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Andrew writes...

Hey Greg, got two questions for you

1. How did you meet Brandon Vietti?

2. I ask because I'm a big of the DCAU, how did Rich Fogel get involved with the series?

Greg responds...

1. Brandon and I met a couple times when I was at Sony and when I was freelancing for WB. But, honestly, we really didn't meet for real until Sam Register teamed us up to develop a new series for WB Animation. (That series was a Green Lantern series that was never made, followed by a Space Ghost series that was never made, before we finally were assigned to Young Justice.)

2. Rich and I go way back to my Disney days. He and Mark Seidenberg were partnered up, editing Gummi Bears. We've kept in touch, on and off, over the years. And more recently, we were both staff writers on Shimmer & Shine. I truly loved the Shimmer & Shine writing staff (Stephanie Simpson, Dustin Ferrer, Kevin Hopps, Cisco Paredes, Andrew Blanchette and Rich), so when YJ started up again I tried to get everyone to write an episode for Season Three and/or Four. Stephanie and Dustin haven't had the time, but the rest have all pitched in for an episode or two. (Of course, Kevin was already a YJ writer.)

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Hello Greg, In YJ, what is the thought process behind each season's time jump, how do you and the creative team decide the length of each jump and how do you believe they add to the characters and the overall narrative?

Greg responds...

Again, this has been covered in the ASK GREG ARCHIVES multiple times. But generally, we think it allows us to show the growth and maturation of our young characters.

The length of the time jump is generally determined by both what we want to hide (and later reveal) about our characters and when in the timeline does the story fall that we want/need to tell.

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Hey Greg, I've noticed in the credits for Outsiders, all of the Milestone characters are credited as "Created by Milestone Media." Are there any specific reasons why Dwayne McDuffie and the other Milestone creators aren't individually mentioned?

Thanks for a great season.

Greg responds...

It's a legal decision that's way above my paygrade to credit the creation of all Milestone characters to the Milestone company. That's all I know. But I don't think it began with Season Three. Didn't we do the same thing in Seasons One and Two?

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Jordan Fenster writes...

I am really curious why Gotham appears to be Bridgeport, Connecticut, in an episode of Young Justice.

Greg responds...

Does it?

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Todd Jensen writes...

Rewatched the "Avalon" triptych on DVD today. A few new observations.

The Magus's lyre in the "flashback on Avalon" scene looks a lot like Merlin's lyre in "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time". Obviously not the same one, but evidently both wizards share a common taste in musical instruments.

Princess Katharine and the Magus's telling Elisa "Little is known of the Sleeping King" struck me as all the more appropriate since in 995, nearly all the major works on King Arthur had yet to be written (Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of the Kings of Britain", the oldest extant start-to-finish account of Arthur's life, wouldn't be written for over a hundred years). There were one or two, like Nennius's "Historia Brittonum", but that was about it.

A detail that I hadn't spotted before: a couple of gargoyle-like sculptures were "guarding" the bridge leading to Arthur's resting-place within the Hollow Hill.

King Arthur and Goliath have both used a mace while fighting Macbeth (Goliath did so in "Enter Macbeth") - one of a few points in common they share (others are awakening in the modern world from a long enchanted sleep, and having scheming illegitimate sons).

The Archmage's boast that he could destroy Goliath with "just a word" struck me as apt, since all the "enhanced Archmage"'s spells were one-word ones ("Vessel", "Revert", "Ice", etc.).

It's difficult not to smile at Elisa's "Souvenirs" question after Season One of "Young Justice". Fortunately, she was asking it in a lighthearted tone.

Greg responds...

Certain elements run through my work, I suppose...

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Novelyst writes...

In the fourth volume of the Young Justice tie-in comics, we follow Artemis as she attends Dick's birthday party. Notably, we didn't see Wally, although it would be expected for Dick's best friend to be attending his birthday party. Assuming he wasn't there but not shown, Why is this?

Greg responds...

This was for DICK GRAYSON's Gotham Academy friends. Wally - in those days - wasn't supposed to know that Robin was Dick Grayson.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Scales writes...

Here's a dumb question: Do Martians find dragons and other such fire-breathing mythological creatures of Earth terrifying?
Also, side note, what happens to a Martian if they are hit with fire? Do they burn faster than humans?

Greg responds...

1. On Earth-16, I wouldn't think they'd find them any more terrifying than we do.

2. They aren't invulnerable to fire. But no, they don't burn any faster than we do. They are more vulnerable to heat than we are.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Moby writes...

Hello MR Greg, I wanted to ask you a big question about Mars: What is the biology of Mars? As in, the animals, plants, people, and etc. I would love to know more about Mars's biosphere, especially since we see so little of it in the show and comics.

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Snowy writes...

I was wondering if I could ask some questions about the biology of the Bioship, if these questions aren't too spoiley:
1) What exactly IS the Bioship? A plant? An animal? A bacterial colony???
2) Does it have a symbiotic relationship with the Martians? How did that relationship form?
3) How do Martians get their Bioships?
4) How can Bioships do all the things it can do, such as camouflage, fly at incredible speeds, adapt to most environments(including hot ones that would incapacitate a Martian), and etc.?
5) Are Bioships sentient? Or are they more like a companion?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

2a. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. Adaptability and a breeding program.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on August 16, 2021

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Sebastian writes...

English is not my mother tongue, so I wanted to ask you 2 questions
1. in Earth 16 Superboy is the best friend of the third robin Tim Drake and Kid Flash / Bart Allen as is the case of the new Earth and Young Justice Rebirth?
2. the fourth season in which month of 2020 will it leave?

Greg responds...

1. I think for Earth-16, what you see on screen is what you get. Conner is friendly enough with Tim and Bart, but they were in a younger class, and he's closer to/with the folks he came up with.

2. I think you asked this already, so I'm not sure why you're asking it again. I know English is not your first language, but I'm not sure what you mean by "leave". I can't tell if you're asking me an in-universe question about when the show is set, the answer to which would be NO SPOILERS - or a question about when the series will drop in 2020, the answer to which is obviously that it didn't and was never, ever going to be ready in time for 2020. Granted, you wrote this in 2019, so if you would want me to update the question for 2021, the answer is that the show will drop when HBO MAX decides it wants it to drop. And they haven't announced that yet.

Response recorded on August 13, 2021

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