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Annonymous writes...

After Gargoyles #7 came out, someone asked on here if you could post the descriptions you gave to the artists of some of the new characters, and you were able to provide some.

With a lot more issues out, would you be willing to post more of these descriptions for more of the new characters? I'd love to compare your words to the artists's final products for anyone, but especially Katana, Fu-Dog, Nashville, Sacrifice, Falstaff and his crew, the top tier Illuminati, etc.

Greg responds...

Maybe this'll hold you over for now:

NEW CHARACTERS â€" (in order of appearance)
• FALSTAFF a.k.a. JOHN OLDCASTLE â€" (Age 60.) Falstaff is a huge man, very tall and seemingly very fat (though it’s mostly muscle like a sumo wrestler). He’s Caucasian with a full head of snow-white hair and a big white beard and mustache. He’s almost always smiling, and there’s something jolly, even Santa-esque about him. But he’s actually quite dangerous. He affects a medieval style of dress. John also appears at age 31 in flashback. Back then, John had bristly jet black hair, beard and mustache. He was broad-shouldered and beefy back then, but not at all fat. He wore normal clothes for the time (1968). He had a kind expression on his face. In a montage sequence, he ages from 31 to 48, gaining weight and grey hair along the way. (See page 22 for the details.)
• DOLL â€" (Age 20.) A pretty, tall, slim Asian girl wearing a lot of make-up â€" almost a cross between kabuki and goth. She’s got very long limbs, and she’s a contortionist. Her clothes are strategically placed tatters. She’s barefoot. Think of an Asian Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner.
• BARDOLPH â€" (Age 44.) African male, bald with many burn scars all over his face, hands, etc. One eye is almost closed over with scarring. Like most of Falstaff’s crew, he wears Renaissance Fair garb. He breathes fire.
• QUICKLY â€" (Age 29.) Caucasian woman with long loose blonde hair. She wears a loose fitting Renaissance-style sundress, but she’s actually wearing it over a sports bra and long thigh length running shorts. She wears what appear to be boots, but there’s no heel. There really camouflaged track shoes. She has super-speed.
• POINTS â€" (Age 25.) Hispanic male with long dark hair and a Fu Manchu mustache. In Renaissance garb. He is a master of all bladed, sharp things. He has multiple swords, knives, daggers, etc., including short throwing blades, a samurai sword, a broadsword, a rapier, etc.
• PISTOL â€" (Age 52.) Caucasian male with a grey crewcut in Renaissance garb. He is a master of firearms, and has multiple holsters, containing pistols, guns, a sawed-off shotgun, a sniper’s rifle, a grenade-launcher, etc. He NEVER smiles. In a montage sequence, we see him at age 40, looking much the same, but with darker hair. (See page 22 for details.)

MARIAH MONMOUTH â€" (Age 26 in 1968.) Dingo/Harry’s mother. A pretty young thing â€" or we would have thought so if we had seen her under different circumstances. She was something of a free spirit and flower-child, with long hair and hippy clothes.

Response recorded on June 28, 2010

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

I finally got the Clan Building Vol. 2 and Bad Guys TPB and I'm loving the hell out of them, expect reviews soon.

Anyway, there's a small point of debate you might be able to resolve for the Gargwiki. In the latter part of the "Redemption" story arc, two of Falstaff's minions -Mistress Quickly and Bardolph- seem to possess superhuman abilities. Namely superspeed and fire breathing respectively. Are these two characters intended to be superhuman or are they merely regular humans with extrodinary though non-super skills?

Greg responds...

It's a sliding scale, so where extraordinary stops and super-human begins is being left intentionally vague. But they're not mutants or anything.

Response recorded on May 07, 2010