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forever-whelmed writes...

Big fan of Young Justice, keep up the good work!
1) On YJ the friendships between Kid Flash/Robin and Red Arrow/Kaldur are evident but I was wondering: Who is Conner's closest friend on the team (not counting M'gann)?
2) Since Conner has aged 16 years in a span of 16 weeks at Cadmus, does he now age at a normal rate because he is out of his pod?

Greg responds...

1. Why not counting M'gann?

2. Guess we'll find out.

Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Anon writes...

First off; seriously Young Justice is amazing. I can't even express in words to you how much I love it hahaha. :]

I would imagine this being a spoiler, but I just have to ask, will we be seeing any more of Barbara Gordon in the series/tie-in-comics? (Extremely sorry if someone already asked this-I looked through the archives and I didn't see anything..)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman,

I got a quick question to ask you. In "Revelation," just after one of the plant creatures destroyed Batman's aerial vehicle, was Batman using his cape to glide away or something? I ask because it seems the transition from his vehicle getting destroyed to him being able to escape unharmed went a little too quickly for me to see it accurately.


Greg responds...

I honestly don't remember off the top of my head.

Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Jacob writes...

1. Will we ever see Secret/Greta again?
2. Why was Artemis so upset when she realized M'gann and Conner were dating?
4. Will we be seeing Harm again?
5. Where were Harm and Greta's parents?
6. How did Harm know that he had to kill Greta to be pure?

Greg responds...



3. You didn't have a question 3.



6. He believed it.

Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I need to ask you some things in regards to the answering of questions by you about Young Justice.

What topics do you usually allow to be answered in regards to when we ask questions about...
a. what we already know about the show thus far?
b. what we don't know about the show thus far (which doesn't risk exposing any spoilers)?
c. topics that require your opinions/educated guesses (again, which doesn't risk exposing any spoilers)?

On a side note, my other question is in regard to the first rule of your guidelines which you stated in your introduction page. Does the rule imply you reject the notion of "giving the fans of the show what they want"? Is it because ideas for the show stated by fans usually conflicts with the ideas for the show that you (and your team) work with and have already planned?

Thanks for taking the time to read these important question that I have for you.

Greg responds...

a, b and c are all fine assuming, as you noted, spoilers are TRULY not involved.

But the best way to figure out what I will and won't answer is to read through the kind of questions I already HAVE answered.

As to your side note, you're completely missing the point.

I won't look at original ideas because they could get me in trouble LEGALLY. It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with giving or not giving fans "what they [think they] want".

BUT... even if this weren't a legal issue, fans need to keep in mind is that by the time they see enough to comment and make suggestions, we've already locked our stories down, and I couldn't alter course to give fans what they want. This would be true whether or not I agreed that any given fan had a great idea. It's just too late.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Rud writes...

Robin has been doing this since he was 9?, how does Batman get away with that? The Gotham PD just goes along with it, did the league know about it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Blair writes...

Hi Greg. I just want to start this off by saying that I appreciate all the time and effort you put into answering these questions.

Although I enjoy nearly every aspect of the show, I've noticed that a particular strength of Young Justice is the incredible voice acting. Do you know if footage will ever be released of the actors recording some of their lines? I think it would be incredibly fun to watch their expressions, movements, et cetera while they voice their different characters. It would be especially amusing to see the expressions on both Jason Spisak and Stephanie Lemelin's faces while recording their individual parts for an argument between Wally and Artemis.

Once again, thank you so much, and amazing job on the show so far!

Greg responds...

If you're talking about on camera footage, I don't think any exists.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

whoops, typo:
"5-The description of M'gann's origin differs gratefully with he own words in the comics. Er...I can't think of a single question that wouldn't qualify as a spoiler request. "
That should read "differs greatly from her". Still haven't thought of a none spoiler question.

Greg responds...

Probably isn't one at this point.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Leigh O. writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.

My question, provided it's not a major spoiler, is what kinds of Kryptonite exist on Earth-16, what can they do to a Kryptonian, and how many have been discovered at the present time?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Chris Spider writes...

Hello again, Greg! Had some more questions after watching the latest episode:

-Seeing as "Secrets" was written by Peter David, and dealt with characters introduced in his own Young Justice comic, there's something I've been wondering: How did Peter actually come to write for the show?

-On the same token, was it his idea for Harm to speak almost constantly in the third person until the end?

-Was there any struggle with BS&P over the revelation that Harm killed his sister to gain his powers? I was impressed by how the episode handled it: it's clear, but the script doesn't come right out and say it.

-OK, I have to know whose idea it was to have Miss Martian morph into a demonic Marvin the Martian and then roar like Godzilla. Because that was ridiculously funny.

-Going back a couple episodes, "Failsafe" was probably one of the best episodes from a pure acting standpoint, especially Jason Spisak (his cry of "ARTEMIS!" and then "They're dead! Every last one of them!" were especially gut-wrenching) and Danica McKellar. I realize that's less a question than a compliment, but I'd appreciate it if you passed it on to Jamie and the actors nonetheless.

-Were the costumes for the characters in "Secrets" in the script or hashed out in designs/storyboards?

That's all for now, and I thank you again for putting up with us. Can't wait for more Young Justice!

Chris Spider

Greg responds...

1. Peter, I believe, heard about the series and contacted Paul Levitz about the possibility of working on it. Paul, in turn, contacted my boss Sam Register. Sam contacted me and told me Peter was interested in writing on the series, and I contacted Peter.

2. There was no struggle over the fact of it, but there was some discussion over where her grave should be located.

3. That was my idea.

4. I will, thanks.

5. Most of the Halloween costumes were planned in advance of the script. Others came at various stages along the way.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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