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Fallenlegend writes...

Here are some Shazam/ Marvel family questions now that the we know more about them.
1.- Did Billy Batson became weaker, as in 1/3 weaker, by sharing the power with Mary and Fredy? Or was he given 1/3 of the power from the start?
2-. When you said Captain’s marvel’s speed depended on which season we were talking about, does that mean Captain Marvel became weaker due to sharing the power?
3.- When Billy fought Despero as Captain Marvel, was him losing so easily to Despero in part caused because he had already shared the power of SHAZAM and therefor was weaker at that one? If so I assume Superman would have fared better than him, wouldn’t he? Not an hypotethical, just Here are some Shazam/ Marvel family questions now that the we know more about them.
4.-Assuming he became weaker by sharing the power of Shazam does that mean Captain Marvel is not close to Superman’s or Icon’s power levels anymore?

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. Yes. Season One, he was at full power. In between S1 and Season Two, he shared his power, permanently. Can't get it back. So from S2 on, he's at 1/3 power.

3. Yes, that's true.

4. Correct.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

What month in 2008 did Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado join the Justice League?

Greg responds...

I have that down for August, 2008.

Response recorded on July 20, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

What month in 2004 did Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman join the Justice League?

Greg responds...

I was going to answer that I didn't know. But then I decided to double-check the timeline, and sure enough it's there: MAY, 2004.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Dane writes...

Have any members of The Team/Outsiders been to a Pride parade? Who?

Greg responds...

I honestly haven't thought about it. I imagine all of them would be willing to go. I don't know if any of them have made the time. But probably. I would think all the Outsiders might go together in solidarity - and in costume. And I think members of the Team might go, as civilians.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Karrin Blue writes...

Happy New Year! Some odds and ends I was wondering about:

1) Since Perdita now has a scar that goes up to her collarbone, where she didn't before, does that mean she's had another heart transplant since we last saw her in season 3?
2) Would Terra's earth powers be able to affect the crystal Flaw is made out of, like Khalid's life powers affected Teekl?
3) How much do Terra's powers work on? That is, we know they work on rock and soil, but what about sand, or natural glasses like obsidian, or materials like jet or coal that started as organic matter? Sorry if this is getting too granular, it's just always something I wonder about when a character has 'earth powers,' since the earth is made up of so much different stuff compared to the other classic elements.
4) Given that the Markovs are very definitely saying Mother of Goat and not Mother of God, does that mean that the Markovs aren't Christian? If so, is whatever religion they follow the dominant one in Markovia?
5) Does the Red Hooded Ninja actually wear that mask and goggles all the time on Infinity Island? What about when he sleeps?

Greg responds...

1. No. She stopped using make-up to cover up the already existing scar, which was from her heart surgery back in S1. She decided, in essence, to represent.

2. That's a good question. I haven't considered it. And it's largely moot now. If it wasn't, I guess I'd discuss that with Brandon.

3. Yeah, another good question. And something else that I'd want to discuss with Brandon before answering definitively.

4. They are Christians. I'm not 100% sure of the denomination. But it's Christian. Mother of Goat seems to be a common Markovian expression, so that one doesn't take the name of the Virgin Mother in vain. It's the equivalent of saying "H-E-Double Hockey-Sticks" or "Gosh darn it!"

5. Only when he's suited up. It's a uniform. It's not glued on.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Season 1 had a lot of elements from the young justice comics like being set in happy harbor, secret, harm, world without grown ups, and red tornado. the subsequent seasons haven’t had as much, why is that?

Greg responds...

I think we were very focused on bringing in elements from the 90s YJ comics in that season. But even then, we were doing a mash-up of different eras and different characters, while creating our Earth-16. Since then, we're just moving the characters forward. I could argue, I suppose that our adding Robin (Tim Drake) and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) in Season Two, shows that nothing has really changed. It's always a matter of degree. But we did and do have more influences than just that run of comics. We're not adapting 90s YJ alone. We're adapting the entire DC Universe.

Or trying to, anyway.

Response recorded on June 21, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Season One finale of Young Justice, Black Canary regained consciousness while the Team was talking about how the Starro-tech infected the Justice League. But then, by the time she returned to the Watchtower, she was already cured. How did the Team prevent her from attacking them until they were finally able to cure her?

Greg responds...

I guess Klarion must have been distracted.

Response recorded on June 21, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

So, if I understand this correctly, Kalrion went back in time to 2010, and then he took control of the school bus and put the bus and the kids through all kinds of hell since then. Also, were any missing reports put in on those people? Surely, someone must have seen the bus and its occupants disappear on that day and missing reports must have been filed to the police, right?

Greg responds...

There was hardly time to file any missing persons reports. They disappeared and then reappeared seconds later.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Aprotny writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to start by saying how much I’m loving the season so far. I liked Seasons 2 and 3 less than Season 1 and have said multiple times since the season aired that season 4 is on par with Season 1 quality! So thank you.
Here are my questions:
1a&b) When did the idea of the bus first come up and who came up with it?
1c) Was the bus planned as a plot point since it’s first appearances in Season 1, or did that thought come up later?
2) When will you have a release date for Part 2 of Season 4?
3) I don’t have a three because any other questions I can think of will be answered with “no spoilers”
Warm Regards and Eagerly Awaiting Next Week’s Mid-Season Finale

Greg responds...

1a. Back in Season One.

1b. I don't remember. Me or Brandon Vietti or Kevin Hopps or Nicole Dubuc, most likely.

2. Months ago, now.

3. Appreciate the restraint.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Charlie Dagget?
2. When was Sindella born?
3. How old is Johnny Drew?
4. How old is Penny Randall?

Greg responds...

1. Charlie Daggett was born in 1984.

2. Sindella was born in 1975.

3. Johnny Drew was born in 1997.

4. Penny Randall was born in 1998.

Response recorded on June 16, 2022

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