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Anonymous writes...

hi!i'm not sure what to ask,but curious are wally and artemis ever going to stop bickering

Greg responds...

Now that you've seen (hopefully) episode 125 "Usual Suspects", what do you think?

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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emily writes...

1. so zatanna is an official member of the team right? and if so, will she be given an ID number?
2. how would you describe robins feelings towards Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. Yes and yes.

2. I think they're fairly self-evident.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! You are doing a great job on Young Justice. I just had a couple questions:
1. Are Bette and Barbara good friends? They are around each other a lot
2. This might sound stupid but, does anyone on the team (besides the mole) know who the mole is but, there hiding it for whatever reason.
3. are Green Arrow and Black Canary getting serious in their relationship?
4. Are Superboy and Miss Martian getting serious with, their relationship?
5. In Misplaced when some of the team went home to see thier parents and or relatives, why didn't we see Miss Martian reuniting with, John or Kaldur with, his mother or King Orm?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Barbara's a freshman. Bette's a sophomore.


3. See issues 20 and 21 of the YJ companion comic. (And, yes, that was a SPOILER REQUEST, but I like to pimp the comic.)

4. Define serious.

5. There wasn't screen time to show EVERY possible reunion.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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meksters writes...

Hello, thank you for taking fan questions! I love YJ, you guys are awesome! Anyway, I was wondering if we might see more Wonder Woman? Speaking or not I'd really like to know if she would make another apperence! Thanks! :D

Greg responds...

By now, you've already seen more of her. And she's in the Justice League, so I think it's fairly self-evident that you'll see more of her still.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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Alexia writes...

I have questions about Atlanteans.

1) Do Atlanteans eat their seafood raw? I don't see fires being lit underwater unless they have a special way of cooking food underwater.

2) Do all Atlanteans have a set of gills and a pair of lungs to breathe underwater and above the surface?

3) How was Kaldur's first experience breathing surface air? Did he choke/gasp or did he transition smoothly?

Greg responds...

1. I would think for the most part, raw. But they have means of cooking should they want to. (Hot spring type things.)

2. Most do.

3. I'm sure it was a shock to the system, at least a little.

Now, see, this post was great. THREE questions, all on a similar topic. None previously asked or answered. And no request for a spoiler. Perfect.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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J-GL/Dattaboy writes...

Greg ive liked yourself since I was a kid Gargoyles, as a teen Spectacular Spider Man and now with Young Justice. I know you did a lot of stuff in between but those really stick out to me.

Anyway on to the questions and I'm trying to be careful to avoid any spoilers.

1. Youve said before that you have access to every DC character, does this also include Wildstorm characters?
2. Like on land would it be correct to assume that are different kinds of ethnic groups that occupy the population of Atlantis specifically the group that looks most human?
3. What did most Atlanteans evolve from or is magic involved?
4. Icon and Rocket operate on a global scale or are they mostly stick to the US and Dakota?
5. What is the Guardians of the Universe policy for how many GLs are needed for each sector?
6. Between the time of the JSA and the start of the JL were there any other active public superhero groups?
7. On the team right now who is the best hand to hand fighter?
8. Since Kaldur left before he could graduate magic school does that mean that since Zatanna joined the team she is the better magic user?
9. Speaking of Kaldur since he is Aquaman's lad does that mean that if Aquaman retires than Aqualad will become the new Aquaman, but not the new King of Atlantis?
10. What does being Aquaman mean anyway or how much overlap and what are the differences between being king of Atlantis and being Aquaman?
11. Do Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor operate in the same social circles?
12. In this continuity does Luciuos Fox know Batman's secret id?
13. Does Wonder Woman have a secret id?
14. Would it be safe to assume that other than Conner Kent no other hero has used the name Superboy?
15. Artemis grandparents were they good people or were they similar to her parents?
16. Back when the team was in Biyala the Light mentioned they had a new partner does this mean their new partner was joining the group of seven or did it mean they have a new business associate

Greg responds...


TO THE MODERATORS: Feel free to delete any post that has more than five questions, give or take. I don't want to be anal about this. If a sixth question really is just an extension of question five, than we can be lenient. But the opposite is also true. If folks are cheating by asking a question 1 and then 1a and then 1b and then Ic, etc. so that it only APPEARS that they've asked five questions or fewer than delete.

I hate to do this, but I'm running out of options. As long as people continue to disregard the posted rules and guidelines, the queue will never shrink. And I feel like every time I sort of shrug and let it slide, I'm only making the situation worse. So I'm going to have to be tougher and make the moderators be tougher as well.

Now there are a bunch of really good questions up there, J-GL/Dattaboy, so I hope you repost them again - in three or more posts of REASONABLE LENGTH.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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catbat writes...

I wish some fans would stop dissing Talia and Catwoman...they are strong independent complex women and Batman is not cup of tea either. He has a history of jerkish behavior and commitment and intimacy issues. In your series he seems more approachable and kinder and I think that makes him even better for anti-heroines like Talia and Selina. And it's not like he has lacked for many so called "good" women. Some of those other women thrown at him are not even workable and therefore that is why we always go back to Talia and Selina. Yeah, I'm rambling but I think Talia and or Selina fit in Batman's world and the fact they have painful pasts make them more able to share and even understand Bruce's painful past. And in any case...it's your show/verse to explore. And I like it. Um, would be nice to see the awesome Damien Wayne debut on YJ.:)

Greg responds...

Well, I'm particularly fond of the Selina Kyle that I grew up with - which may or may not match up with more recent interpretations. Talia interests me too. We'll (eventually) be seeing more of her in the comics. (Beware the "Serpent", I always say.)

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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Nony writes...

1. How old is Wotan?
2. How old is General Eiling?
3. How old is Professor Ojo?
4. How old is Uncle Dudley?
5. How old is Hawkman?
6. How old is Icon?
7. How old is John Stewart?
8. How old is Whisper A'Daire?
9. How old is Lois Lane?
10. How old is Abra Kadabra?
11. How old is Black Adam?
12. How old is Waller?
13. How old is Lucius Fox?
14. How old is Madame Xanadu?
15. How old is Devastation?
16. How old is Ivo?
17. How old is Psimon?
18. How old is Hugo Strange?
19. How old is Sensei?
20. How old is Black Manta?

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm just going to disallow ALL of this. I've warned before about asking too many questions on one post, with five being the max. In theory, I could answer the first five, but I feel like that would be rewarding you for breaking the rules.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hey Mr. Greg Weisman,

It's me again. I know it's only been a couple of hours since my last posting, but I just watch “Misplaced,” and I got to say what was done to Zatara, and forcing him become Doctor Fate, was very cruel. Who would have thought that the Helmet of Nabu was such a selfish entity, to take Zatanna’s father away from her. So, now that Zatara is Doctor Fate, does that mean we’ll never see him (as Zatara) again? I hope that, somehow, Zatanna will get her father back. Also, do you think the fallout of this Doctor Fate situation will somehow develop into its own story arc within the show? I have a strange feeling that my second question is somehow going to be right.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Greg responds...

Obviously, this is a significant event and won't be forgotten. Beyond that, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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Matheus writes...

Hey Mr. Greg, great fan of your work.

My questions are the following:

1: Is the Guardian like the comics version (ie: A clone)? And is his name Jim Harper?

2: Was Red Tornado's technology unchanged throughout his life?

I've looked at the archives and haven't found anything regarding these questions, as you said, Guardian's been a hero for three years, but htat doesn't mean he couldnt be a clone, and I'm not sure if it's a spoiler, so forgive me if it is.

And thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


1a. Yes, his name is Jim Harper.

2. No, he's been upgraded a few times.

Response recorded on April 16, 2012

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