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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - YJ is a great show that obviously resonates with a lot of people. But sometimes I feel like the writers don't realize why people love the show so much.

I think most people got hooked on the character development and world-building of Season 1. Seeing our favorite comic characters reimagined in this unique universe you've created. The rest of the seasons have been more focused on driving the plot forward, at the expense of character. The time skip disappointed a lot of people because years of character development and interactions happened off screen. And as the cast got bigger, it became clear that only some characters were going to get screentime while others were basically scenery. This was also disappointing for the fans of characters that were introduced in later seasons; especially for characters that have never been properly portrayed in DC media like Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra, Stephanie, etc. I wanted to see all of them get the same type of treatment the Season 1 cast got, but there are so many characters that we barely know anything about. And with the time skips, we may never get to know them because the writers have decided they're not important for the plot.

I remember lots of fans gave you this type of feedback during Season 2, and you tbh you were kind of dismissive about it and then doubled down on the approach in Season 3. I know this is ultimately your show, but I wish you would take the feedback from the fans who fell in love with it.

Greg responds...

Hi, Anonymous. I don't mean to be dismissive. But at the end of the day, I don't see HOW we could possibly satisfy your criteria.

I mean think about it. If this were a quote-unquote "normal show," we'd have stuck with our original six characters with no time skips. You'd never have even SEEN Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra and Stephanie, let alone gotten any character development for them. By season four, we'd still be in the middle of the first time skip. You'd have Raquel. Zatanna. Maybe Troia and Garth. Maybe Jason. But we wouldn't have even touched on the names on your list.

And I don't agree that we sacrificed character development in Seasons Two and Three for plot. Those seasons were indeed plot driven, in the sense that who we focused on was driven by plot. Hence, S2 gave Jaime a lot of focus that he hasn't had since. And S3 gave Garfield a lot of focus. Etc. But each season was, I think, objectively rich in character development. But just not for the characters that you personally were most interested in seeing developed. And I am 100% sure that there are many, many fans who would chose the exact same characters as you for their development preferences. But there are also many, many fans who would only pick some of the characters you listed and substitute other choices for the ones they don't care so much about. And many, many fans who would have an entirely different list from yours. There's literally no way to satisfy everyone. And so when you say we should listen to fan feedback, whose should we listen to? Yours? Some other fan who has a different set of priorities?

In the end, we can't listen to anyone except ourselves. We have to be passionate about the show, or else we can't expect anyone else to be passionate about it. We just have to cross our fingers and hope that our preferences resonate with as many fans as possible. So far, that's worked out pretty well for us. Though there have been plenty of fans who haven't been thrilled, and many who are downright disgruntled with us. Such is life. Again, that's not me being dismissive. It's me being realistic.

And, in any case, with the obvious exception of Wally, if your primary interest was in the original group (i.e. Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis), then I think the time skips have aided us in developing these five characters to a greater degree than we could have done without them. Again, without them, you'd have never seen Kaldur go from Aqualad to Aquaman. You'd have never seen him go undercover with Black Manta. You'd have never seen him with Wynnde, etc. We'd still be stuck in a perennial Season One mode. There'd be some character development of course, but nothing near the level we've been able to bring to you across our four seasons.

And in any case, season four is extremely character focused and on the seven characters shown in the season's main title: Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann, Artemis, Raquel and Zatanna. Those seven might not be your first choice for development, and I can understand that. But five of those seven have been our leads since the beginning, so per your own argument, that's who we SHOULD be focused on.

Response recorded on April 11, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Lara writes...

Why Beast Boy not happy Miss Martian's sister Em'ree Jonzz using his mom's form but Garfield Logan is ok with Miss Martian using his mom's form in young justice season 4 episode 1 Inhospitable ?

Greg responds...

He's always known her in that form. It helped them form a bond ten years ago. Context is everything.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Matute writes...

At what age did Robin become Nightwing on Earth 16 and how did his teammates react?

Greg responds...

Robin became Nightwing in Team Year Three. As to how everyone reacted... NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Regis writes...

Hello Greg !
Love what you and Brandon did with young justice, a timeline going on its own, and the scenario is brilliant ! My question would be : will you continue the show after you've come to the end of your story ? Because I'm scared that it ends up like shows like Arrow and Flash who only make a next season as long as the studios command one more, and they have nothing more to say but they still go on... Please don't ^^
But anyway thank you very much for this show, it's a writing gem and a true pleasure to any fans of Dc !

Greg responds...

The story has no end. Characters age, but new younger characters are always joining. We'll keep going as long as they allow us to, in whatever medium they allow us to. Given that we've introduced the Legion, we could, in theory, keep going for a thousand years...

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Was the joker more pissed off by the fact that he was used like a pawn by the light or that he was the only one not in on it?
2 since the joker was aware savage was a part if the light. Was he also aware that lex luthor was a member? Is that a part of the reason Why he decided to bomb the UN
3 Does the joker also now desire revenge against the other injustice league members for not letting him in on their true goal?

Greg responds...

1. In the immortal words of Abe Simpson, "A little from Column A; a little from Column B."

2. I'm neither confirming or denying anything, but I think that's a safe bet.

3. I think it's cute that you expect the Joker to be consistent.

Response recorded on April 06, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) In "Elder Wisdom", Wonder Girl mentions that she's been on the Team for two years. But since she joined in Team Year Five and made this comment at the beginning of Team Year Nine, was this a mistake?

2) In "Home Fires", Ocean-Master mentions that he's been in an Atlantean prison for six years. Given that this episode takes place in Team Year Eight, can his dialogue here be taken as confirmation that he was brought to justice and locked up in Team Year Two?

Greg responds...

1. So, Wonder Girl said that on January 1st, Team Year Nine and joined the Team in October of Team Year Five. So she had (at that point) been on the Team for just over three years. So either I screwed up... or Cassie did. Let's go with Cassie.

2. That would track.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, really love watching Phantoms and the fruits of your labor! I had a bit of a different question for you.

You said in the past that you were impressed with Avatar: The Last Airbender and you were planning on watching The Legend of Korra after.

1) What did you think about the sequel series? Particularly in relation to its predecessor?

2) I know you try to keep your own work original and you try to avoid taking outside ideas, but were there certain elements (story or character) from either Avatar:TLA or TLOK that you felt were interesting to use in your stories?

3) If you had an opportunity to work within that universe, would you craft a story with gambits that you're so famously known for or would you take a different direction than usual?

Thank you again. Young Justice and Avatar/Korra were large elements of my childhood and what stands out to me are the very strong themes, characters, and over-arching narrative. I feel pretty blessed to be part of a generation that could have not only enjoyed it but grew up with them as well.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't watched it yet. I watched Avatar with my son. Now, he's all grow'd up and living 3,000 miles away, and we don't have the same kind of time to sit together and watch an entire series. Still would like to someday.

2. I actively try not to think that way.

3. That's such a massive hypothetical, I don't even know how to answer it.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Minor question: is there a particular reason you had Atlanteans speaking more formally (i.e. little to no use of contractions) after "Infiltrator"?

Greg responds...

We were really following the lead of Khary Payton, who created the voice of Aqualad.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Bree writes...

What's the name of those lenses the Team use? Who invented them? When?

Greg responds...

1. They're called Intensa-Lenses.

2. They were invented by Professeur Oeil, the French cousin of Professor Ojo.

3. Before breakfast.


Actually, I don't think we ever bothered figuring that out. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 01, 2022

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