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Ryan writes...

I am really off my game in asking questions or writing them anyway. Why is it that when Wotan casts magic some of it is nonverbal and other times he uses Latin to cast them?(SUCCESS!) For example in Revelation he summons lightning against the team without speaking, but when he fights Doctor Fate he uses several incantations.

Greg responds...

Actually, Wotan did speak to summon the lightning in Revelations, using the Archmage's old spell, in fact.

But in any case, Wotan has many tools in his toolbox.

Response recorded on May 03, 2012

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Lydia writes...

Just wanted to put it out there. I thought it interesting that although Zatanna and Zatara are probably Catholic, they practice magic. If you want to get technical, the Catholic Church is against the use of magic. (I am Catholic)
But I know this is a fictional story, so the rules can probably be bent a bit :)
Keep up the good work! Love the series!

Greg responds...

I know a LOT of Catholics who consider themselves Catholic but don't follow EVERY tenant of the religion. (For that matter, I'm a Jew that doesn't follow many tenants of MY religion.) It doesn't have to be a 'fictional story' for that.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Anonymously Write writes...

Even though their not Dating dose Wonder Woman has feeling for Batman

Greg responds...

It depends what kind of feelings you're talking about.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Alexi writes...

How old is Dr. Serling Roquette?

Greg responds...

Serling is 22 as of the end of Season One.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Gregorio writes...

First, I just have to say this is most definitely the best DCAU show since Justice League Unlimited finished. There's something in it for everybody; there's just two questions I've got for you...

1) Is Wally eventually going to learn to be more imaginative with his powers? When they amount to being able to "Run really, really fast", it's really easy for him to turn into just another comic relief.

On another note, I really like what you're doing so far with Superman being extremely awkward around Superboy and so far being a terrible role model... it kind-of really fits him, IMO. And, on a related note to that, my second question: Are we ever going to see the Kents in this show?

Greg responds...

Technically, we're not part of what most fans consider the DCAU, but thanks.



Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Bob writes...

What is the color of Rocket's powers? Is it blue or pink? Cause in Revelation it was pink and misplaced it was blue. I know weird question

Greg responds...

I don't know. I myself am Red-Green color deficient, so I'm not the best person to answer color questions.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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DickGraysonLover writes...

Do Kid Flash and Robin hang out together as Wally and Dick, seeing as they are BF's?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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The greenman writes...

Great show. Please keep up the excellent work.

YJ questions

Did Martian Manhunter ever assume detective John Jones identity?

Can Aqualad control the temperature of his water power?

How did Bibbo get a diner? Is this from the comics?

Other than the Secret Society, did Spider-Man's Sinister Six inspire The Light?

Greg responds...

1. Uh, yeah. If you've been watching, you've seen John Jones already in "Targets".

2. I doubt it.

3. On Earth-16 he owns a diner.

4. Not at all. The Sinister Six is an attack squad. The Light is the polar opposite of that.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Big Me writes...

1)How do feel abou batman and wonder woman being a couple? And about WW and superman?

2)Any chance of a TV movie for YJ?

Greg responds...

1. It all depends on how one develops the characters, but I'm not one of those guys that feels like either couple is an absolute must-see. Nor am I the type to think either is anathema.

2. No one's raised it over here.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How did you cast Alyson Stoner as Barbara Gordon?

Greg responds...

How? Uh, Jamie Thomason and/or his talent coordinator called her agent, I assume. If you're asking how did we DECIDE to cast her as Barbara...?

I'm not sure I remember, but there were a handful of actresses who auditioned for Miss Martian (including Lacey, Mae and maybe Alyson) who didn't seem quite right for M'gann, but who were really good nevertheless and whom we kept in mind for future rolls.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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