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Sarah writes...

Hi Greg,
This isn't a question, so I understand that it might be deleted, but I have no other way of contacting you, so I thought I might give it a shot.
I just wanted to thank you for an amazing show. You and Brandon have done an amazing job, along with everyone else who works on Young Justice. It's beautifully done, and I love it to the point of perhaps unhealthy obsession, but I like to think I'm just a really, really, really big fan.
I'm sure you don't remember this, but I came to your signing on Free Comic Book Day at Meltdown Comics, and I just wanted to let you know that that was a truly amazing moment for me. You are one of my biggest heroes, and the Young Justice issue you signed along with the photo my dad took of me with you are now two of my most prized possessions.
I can't wait for the rest of the season, and I'd just like to let you know that you have made one thirteen-year-old girl very, very, very, very happy.
And one more thing that actually is a question:
In an interview with IGN, you said: "Tune in and give us some huge ratings! Who knows, maybe it'll happen? Maybe we'll get that third season sooner than later!"
Where could we give you huge ratings, or who could we write to strongly advise that you get a third season?
Thanks for answering all these questions and being so patient with us!
P.S. You and Vic also did a great job on Mecha-nation! It's amazing!

Greg responds...

Thank you for the very kind words.

I do remember that Meltdown moment.

Ratings are determined at time of viewing. Really by people with Nielson boxes in their homes, though in theory, the more people watching, the more Nielson people watching. You can always express your fondness for the show directly to Cartoon Network.

Thanks again.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Grant writes...

1-Did your time as the assistant editor on Infinity Inc, which featured Artemis Crock influence your use of the character in YJ?

2-If so in what way?

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. I remembered that she existed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Thomas writes...

I have a few questions about the Bio Ship

1; What powers them

2; Do they eat? Drink? Defecate?

3; How long do they last?

Greg responds...

1. Fuel.

2. They absorb.

2a. See question 2.

2c. See question 1.

3. Their life-span is long, assuming no catastrophic injury.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Kevin writes...

Each member of the Light seems to represent a certain sphere of influence, Lex Luthor being business, the Brain science, Klarion magic, Queen Bee politics, Ocean Master the sea, with Vandal Savage representing experience as befits a leader or first among equals. My question is what Ra's Al Ghul's sphere of influence is and do you agree with this assessment?

Greg responds...

To a certain extent, yes. That was part of the equation. But not all of it. And there's some obvious overlap too.

Ra's represents the underworld, specifically the League of Shadows.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Bethany writes...

Does the Speed Force exist in Young Justice? I was confused by the character profiles that came out because I was certain that it did not, but Barry Allen's profile said his suit was Speed Force resistant.

Greg responds...


And I don't know what "profiles" you're referring to.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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BH writes...

Greg, I'm a big fan of Young Justice, and I think it's really great that you are willing to answer questions about your creations like this. I have 3 questions:

1)In "Salvage", Artemis and Wally go to school in Palo Alto. Is this meant to imply that they attend Stanford? I ask because I figure you won't be mentioning an actual university on the show.

2)Also in "Salvage", Red Arrow's apartment appears very similar to the apartment at the end of the "Under the Red Hood" movie. I'm guessing you recycled the animation to save money, but did you intend it to be a nod at the Jason Todd/Roy Harper Outlaws, or was it just coincidence?

3)In "Targets", during the scene outside Happy Harbor High School, there is a moment where 4 people wearing logos on their shirts are lined up as follows: Superman ("S"), the high school ("H"), Flash (a vertical lightning bolt), and Batman (which in this case looks a bit like a "T"). Was this meant to resemble a certain 4 letter word that would be inappropriate for a cartoon, or was it just a coincidence? I laughed when I saw it because it's pretty clever.

Anyway, thanks again for such a great show. I hope you get many more seasons!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. It's the same apartment from "Auld Acquaintance".

3. I never noticed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Mane writes...

1.) Does Icon have a starship like in the comics?

2.) Can Rocket increase the force of her strikes using kinetic energy?

Greg responds...


2. "Strikes"? Maybe her spares.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Zombie writes...

1. How did Count Vertigo retain his diplomatic immunity after openly unleashing giant mutant plants on the world for a huge ransom? Surely the international political fallout would force Vlatava to revoke it, or risk starting a war with one or more nations. I certainly can't see the USA turning a blind eye to a nation who had one of their diplomats openly committing what amounts to terrorist acts on American soil.

2. Who created the Kobra Venom? At the end of Drop Zone Brain says they can reverse engineer it, which I assume means it wasn't Brain. Is Kobra a scientist, or does he have a minion who is, and they created it?

3. Did the Team ever find out that Miss Martian mindblasted them into unconsciousness in Image? I realise this might be a spoiler request, but with the five year skip I'm not sure whether it was ever intended that it was going to be addressed.

Greg responds...

1. He released no plants in Vlatava. (It's more complicated than that, of course, but Perdita's hands were legally and politically tied.)



Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Voice Actor fan writes...

Hi Mr Weisman, I read your response a while back about how you pay your voice actors for their roles and after watching the episode 3 of season 2 I realized something. I noticed that Aquaman is voiced by Phil Lamar who previously voiced Green lantern John Stewart in Justice League, where as you have Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him. I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact and if, when first auditioning actors, thought about getting some of the previous actors to reprise their previous roles. I know that in some of the direct to DVD movies some of the former cast from previous works did voice the same character again.

Greg responds...

We didn't audition any Justice Leaguer except Superman. (And only him, because we wanted an actor who could play both Superboy and Superman.)

I am very aware of who played characters in the past, and we LARGELY chose to AVOID direct comparisons to previous works by NOT using the same actor in the same role. There were a few exceptions, such as Bruce Greenwood's Batman, where we felt the actor wasn't already over-identified with the part. But for the major leads from the old Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series, the truth is that if they played the role there, it all but eliminated our interest in having them play the rolls in YJ.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Charly writes...

Was the "shazam" from Auld Aquaintance a reused sound from an earlier episode?

Greg responds...

No. That's not allowed by SAG rules.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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