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John writes...

(sorry for my other post it this one fixed)

for my question 2

i just wanted to ask will we see any action with Cheshire and Red Arrow?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Brandon writes...

1. Since episode "Targets" reveal Cheshire height how tall is each member in The Team plus Red Arrow
2. Black Canary is the team training leader will see more training?

love the new the episodes keep up the awesome work

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Yes, some.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John writes...

1. Will Red Arrow be in any new episode?
2. I just want to ask will we see any Cheshire and Red Arrow in new episode?
3. When will Red Arrow join the team?

Huge fan of Red Arrow hoping I will see him an any new eps
keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. Sure.


3. Who says he will?

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Michael Evans writes...

Hey Greg, I really like the show and had a couple of questions.

Question 1: How does Commissioner Gordon afford to send his daughter to a private school on a cop’s salary.

Question 2: I debated asking this because I have a feeling it might be a spoiler request but I wasn’t entirely sure. If it is, feel free to ignore it. Edward Nygma never struck me as having superpowers so why was he being held in Belle Reeve?
Thanks for your time and really I adore the show.

Greg responds...

1a. He's not living on a cop's salary, but a Police Commissioner's salary.

1b. There are scholarships.

1c. None of your business how he chooses to budget his money.

2. <sigh> As stated MANY TIMES ALREADY, Belle Reve isn't just for individuals with super-powers. It's for individuals, who qualify as super-criminals. Sometimes the brain is mightier than the brawn, and a traditional prison is not capable of holding these criminals.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

Me again Greg just a quick question,

If Lucas "Snapper" Carr appears in another DC cartoon, would you want to voice him again?

Greg responds...

I'll take all the work I can get. ;)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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hallofjustice writes...

YJ feedback and things I would like to say about Barbara Gordon:

Greg, I would like to say I am very very happy that you've casted Jesse McCartney and Alyson Stoner as Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon and that they are now some of my favourite YJ characters. If Dick and Barbara weren't voiced by any "good talented" Disney stars, they would have been boring characters.

I don't know about you Greg. But since she's voiced by a "good talented" Disney star I really felt Barbara's personality is leaning towards "Christy Carlson Romano" territory after watching her appearance and attitude on your show. It's a good thing BTW. Oh and I would love to see more appearances of Barbara.

Greg responds...

I'm thrilled with Jesse and Alyson too - though I wasn't aware that either were "Disney stars" and whatever roles they may or may not have played in the past had no influence on us here.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Angel writes...

Will we see more of barbara and bette in future episodes

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

Will the Light be the main villains for the whole series or just this season?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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John Derrick writes...

Twelve episodes into "Young Justice," and my question is essentially the same one I asked after the premiere: why is this show so predominantly focused on the male characters at the expense of the female?

The show still features only two girls on the team. The women of the Justice League have hardly been seen at all - your interviews when the show began certainly led me to believe Black Canary would play a far stronger role. But most frustrating of all, even this far into the season, Miss Martian and Artemis are consistently portrayed as the least experienced heroes struggling to keep up with the boys.

Last week in "Terrors," we got to see Superboy and Miss Martian undercover together - with M'Gann quickly discovered and captured, and eventually rescued by Superboy. This week, Artemis got to follow Robin around, panicking and asking, "What do we do?!" Yes, she was the one to save her teammates in the end, but she did so following Robin's plan, and the momentum of the episode was built around her fear, not her strength. It would have been a powerful emotional journey - if your show also allowed women to be the strong and independent heroes as often as the boys. When most of the stories are about the guys taking the lead, an episode like this about Artemis just serves to underline the disparity between the tough guy heroes and the emotional rookie girls.

(And a more minor note: I was also pretty disappointed by the cameo from Barbara Gordon, one of my favorite comic characters in all her incarnations - reducing such a brilliant and independent person to a moment of glaring jealousy.)

I'm sincerely baffled how such a dude-heavy show can come from the writer behind the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man - not to mention the same writer who gave the world Elisa Maza!

Greg responds...

I don't think it is "predominantly focused on male characters at the expense of the female". And I don't agree with most of your characterizations of our characterizations.

I think you have a very black-and-white view of what qualifies as "strength" - let alone what constitutes an "independent" character - male or female.

I'm very proud of Elisa and "the many wonderful women of Spectacular Spider-Man" but I don't think that any of those characters DEFINE how other female characters should be presented. Female strength and independence should be as diverse and multi-faceted as those qualities are in males. I try to write what is RIGHT for an individual character instead of putting her OR him in a pre-assigned slot for strong or independent.

If you don't see Artemis as strong, coming out of "Homefront" than I feel like we've little common ground for discussion. To me, it's not lack of fear that makes one strong, but how one triumphs over that fear.

By now, you've probably seen that next to Batman and Red Tornado, Black Canary has the largest role of anyone in the League. I'm personally quite happy with Miss Martian and Artemis and how they've been presented. We've added Zatanna, and we're not done.

Maybe by now you've changed your mind. Maybe not. And you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But you haven't come close to convincing me that you're correct.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I'm curious how Icicle Senior managed to get Killer Frost, Mr. Freeze, and Captain Cold to cooperate with him in his plan to bust the other cons out of Belle Reve. I mean, these guys are villains, not heroes. I understand why heroes would want to help out other heroes, but I think villains by their very nature wouldn't really care much about the well-being of other villains unless it's somehow in their own best interest or if the villain that they are helping is someone that they are personally close to. Why would these guys be so altruistic as to help anybody else?

Greg responds...

Altruism had little to do with it. The phrase "in their own best interest" from your post stands out.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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