superboy says that he wants to take Superman "out", will this be touched on in the series?
2 I read in the YJ archives that Jor-El and Lara came to Earth with Superman, will we meet them or are they deceased?
Thanks for taking the time!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. You read that where? I'm sure I never confirmed that.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Sebastian writes...

Just wanted to say I love Young Justice. My daughter and I watch it religously, and when I can get her to the comic book store, she can never make it past the Young Justice comic without grabbing a copy.
The new episodes are fantastic. I love the pacing of the series. Please don't stop the occasional focus on characters like Red Arrow, or fantastic moments like the dessert scene with Bruce and Clark. Also, as someone who watched the original Super Friends way back in the day, I was absolutely cracking up at Marvin's "M" shirt when he crashed into Connor. Priceless.

My only question is: Since the big DC reboot, I haven't seen anything about Young Justice being in the New 52. Is the Young Justice comic going to continue, or are there any plans for any upcoming comics in the Young Justice continuity/Earth 16?

Thanks for all of your efforts on the show! As I watch each episode, it really shines through that this is "special", and that the creators really care about it.

Greg responds...

The comic is indeed continuing. At the moment, it and the show are the only things in the Earth-16 continuity.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Did Artemis's father love her mother?

Greg responds...

Depends on one's definition, but he'd shrug and say "Sure."

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you choose to have two Green Lanterns? Why Hal and John? I was under the impression that Guy was the second Lantern. (If it's for plot, just say, "plot reasons")

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Joshua writes...

in "homefront" (awesome episode btw), why did Artemis choose her arrow out of the different memorabilia instead of the helmet of Fate? it just seems rather short-sighted to me to hang the fate of the entire team on a single shot with an arrow instead of an all powerful magical artifact. funny though, now she's saved the team with that arrow twice.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Dash writes...

I really appreciate you answering fan questions, as there are really very few genius story writers who take the initiative connect with the fans. I have seen 'Terrors' and I want to know the ages of the terror twins and icicle jr. as I can't understand why he icicle jr. was taken to an adult prison when it already mentioned by batman that he was only 17 years old.And by the way awesome episode.

Greg responds...

It's stated in the episode that Icicle Jr. (age 17) PETITIONED to be tried as an adult.

The Terror Twins are both 18.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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FrancescaC writes...

Hey Mr Weisman. Young Justice is a great show- thanks for putting so much time and effort into it to make so enjoyable! Now, we know that Zatanna is coming due to the solicts. How old is she? Thanks and I'm looking forward to the episode!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Keziah C writes...

Hi Greg, I've watched 'Homefront' twice now and it is absolutely my favourite episode of the series so far. Jon did a fabulous job writing it and all the voice acting and animations were brilliant.

First off, Artermis' character development was brilliant, I already liked her before as the 'badass girl' on the team but now we've seen that underneath all that she is just a teenage girl with her own fears. We also see that she really does care for her team-mates and her skill with her bow is AMAZING!! That shot she takes right at the end just left me going 'Wooooooaaaaaahhhhhhh'

Robin at the beginnning kept making me laugh with his cheekiness. That stunt with the camera was just too funny, as well as his little interrogation of Artemis when he meets her at the zeta-tube in Gotham (which hinted to me that he knows exactly who she is) And I loved how we see how good he is at what he does as well as how serious and mature he can be, it just proves that he is the most experienced and a badass ninja.

And smart Wally was a complete breath of fresh air! I love Wally, I really do (I love everybody) but sometimes his hyper and slightly obnoxious ways can get a little annoying since it can sometimes make him look like a complete idiot so it was great to see him speak techno-babble and show off his intelligence for once.

I just have one question, will the apparant lack of concern over Kaldur's wellbeing be adressed? It came up in Bereft when Megan flew off to save Superyboy instead of making sure a near-death Kaldur made it somewhere where he could be treated and again in Homefront when only he mentions the fact that he could also die from the fire-cage. I know that it Bereft Wally, Robin and Artemis were concerned about Kaldur but this episode made it seem as if he was getting a little overlooked.

Once again, great episode and I can't wait to see the rest!
Keziah C

Greg responds...

I just can't agree with you about Kaldur. I don't see ANY indication that the others are/were unconcerned about his well-being - and that INCLUDES M'gann in "Bereft".

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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