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Knickerbocker writes...

Do the Injustice League know they've been used as scapegoats and red herrings by the Light?

Greg responds...

"Scapegoat" is a strong word. Otherwise, NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jerry Whitworth writes...

Greg, in the "Revelations" episode of Young Justice, was the Injustice League headquarters a homage to the Hall of Doom from Challenge of the Super Friends? Thank you.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Wow, Revelations was great!! I loved the Injustice League, all the members got good screen time, and were accurate to their characters. Of course Joker steals all the scenes he's in, perfect. And thank you for the reserve League members. It was nice to see Plastic Man, Guy, even Blue Devil! But Icon and Rocket really threw me off, I mean wha?? They didn't even survive the reboot (as far as I know). And The Light, it was nice to see a lot of my guesses were right, I knew Brain was in there! Though Klarion was a surprise. Only one thing would have made me happier about this episode, and that would've been an appearance by a certain muck-encrusted denizen of the bayou formerly known as Alec Holland. Now onto some questions I have;

1-Did I hear Wotan use one or more of the spells The Archmage used? If so, awesome, thank you.
2-Is one of the Light emebers Ocean Master?
3-Will Wolf get named? Or the sphere?
4-Are Icon and Rocket League reservists? Or were they just other heroes helping out?
4b-How many reservists does the League have?

Please send my praise to the cast and crew. Can't wait for next week!

Greg responds...

First off, those weren't "reserve League members".

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. They've already been named Wolf and Sphere.

4. No.

4a. Yes.

4b. None.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Matthew writes...

Was that Dwayne McDuffie's Icon I saw in the episode Revelation?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Star Outlaw writes...

Hello Greg. I've been loving Young Justice, and Revelation has been the best episode so far, in my opinion. It made me so happy to see Blue Devil get a cameo, since he's such a cool character who has really been underused.

My question is, has Blue Devil been turned into a real demon, or is he still just stuck in his stunt suit? And on that note, was the trident he was using magic or tech?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Anon writes...

On tonight's new episode of Young Justice "Revelations" (Which I enjoyed by the way) it showed the inclusion of milestone media characters Icon & Rocket fighting off the plant creatures along with the Justice League.

1. Were you a fan of the original Milestone Media?

2. There are rumors circulating that Rocket will be the 7th member of The Team. Can you comment on this?

3. Do you plan on using any other milestone characters such as Static?

thanks for taking the time for answering my questions. Love the show!

Greg responds...

1. I was a particular fan of Icon & Rocket. I didn't read any of the other books with any consistency.



Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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John White writes...

Hi,Greg. First of all,thanks for answering this if you ever do.

Can you tell us all of the JLA members introduced in this episode. I didn't recognize the pink aura woman.

P.S. Great show.

Greg responds...

No new Justice Leaguers have been introduced since episode 101.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

1. How old is Lori Lemaris? (P.S. I love her look, very unconventional for a mermaid in an awesome way. Hope to see her in future episodes! P.P.S. Not a backdoor spoiler request.)
2. How old is Iris Allen?

Greg responds...

1. Lori Lemaris is fifteen.

2. Iris Allen-West is twenty-nine.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

who founded the jsa?

Greg responds...

Sheldon Mayer and Gardner Fox, I think.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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A. writes...

Who Voices Billy Batson?

When are you going to put The End Credits on the website?

Is James Remar vocing Hawkman?

Greg responds...

1. Wait and see.

2. All the end credits through episode 118 are on the website in the archives.

3. James voiced Icicle Sr.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice has high-resolution, fluid animation. Does that bring up the cost more compared to other cartoons?

Greg responds...

I'd think so... but I don't know the budgets of OTHER shows.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I had a question concerning the YJ comic and it's availability on Amazon. So far, no listing for your companion book issues seems to exist, save the following, entitled "Young Justice Vol. 1", scheduled to be released in 2012.


What exactly is this? There's not a lot of information. Will this be a bundled collection of a few of the issues? 160 pages suggests it's a collection, but that number doesn't seem high enough to include every issue out by that point. Thanks.

I think your direct tie-in marketing for the comic is handled really well, as I don't ever buy them, but plan to get this. That said, I wouldn't have had a clue of its existence without this site, and I still wouldn't have had an incentive if I hadn't read here that the content was relevant (other heroes' backstories, lead-in to the Clayface fight). You guys REALLY needs some advertising. I hope you at least include an insert or something with the eventual DVD season.

Greg responds...

I'm only guessing, but it looks like a trade paperback collecting some amount (probably the first six or so) of issues of the comic.

To be clear, I have NO involvement with (let alone control over) the marketing of the show, comic, trades or dvds.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Kaldur stay/live at Mount Justice? Seems like only Superboy and M'gann do. But "Downtime" makes me think otherwise since Kaldur was absent from Atlantis for a while. He does seem to be present more often is Mt Justice lately in eps tho...

Greg responds...


Kaldur lives in Shayeris. He wasn't absent from Atlantis for a while, he was absent from Poseidonis for awhile. For more on this, check out issues 14 and 15 of the Young Justice Comic Book.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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YJfan writes...

I dont know if this has been asked before but
1. Will we ever See Static and Gear from Static Shock? And if so will we see the metabreed. I just thought that since the Light was after mutagens like the Kobra venom, bang baby gas might be on their list.
2. Is T O Morrow Working for the Light?
3. Will braniac Make an Appearance?
4. Will Gorrila Grodd Make an Appearance

Greg responds...


2. With. Or he was anyway.



Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Hayden writes...

Hey. I love Young Justice so much! My friends consider me a tomboy since I love that much.
1. Do Green Lanterns have powers in YJ, or does the ring provide all their powers?
2. Kid Flash mentioned that Green Lantern helped hollow out the Cave. Was he talikng about Hal or John?
3. Who are planning to voice the two Lanterns?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... their rings, if I'm understanding the question correctly.

2. Both probably, but John's the architect.

3. Kevin Michael Richardson is John. No comment on Hal.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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gene writes...

Is Robin's mask equipped with electronic lenses? What modes does he have? And I imagine the lenses don't emit a light glow right?

Greg responds...

Imagine all you like!

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Katara writes...

1. Who will Zatanna be voiced by?
2. Without giving any spoilers out, are you planning for every teammate to have some sort of interaction because I've noticed how some of them hasn't even spoken to eachother.
3. Is there anymore information about the comics that the fans can know?

Greg responds...

1. Lacey Chabert.

2. You're exaggerating.

3. Sure. What do you want to know?

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Chinwe writes...

Hello Greg
Will you have holiday episodes for Young Justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Catharine writes...

I've been watching Young Justice since last Thanksgiving, and I'm really enjoying it and am glad we're finally getting new episodes again. No questions right now, just sending you compliments on a generally well-crafted show.

I love Kaldur, M'gann, Superboy, and Artemis, and also Black Canary. I'm really looking forward to getting more about The Light and everyone's evil daddies. I also like the less emotional portrayal of Red Tornado and how you are dealing with Superman being a bad father. Though, I would appreciate it if maybe Wally finally realized not to be a jerk to his female teammates. Also, the internet keeps having persistent rumors that you're going to kill off Kaldur, and I realize it's probably too late as it sounds like season 1 is pretty much in the can, but I beg you not to.

Overall, though, I am enjoying what's happened so far and looking forward to more.

Greg responds...

Glad you like it.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Paul writes...

Why did you feel that the Team in Young Justice needed a pet (in the form of Wolf)?

Greg responds...

They have two pets actually, Wolf and Sphere.

But it's not about us thinking the Team needed pets as much as it was about us organically playing out the characters and what they'd do - especially, in this case, Superboy.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Ceylan writes...

What happened to Artemis' ARROW (it's become a huge thing, everyone is spelling it with capitals now) that Wally took as a souvenir after Homefront?

P.S I know this'll be answered months after it's posted, but I would like to thank for all the great episodes which aired in the meantime. I unconditionally love this show.

Greg responds...

It's back in the trophy room, although it's a bit melty now.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Since Superman doesn't care about Superboy. Is his attitude towards him is something like "You stay the h*** away from me!"?

Greg responds...

I think the premise of your question is incorrect, which makes answering it pretty much impossible.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anthrokid writes...

I tried looking at the archives but I couldn't tell if this question had already been asked.
In most of the Superman films, Superman is very caring towards his family such as Supergirl.
How come he isn't this way with Superboy?

Greg responds...


Though mostly, I'm just going to let the series and its characters speak for itself/themselves.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Mario Gatchair writes...

Are you gonna include Ravager(A.K.A Rose Wilson) and or Deathstroke(A.K.A Slade Wilson) in Young Justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anthrokid writes...

IF Harley Quinn appears will we see her teamed up as a duo with Poison Ivy, on Young Justice?
And if so, who are doing their voices?

Greg responds...

Poison Ivy is voiced by Alyssa Milano.

NO COMMENT on anything else.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Sammy1792 writes...

1.) What color are Zatanna's eyes?
2.) How old is Zatanna?
3.) I believe Jesse McCartney stated in an interview that Robin would not have a love interest in Season 1. Does the same go for Season 2? (Or any subsequent Seasons?)

Greg responds...

1. Blue.

2. Fourteen.


Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Has artemis trained with black canary yet?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Artemis patrol with Green Arrow?

Greg responds...

See issue #16 of the comic.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Are all members of the Light on the same page, or is their dissent within the group?
2) Were Wolf and Mr. Tawny injected with Kobra-Venom?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, they are on the same page.

2. Yes. Though Tawny at least also received the same brain enhancement treatment that Brain gave Mallah.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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sue writes...

Hi Their! I was just wondering if I could ask how old the riddler is?


ps Great job on the show! Good Luck!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What was the exact date robin's parents died?

Greg responds...

April 1st, 2006.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Paul writes...

Would you and Brandon Vietti consider using the Mad Hatter on Young Justice? Since Batman: The Animated Series, he's been neglected in animation. He was amazing on that show.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I apologize if this is a double- it doesn't seem to have posted:
Wow... took me forever just catching up on the unanswered questions. Certainly gives me added appreciation to the time you take to actually answer them. Apologies if I've muddled where some things occurred in the time between watching/reading and typing.

1- So Artemas & Cheshire are sisters... it's what I suspected, but I still really like the dynamics it sets up. (It seems odd to read someone feels females are under represented in YJ considering it feels to me like the three characters getting the most play (episodes and comic books combined) are Artemas, M'gann and Superboy. By nature of the time period of the series the girls are among the newest side kicks and it shows, but it's how the pieces fit. I'd love to see more of the wildly effective Black Canary, but the kids are the focus of the series.)

a-Is it just my imagination, or were the stand in for S. Korea body gaurds not Asian? If so, why?
b-Why talk of reunification and not just relations? The latter seems far more realistic.

3- Was Ras aGhul's line about how "Peaceful countries rarely call upon the League of Shadows" purely for Roy's benefit, or was there some truth behind it?

4- High school... there are sure a lot of superpowered, or eventually to be powered teens in that school.... I think you already said that Conner didn't recognize Snapper Carr.

5- Still loving the way the credits refer to characters as they appeared in the episode- If in uniform, that name. If not, not.

6-The Sphere is a cutie. Still reminding me of the Forever People's car that adopted the previous team name YJ.

Liked it very much, but don't have much to say. Always love seeing The Wall. (Well, excepting the image someone posted of how she looks in the New52 Suicide Squad. Any Amanda Waller I outweigh is just plain wrong.) The nature of the operations was a perfect illustration of what was meant by the team's purpose being covert. The relationship between M'gann and Conner continues to charm. And for once on TV someone notices a face out of place!

One very strange compliment: I don't like Icicle Jr's look. This struck me as a good thing. I hadn't really noticed till I was comparing his human look (which was more pleasing) and his iced up one. It makes sense that the combination of how his condition effects him and his own esthetic sense creates his 'costume' may result in something I personally don't like. There is no reason my tastes and that of a 17 yr old hoodlum with daddy issues should aline.

[I don't remember if it was in reference to this ep, or another in which M'Gann and Conner kiss, but I heard a very amusing anecdote in a podcast interview of Danica McKeller about being asked to actually kiss to get the proper sound in the voice recording. She was ok with it, but Nolan North was distinctly uncomfortable considering how very pregnant she was at the time. http://www.jimmyaquino.typepad.com/comicnewsinsider/2011/08/episode-351-cni-one-shot-animation-special-green-lantern-and-young-justice.html]

Homefront- Also enjoyed a lot but don't have much important to say.
1-The Sphere is still really cute.
2-Artemas shined- being inexperienced and overwhelmed makes sense. How she handled it spoke volumes about her.
3-Robin's 'get trought' line was another instance of a verbal tic I don't love used very well and believably. (I don't love "Hello M'gann!" but I very much like it when she uses it in an offhand almost to herself way. It's how real people use annoying speech habits. ...well it's how I use mine;)
4-I got Barbara's cameo {resisting asking the obvious spoiler questions about whether she's Batgirl yet, sanctioned yet, part of the earlier 'croweded batcave' remark Robin made, or going to show up much at all since she's a Gotham and not YJ character... with great difficulty resisting asking if she knows Dick is Robin, and if so, does Dick know she does.}. I see others have asked if Dick skipped a grade to be a freshman. I think it's been asked how old Bab's is. I'll ask if she's skipped any grades? I'm used to the college at 16 Bab's from the comics.
5- Missed the Bette cameo. oops
6- Red Tornado has 'family'...not complaining, but it makes me miss the version with a wife and daughter. Different universe, different stage of life- I just liked them.
7- My guess: Reddy was not the mole, but the mole is as unaware as Reddy would have been. (Not expecting confirmation.)

Alpha Male- Also really happy with the episode.
1-Liking how M'gann resorts to multiple limbs (your animators must have your faces on dart boards).
2-Capt Marvel is fun.
3-One episode of Conner being ridiculously over protective of one of the most physically imposing members of the group is enough- ending with an actual resolution to the issue was very smart. Whether it ends up being perfect or not, I assume it won't be that over the top going fwd. And I do like it when teenagers are allowed to actually talk about what is making them act stupid instead of being forced to continue that way in some mistaken idea that the brain shorts out completely at puberty.
4-Khory's leadership was nicely showcased. The team's annoyance and eventual understanding was also played out nicely. (Again, allowed to act as kids and keep brain function.)
5-Like how they all figured out the collars.

Latest comic-
Is Artemas at all embarrassed by her mother or just totally focused on her father when she made the comment that so obviously hurt her mother?

Greedy request-
I either forgot to scribble notes or lost them, so I don't have many individual comments on the past few comics. Would it be possible to open Ask Greg for at least a few days after issues hit the stands like you do after episodes air?

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Your description of the kennel/shelter for basset hounds you got him from is pretty much my husband's description of heaven. (AC and unlimited back rubs.) It conjured up an image for me of a much loved and happy pet.

Greg responds...


2a. I think there was a mix. Professionally hired and all.

2b. Both were discussed.

3. All things are true.


4. Barbara is 13. I'll admit to being surprised by all the hoohaw about Dick and Barbara being 13 in 9th grade. I was 13 when I started 9th grade and 14 by the time I finished. It doesn't seem that unusual to me. If it makes folks happier to think Barbara skipped one grade, I'm okay with that.

"Embarrassed" isn't the word I'd use. But she generally is ASHAMED of her background and relations, dad, mom and sis included.

As for opening Ask Greg, I'd love to but I'm just so overwhelmed with posts (nearly 500 to get through).

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What kind of font did you use for the logo Of YJ

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did the doctor drink the blockbuster formula instead of injecting it?

2. Who is Headmaster or Mayor Hill?

3. Is Solomon Grundy a bad guy?

Greg responds...

1. It wasn't designed for injection.

2. Look 'em up!

3. Grundy hasn't even appeared.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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CarrieCurry writes...

This is probably a really dumb question, so I apologize. :(

There's a comic book store in town where I buy the YJ comics, but I sometimes miss a issue and the man refuses to order them for me (for a reason I don't know.) I've tried to find them online but can't. Soooo, do you know of anywhere I can get the ones I missed?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know. But I DO know they ARE available for purchase online. Check out DC COMICS' own website.

Response recorded on January 04, 2012

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no.1 batfan writes...

Hey Greg,
quick question about the timestamps for Alpha Male. I may be looking at this wrong, but shouldn't the timestamp for Fawcett City read September 23 instead of September 24? Because it's either that or the team's mission took a lot longer than I thought.

Greg responds...

I stand by that one.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Mugabi writes...

1.) Why doesn't Superman have super breath in this series?
2.) How strong is Captain Marvel? Is his strength in the same league as Superman's?
3.) How durable is Captain Marvel? I ask because it was hinted in "Alpha Male" that a laser that could cut through steel could cut through him.

Greg responds...

1. It's a power that has NEVER made any sense to me. The VOLUME of Superman's lungs is no larger than a human's. I don't care how powerful he is, he just can't take in enough air to make his breath worthwhile. And the notion that he can super-freeze that air makes even less sense to me.

2. He's strong. He's in the ballpark of Superman, but neither are probably as strong on YJ as they've grown to become in the comics.

3. Brain never got the chance to test that theory.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Devin Leigh Michaels writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman:

Hope all is well. I enjoyed Gargoyles when I was growing up, and I felt compelled to write you after reading through all 647 comments on the Young Justice archive.

I LOVE Young Justiceâ€"not like but LOVEâ€"and when I read a comment that this show is the one with most negative comments, I wanted to tip the scales. I liked JLU and B:BATB, but YJ is the first show I truly believe took the mythos of the DCU and not only created a show that was true to these roots but still made a unique premise. It’s familiar and new at the same time, true to everything that makes the DCU great. I’ve downloaded all the episodes from iTunes onto my phone, and I listen to them as I load contracts. XD!

I really love how the show focuses on the teenagers but doesn’t ignore the adults (like TT). Characters on the show have never been ignored. When you focus on Wally or Dick or Artemis, you still have the others play significant roles in the episode, and the cameos are AMAZING! From Barabara Gordon to Jay Garrick, you’ve forgotten no one, and you’ve used almost everyone! I try to keep a tally, always adding new ones. I know it’s been said 135 people through the first sixteen episodes, so I’m trying to find all the characters.

A few random thoughts:

1. Love Dick’s word play. I actually have started looking up words and their meanings, like “traught.” It’s really cool to see the root words! (My mom’s an English teacher, so it works well with her classes, too.)
2. Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see in the show/comic where Wally knows Dick’s real name, so I liked being able to read that in the archives.
3. Kaldur and Garth were awesome! I loved how the show gave us an in-depth look at Atlantis and how it is the same and different in the mainstream DCU. (I love Kaldur, too, and I like his role as a leader. It makes sense that he would be in charge rather than the young Robin, and Kaldur leads the Team awesomely!) I know you’ve said that Garth is Kaldur’s best friend, so I hope we see more of him on the show eventually. (Not a back door spoiler request. XD! Just hope he comes back.)
4. I originally thought the Light was Lex Luthor, but I like that it’s seven people. It makes us wonder who they are. Same with the traitor plot that’s now coming out. I don’t think it’s Red Tornado since he didn’t turn until after the other robots came back online, but I like that there isn’t someone we really know is the traitor. I’ve spoken with watchers in my LCS, and all of us have different people we think it is. XD!
Thanks for putting out such a great show, and I appreciate these archives and your willingness to answer questions. I actually won’t ask anything because I’m sure anything I would, would either receive a “no comment” or “spoiler request,” so I’ll just end with this:

Good luck to the show. I hope it runs for many seasons and I get a higher paying job, so I can continue to buy the episodes off of iTunes for my phone.


Devin Leigh Michaels

Greg responds...

Thank you!

As I've mentioned before, most of the negativity has toned way down this round. But POSITIVITY is always nice! ;)

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Did Artemis's sister love her? Or her mother?

Greg responds...

1. Depends on how one defines "love".

2. Are you asking if Jade loved Paula or if Paula loved Artemis?

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Thundera writes...

I looked through the archives for this but couldn't find it. Apologies if my search wasn't thorough enough!

In "Bereft" (which is quite possibly my favorite episode thus far), the Biyalan troops immediately open fire on Wally and Artemis with what seems to be lethal force. But when they ambush Robin, the orders are to take him alive. Is this just a case of different troops operating under different orders? Or is there some significance to the fact that they wanted Robin alive?

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer the questions of curious fans! Love the show(s)!

Greg responds...

"Different troops operating under different orders" sounds right.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Is Mayor Hill corrupt?

Greg responds...

He says he's not.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Clark Kent decide to become superman and did bruce became batman cause of superman.

2. Why did the Crismon Avenger started the whole mystery men craze and who was the last mystery men to appear in the public?

Greg responds...

1. The usual reasons.

1a. Not because of Superman, though I believe Superman's existence was a factor.

2. The usual reasons.

2a. Rocket?

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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ajc writes...

Does superman have the fortress of solitude in the YJ universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Chaz! writes...

1 is L-1 the leader of the Light?
2 does the new Green Lantern cartoon take place in your universe?

Greg responds...

1. First among equals.

2. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Tessa writes...

Hi Greg,

Thanks very much for all the hard work and dedication you and your team give to Young Justice. It's truly an ace show and I can't wait to see what sort of adventures you have in store for your fans.

My question is comic-related. Are there any plans thus far to release a trade paperback of all the issues from season one? Unfortunately, all my local stores are sold out (I've even been told that DC Comics itself is out of the first couple issues). I'd love to read the undoubtedly genius story lines you've come up with and am starting to get a bit nervous that I've missed the boat... Thanks for any insight you can provide!

Greg responds...

Um... we're talking the YJ comic, correct?

The answer is, yes, I believe DC is releasing trades of the first year or so...

Response recorded on December 30, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hi Greg, just wanted to send in myu review of "Alpha Male";

Wow, that was a great episode! That was sincerely the first time I've enjoyed seeing Monsieur Mallah, which takes work. I loved the character growth with everyone. Captain Marvel was awesome, I loved his interactions with Kaldur and the others. But my favorite bits were the tiger and the white wolf. That was simply hillarious! Excellent work, keep it up.

Greg responds...

Thanks! We'll try.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

If I didn't know for a fact that Greg Weisman wasn't on drugs, I'd ask him to share whatever he's smoking. It should be impossible. How do you take something as corny and frankly stupid as a French brain in a jar whose' best friend is a gorilla in a French beret and make that intimidating. "Young Justice" managed to succeed at that.

The teaser is great, and the inciting incident is brilliant. Mayor Hill of Gotham City is in the jungle when a gorilla steps out of the trees with a mini-gun and shoots them all up. I'll admit to being amazed Mayor Hill is even still alive after that. But I did enjoy his cameo. I have no idea if he was in the comics, but I know he was in "Batman the Animated Series."

This episode is about the fallout between The Team and Aqualad after the latter keeps to himself that there is a mole on the team. I thought Superboy's reaction was well handled, and while I have seen a lot of complaints about how The Team reacted to this, I think they all ring true. What many people seem to forget is that these are teenagers. They are not the professionals that Batman and the Justice League are. Not yet anyway. This entire team was founded upon these teenagers being pissed off that the League was keeping secrets and not trusting them. Of course they'd be pissed off at Aqualad. But, by the end of the episode, after speaking to Captain Marvel, Aqualad takes charge and the team seems to get over it. But I am sure this will continue to have long term consequences.

This brings me to something else. A while back, I saw someone say and I'm paraphrasing from memory "Teen Titans reminded me of what was fun about being a teenager, Young Justice reminds me of what sucked about being a teenager." What? Why should the less fun parts about being a teenager not get depicted in a show about teenagers. My memories of being a teenager are not exactly happy ones. God forbid fictional teenagers get written like real ones, instead of a fantasy version of teenagers. Yes, I know this is a fantasy world, but that doesn't mean everything should be run through and sanitized to a point where the less fun stuff is glossed over and ignored. These aren't adults waiting for a growth spurt, and yet a lot of the complaints I see are from people who think they should be written that way. I think the problem here is that many fans are looking to their favorite shows or books for wish fulfillment rather then drama. People want to escape to a fictional world where they can vicariously live out there fantasies via their favourite hero. But there is no drama, and that's not real. This actually ties back to what I said two weeks ago about Superboy and Miss Martian's romance... of course it's not real. These are two hormonal teenagers who have a lot of growing up to do.

Finally, Captain Marvel was easily the highlight of the episode. I loved his child-like enthusiasm, and even though I knew about his secret identity, I still thought the epilogue of the episode was played perfectly. Fun stuff. I hope to see more of him as The Team's new den mother.

Greg responds...

You know for a "fact" that I'm not on drugs?

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Cassidy01 writes...

Young Justice is awesome!

1. A debate started between a few friends of mine regarding Aqualad's eye color and everywhere I looked online had a different opinion. So, for the record, what color are Kaldur's eyes?

2. Out of curiosity, is there a romantic relationship between Batman and Wonder Woman in Earth-16? If this is a spoiler request, I apologize.

Greg responds...

1. Pale green.

2. Nope.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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Chris writes...

Hi Greg,

Young Justice is one of the shows to which I most look forward every week. I'm so glad the hiatus is over.

I have one question arising from issues 7 and 8 of the tie-in comic: Will we learn (during season one) the name which Artemis's mother Paula used when she was a criminal?

Without being explicit, so as to avoid spoilers, it seems pretty clear what name her father Lawrence uses, but if we're looking to the original comics there are two names Paula could have used. I don't want you to give it away, just to clue us in as to whether or not we will learn it in due course.

Greg responds...

In due course.

Response recorded on December 29, 2011

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