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Hi. No questions this time, just had some quick comments:
1) I read your issue of ASM. Fun stuff. I liked the use of the framing device; it was a nice story to go along with the Morbius feature. I hope you write some more issues in the future.
2) I read on Wikipedia that Boomerang will appear in the 4th season of Spidey as a new member of the Enforcers. I'm not asking if it's true, I just thought you might find it funny.
3) If the show's renewed by the time you get this, congrats. If not, i'm pulling for ya.
Thanks again!
1. Me too.
2. Well, that was certainly not based on anything I ever said. But it's all moot now.
3. Thanks, but...
*PLEASE READ* Just remembered I forgot to include my email address in my question I asked Thu, November 19, 2009, so in case you were interested but didn't want everybody knowing your email, you can email me here: djsullivan98@aol.com. Trust me, if you accept my offer you will be very happy.
Sorry, but I don't respond directly to people from this site. Policy.
Dear Greg,
Mullets are the ugliest haircuts available to this world. How is it that Demona pulls it off so well?
I don't think of her haircut as a mullet. I mean I'm looking at a picture of her right now, and I just don't see it as a mullet at all.
Hey Greg! I was just rewatching a couple of episodes of TSSM and a few more questions came to mind.
1. In Opening Night, why didn't they confiscate Spidey's webbing when they locked him in the Vault? If he was a real prisoner, they surely would have....
2. Also, I noticed that in the end of said episode, Hobie says "Goblin shall restore amends" instead of "Robin shall restore amends." Obviously this was intentional, but what was DEVERAUX's motivation for changing the line?
3. Had Nick Bottom not been cast before Flash got the part?
4. In Subtext, Hobie is seen at the rehearsal with MJ and Liz. Though I don't Midsummer's by heart, I assuming that meant that he already had a part (he at least had lines - he was cut off by Deveraux again). What was his original part and who replaced him when he became Puck?
1. True, but that wasn't the point of the exercise. You can't confiscate Rhino's skin. Or Sandman's sand. Some villains just HAVE their powers. So they wanted to see if they could hold a powered hero.
2. Devereaux had clearly modeled the costumes of Cobweb and Puck after Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. He thought that would give the play more resonance for his audience. It was one of the conceits of the production, so he made minor changes to the text to emphasize his choices.
3. No. Devereaux hadn't found anyone in the audition who seemed capable of it. My guess is he was considering "having no choice but to play the part myself"... until he saw Flash's, uh, performance and knew he had the perfect ass for the part.
4. Philostrate, and he still played both parts.
Hey Greg, The Gargoyles/Spectacular Spider-Man Crossover You Wrote For The Radio Play At The Gathering is Canon Right? Or it will be once Disney approves to make it right? i mean since Disney now bought marvel comics and that's what you intended for it?
As I've said many times before: NO. Not canon for either series. Just a bit of fun.
Hey Greg I'd Like To Ask are you coming to this years Anime Central In Chicago? i'd like to see you and ask you some stuff, for i thought about it and i've decided that i want to Be A Creator too! Is there a chance we can meet and sit down together and have a talk creator to creator and you can give me advice on creating and let me know what you did to become a creator and more? I hope you'll attend Anime Central if you will i'll look forward to seeing you there!
I wasn't invited.
"The story is told -- though who can say if it be true --" is that something you came up with or did you borrow it? I'd love to hear your inspiration behind that line for I really enjoy it and I use it from time to time when telling my friends a story. If you're not in the mood for explaining yourself, then I'd be happy with a simple answer as well. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this. Tare care.
There is an answer to that question, but I don't want to reveal it at this time. Suffice it to say, I did not make it up.
Hi Greg!
Just so you know, Gargoyles is, to me, the absolutely finest animated series I have ever seen. (And I've seen a lot!) So thank you!
Now, one question...you've said that you don't see a lot of gargoyle/human pairings because you want to keep Goliath and Elisa's relationship unique. I get that, and I actually like the idea myself. But (yeah, a but XD), logically, don't you think out of all the billions of human men and women, at least SOME of them would be interested in gargoyles? I mean, within the fandom alone there are lots of people who think the gargoyles are very attractive, so I would think that out of the whole world, there'd be a lot of them that would be more than willing to try a relationship with a gargoyle. And I would imagine that as gargoyles interact more with humans a few would probably get "interested." Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just thinking aloud, and was hoping to hear your thoughts (in more detail) on the points I just made.
Thanks so much!
Well... I think you underestimate the reality of the situation. When watching characters (of whatever species) in an animated cartoon, everyone is made of the same ink and paint (or pixels). So the physical differences seem superficial - compared to the appeal or drama or pathos of individual characters, which in a way is how it should be.
But try for a moment to put yourself INTO that universe. Try to truly picture the physicality of the differences in a real world context. I'm not saying it could never happen. And maybe by 2198 it's slightly more likely. But generally, I think that kind of pairing is going to be quite rare. That doesn't mean intense friendships, relationships, emotions won't grow between individual humans and individual gargoyles, but I'd never see it as commonplace.
Hi Greg,
This isn't about Amazing Spider-Man #622, but is sort of related, and something I was wondering about for a while.
How did it come about that Tricia Helfer was cast as the voice of Black Cat on TSSM? I think most people would have known her from Battlestar Galactica, in which she plays a somewhat similar role*.
I noticed that she also voiced Black Cat in a Spider-Man game from 2008. Do you know whether she first did recordings for TSSM or for that game?
I ask because it doesn't seem like she's best known for her voice acting, but also that I wouldn't expect you to allow the casting of voice actors on one of your show solely based only on their reputation as a live-action actor.
*Or multiple roles, if one wants to get into that kind of discussion, but that hardly seems like the right thing to bring up here.
Actually, we often cast voice actors solely on their abilities on-camera. (Not on their reputations, but on the evidence.) On rare occasions, we're disappointed. Usually, we're not.
I never watched the new Battlestar Galactica, so I was unfamiliar with Tricia's work on it, though I've since seen her in many other things, including Burn Notice and Chuck. But I believe voice director Jamie Thomason suggested her for the role of Black Cat. I also believe that she did Black Cat for us first, before the video game. I know I didn't know about her playing Cat in the game when we cast her, so that's either a remarkable coincidence or else the game followed our lead.
hey weisiman!
Long time watcher and short time question-asker-or.
Am I the only one who thinks Brooklyn is like some sort of dragon gargoyle? Did you intend this or is the big red beak just getting to me? haha
He is what he is, beak and all.
Dear Mr. Weisman,
Kind of been lurking the site for a week. Hopefully, I got the gist of the rules around here. First, I would like to mention that I recently watched the "Gargoyles" series (watched the whole series in a week) and love it. I kind of found the series from "The Spectacular Spiderman" (Spidey is so Charlie Brown of the Marvel Universe). Loving them both.
Ahem... anyways, I always have seen Lexington as a really nice guy, but his future self and clone self seem to suggest otherwise. Do both of these alternate versions of himself insinuate anything? Is he tempted to the dark side of the force?
My google-fu is weak so ignore if it is in the archives.
Thanks for the great toons. It fills in that little nerdy void.
Well, his future self was an illusion of Puck's, so I don't think it's trustworthy. And ultimately, Brentwood is an individual. Beyond that, I make no promises.
Hey man greg,
have you ever seen Steven Spielberg comedy series: Freakazoid? This series came out way back when, during the production of Gargoyles, but if you ever seen the second part to the episode 'And his name is fanboy', you'd probably be laughing in your seat. Steven did a big parody off of your series Gargoyles, staring Lawn Gnomes that change from stone during the day to flesh at night because of a curse. Man it's so funny, during the end of the skit, the Gnomes break of of their stone shells (and the lawn sprinklers come on) and the scream "WE. ARE. LAWN GNOMES!", just like Goliath did during the opening sequence. Man, so funny! If you haven't seen it, you need to check it out on youtube.
I haven't seen more than a soundbite of it, but I've heard about it.
Hey greg, what race is Elisa's family? I mean seriously, this is bothering me in the worse way. Her mother seems..black, her brother is definitely black, her father is Native American(?), and Elisa herself seems Hispanic! What's going on here? Their last name is 'Maza', and that sounds awfully Hispanic, but I just don't know....
care to shine some light?
Elisa's mother Diane is African-American (which most likely means she has some Caucasian in her as well).
Her father Peter is Native American.
She is, therefore, a mix of all of the above.
She's not Hispanic per se, and the name Maza is Native American. It may not be from the correct tribe, but it is at least Native American.
This one's about Demona's character.
I'm not sure if you've seen nostalgia critic's review of your series (he gave it 2 claws up), but during the review, he claimed Demona one of the great cartoon villains. She's much like Lady Macbeth with scales eh? But what I want to know is, was she ever truly good? We know she had a softer side once upon a time, but even then she was hostile to the humans' prejudice against her clan. She was double crossing her oath to protect the king back in the archmage days, and over time that hatred inside her grew 10 fold, as we know. So, was Demona just a natural born evil? A true villian? Or during your creation of her, did you ever once think that she was the honest 'Angel of the Night?'
"Natural born evil"? I don't think that means anything in this context. I think she had her ambitions and inclinations, but I don't think she was born to be a villain in an in-universe sense.
I was the one who just asked about a desdemona or iago aciton figure but there is something else i was very anxious to know does disney have any plans on putting any of my favorite gargoyles in any kingdom hearts games or possibly a video game of their own besides the one from like 12 years ago. i was thinking about mabey even a gargoyles game for Nintendo ds or psp that starts out during the war at castle wyvern and allows you to fight as a garogyle or a soldguier to assist the gargoyles and lets you play after they awaken 1000 years later and face off agains xanatos and macbeth and takes you through avalon and allows you to aslo play as elisa and any of the gargoyles.
Not to my knowledge.
I am a huge fan of the show i even have copied dvd copies of season 2 part 2 and season 3 the golith cronicals it broke my heart that they aren comin onto dvd but i had to have them i just purchased an action figure of coldstone and i was just wondering if by any chance they made a actiion figure of desdimona or my personall favorite iago? if so i will pay a lot for them
I don't think they did.
Any idea how many more copies of Season 2 Vol. 1 needs to be sold in order for us to see Vol. 2? And do you think there might be a chance we will see Gargoyles on Blue-Ray? Or atleast Season to be re-released but with episode introduction by you?
1. No. Frankly, I think that ship has sailed.
2. No idea.
3. Seems unlikely at this point, unless something significant changes.
Hello Greg,
First of all, I want to thank you for the...wonderful series that you've gaven EVERYONE that has watched it.
In Gargoyles 2198 or 2158, what ever. Are those going to be...in a series? I would love for that to happen. Or is it a comic book series?
It's whatever I can convince someone to do.
What voice actor would you have cast for Constance? Is her voice supposed to gruff like a Kathy Burke or elegant like a Joanna Lumley.
I don't know Kathy Burke. And I wouldn't choose Joanna Lumley.
I'm not sure I'd use the word "gruff". But I'd want her to have the chops to fit her visual.
I vaguely had Zoe Wanamaker in mind.
Demona is easily the most popular character on Gargoyles. Are you surprised by this or did you expect that she would be? Does it make you more conscious of how often you use her? Like Marlon Brando is Superman and Death in the Sandman comics?
I'm not sure I agree with your premise. Demona is certainly a popular character, but I don't know how you'd even measure who the "most popular" is.
But I like her, so I'm not surprised that others do. And, no, it doesn't really effect how I use her. Her weight in the canon and her own motives and needs drive her usage.
And your Marlon Brando/Sandman reference is lost on me.
Isn't Death Death in the Sandman comics?
And Marlon's use in the Superman movies has more to do with legal wrangling than anything, I thought.
I recall that you've only seen a couple of episodes of Spider-Man TAS, and from your descriptions, I believe they were Season 3 episodes. But the curious thing is that in Alien Costume Part One, a Season 1 episode, the symbiote came to earth via John Jameson's space shuttle, much in the way as in TSSM. So my question is: Is this a simple case of great minds think alike, or was the idea of bringing the symbiote in that way proposed by someone else on the crew who may have seen more of TAS?
It was my idea and I haven't seen the TAS episode, so I think it's just a logic thing. Watching Spider-Man 3, the coincidence level of the symbiote striking so close to Spidey and his scooter just was a bit much for me. If TAS used the same method than I assume we were using the same logic. Whether that makes our minds great is another matter.
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