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I am a huge fan of the show i even have copied dvd copies of season 2 part 2 and season 3 the golith cronicals it broke my heart that they aren comin onto dvd but i had to have them i just purchased an action figure of coldstone and i was just wondering if by any chance they made a actiion figure of desdimona or my personall favorite iago? if so i will pay a lot for them
I don't think they did.
Any idea how many more copies of Season 2 Vol. 1 needs to be sold in order for us to see Vol. 2? And do you think there might be a chance we will see Gargoyles on Blue-Ray? Or atleast Season to be re-released but with episode introduction by you?
1. No. Frankly, I think that ship has sailed.
2. No idea.
3. Seems unlikely at this point, unless something significant changes.
Hello Greg,
First of all, I want to thank you for the...wonderful series that you've gaven EVERYONE that has watched it.
In Gargoyles 2198 or 2158, what ever. Are those going to be...in a series? I would love for that to happen. Or is it a comic book series?
It's whatever I can convince someone to do.
What voice actor would you have cast for Constance? Is her voice supposed to gruff like a Kathy Burke or elegant like a Joanna Lumley.
I don't know Kathy Burke. And I wouldn't choose Joanna Lumley.
I'm not sure I'd use the word "gruff". But I'd want her to have the chops to fit her visual.
I vaguely had Zoe Wanamaker in mind.
Demona is easily the most popular character on Gargoyles. Are you surprised by this or did you expect that she would be? Does it make you more conscious of how often you use her? Like Marlon Brando is Superman and Death in the Sandman comics?
I'm not sure I agree with your premise. Demona is certainly a popular character, but I don't know how you'd even measure who the "most popular" is.
But I like her, so I'm not surprised that others do. And, no, it doesn't really effect how I use her. Her weight in the canon and her own motives and needs drive her usage.
And your Marlon Brando/Sandman reference is lost on me.
Isn't Death Death in the Sandman comics?
And Marlon's use in the Superman movies has more to do with legal wrangling than anything, I thought.
I recall that you've only seen a couple of episodes of Spider-Man TAS, and from your descriptions, I believe they were Season 3 episodes. But the curious thing is that in Alien Costume Part One, a Season 1 episode, the symbiote came to earth via John Jameson's space shuttle, much in the way as in TSSM. So my question is: Is this a simple case of great minds think alike, or was the idea of bringing the symbiote in that way proposed by someone else on the crew who may have seen more of TAS?
It was my idea and I haven't seen the TAS episode, so I think it's just a logic thing. Watching Spider-Man 3, the coincidence level of the symbiote striking so close to Spidey and his scooter just was a bit much for me. If TAS used the same method than I assume we were using the same logic. Whether that makes our minds great is another matter.
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