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GREG-SPONSES 2010-06 (Jun)

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CV writes...

Hey, I was wondering when the next Gathering of the Gargoyles was going to be. I was also wondering if it would be coming to the Midwest any time soon, because I and a few other people do an abridged series (see TeamFourStar.com for reference) of Gargoyles and were wondering if we could get a real.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

The Gatherings are over for the time being.

Response recorded on June 24, 2010

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Nina writes...

Hey Greg,
Did Kai ever have a mate? If he did, was she alive when Goliath and co. visited Ishimura? Did we ever catch a glimpse of her onscreen?

Greg responds...

Yes, Kai has or had a mate. Beyond that, I'm not revealing anything at this time.

Response recorded on June 24, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This is a question I've been sitting on for a while. But, does Mendel Stromm exist in "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Universe? Part of me would think that he does, but at the same time, the more I think about him, the more redundant he becomes.

Obviously, in the comics, he was the creator of the formula that transformed Norman Osborn into the Green Goblin. Although, in this series, Norman claims that he invented the globulin green... and, while he's not exactly trustworthy, I haven't been given a reason to doubt him.

Yeah, he could fill the role of the scientist partner that Norman screwed over, but we've got that in Adrian Toomes... sort of. Granted they weren't business partners, but Norman screwed him over and stole his invention. Otto also fills a role as a scientist in Osborn's employ who Norman stabbed in the back.

And, as a supervillain, Stromm was the self titled, Robot Master. Which would feel redundant if the much more interesting Spencer Smythe and his Spider-Slayers ever pop up.

Like you, I try to think of the core truth of who these characters are, and Stromm's role seems to be filled by other, more interesting characters.

So, I'm curious, does he exist? Or has he gone the way of Herman Schultz?

Greg responds...

It's kinda moot at this point, but in my mind... Stromm's been Schultzed.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering if there's any news on Disney reconsidering putting season 2 volume 2 of Gargoyles on dvd? I really enjoy the show and was hoping to get it on dvd. I know they dropped it because the first one didn't sell very well. Personally I'm one of those people who prefer buying whole seasons to partial sets but that was before I realized how many episodes were in season 2 for Gargoyles. Maybe others considered or felt the same way. Is there someone at Disney we can write to or maybe start a petition? There must be something we can do for them to reconsider.

Greg responds...

There's no news. This late in the game, I don't expect any.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

What are your thoughts on The Princess and the Frog? I thought it was a wonderful throwback to the days of the Disney Renaissance.

Greg responds...

I enjoyed it. And it's hard not to love Keith's performance -- if anything, I wish he had been in it more -- but it didn't quite send me the way movies like Little Mermaid, Mu Lan and Aladdin did.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Count Orlok '22 writes...

After having seen James Cameron's film "Avatar", I feel quite confident in my belief that special effects have reached a level where a live-action adaptation of "Gargoyles" could become a reality. Obviously, there are no plans for a film since Disney has no intention of selling the rights or expanding upon the property. So, my question is hypothetical, which I apologize for...
If a film of "Gargoyles" was to be made and you were involved, who would you be interested in writing and directing it?

Greg responds...

Writing it, for sure. I'm not qualified to direct it.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Matthew writes...

Is there a story about how Glasses became Dracon's leutenant? Since in real life the mafia is a fairly racist institution. Or is Dracon just more enlighten than average?

Greg responds...

There is a story.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Brenda W writes...

Hi Greg, this is not a question but a statement: I have been a gargoyles fan for many years and I think your work is one of the greatest animated legend in history.
We the fans will not stop until the remaining 26 episodes are released on DVD. Your ability to capture the attention of adults as well as kids are outstanding. By the way, I do have Season One and Two. Thanks

Thank you...........

Greg responds...

No, thank YOU!

Response recorded on June 10, 2010

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UWGrad writes...

I was wondering if you knew what it would take to purchase the rights, not just the license, of Gargoyles from Disney. I imagine quite a bit of money as well as other possible bargaining chips would be involved, aside from legal. In addition to this, if someone did buy the rights to Gargoyles, would you be willing to work with him or her?
I cannot think of a Disney related prescient where someone bought the rights to a Disney property but I can think of several non-Disney related cases.
It is also surprising to me (although only to the naive side that likes to believe Disney plays fair in business) that you have no true legal claim to the Gargoyles property.
All this comes down to is that possibly, someday when my income has reached that level (hopefully within the next decade[I may as well be a Vanderbilt]) I would consider, if someone else already has not, purchasing the rights. And if it is not I who manages it, I hope someone who is willing to work with you and your vision does buy the rights so that more stories can be told from your vision.

Greg responds...

As I've said many times before, I doubt it's for sale. Not now. Not ever. If it were, I'm sure the price would be VERY high. I have no way of guessing at what that extremely hypothetical number would be.

But I'm willing to work with any professional on the property. I love it. But, no, I have no true legal claim to the property.

Response recorded on June 10, 2010

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Mo writes...

Hi. No questions this time, just had some quick comments:

1) I read your issue of ASM. Fun stuff. I liked the use of the framing device; it was a nice story to go along with the Morbius feature. I hope you write some more issues in the future.
2) I read on Wikipedia that Boomerang will appear in the 4th season of Spidey as a new member of the Enforcers. I'm not asking if it's true, I just thought you might find it funny.
3) If the show's renewed by the time you get this, congrats. If not, i'm pulling for ya.

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Me too.

2. Well, that was certainly not based on anything I ever said. But it's all moot now.

3. Thanks, but...

Response recorded on June 10, 2010

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