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Julia writes...

This is...going to be an odd post.

Six years ago, I was a lonely and bored kid surfing the Internet for pretty pictures of one of my favorite shows, WITCH. I stumbled upon my first fanfiction. I was eleven and hooked. I've managed to bond with many people because of that discovery and self-published some of my writing.

Fast forward to December 2010. I heard of this fantastic new show, Young Justice, and unfortunately missed the premiere due to my DVR not working. I decided to surf the Web and stumbled upon an anonymous writing meme for Young Justice. It's still the most interactive, fun place I've been online, and it got me out of a slump I'd fallen into with my writing. In fact, the Young Justice fandom is the most active and interactive fandom I've ever been in.

I have Asperger's Syndrome- I find it difficult to connect with people at all. So...thank you. Thank you for making such great shows that people love so much that we can all connect to. It's really made my life so much better.

Greg responds...

You know, I really don't think I know the definition of "meme".

Otherwise, you're very welcome!!

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
Love Young justice have a few questions for you
1.Do we see more of the Joker?
2. Will Robin and Zatanna hook up?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Thomas writes...

So, what exactly did you look for in choosing the characters in the show. According to Wikipedia,

'The six main characters were chosen by the producers, from a list of 50 to 60 DC Comics teenaged superheroes, as potential candidates'

I know that Robin was probably required by law to be used, but were there any young heroes in particular you wanted to use but were cut out?

Okay, now for the Geek questions, and hopefully they are new

1; I've seen Rocket in the commercials, and you answered a similar question with the Joker so you can't back out....who is Rocket's voice actor?
2; What State is Dakota located in
3; Ditto with Fawcett City
4; Does the martian manhunter retain his choco addiction?
5; Is Wildcat still active as a hero?
6; Why did you choose to create a 16 member strong Justice League, as opposed to a larger (See JLU) or smaller one (See Justice League Doom)
Seven; Is Amanda Waller the herophobic person she was in Justice League or is she too minor a character to think about
8; Okay, so Amazo was disassembled and sent to Star Labs, which was attacked by the Fog the next episode. Did you forget that detail or is it a spoiler.
9; Now that Doctor Fate is in Zatara's body...is he still in the Justice League?
10; Why are there two Green Lanterns? I've noticed that John Stewart is given more a role than Hal, appearing in Alpha male and talking in Failsafe.
11; Did Cadmus manage to get Robin's DNA in Fireworks? Or for that matter, Kid Flash's or Aqualad's?
12; Finally, that scene with the six original main characters facing down their mentors, plus Wonder Woman, at the hall...when will we see that scene?

Greg responds...

No single character was "required by law" or even any executive at Warners or CN. Robin made the cut for his own strengths, his popularity and familiarity among them.

No one was cut because we were forced to use or not use someone, with the possible exception of Wonder Girl, who - initially - was off limits. But even with her, she was declared off-limits so early in the process that there's no way to know if she would have wound up making the cut or not.

1. You'll know this Saturday.

2. I don't feel any need to pin this down. But it's in the Central Time Zone.

3. Ditto.

4. If you like.

5. No. Not really, which is not to say he NEVER goes into action.

6. We wanted to give the feeling of the GODS OF OLYMPUS, so we chose the characters that would give us that feeling and play into what we had planned. Plus, you know, 16.

7. No one's too minor to think about, but SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

8. There are MANY Star Labs in many cities.

9. You'll find out this Saturday.

10. There are two Green Lanterns in the Justice League because (a) that's what made sense for our Earth-16 and because (b) we wanted a League that felt overwhelmingly powerful.


12. You mean the promo footage? Clearly, you've already seen it. Otherwise, never. It's not canon. It was promo footage.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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fan21 writes...

1a In misplaced where were wolf and sphere 1b what dimension were they in adult or kids

Greg responds...

1a. Off-screen for the most part.

1b. Probably with the kids. Though Wolf is borderline, and there's always the possibility that Sphere was split.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Wotan writes...

Thanks for answering fan questions. Just has a couple Wotan ones.

1. How did Wotan join Klarion after getting captured in Revelation?

2. Any chance Wotan's escape after Revelation may get featured in the comic?


Greg responds...

1. It's hard to hold Wotan prisoner... especially with allies like Klarion.


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.Does Billy Batson have a crush on Miss Martian? Or is it like a fan crush thing?
2. How much does Green Arrow care about Artemis?
3. Are Artemis, Megan, and Zatanna going to have some girl bonding in future epsiodes?
4. How close are Icon and Rocket? Does Rocket think of him like a father? What does Icon think about Rocket?

Greg responds...

1. What's a 'fan crush thing'?

2. You want me to quantify it?



Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does anyone in the Justice League know that Cheshire is Artemis' sister?
2. Did Artemis tell Green Arrow or anyone in the League that she let Cheshire go?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

hey Greg
1. does Two Face make an appearance on Young Justice
2. Will Joker make any future appearances

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Andreas G writes...

Given their similarities was Red Inferno's story based loosely off of Tomorrow Woman's?

Greg responds...

Nope. (As I was, at the time, unfamiliar with Tomorrow Woman.)

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
I was just wondering if the team knows the relationship between Kid Flash and the Flash, similar to how they know that M'Gan is Martian Manhunter's niece, Zatanna is Zatara's daughter and that Artemis is Green Arrow's "niece".

Greg responds...

Neither Wally nor Barry play their secret identities as close to the vest (among other heroes) as, say, Batman does. So I'd think, yes.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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