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GraysonRocks writes...

During "Performance" Dick's eyes are clearly visible, yet despite not seeing them before, the team didn't react. I'm curious why this was and if nothing will be mentioned about his eyes or secret identity again. I mean, Dick Grayson is kind of well known, and I feel they should be able to recognize him from the media, thus giving up his secret identity. I know the Young Justice universe is different than the others, but I find it odd that Robin would show his eyes because despite being more trusting than Batman, he still seems to be very cautious. Anyways, I was just wondering if Robin's eyes or identity will be covered. Love the show a whole lot and thanks for taking time to answer question!

Greg responds...

How is Dick Grayson "well known"? Because as a kid he was a circus performer? Because his parents were murdered? Because he was adopted by Bruce Wayne? Any media that might have been generated by any of this was FOUR YEARS AGO. Think about how much physcial change any boy goes through between the ages of 9 and 13. And do you really think any media focused close enough on his eyes that Roy or Artemis would have studied them so closely that four years later they'd recall those eyes when they see them out of context? (And of course, Superboy wasn't born four years ago, and M'gann wasn't on Earth.)

And in any case, Dick WAS WEARING A MASK the whole time. If glasses work for Clark Kent, then a mask can certainly work for Dick Grayson even if his irises and pupils are visible.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I heard that it was previously stated (though this may be incorrect) that Robin wasn't going to get a love interest. What prompted you to change this? I also just wanted to pop in and say I love the show:)

Greg responds...

You "heard it was previously stated"? Heard where? Stated by whom? It was certainly never previously stated by ME.

Nothing changed. Our plans for the character remained the same from beginning to end.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Richard writes...

What are Rocket's superpowers?

Greg responds...

Flight and the ability to create a force field bubble around herself or others.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg. Sorry. But this is a criticism. As a huge Captain Marvel fan, I was a little miffed by how Zatanna took out Captain Marvel in the fight on board the watchtower. Captain Marvel has in recent years been depicted as being invulnerable to all but the highest level magic. Furthermore, Billy's powers come from a lord of order - Shazam! Would a spell of that magnitude really be affected by Zatanna's "baby magic?" It is (maybe) a minor detail, but I think you were being inconsistent in regards to Zatanna's power level here. Now, if it had been Klarion or Fate casting the spell...

I would like to thank-you though for a great if extremely protracted season. I do sometimes go out of my way to be polite because others on this forum can be so rude, but I'm not kissing your butt here. I think Young Justice is the best superhero show ever. And yes, I am ranking it above Batman: the Animated Series.

Greg responds...

Well, we'll just have to disagree. If Captain Marvel can be blindsided by a punch, he can be blindsided by a magic spell. And Zatanna's abilities may be "baby magic" to a LORD OF CHAOS, but Cap is no Lord of Chaos or Order - even if his powers do "come from a lord of order" (which by the way, I'm neither confirming or denying vis-a-vis Earth-16). Cap has a kryptonite-like vulnerability, which Zatanna exploited.

And for the record, statements like "X has in recent years been depicted" don't interest me much. I'm always trying to get to the core truth of any character in the show. But most of these characters are older than I am, and I can't be enslaved by every depiction that ever existed, whether recent or not.

Otherwise, thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Scott writes...

Just wanted to tell you that my 7 & 8 yr old daughters love your show. The 8 year old wants to BE Artemis. She was so mad when it appeared that she was the mole in last weeks episodes that she yelled "that's not fair". She was relieved to find out that Artemis was not a traitor. They also loves the New Years eve kisses. I love the show because I'm a DC geek from way back and I think your version of the JL is the best in any medium ever. Absolutely love it. And thanks for giving us a show that we can enjoy together.

Greg responds...

That was the goal. I'm extraordinarily glad it's working for your family. Thanks.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Colton writes...

I have a few questions regarding designation numbers
1) does wolf have a number?
2)does sphere?
3) has zatannas changed?
Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Twice.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

In YJ are there any magic users who are capable of doing detective work?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Brett W. writes...

-John Stewart and Hal Jordan REALLY don't like Guy Gardner. Is there a reason for that?

-Why isn't the Watchtower weaponized?

-Do Batman or Black Canary have any kind of mentor-student relationship to Wildcat in this universe?

-What exactly do Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor know about each other? Have they ever met?

-Depictions of Batman tend to fall between two extremes. On end of the spectrum is the Ubermensch Batman who can predict everything, is always right, take down the Justice League on his own, outmatch Darkseid, and can fight Superman solo and win. On the other end of the spectrum is the Chris Nolan kind of Batman who is just a regular guy of slightly above average intelligence who fights crime with resourcefulness and rigorous training, with backup guys like Lucius Fox doing most of the genius work. A happy medium between these two I would say is the Batman from the Justice League series and BTAS. Where would you say your Batman falls on this scale? Towards one end, the other, or in the middle?

Greg responds...


2. Why would it be?

3. Black Canary was mentored by Wildcat, among others. Batman worked with him too.

4. I'm sure they've met.

5. The middle, I guess. Though I'm not sure Nolan's Batman really represents one end of the scale. Particularly if the other end is a Batman that's omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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kyle K. writes...

In the end of Auld Acquaintance, Robin said that Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, John Stewart, Superman and Batman were missing, but Superman and Batman were both present, who were the real leaguers missing?

Greg responds...

Missing for sixteen hours. Not STILL missing.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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Will D writes...

What were you most and least satisfied with as far as Season 1 turned out? Nice finale by the way.

Greg responds...

I'm pretty happy with the whole thing. Not that it's perfect, but given our schedule and resources, there's nothing I would have done differently.

Response recorded on September 11, 2012

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