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Teukros writes...

To start, I want to let you know that YJ is currently my favorite show, and I can't wait to see it each week.

My question is about Kyle Rayner. I remember hearing that in the past on multiple DC shows, certain characters (notably Nightwing in JLU and Donna Troy/Wonder Girl in almost ANYTHING) were off limits due to licensing issues (or something to that effect, I was never great at the legalese). I also noted that Kyle Rayner's only appearances as a Green Lantern were in Superman: TAS (where they made him into Hal Jordan with a different name) and briefly in JLU (where he had very little characterization). In many other shows and movies based off DC lore, when Kyle is supposed to be the Green Lantern in question (Justice League: Doom), or at the very least, could exist as one, he is passed over, more frequently than any of the other Lanterns in 2814. Is this a licensing issue, or is it something else entirely? From what I've read, Kyle isn't an unpopular character.

Greg responds...

It is not - as far as I know - a legal issue. No one has told me he's off limits. But I can't speak for what the situation was on past series.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Luna writes...

I have some questios regarding Lex Luthor.

Do you think he would get along with Xanatos?
Is He as smart as Xanatos?
Would David Xanatos be a member of the light if he lived in earth 16?

I know it is never going happen becuase one is from DC and one is from Disney/Marvel. But I would love to see the two of them interacting.

How would you do an episode with Lex and Xanatos?.(I don't consider this one a spoiler or an original idea becuase copyright will never allow this to ever happen).

thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Sure.

2. See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

3. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals.

4. I wouldn't.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Aside from Batman, does Dick Grayson idolize a particular hero?

Greg responds...

I think he likes them all, but might be particularly impressed with Superman and Black Canary.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

On another post you said that the pentagram's symbols in "Misplaced" had been inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Was that a joke or were you being serious? None of the cuttie marks resemble any of those symbols.

If you were kidding, then where did you base those symbols on?

Greg responds...

I was kidding.

And I have no idea what - if ANYTHING - the symbols were based on.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Batman the only one who cares so strongly about his and Robin's secret identities? I mean, why were Kid Flash and Speedy allowed to tell everyone their names but not Dick?

Greg responds...

Flash doesn't feel as strongly about it.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In the Season One finale, Superman had told Superboy of his own secret identity as Clark Kent. When Superboy reacted to this revelation, was his reaction based mostly towards the fact because he now realized that they shared the same last name in the episode, or mostly towards the fact because Conner had met Clark Kent in Young Justice issue #20 (as indicated by the flashbacks) and not realizing at the time that Clark was actually Superman?


Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Billy Q writes...

Hi Greg, I just saw the newest episode of Young Justice,of March since comic wise one of Dick Grayson's birthdays is listed as March 21 or the first day of Spring. Was this intentional or not? It's pretty funny since Wally got November 11, and now Conner has March 21. Was this just another coincidence or what?
Thank you a good episode, can't wait for the next one. :)

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're asking. Was what a coincidence?

Mostly, March 21st was chosen as Conner's 'birthday' because (a) the timing made sense vis-a-vis what we already know, and (b) it's my son Benny's birthday.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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B writes...

Do Miss Martian's Green siblings get looked down on or discriminated against for having a White father even though they aren't White themselves?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Bridge writes...

hi greg,

I would love to say thank you for providing us with shows like young justice and spectacular spiderman with all the twists and turns in the story line.

For spectacular spiderman, i was fooled that harry was the green goblin when it actually norman. Just when i thought i had the Green Goblin so played out (making the harry seem so obvious) and yet so deviated (making it Harry instead of the traditional Norman), I was wrong.

I loved how the show kept with the original story of the Green Goblin AND found a surprising and original way to tell it. That's what i call killing 2 birds with stone.

Same goes for young justice, how Red Arrow accuses Miss martian, Artemis and Superboy of being the mole when it was Roy. I admit myself i thought it would be artemis which roy was suspicious and when i found out he was the mole, i thought to myself hypocrite but when i found out he was a clone and a sleeper agent?! Oh my....

I love surprises like these keep it up!

Greg responds...

We'll try!

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Yj questions:

1. Has Augustus Freeman ever encounteredand or known of older heroes like the JSA or the Mystery Men?

2. Is Augustus Freeman rich on the level of say Lex Luthor or just wealthy?

Thank you!

Greg responds...


2. Just well-off.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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