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I'm told that at Dragon*Con in Atlanta this weekend, Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis will be hosting a Gargoyles panel. I'm quite jealous that I won't be there!
According to
the panel is on Sunday, September 5, 2010 at 11:30am.
If you can attend, you should. Then let me know how it went!
(Regarding "Phoenix") Greg responds... (to my post a while ago)
<<Showing a second jump would have ruined the shock value of his arrival. Defanged it.
That's not to say I wouldn't eventually like to show ALL his Dance, but that moment of him leaving one era (at the beginning of the Dance) with Finella and Mary and arriving (in another era at the end of his dance) with Katana, Fu-Dog and the kids was ALWAYS my plan since as far back as 1995.>>
You know, I think that _was_ the reason for my thinking about including the start of the second jump. I just don't like huge shocks. Or change. Which is why I'm glad Timedancer was "spoiled" for me. That made the ending significantly less of a Huh? OMG WHAT?!? AAIIEGH!!! moment and more of a "Phew, he only lost an eye. Katana looks cool." moment.
Uh... I don't know how to respond to this. I love it when there's a huge shock as long as ultimately it MAKES SENSE.
I have one last question. Is there going to be a trailer released for Young Justice anytime soon? Possibly in the coming weeks, also is the animation that was shown behind the scenes the final look of the cartoon? Then the last and but not least, will the Young Justice team be shown going to school and dealing with teachers and friendships such as The Spectacular Spiderman did?
1. I'm not sure what the marketing plan is, but we've already released some footage.
2. Basically, yes.
3. Yes.
Hi, Greg. First time asking a question, so I'll dive right in.
I've been reading up on the new young Justice series and it seems like it could be fairly fantastic. Something struck me as curious, however. Most sites seem to be stating that the new new Aqualad character will be the team leader.
This to me seems a little bit strange considering that Dick Grayson is on the team. Given that Dick is pretty much DC's most prolific and natural team leader (Teen Titans in various incarnations including the cartoon, Outsiders, even the Justice League for awhile)
So, my question is this... Why was Aqualad picked as the leader here? Editorial mandate? Trying something different? Dick not being the same given the different continuity? Personal preference? Aqualad was appointed by the League?
It's a pretty fascinating choice. I hope it's not a hush hush sort of deal and that you can answer. if you can't, that's cool too.
All the best to you and yours!
It's a wait and see thing.
It wasn't my choice to not renew the series. I would have loved to do more. The combined forces of Disney, Sony and Marvel chose to discontinue it.
If the series had continued long enough for you to include the Scorpion, would you have made the source of his powers like the Rhino or like Kraven?
No comment.
Hello Mr. Weisman it is me again; I forgot to ask you an other question: will be a special edition of the goliath chronicles with the supervision of you and your colleagues(Frank Paur, Michael Riveas and the japanese film producers)? maybe with the episodes that you've wrote in the comic books(Clan Building volume 1 and the others)?I saw the Goliath chronicles on youtube and it disappointed me.
Hey when you have time why don't you see on youtube the italian episodes of the Gargoyles, the voices are pretty beautiful, Goliath is voiced by Alessandro Rossi.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, Brian. Frank and Michael didn't work on Goliath Chronicles at all. Neither did Walt Disney Television Animation Japan. And I barely worked on any of it beyond the first episode. If this is a DVD question, than I doubt they'll be releasing Goliath Chronicles on DVD. Certainly not while Season Two isn't fully released.
Hey Greg ,
I have another question about the episode storytelling in the Young Justice cartoon. Is the cartoon's episodes going to be told similar to The Spectacular Spiderman and Gargoyles with one long story arc, that ends each season with a big bang, But in each season the characters still recall what happened in the first season or will the show be told similar to Teen Titans and JLU where each episode has its own story?
Like all my shows - including SpecSpidey - Young Justice is both episodic and sequential, with building arcs.
Man, every Spidey question you answer that ends with some form of "it's moot now" or "we'll never see it" is depressing. I miss the show so much, miss anticipating what great new direction you guys were going to take it in, miss the awesome surprise of each new design by Cheeks, the great voice acting and sharp writing, the structure of the seasons and the way you were organically growing Spidey's world, etc. I'm really excited for Young Justice and think it looks great, but at heart, I'm mostly a Marvel, and specifically Spider-Man, fan. So basically, just thanks for the show. I loved it, it's a credit to your great talent in the field, and it was unquestionably the best animated Marvel adaptation ever made, series, movie, or otherwise.
Thank you.
You have said previously that one of the minor purposes of the Gargoyles cartoon was as a gateway to the much larger fictional universe they inhabited and as a springboard for additional shows?
Is there any sort of intention for Young Justice to serve a similar purpose?
Not currently, though I wouldn't oppose the idea.
Does Halcyon Renard know that Anastasia Renard is really Titania?
He does now.
What was Anastasia Renard's human name before she married Halcyon Renard?
I don't know.
Mr. Weisman, after reviewing the information revealed about Artemis in the upcoming Young Justice animated series and researching associated Green Arrow characters, I'm ready to take a stab at her identity. Is Artemis Bonnie King, the original Arrowette from the Golden Age and mother of Cissie, the more recent Arrowette from the Young Justice cartoon? Thanks for your time.
No comment.
Why did you give Jason darker skin than Robyn and Jon? Was it so the viewers wouldn't mix him and Jon up?
Does Jason have darker skin?
Has Demona ever noticed that despite her quest for gargoyle supremacy that she's not even really a gargoyle anymore? She turns to human during the day and she's immortal. In the Gargoyles Universe, gargoyles are not inherently magical beings, but by this point Demona, I really believe Demona is a magical being.
Well, that's your opinion. I imagine Demona holds a different one, wouldn't you think?
In "Temptation", Demona gives Brooklyn a tour of New York to show him how she views humanity. She and Brooklyn witness a purse snatching, a married couple fighting, and a murder scene. I can allow that at night and in a big city like New York, it would probably be easy to find crimes being committed or the aftermath.
what I always found a little suspicious is how Demona knew which house to go for the fighting married couple. And they are fighting (the wife even throws a vase at her husband) the exact moment Brooklyn looks in the window. Was there more to the married couple than meets the eye or does Demona just have a nose for troubled homes?
I'll leave that to your interpretation.
On Young Justice, is the character Artemis better known as Artemis Crock, daughter of Sportsmaster and Tigress?
As I said at Comic-Con, we need to keep a few secrets, so NO COMMENT.
in the future where u know for a fact that spectacular won't get renewed-even though it was made pretty clear-would u ever consider posting something talking about some of your plans for the characters on the show. no every single character because that will take forever but some of the thing that ended on a cliffhanger like one question about man-wolf and kraven...and what you might've been planning for hobgoblin and scorpion. also, do u think the sales of the second season dvd's could have anything to do with sony not renewing the show because it kind of seems like they're waiting for that to get money out of the people who want a third season and think buying the dvd will help? the reason i ask that is because i read on marvel animation age that spec spidey is still a sony production and its up to them.
Marvel says its up to Sony. Sony says its up to Marvel. Either way, the show's not coming back. But a new Ultimate Spider-Man series is currently in production with a number of good people on board.
As I've said RECENTLY, I probably will not be revealing much of what my plans might have been.
"I had plans for both John and Kraven -- in fact those plans were connected. But I'm not inclined to go into detail on them at this time. "
You, sir, are a horrible tease. If you ever are inclined to go into the plans you had for certain characters, etc. in the series, please, please do not hold out on us. :) For some of us, it's all we've got left to keep experiencing the greatest Spider-Man adaptation every produced. :)
Thanks. But ideas divorced from execution are subject (particularly on the internet) to a level of second-guessing that I just think would be unpleasant.
Interesting background on Flash... You say that part of Flash's development would be becoming more aware of and dealing with his long held grudge to Peter. Does Peter have any inkling of why Flash turned on him? Not that he's given any indication of it openly, but was Flash's abandonment an emotionally scarring event, or was it lost in the greater trauma of his parent's deaths?
Largely the latter, but I'm sure it felt like piling on. There was no way for a young Pete to understand why he couldn't see Flash anymore. One gets the sense that Flash's mom and Aunt May had many conversations about this. But Peter's sense of abandonment - and thus his emotional dependency on May and Ben -- would have only been heightened by Eugene. But that pales in scope to the loss of both parents.
This is something I've been pondering for a while. In spite of her hatred for humans, Demona is willing to ally herself with humans when she sees an advantage in it.
She allied with Macbeth (I like to think she thought of him as a friend, even if she wouldn't admit it). She allied herself with Canmore. She allied with Xanatos. Even in the non-canon Radio Play, she allied herself with Tombstone.
Actually, to be honest, of my many problems with the TGC episode "Generations," her allying with the Quarrymen was not one of them (her alliance with Canmore, a Hunter, showed precedent). I was more bothered by Castaway and the Quarrymen allying with her. The former because, well, the demon killed his father. The latter because, it removes the frightened citizens aspect and just makes them designated bad guys.
Has she allied herself with any humans between Canmore in 1057, and her alliance with Xanatos in the late twentieth century?
No comment.
I did a little looking around the frequently asked questions list and searched through the archives, so my apologies if I missed this question being answered.
Looking over the clans seen in Gargoyles, I noticed that only the Mutates had any markings. In example, stripes, spots, anything of that caliber. Is it possible for a natural gargoyle to possess these types of markings?
Thanks very much.
Shrug. I'd rather not state anything that would limit designers one way or another.
So I've been lurking a bit today on various Young Justice message boards (almost always a mistake), and I feel the need to respond on one point (ALWAYS a mistake).
Some people are asking (with various levels of outrage), why we are calling this series "Young Justice"?
They cite the fact that our Robin isn't Tim Drake, that our Kid Flash isn't Impulse/Bart Allen. That we're not using Wonder Girl or Arrowette or Secret and that even our Superboy is dressed more like the later Titans Superboy.
And, honestly, I can see their point. In some ways, I do almost (almost) wish we weren't using the Young Justice title.
But it would be nice if these people turned a more practical and realistic eye toward the question of title.
Some ask, why not call it Teen Titans, when you have Dick, Wally, Aqualad, etc.?
But the answer to that is beyond obvious. There was a RECENT hit series named Teen Titans. The name is TAKEN! Taken, by the way, by a great series that used the cast not of Teen Titans but of Marv Wolfman & George Perez's NEW TEEN TITANS with the tone of neither. In fact, the tone is/was much closer to Peter David & Todd Nauck's YOUNG JUSTICE. (Ironic, huh?)
And if, somehow, we DID call our series TEEN TITANS (again), how would that help? Another group of fans (with some overlap) would cry foul because we were putting Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis and a new Aqualad in with Dick and Wally. Where's Donna? And etc.
The thing is... we're not doing a straight adaptation of either Teen Titans OR Young Justice. We are, in fact, pulling from both properties and later Titans and decades worth of Justice League stuff to create something new with a new continuity on a new Earth-16.
So what SHOULD we entitle it? There just ISN'T one comic book title that's a PERFECT fit for what we're doing. So if you get past the impossible notion of finding a historically accurate title, you're left with coming up with a MEANINGFUL title. In which case, Young Justice fits perfectly - at least on THAT level. (Trust me, you'll see.) It's a flat-out BETTER and more appropriate and more meaningful title for our series than New Titans or Teen Titans or plain old Titans or Justice League Task Force or Justice League Europe or Extreme Justice or Justice League Babies or pretty much anything else you can come up with. I know. I tried. Nothing else captures the essence of our series as well. Baggage or no baggage.
That still leaves the perfectly legit argument: Why do this? Why NOT just adapt the David/Nauck Young Justice? Fair question, absolutely.
And the answer here is... we didn't want to. The creative people (myself, Brandon Vietti, Sam Register, etc.) behind the series premiering this November on Cartoon Network didn't want to. That's not meant as any disrespect for a great comic book. But again, we felt that the tone of the David/Nauck Young Justice book had been done recently and well on television as Teen Titans. Different group of teens, but the same feeling. We wanted to do something NEW. Maybe you'll like it. Maybe you won't. But writers as diverse as Peter David (yep, that Peter David) and Geoff Johns and, uh, Greg Weisman all like what we're doing, so maybe it's worth at least giving us a chance. Or not. That's the call of every individual.
But if you are going to give us a try, you might also try leaving a bit of baggage behind. We have six leads and many, many, many supporting characters (135 existing characters from the DC Universe just through episode 16 alone). As when I worked on Spectacular Spider-Man, we have tried VERY hard to be as true to the core truths of each individual character as possible. Some of the interpretations may be new. Some of the details. The timeline is start from scratch. (Parallel universe, remember?) But the core should hold true, or I haven't done my job.
And gang, stop pretending you know what's coming or what ISN'T coming. What characters will eventually be included and which won't. We haven't even premiered yet. It's fine to guess. But making a guess and then praising or condemning us based on that guess is a bit rough.
Now, I know that this message will invariably read like I've got a big chip on my shoulder. And/or that I'm whining about fans pre-judging the work. That's not the TONE I want for this message. But it's hard in text to get tone across. The tone I'm looking for is more like... weariness. (Not wariness, but weariness.) Honestly, all I'm trying to get across here is that perhaps the conversation would be more productive if folks weren't stuck on preconceptions.
Oh, and one more thing for the record: I know a number of people -- even a few individuals legitimately attached to the series -- have been quoted saying the original title of the series was "Young Justice League". It wasn't. Ever. For better or worse, we were "Young Justice" from Day One of our development. And why not "Young Justice League?" Well, frankly, cuz it sounds awful, don't you think?
Non-sequitor, but since I'm in correcting-internet-incorrectness-mode: Miss Martian is the NIECE of Martian Manhunter. NOT his daughter. Someone misquoted us there.
Mr. Weisman -
First off, I am a long-time fan of your work, so thank you for the many years of great entertainment you've provided.
Your new "Young Justice" series brings you to the WB/DC camp, where there are already some fairly well-known names in the animation world: Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, Andrea Romano, and so forth. While I know you've freelanced a few scripts for prior DC series, now that you're producing a show in the DC house, I was wondering if this series has provided you the opportunity to work with any or all of the aforementioned (or otherwise unmentioned) names. And if so, how has that experience been?
I've worked with Bruce, Alan and Andrea many times before. Alan and I go all the way back to the DuckTales movie. Andrea and I go back to Bonkers! And I worked with Bruce and Alan as recently as the Green Arrow short I did for DC Showcase. Most recently worked with Andrea on the last Brave and the Bold I wrote.
I've never worked with Paul Dini, though of course, I've admired his work from afar.
None of them are involved in Young Justice.
Any characters you were surprised to see becoming popular? The ensemble darkhorse in other words.
What series are we talking about here?
I guess I'll assume we're talking Gargoyles. And, no, not really. Perhaps I underestimated the Trio's popularity a bit, but I never thought they'd be UNpopular. But we can pretty much see who's popping as we're making the series.
Hi Greg,
Congrats on the new YJ show. I'm extremely excited for the show. I have a couple questions. The first is there going to be any major character or minor character deaths in the first season of the show? Also another question I was wondering is what do you personally think of the new Aqualad, do you think he's leadership material and do you believe he'll be a likeable character to watch? My last question is how much creative guidance do you have on this project, are as much creative control as you did in the spectacular spiderman?
1. No comment.
2. I'm stunned by this question. OF COURSE, I think he's leadership material and believe he'll be a likable character to watch, since Brandon and I co-created him, made him the leader and put him in the show. Seriously, what did you expect me to say?
3. Brandon and I have been given full creative control. Which is not to say that we don't have guidance from Warner Bros., DC and Cartoon Network. We do. But I feel very free on this show, as I did on SpecSpidey.
You know I loved "Spectacular Spider-Man" and I am sad that it is gone. Your recent answer on how Flash's enmity for Peter began fascinated me and depressed me at the same time. That was quite deep.
I'll admit, the element of the show that has been fascinating me the most is Emily Osborn. Mostly because this is the only continuity where she's actually alive (and thus a completely blank slate), and the few teases we got made me wonder what is up with her. What kind of mother is she? What kind of wife is she?
She was just so mysterious. We know why Norman and Harry missed the school play, but why didn't she go? That couldn't have been a coincidence.
And then, while I know it was non-canonical, when she finally did speak, and presented this mysterious tape from Norman, along with "the Green Goblin is not what your father wanted for you" it raised even more questions.
So, I need to ask. What role was she playing? Did she know Norman was/is the Green Goblin?
I had very specific plans for Emily. But I'm just not seeing the benefit (to me) of elaborating on them at this time.
I wrote this blog entry up a few months back, and I thought I'd share it with you. I'm curious as to your thoughts on the matter:
Ever since Disney bought Marvel, people have been asking Greg Weisman if he has any interest in integrating the "Gargoyles Universe" (which would be the first sixty-five episodes of the series, and the two SLG comic series "Gargoyles" and "Gargoyles: Bad Guys") into the Marvel Universe, and Weisman keeps saying no. Yet people keep asking him.
I love "Gargoyles" and I love the "Marvel Universe." I love "Gargoyles" more, and I'm not afraid to say it. But this is a terrible idea, and I'm going to talk about why it's a terrible idea.
First of all, the two universes are pretty incompatible. Time travel works differently in both universe for one. In "Gargoyles" you cannot alter history, and that series is so much better for it. If it were a part of Marvel, it would be too easy for Goliath to, let's say, go back in time and prevent the massacre of his clan back in 994 Scotland.
I suppose you could retcon away those Marvel time travel stories like "Age of Apocalypse" and "Days of Future Past." While I would not mind that, it wouldn't be fair to the fans and creators of those stories.
Second, while I have no doubt the existence of gargoyles would be shocking to the people of the Marvel Universe, it wouldn't have the same impact it should. Not in a world where mutants, super-beings, Atlanteans, Inhumans, Eternals, Norse gods, and Fin Fang Foom are already known to exist with Galactus stopping by every other Tuesday.
Third, okay, Marvel's Odin is now a Child of Oberon, as are the Asgardians. Okay... how well do you think that's going to go over with the fans of Jack Kirby's Thor who have been reading it for nearly fifty years now? Hell, there are still some people who are uneasy about Odin being subject to Oberon in "Gargoyles." I'm not one of those people, but I understand where they're coming from.
Now, I know some people are bound to mention the NON-CANON Radio Play from the 2009 Gathering, that was a crossover between "Gargoyles" and "The Spectacular Spider-Man," so let's get this out of the way. That wasn't actually the Marvel Universe. It was a re-imagined, and stream-lined version of it. It also helped that both shows were created or developed by Greg Weisman. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed it, but I don't think anyone wants this to be a regular, or even a recurring occurrence. I think it worked well as a pandering love letter to fans of both franchises, and the voice actors who brought these characters to life.
Finally, and perhaps most important, the Marvel Universe is not really going anywhere. It is very cyclical. Things come, things go, status quos change and are restored. Spider-Man is married for twenty years, then he is single again. Magneto reforms, then is a villain again, then reforms, etc, etc.
For example, I respect a lot of what Joe Quesada has done for Marvel. However, the notion of him having any kind of creative influence over "Gargoyles" scares me. "Goliath and Elisa were more interesting before they finally declared their love and got together. The core of it was always impossible love, so now we have to split them up." You know it would happen.
"The Gargoyles Universe" is going somewhere, even if we're currently not getting any new fiction, it was always evolving. Never going backwards, but moving forwards. It was an evolving tapestry, and change was constant. Marvel, on the other hand, lives and breathes on the illusion of change, while actual change is non-existent. Death is meaningless. Characters don't age, and the status quo may shake up on occasion, but it is always eventually restored.
The Marvel Universe was built by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko, and maintained by many very talented and creative people acting as custodians of that work. But, for better or worse, it is a soup with hundreds of cooks. Many great chefs, and more than a few fast food fry cooks.
"Gargoyles" was co-created by Greg Weisman, and while he had a lot of help, he was the only co-creator, and the one who never stopped working on it. He was the first author of "Gargoyles" and more than likely he will be the last author of "Gargoyles." For the better. We saw "Gargoyles" without Greg Weisman, and it was nothing good.
Both universes have their place, but you couldn't merge them without one of them being significantly altered in the process. Now, I will admit my bias again and say that I wish the "Marvel Universe" was more like the "Gargoyles Universe" but, there's no real point. It's been around for nearly five decades (over seven if you want to talk about Timely Comics), and it's not going to change. As I've made clear, I think that's kind of the problem, but an understandable one given the nature of Marvel Comics. DC too, for that matter.
Now, I realize a lot of the above makes it look like I'm saying "Gargoyles" is great and Marvel is awful, but I don't feel that way at all. I just don't think such a thing would work without one of the universes suffering for it.
I agree.
The Radio Play was a ... lark, a goof. But even if we were ONLY talking about the Spectacular Universe merging with Gargoyles, I'd be opposed.
Hello again Mr. Weisman. First, let me say how sorry I am that Spec Spidey was cancelled. It truly was the best show Marvel ever produced and was the first I honestly felt told stories of the web-slinger and didn't talk down to it's audience. Bravo on making an excellent program.
This does, however, make me all the more excited about Young Justice. I never read that specific series, but i've been a fan of Teen Titans for a while (including the trippy TV series) and am really looking forward to this series. I have a few questions, though:
1) Why the change in Aqualad's character? Was Garth just not interesting enough or was Jackson just cooler? And did the idea for him come from the comic first or did you guys make it up?
2) Why add Ms. Martian to the roster? She's a fun character to be sure, but doesn't exactly scream classic Titans/YJ member (It sort of seems like she's a stand-in for Starfire as the 'alien immigrant' of the team).
3) Will any voice actors from Spec Spidey be working on Young Justice?
Thanks again.
Just to be clear, Marvel did not produce Spectacular Spider-Man, though of course they were very involved. But Sony produced the series, not Marvel.
1. The idea came from myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa, though we had many, many conversations with the folks at DC, including Geoff Johns, obviously. And obviously, we think he's an interesting and cool character, or we would not have put him in there.
2. She's not a stand-in for Starfire at all - not in our minds. She's not a stand-in for anyone. To be honest, you need to get out of the mindset of some kind of fixed team, where all we did was substitute a few characters here for a few characters there. That wasn't our process AT ALL. We began with a list of over fifty teen heroes (male and female) and chose the ones that worked best for us on a number of different levels, ranging from chronology, power mix, personality, iconicness, dynamics, etc. We really started from scratch, with no preconceptions. It would be best if the fans did the same.
3. Yes, some.
Hello Mr. Weisman it is me again; 3 days ago I saw Avalon, they are very exiting and interesting episodes but I don't understand how the Archmage survived after the battle in "Long away to morning", can you explain that to me in detail?
Well, I hope again my english it is understandable.
Goodbye Mr. Weisman
This is in the archives, but BRIEFLY, he was rescued by his future self, who caught him before he hit bottom.
What else do you need to know?
Bad Guys #5 & 6: I wanted to post my Bad Guys reactions all at once, but I wrote my #4 reaction long before this one. So here's the rest, in no particular order.
I just noticed that nobody is willing to sit next to Fang. I wouldn't either!
I continue to wonder about the (constrained) choices made by the members of the squad -- there's lots of tension in Losers about this. They don't know any more about their boss than they do about the Illuminati. Less, in fact, and it's the revelation that Oldcastle and Thailog work for the Illuminati that persuades the Squad not to join. But they still know so little about their own boss... for all they (and I) know, he's could be just as bad. If Robyn knows more she isn't telling, and the rest know basically nothing. They've been given very little choice, of course. They know the Illuminati are untrustworthy... but they can only hope that their mysterious boss is any better. Dingo finally asks, but somehow I doubt Interpol is the truth!
Of course I know the Illuminati are bad news. But I don't know any more about the Director than the Squad do. From what I've seen, they take an "ends justify the means" attitude just like the Illuminati does.
I was seriously worried that Matrix would join the Illuminati and spell Bad Things for basically the whole planet. The Redemption Squad is composed of criminals on the run from the law, and if anyone pointed out to Matrix that the Australian shaman's logic in Issue #1 wasn't actually logical (Dingo can't fight for law and order if he's breaking the law!) then the Illuminati might have looked more attractive to Matrix than its current situation. Fortunately the Matrix isn't bright enough to figure that out. At this point, Matrix is largely at the mercy of whoever controls its access to information about how laws actually work!
Humorous moments: Yama falling asleep mid-sentence, Matrix eating a fork, Yama freaking out over his broken sword, and Doll calling Matrix "that thing."
Yama being impaled on a sword and continuing to fight with no noticeable weakness is hard to believe, especially since Goliath was so much worse off after a much less serious wound in Long Way Till Morning, and completely incapacitated in Bash by a knife wound that definitely did not impale him. It shows how tough a warrior Yama is, but... makes him look literally immortal, Highlander style. This is one place where gargoyle healing abilities are not believable to me without magic.
And Dingo's childhood was finally revealed ... the creep who raised him is the same guy who murdered his mother! That's creepy, ick. The look on John's face is suspicious from the start, but I did not expect that. No wonder Dingo became a criminal.
Yama continues to be impressive. And the scene with Matrix holding up the light under the huge Illuminati banner just looks cool.
I have to wonder why the Illuminati is hoarding priceless art objects, and not even using them for anything. I'm impressed but surprised that Dingo cares enough to prevent their destruction.
Overall, Bad Guys is a good comic, but it leans heavily towards the superhero genre (Oldcastle's gang even seems to include super powers) and as with the Pack, that doesn't appeal to me nearly as much as the other elements of Gargoyles. (Fortunately, nobody except Tasmanian Tiger has a goofy supervillain costume). Not that I wouldn't buy more Bad Guys, if more were published and I could afford it.
Thanks for the stories.
I'd argue that BOTH of Goliath's wounds that you mentioned were WAY MORE serious. Yama intentionally guided that blade to go through organ-free tissue -- a through and through cut that did minimal damage to his side -- which wasn't the case with either of Goliath's injuries: he had internal damage/internal organ injuries both times.
Just look at the visuals again, and it should be clearer. There's nothing magical or Highlander about what Yama does. He's just a tough s.o.b.
Bad Guys #4: Finally I am going to write my reactions to this, many months after I finally got a hold of my copy. It's difficult to come up with my reactions since I first read it a while ago.
I think the "cliched villainy" of Sevarius and Fang would be more horrific if I wasn't already used to mutates, and if was more plausible as a real-life event. Now Sevarius has extended his atrocities to children. It's hard to imagine what kind of life these people can possibly have... and on top of everything else, I guess that Sevarius probably had to wreck their immune systems just to mutate them at all.
Art nitpick: the new mutates look very good and are well drawn, but there's no way that Tasha's shirt and pants can go _under_ her shell, which is part of her skin.
Robyn is trying too hard to sound angry and tough, and she can't pull it off. A little hard to, when it's too late and she's in a cage. Her reaction to Sevarius wanting to mutate her implies that she's more horrified by gargoyle DNA, than by the mutation itself. That, along with other behaviors and statements throughout the six issues, make me think that she is still deeply prejudiced against gargoyles, and is playing nice partly to obey the Director's orders. She doesn't want to kill them all anymore, and her (private?) conversation with Jon shows how far she's already changed her attitudes, but she doesn't seem to regard gargoyles as equals. A lifetime of hatred and ignorance cannot be unlearned quickly or easily.
The big shock in issue 4 is the suicide of Tasha. I did not expect that such an event would be depicted in the comic books. Sadly, it's very believable. Sevarius utterly ruined her life, in what was surely an extremely traumatic experience. For one moment, Fang almost looks like this suicide upset him, but the he starts making repugnant jokes. If some of his _other_ jokes weren't still funny, I think this is one character I would completely hate. I certainly don't blame everyone else for hating him.
The ending, where Robyn's mysterious superior (presumably the Director who got her out of jail and created the squad) put Fang on the team, is confusing. I assume there must be some passage of time that I missed, but it appears as though Fang instantaneously acquires a tailored uniform.
An finally, now I can re-read the bits and pieces at the beginnings of the first 4 issues and make sense of them.
Dingo is angry that they "barely survived the last time" and I wonder what he's even referring to -- to the battle against Fang? Was that really a suicide mission? The reason Dingo barely survived is because Matrix decided to drop him in mid-air off a skyscraper. On the other hand, I have to wonder why they swallow these "missions" when they have no clue who is ordering them around, and no reason to know if they're being told the truth. OK, they've all been threatened with Bad Things, but they don't even ask who they're working for. (Maybe they already asked and Robyn just isn't telling). I also wonder how anyone, including the Director, thinks that Fang is remotely trustworthy, and isn't going to betray the others.
The entire helicopter gets blown up by missiles, but of course the characters aren't going to die just like that. Matrix saves them. The Illuminati possesses combat robots, like the Cybots and Steel Clan. Robyn's combat skills and acrobatics are amazing, when I think about it.
Yama looks great in these issues. I'm liking him. I also like Fang yelling at Yama.
Glad generally you seemed to like the stuff!
Many years ago another poster asked you a couple questions about the Dreamtime:
<<Since it's called the DREAMtime can regular people access the Dreamtime without Shamans by just falling asleep since it is a dimension of the mind and the heart.>>
You answered in 2005 that:
<<Frankly, I'm not sure we got the entire Dreamtime thing right, though we tried. I'll be honest, I'm not too clear on the Australian Aboriginal concept. So any answer I give is based on my limited, very limited understanding of it. One shouldn't regard me as an authority on the subject.
In theory... I guess, anyone should be able to access the Dreamtime. But that doesn't make it easy to do without training. Is this in fact the plain of dreams that we all visit nightly? Not sure. But the idea intrigues me. >>
I would like to know, if you have you decided, what is the answer to the question "Is this in fact the plain of dreams that we all visit nightly?" And is the Dreamtime in fact a place that anyone is able to access?
I'd have to do the research on the Australian Aboriginal concept FIRST before deciding. As it hasn't come up again in a story yet, I haven't. So I haven't made any decisions.
should i get married?
Unsurprisingly, I have no idea.
(I thought about doing a Magic Eightball style smartass response, but was terrified it might be taken seriously.)
Not a question so much as a comment. You've said several times you think you missed a bet in "Grief-" namely, that Coyote should have killed the travelers, to show that death was impossible with Anubis locked up. I may be in the minority on this, but I prefer the story we got to this alternate version.
First of all, it would reopen the Highlander-esque questions that you get regarding Demona and Macbeth. So, Angela's shot through the heart but doesn't die- when Anubis is freed, is the wound still there? If so, would the wound then kill her? If Goliath were decapitated, would the head still talk, or would it sprout spider legs and walk back to him (sorry, I just watched The Thing the other night- incidentally, Keith making a surprise appearance in a movie is something that always makes me smile)? I imagine that, if only for S&P reasons, the death would simply be through bloodless laser beams (sorry, "particle beams") and the issue wouldn't have come up, but it's still confusing.
The bigger point, though, is that it cheapens the characters' abilities. I've read most of the Lee/Ditko and Lee/Romita Spider-Man comics, and while they're great stories, one thing that always bothered me was how supervillains always let Spidey live. Typically, a new villain would dominate the wallcrawler and then arrogantly announce "I don't need to kill Spider-Man- I can beat him any time I want!" I don't have a count, but I really think this happened dozens of times in the Silver Age. I could understand if the villain had a reason to run, like Doc Ock's power running low in your show, but most of the time they just seemed stupid, since of course Spidey trounced them next time. The point is that it seemed like he was surviving more through luck than any particular skill. Likewise, our gargoyles have survived countless battles because of their own abilities. To say that they finally lose- but it doesn't count because, for this one day, they can't die, seems to cheapen their earlier successes. It feels like the only reason they're winning is because the writers want them to win, and if they get in big trouble, a deus ex machina twist will save them. The show starts to feel artificial, and I wonder if these characters are really that special, or if they're just the designated heroes.
Now, of course, this is hypothetical. It's possible that, if I'd seen the episode the way you envision, I would have loved it. As it is, it's kind of hard for me to imagine it working. Just something to chew on.
I guess I wouldn't agree about one lucky break cheapening earlier victories... I guess I wouldn't agree with that at all.
I'm also not big on deus ex machina saves myself, but when an ENTIRE episode is ABOUT arresting death, having them live because death has been arrested doesn't feel like deus ex machina at all to me, even with a deus (Anubis) present.
And, as you noted, the beheading (et al) issue just wouldn't have come up.
I know you're arguing for the success of what we made, and I'm in the odd (very odd) position of arguing that we could have done better, but I still think a bet was missed...
And now I have a question on Goliath and religion.
In the VHS version of "Awakening" as the trio glide off to steal the disc, Goliath says "godspeed lads. They'd better not be harmed." In the TV version he just says "They'd better not be harmed."
Since you edited the VHS release, I have to ask. Would Goliath say "godspeed?" Considering what you have since revealed about gargoyle religious beliefs, I was wondering. In your mind, did he say it?
And while I'm here, what's the canon status of the VHS version of "Awakening?" There is some material in it that wasn't in the TV and later DVD version?
1. Yes. But as a colloquialism.
2. It's mooshy, since in my brain elements of both versions are mooshed together.
In the 201st epsiode of the show "South Park," Comedy Central censored the final monologue from the character Kyle.
I think some extreamists threatened Comedy Central/Paramount, and they bowed down.
I don't know if you watch "South Park," but "South Park" has always gone way over the line, to disgusting levels at times, but has never been censored save profanity "F" and "Sh" words.
My questions is: From your point of view, do you think Comedy Central/Paramount went too far, or do you think they were justified in their actions? Or, do you think "South Park" finally went too far? (IE, it's creators?)
My knee-jerk reaction is to be anti-censorship, but since I know none of the particulars of this specific incident, it would be irresponsible to take any stand. (And, no, that's not a veiled request to get me more info.)
Hi Greg! Love your work! Anyway, Can you tell me if any of these characters will appear in Young Justice: Raven, Zatanna, Starfire, Wonder Girl, Harley Quinn, or Joker will be appearing? Telling me if any of them will appear will be really Nice! Thanks!
Yes, I can tell you that some of the characters you named will be in Season One.
Hi Greg I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times but I am a huge fan of the gargoyles!! One day I'm hoping to become a film editor in the future, maybe even own my own movie set! So if your ever looking for an editor sometime in the future look me up, I would love to work with you! Also I been searching and I wasn't able to find this question so I hope you haven't been asked this yet. But I've always wondered I know it obvious that Elisa and Goliath will end up being together some how, but how does Angela feel about Elisa as possibly becoming a future step mom? Would she see her in that way?
I have answered this before, so you might check the archives for more detail, but basically Angela views Elisa as an older sister. That wouldn't change. But if you've read the comics, you know Angela ALREADY considers Elisa to be Goliath's mate (more or less).
Hi I am Edgar and I am a fan of spider man and the cartoons they are of it. I have been watching the new show "The Spectacular Spider-Man" and is going good and i think you should keep going with. If this is a real website that Greg Weisman reads him self please continue the season 3, the last two where great and since you are making this show i thought it would be best to find a way to tell you. I know this is out of topic here in Gargoyles but this is the only way i found of contacting you so far. Please continue with the show don't stop like they did with "Spider-Man - 1994 animated series". So hopefully you will read this and change our mind. Thank You for making does two episodes so for i would give them 9.5/10 and you will continue with the work. Thank You for your time if you reads this.
This is a real website that Greg Weisman (me) reads, but I have no control over whether or not a Season 3 was ordered, and unfortunately it was not. It's just not up to me. Sorry.
Hi Greg,
Okay, I consider this the anti "What did Titania whisper in Fox's ear?" question.
In "Ill Met By Moonlight", towards the end, Oberon can be seen in the background talking to Angela while Tom the Guardian stands nearby. His lips are animated as moving, but we can't hear what he says, because the focus is on Goliath and Titania in the foreground discussing Oberon's trustworthiness.
My question is: What was Oberon saying to Angela?
If you wish to review, here is the clip. From approx. 5:25-5:29. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmHmG0cylg
Hah! Damn good question! Sharp eyes, Richard!
And I have no idea. I'd have to think about it. Pleasantries, probably, but...
Very excited for your new series! Its good that you can move on to something else, especially after how spec spidey ended.
My questions are, how much have you watched of teen titans and justice league and JLU?
Will you watch the new ultimate spider-man cartoon when it comes out?
I've watched many Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans episodes (particularly from the early seasons of each) but not every single episode.
And, no, I won't watch Ultimate Spider-Man, though that's not a dig at it. If it's great, it'll just drive me crazy with envy. If it's not, it'll just drive me crazy with frustration. It's a no win proposition for me. So I might as well just avoid it.
Hey Greg.
I'm a first time asker but a long fan.
This summer I used my DVR to rediscover the Gargoyles series on DisneyXD, and finally saw the first 65 episodes at least once. I truly feel it is one of, if not the most, underrated action cartoon of all time.
I also was a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and it was the first time in a very long while I was really saddened to see a show I like come to an end.
I really hope both will find ways to live on in the future.
Anyways, I am now looking to the future at Young Justice. I have felt a great emptiness in quality action cartoons lately, and being a DC fan, I'm excited and intrigued.
As I've been reading up on it, I found the premise particularly interesting, specifically how the Justice League maintains a constant presence, and their own fame prevents them from operating, and require their wards to carry on the fight.
The main reason I found this interesting is in the Teen Titans cartoon, (which it sounds like you're familiar with. Apologizes if you are not), some of the situations seemed so dire and world threatening, you had to wonder sometimes why the experienced Leaguers NEVER intervened, or at the very least why Robin never called on his old partner.
I know a few of these were based on old comic story lines (like the Judas Contract), so since I've never read the originals, I don't have any reference to how world shattering events were dealt with in the original stories.
But regardless, was the decision to include the Justice League and give them a reason to not be actively involved in the story influenced by the sometimes in implausible absence of them in past adaptations, like Teen Titans?
Thanks Greg, and good luck on the show.
Brandon Vietti and I wanted to cut our own path, navigating between Scylla & Charibdys, i.e. between the incredibly impressive creatively and commercially successes of the Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans television series. So our tone and depiction of the DCU would be different from both. But I'm NOT confirming your last statement, which sounds like a dig at Teen Titans to me. Everything we're doing is organic to the show we developed and no longer any kind of reaction to or against anything in those other series.
I noticed there are numerous references to the number sixteen in Young Justice including:
-a 16 member justice league
-from reports this is an Earth 16
-Miss Martian is 16 in Martian Years
-Connor is 16 weeks
Is this some sort of in-joke on the part of the crew or is there a much deeper reason?
<chuckles evilly>
Hi Mr. Weisman, I'm from Italy and I'm a big fan of the Gargoyles since 1997(when the tv series arrives for the first time in my country).
My question is about the dvds(season 1 and season 2 volume 1) and the comic books: do you know by chance when they will released in the other countries?
Maybe if will happen the sales will increase more and then there will be hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2, what do you think?
Well I hope my english is understandable, and so goodbye Mr. Weisman.
Your English is great. But my answer unfortunately remains the same: I don't know. I would think the comic books (in English) would be available on-line for anyone. Same with the DVDs but they might not work on non-American machines.
If Xanatos's archetype is the trickster, and Thailog's is the bastard, what is Demona's archetype?
The Fury, largely.
Hi Greg!
Two questions about Young Justice:
1. When rumors of a Young Justice cartoon first began to appear online the roster was said to include(going off memory here)"Nightwing,Martian Girl, and Impulse". Was this simply a mistake/rumor or did the roster undergo some changes?
2. Somewhat related to the first question. I was suprised(though not upset)to learn that it would be Dick Grayson and Wally West in the show rather than Tim Drake and Bart Allen. It made sense once I read that this is a young DC Universe. Was the plan always to start in the early days and see the DCU evolve?
1. Mistake and rumor. I assume "Nightwing, Martian Girl, and Impulse" was someone's error for "Robin (Dick Grayson), Miss Martian (M'gann M'orzz) and Kid Flash (Wally West)". Our roster has been the same pretty much from day one.
2. The plan was always to start in the (relatively) early days and go from there.
In the Stone of Destiny story in "Clan-Building", you depicted the Stone of Destiny as having been, among other things, the stone that Moses struck to provide water for the Israelites in the wilderness. I was familiar with this story from the Bible, but I wanted to know: was the equating of the Stone of Destiny with the stone in the story of Moses your idea, or was it part of the Stone's mythology, like the identification of it with Jacob's pillow-stone at Bethel?
I think it was part of the legend... but honestly I'm not sure. And I don't have my research handy here at Warner Bros to check.
I am a huge fan of the monkey team. why did they stop the show? i don't get it!
I have no idea. I freelanced a couple scripts on that show. That's it.
I am very curious about this one: According to GargWiki, it is said that Goliath died between 2008-2188, and I was wondering if it's true that he had died. If so, what year did he died and what was the cause of hid death?
Goliath, like any mortal, does die eventually. But I have no intention of revealing how or when at this time.
Hi. First, I heard about what happened to the Spectacular Spider-Man. I'm sorry you didn't have a chance to do all the things you wanted to do. I would have loved to see stories Venom vs. Carnage, Harry Osborn as the New Green Goblin, the Hobgoblin, the deaths of Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn or a shortened version of the Clone Saga or the return of Norman Osborn. Ah, well, so much for possibilities.
Anyway, I'd like to ask about Young Justice:
1) Will you be adapting Young Justice or Teen Titans storylines (i.e., Young Justice: A World without Grown-Ups)?
2) I heard that Red Arrow (or at least, the Roy Harper before Cry for Justice and "Rise" of Arsenal, which I don't know if you've heard of) and Tempest will show up. Any other Titans or Young Justice characters that will show up as the show progresses?
1. You'll have to wait and see.
2. Yes.
I want to become a writer just like you. How can I get my ideas published?
There's no one way. And there's no surefire way -- though if you find one let me know.
Since I don't know your background (i.e. where you are in the continuum toward being a professional writer) it's hard to give you advice.
1) Since Red Tornado is present in the Young Justice Cartoon, will he have the mentor role that he had in the comic book? Will we also see his human family?
2) Will there be more racial diversity down the line for the team or is Aqualad it?
1a. Yes.
1b. You'll have to wait and see.
2. There's more racial diversity than just Aqualad already, but, yes...
Hi Greg,
I don't ask a lot of questions, although I am a huge fan of the show, have been since I was 6 years old. (And I have read through ALL the archives.)
I previously asked this question on the Gargoyle Reproductive System - http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=12116 -
And I was wondering what it would take to get a sort of online panel and/or online Gathering. It would not be like the in-person gatherings but it could be interesting...
I'd start in the s8 comment room and see if there was any interest there. If you can get a decent quorum of people, I'm game to give it an hour or so.
Should more comics never be made, will we ever see your master plan(s) for the gargoyles universe?
More of it anyway...
Can you tell us how many members are a part of the Manhattan Clan as of 2010? If so, how many? How many eggs are in the rookery (we know at least 1, but are there more)?
Yes, I could. But no, I won't.
If the TV show were to be brought back (I know BIG IF) would you start where the comics left off, revamp the show so that the time line would start in 2010, or start with the current time line in 2010?
Which is most preferable for you?
Would you prefer to re-start the series in another way than mentioned above?
1. There's no way to know. These decisions are not made in a vacuum, and anything else is so hypothetical there's not much point in speculating.
2. I'm keeping my mind open.
3. See above.
I thought I would check in: what is the current status on more comics? Anything new?
Nothing at the moment. As always, if I know something I won't be shy about letting all of you know. I'll WANT help spreading the word. So really, there's no need to ask. (And ask, and ask, and ask...)
Dear Greg,
You may remember my name. I wrote to you twice concerning if I could help write the third season of the Spectacular Spider-Man. Yes I realize taht was stupid but I don't care about that anymore or if you even reply the two earlier messages. Yes I realize there won't be a third season and we'll never see possibly grestest Spider-Man TV show yet. I only have a few things to say. I want to thank you for two years of seeing this show. They have been the best two years yet. I just want to say that this is probably by far the greatest Spider-Man TV show. Why? It wasn't because of the first animated appearances of the Enforcers, Tinkerer, Colonel Jupiter, Ricochet, or Molten Man. Or the other villains I've come to love in this show (most notably Hammerhead, Electro, Sandman, Rhino, Tombstone, Green Goblin, Kraven, Silver Sable, and Silvermane). I like it because in a way I am Peter Parker. Not physically, but with his love interests. I became friends with a girl who had glasses. She recently got contacts. But yet she went to a different school in the same district. I haven't seen her in a year. I rely on Facebook or e-mail to talk to her. But yet I sometimes get the feeling I may lose her to someone else. This is in a way like Gwen Stacy. The reason why I wish there was a third season is because I want to know how Peter would finally be with Gwen. (If he would.) If I don't know what happens, then I don't know what could happen to my own relationship. I know I shouldn't rely on a TV show to solve girl problems, but I think this show could make it possible for me to go all the way with her.
Right now, I don't care if this series becomes the longest Spider-Man TV show, I just wish if the third season could at least explain how Peter would get to be with Gwen. Also I would to see Spidey fight new threats. (The villains I would've loved to see were Scorpion, Hydro-Man, Tarantula, Beetle, Green Goblin II, Hobgoblin, Prowler, Carnage, and Jackal.) If possible, could tell me how Peter would be with Gwen and if any of the villains I listed would've made their appearances or if there were others I didn't list? If you can't do it here, you may feel free to e-mail me at luckygalucki@bellsouth.net. Once again, thank you for a great 26 episode series.
Your fan,
Alex Galucki
I've already mentioned that Hobgoblin and Scorpion would have appeared in Season Three. Beyond that, I'm not inclined to reveal much... and certainly not to help you "go all the way" with a girl. (Even assuming I had that kind of power, which of course I don't.)
Hi Greg,
I was wondering what country Sevarius is from? I checked the archives. Really, I did! The closest thing I could find was back in 1999 when someone asked you and you hadn't decided. So I hope there's a 10 year statute of limitations.
If you can't reveal what country he is from, do you recall what kind of accent you or voice director Jamie Thompson coached Tim Curry to adopt?
He's either American or British. I have no memory if we gave Tim any instructions on "accent".
Hi Greg,
I'm a big fan. I work in South Korea teaching English and I thought you would be interested in your creations' progress over here.
I did some research on the internet and Gargoyles: The Movie and some season 1 episodes were released on VHS over here. What a collector's item those would be? The official translated name of the show is "Champion Goliath", but happily enough online Korean fans just call it "Gargoyles."
Channel surfing, I did see The Spectacular Spider-Man on the cartoon channel, 5:30, Saturday morning. That's actually a good time, since Korean children have Saturday school and 5:30am would be just the right time they're waking up.
Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll see Young Justice in Korea.
Very cool! Thanks, Richard.
Hey, Greg! Long time, no see!
Sorry to hear about Spectacular Spider-Man - well, actually, I'm more sorry for myself, but that's beside the point. It was a great 26 episodes, and it will always be remembered as what is quite possibly the greatest adaptation of Spider-Man since The Man created our web-slinger!
That said, I'm very excited about the Young Justice series! Though I have some knowledge of the DC universe (mainly through Bruce Timm's various adaptations), I'm not familiar with any of these characters (aside from Robin, of course), and can't wait to see what you do with it! I'm particularly intrigued by your recent comment that this is a series in which not everyone will make it.... Didn't see that coming. :D
Well, this is more of a eulogy/praise/appreciation comment, but I do have one quick question: Which Robin are you using in the series? (Sorry if it's been answered before - I didn't notice anything, though.)
Thanks, Greg! I look forward to your next series!
A young Dick Grayson.
Hey from England!
I heard about the Gargoyles film that Disney is making, yet not having anything to do with your series! I was outraged when I heard, and have already sent two letters to Donner and Brickhouse, asking that they reconsider. I know a lot of other fans are doing so, too.
Is Disney able to do this?...taking the idea from your series and messing around with it and such? I know Disney owns the rights, but you were the one who came up with the idea, wrote the series and everything! Shouldn't they have at least consulted with you about it? It's a disgrace that they should mess around with a great idea!
According to the articles, this new movie has nothing to do with the series.
I wrote a short story based on Broadway and Brooklyn way back in high school for english class. My teacher told me that it was one of the best, mosy imaginitive stories she's ever read. I have completed a novel which includes the Gargoyles, the first in a series of six. I want to get the book published. How can I get permission to use the characters?
You can try to ask Disney.
But on principal, I'm not going to encourage you. Personally, I'd prefer you write something based on your own creation and publish that... as opposed to piggy-backing on something of mine.
Hi Greg.
I looked in the archives under "Influences" but didn't find anything on this, so I'm going to ask: Was the Beauty and the Beast TV series (1987-1990) in any way an influence in the creation of Gargoyles?
I'm a big fan of that BATB series (which starred Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman), and I've noticed it has certain elements/aspects in common with Gargoyles (like certain plot elements, similar settings, similar traits among certain characters, etc.)
I watched a bit of that series. Not religiously. But it's in there in my head, as are thirty other interpretations of Beauty and the Beast (from Disney) whether direct or 2nd generation.
Hello Greg. Congratulations on clearing out that gigantic queue, and thank you for opening for more questions.
I have a question or two in response to answers you gave relatively recently here.
Rebel asked you if Lexington and Hudson got to watch the sun rise in London due to jetlag, and you said yes.
That must have been an awesome and memorable experience for them. I remember Hudson remarked at the end of The Mirror that he wished he could have seen the sun, just once, before changing back into a gargoyle. Goliath actually spent a whole day awake thanks to the Eye of Odin, but I don't imagine he's eager to describe that particular experience to the others...
I wonder about Brooklyn, Katana, and Nashville, too -- whether they ever saw the sun. Unless the Phoenix took care to deposit them during the same time of day that it plucked them from every time it moved them, they probably experienced at least some jetlag. For that matter Goliath, Angela, and Bronx must have had jetlag during the World Tour. Or did Avalon compensate for that somehow?
Avalon and/or the Phoenix compensates magically in a way that a commercial jet cannot.
Hi Greg,
grew up watching Gargoyles, have a picture of Golaith tatooed on my arm with 3 birds over his shoulder, signifying myself, my dad and my younger brother as we all wathced it togeather. Most time I ever spent with them. Thanks for all the memories that came with Gargoyles. I own the 2 series that are on dvd, wish the new ones would come out. I was wondering if you are trying to get them out on dvd or bringing back the gathering of the gargoyles, its a shame that the program seems to be dien out, saddend me.
Much love and respect, Sam
Dude, I wouldn't write the eulogy quite yet.
Still, there's nothing I can do right now about the DVDs.
As for the Gathering -- or any other convention -- that is (and always was) in the hands of the fans. I loved participating, but I was never the organizer.
What's with the Cindy Crawford mole on Pete's cheek in SSM?
It's a Cheeks signature.
Any epic story arcs planned for Young Justice like you did in Spider-Man?
First, thank you for making both of your shows. I loved Gargoyles, but The Spectacular Spider-Man somehow managed to be even better, and I think was probably my favorite animated superhero story ever, and I await Young Justice eagerly.
Second, I had a question. If you had known at the start of the second season that you were certainly not going to get a third, what would you have done differently, if anything?
Nothing different. Nothing at all.
("Both" my shows? Only two? Been a few more than that.) ;)
1)A question about the Justice League in Young Justice, why are there two Green Lanterns on it?
2)Does the Superboy have Tactile Telekinesis like the one in the comics?
1. It's a powerful organization. And they're both tremendous heroes.
2. You'll have to wait and see.
Referencing back to this question.
Well, I definitely didn't think that Demona literally told Thailog every detail of her life and every scheme she has in the works, she definitely had Operation Clean Slate in the works, and Sevarius working on the CV-1000 as a side project while she and Thailog were together.
But was Thailog aware of this particular plan?
Kinda moot.
Hi Greg!
Even though the Spectacular Spider-man has been untimely canceled do you think it's possible that it could continue in some capacity? Perhaps in a comic like Gargoyles did?
Someone JUST asked this. Check the latest responses.
Hi Greg. You have provided the names, hatched dates, and original clan of the gargoyles seen in Demona's clan in CoS and CB2 except for the blue beaked gargoyle. Could you provide the same for him?
if you do another comic book which one will it be and when will it be out and why it would be a spin off
The comic I'm doing now is called Mecha-Nation. The first issue came out this past July and is available from Ape Entertainment/Kizoic.
Hello,Mr.Weisman.I want to ask some questions about Spectacular Spider-Man.
1)I know you originally wanted to use Kingpin as main crime lord in your show,but you couldn't due to rights to him tied to Fox,but you replaced him with Tombstone.But if you were allowed to use Kingpin,would he have same role as Tombstone(sending Enforcers to kill Spider-Man,creating super villains,allying with Norman Osborn,meeting with Venom,and obviously being in Gang War)?Would voice actor be different if you were allowed to use Kingpin?
2.When your show was canceled due to business and legal issues or something like that,i heard such things like "Disney/Marvel didn't care about show" or "Disney intentionally tried to ruin the show" or "It's Sony's fault that show was canceled" or similar things.Do you think that Disney/Marvel or Sony INTENTIONALLY tried to ruin the show or that they tried to save it? Do you blame them for show's fate or not?
3.One thing has interested me in your Gang War Arc.It's about Doctor Octopus henchmen.I know that he runs powerful super villain empire and that he is sort of Big Man Of Supervillains and he has bunch of supervillains to do his job,but i wanted to ask you,did Dr.Octopus had any normal,regular thugs in his employ?.In Reinforcements when Blackie Gaxton told Spider-Man about Master Planner,he mentioned that he(Master Planner/Doc Ock) hire thugs,crooks and construction workers.Also did you planed to use or take closer look to Doc Ock's empire in Gang War Arc?
4.I have question about Silvermane's robot suit.How did Silvermane got it?I mean,he just has it without any explanation.Did Tinkerer had something to do with it or he stole some technology from Oscorp Or Tri-Corp?I loved his suit,but still interesting how he got it.
5.Is there a chance that you could make Spectacular Spider-Man continuation in Comic Book?Did you approached Marvel about it?I know you are working on Young Justice,but still if were are some chance about Spectacular Spider-Man continuation.
6.In your show Jean DeWolff seems to distrust Spider-Man and saying that he goes to far in fighting crime.Is it simple distrust or something happened to Jean in past that she doesn't trust vigilantes.The Punisher is vigilante who goes to far and kills criminals.So did Jean DeWollf had met Punisher and had something to do with each other or she just simply distrusts Spider-Man?
And i will ask some important things
7.Did you and your crew intended episodes we have now to be different or they were made how you wanted?I mean did you had many ideas for current episode or you had different ideas for some episode but those ideas were dropped and you used current ideas.For example:I read that some fans thought that Gangland would be big battle between forces of each crimelord,but in Gangland only bosses fought with each other and their bodyguards played minor role.In other words,what were your original ideas for your episodes.
8.This question is similar to question 7.Did you and your crew planed to include some storylines or characters in seasons 1 and 2,but weren't include or made?For example did you wanted to include Scorpion in season 1 and 2 in some way or another or did you planed to include villains who appeared in season 2 to appear in season 1 or vica versa?And did you planed to make some episodes in Season 1 or 2 but they weren't made?
9.And most important question:Will you reveal your ideas for Season 3 any time soon?
I'm sorry if my questions bothered you.Good Luck
1. The basics would be the same, I suppose. But I'm sure there would have been differences. No way to know about the voice actor. The thing to keep in mind is that the verdict that we couldn't use Kingpin came VERY early on in the process. It's not like we had fully formed ideas for Kingpin and then slotted Tombstone instead. We wanted a crime boss, and were told we couldn't use Kingpin and so chose Tombstone. THEN we came up with all the ideas.
2. No one intentionally set out to ruin a multi-million dollar investment. I think we had some bad luck and multiple corporations participated in some mismanagement of the series (in my opinion). But no single company is at fault, and no one had it "out" for us.
3. He used what he needed to use. And given enough episodes, we would have gone into greater depth on everything.
4. Tinkerer is my bet.
5. I'd love to, and I did approach Marvel about it, but they didn't respond. At this point, I'd guess they're pretty much focusing on the new show.
6. Punisher is not an issue.
7. What you saw on screen was what we wanted to put on screen. Anything else is OBVIOUSLY groundless rumors.
8. The answer is largely no. Again, what you saw is what we wanted to produce. I had some notions VERY early on to include Kraven, Kingpin and Human Torch in Season One. But we didn't have access to the latter two characters, and everyone (including me) eventually agreed that Kraven made more sense as a Season Two villain (after Spidey was better known). But again, all these decisions happened SO early in the process that we hadn't broken down the stories yet. They were just notions. What you saw is what we wanted you to see.
9. Probably not.
For Young Justice, were there any restrictions to the dc universe characters that you could use (aside from Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl)? Is there anything like the Bat-embargo that JLU had?
Wonder Woman IS in the series. She was never off limits.
There is a VERY small handful of characters that we aren't allowed to use in Season One. (And by handful, I mean I could count them on one hand.) The list WAS longer when we first developed the series and broke down the first season, but it's grown shorter since.
But I should make the point that (a) we already have a metric ton of DC Universe characters appearing in Season One and (b) 98% of the decisions as to who would and wouldn't appear were CREATIVE decisions made by Brandon Vietti and myself. Some characters aren't appearing in Season One, because creatively we felt they didn't belong there -- having nothing to do with any external restrictions.
So some characters that will not appear in Season One, may appear in Season Two (if in success we get a pick-up), either because now we CAN use them or because that's where we ALWAYS wanted them from day one ... or both.
Dear Greg...
So, you are one of the producers of "Young Justice". Does that mean you'll write the scripts that be produced into episodes or do you have a different job?
Part of my job is writing scripts. I've written four already and will probably write two more in the first season.
I'm also the story editor for all 26 scripts.
I'm also one of two producers on the show, so I at least comment on pretty much every aspect of production.
In the 2198 spinoff, will the people in Avalon get involved in the fight at all? They are clearly at risk to, since the aliens have the potential to destroy earth, and Avalon along with it.
No comment.
Hi Greg, new fan here. Before I ask my questions, I want to thank you very much for what you've done with the Gargoyles franchise. The stories are amazing and continue to captivate me. I will do my best to help by spreading the word and supporting the franchise.
1. Does Goliath's experience in Future Tense effect how he sees and trusts Lexington, especially considering recent predictions being so close to whatâs been happening? Even though he never really saw Lexâs costume, would other things such as Brooklynâs Timedancer costume being very similar and the police station blowing up cause Goliath to be more wary of Lex?
2. Also, is there some kind of inside joke or reason behind knocking Lexington unconscious so much? It might be just me and I understand that heâs not the best fighter, but it seems to happen a lot.
1. No comment beyond what can already be found on this subject in the archives.
2. No more, to my thinking, than any of the others.
Long time reader first time poster. Something that I found odd in season two of spectacular spider-man was how apparently Norman set up this mentor thing with Pete up in the season opener yet we hardly saw anything of it. There was the teaser for shear strength and that thing with Pete having an osberry prototype in a later episode but beyond that there wasn't really anything else we saw with this mentor thing. I wonder why was that? Did you originally intend to have more of it as a bigger lead in for Osborns reveal as the goblin and simply found there wasn't enough room for it in most episodes, or were we going to see some of this in flashbacks in a later episode where it would be relevant to the story? I ask because it really had me intrigued when i saw this in blueprints and I was slightly dissapointed with the end result not really being much of anything. Although for the record I really loved the show over all and was dissapointed it ended when it did.
I think we got less of it in than we would have liked, mostly from issues of space. Only so many minutes of screen time in so many episodes.
But it also would have had long-term implications that now we'll never get to.
Second question--and given the snafu with the last one, the first one with my name...
Upon first reading "Bad Guys #4", I was rather surprised to see Dingo acting so forcefully in order to prevent Yama from killing Fang in righteous rage. I know acts like that are standard behavior for heroic characters, and that the point of the series is to feature the transtion of these no-longer-villains into actual heroes, but I wouldn't have thought that Dingo was at the "revenge killing is bad and must be stopped" phase yet, particularly given his past as a mercenary--until the moment occured, I would have thought that his reaction would have been to think "good riddance to bad rubbish".
So to sum up all this in the form of a question: why do you feel Dingo was so adamant in preventing Yama from killing Fang?
I'm not sure adamant is the word. He just didn't think Fang was worth it. And I think Dingo had already gotten on board with the general "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thing. Even before Hunter co-opted him into her fight.
And, something not "Gargoyles" not "Spidey" and not "Young Justice" related.
I recently saw your Buzz Lightyear episode, "Star Crossed" for the first time. And something about the ending struck me. I had to re-watch it a few times, because on the surface, it didn't sit right with me... and I don't mean that as a criticism.
Did Romac die? His ship blew up on Planet Z. Team Lightyear was already off the planet. All of Zurg's cannons were trained on him. And then we cut away to Buzz's ship, Mira's psychic connection with him telling her that he was "gone."
Brainpod 57 then 'jacks an escape pod on Team Lightyear's ship, leaving a pre-recorded message from Lomac (that was obviously made before they landed on Planet Z) saying that he would some day win Mira back. But we never saw Romac again.
I realize this is a freelance script you wrote a decade ago, and this was still a light-hearted kids' show. But, considering how much I know you love to write on multiple levels, kids would think he was still alive. But I saw an impossible romance ending in a tragic death there.
Or am I just way off base?
My guess is your way off base. I haven't looked at my draft of the script, let alone the finished project in years. But I think what you're reading as a PRE-RECORDED message was perhaps not-so-prerecorded. But like I said, it's been years. I just don't remember with any surety.
Hey Greg,
Thank you for the two Spectacular seasons of what may be the best Spidey series ever. Unfortunately it was cut shorter than it should have been because of things that were beyond your or any of us fansâ control. I have a few questions about the show.
1) What race are Miles and Aaron Warren in the show? They are clearly tanned and a darker shade from the white characters in the show. Also, they are voiced by Brain George, who normally plays South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, etc) characters. So Iâm wondering what specific race you made them. And hey I might as well throw Ox from the Enforcers as well, who is also clearly tanned and his voice actor is Latino (Mexican to be specific), so is it right to assume that Ox is Mexican?
2) You said you had plans for Emily Osborn as she is dead in the comics and has been dead since Harryâs birth. My first assumption is to have someone to run Oscorp while Norman is âout of the pictureâ as Harry is too young to be a CEO of a business. Is this the case, or were there other things behind her inclusion. She just seemed to be there in the scenes weâve seen her in; she was either cutting food or walking away. Was she in on the identity and antics of her husbandâs costumed criminal alter ego?
3) You have also mentioned you had long term plans for Kraven the Hunter in his beastly form. Since we wonât be seeing those plans come to the small screen at all I would like to ask what those plans were. Most people think that you were just going to make him human again, either via Calypso, or some other way. Were your plans for him about regretting his choice to become mutated in order to beat Spidey? Please let us know what your plans were, as it is an intriguing departure from the comics (and you tesased us about it).
4) Now, according to you in, your Spectacular universe it is now well known to the public that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin after his âfinalâ fight in Season 2. In the comics, the Green Goblinâs identity was a mystery to the general public in the comics until real recently in Spideyâs comic history. In fact, before Norman came back from the dead, Normanâs hobby was the leverage that Roderick Kingsley had on the Osborn family for blackmail during his stint as the Hobgoblin. Iâm curious to know why you made this decision and how the Hobgoblin story would have been handled with the information that Roderick had just out in the open to everyone in New York like that.
5) Also, even though it's all moot now, I need to know, what were your major plans for the show had it continued...provided that what you answered above wasn't all of it. You donât need to give any SPECIFIC details since aside from Hobgoblin and Scorpion showing up in season 3 and Peter graduating high school at the end of the series' run, nothing was ever really set in stone. However you did have some ideas about where you wanted the series to go, and I can assure you that the many other fans and I would love to hear any of your ideas about where you were headed with the show. And...the fact that I'm kinda desprate for ANYTHING Spidey related now that there is nothing on TV until next year....
1. Yes, we were thinking Indo-European for Aaron Warren and Indian-American for Miles Warren. (The theory was that the Warren moved to the U.S. while older brother Aaron was young and before Miles was born - to explain their differing accents.) Ox is Hispanic. We never specified beyond that.
2. I'm not in the mood to reveal this at this time. (See the answer to #5 for why.)
3. Ditto.
4. Tritto.
5. I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write "X" would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes.
Mr. Weisman, in "Ill Met By Moonlight," Titania aided the World Tourists, and, when asked, cited gratitude as her motivation. Later, we learned that she was referring to the events depicted in "Walkabout." My question is, if Titania felt a sense of gratitude towards Goliath, did she also feel that was towards Dingo? After all, Dingo played a role in stopping the Matrix from calcifying the world, and he also took up the responsibilty of working with the Matrix, thus relieving Titania and Fox of any responsibilty they might have towards the Matrix, as its creators. If anything, one could argue that she owes him more for taking that burden from her.
No argument.
Meant to post this days ago at ASK GREG, but I forgot. I'm being interviewed for a live podcast at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/123-film TODAY at 4pm PDT, i.e. in less than half an hour. Sorry for the lack of warning...
In several episodes of Disney's Aladdin there featured a winged serpent character from a Mesoamerican rainforest who served the role of an antagonist to the characters. Though there are only surface similarities to the character of Zafiro in Gargoyles, both of them were voiced by Hector Elizondo. Were you aware of this? Was the casting a coincidence?
I was not aware of it. I don't know if the casting was a coincidence: did Jamie Thomason cast Aladdin too? I can't remember.
For some reason, Man-Wolf is a very cool villain to me. I loved what you were doing with John in the show. Did you have a plan to make him Man-Wolf? It seemed like Professor Warren was going to be the perfect catalyst/enabler for that transformation.
Also, you once said that even if one didn't like the transformation of Kraven, to bear with it because you had some really cool plans extending from that. Would you be able to give us an idea of what those plans were?
I had plans for both John and Kraven -- in fact those plans were connected. But I'm not inclined to go into detail on them at this time.
One particular cartoon I heard that you tried to pitch was Disney's Villains which you gave this description for:
We had to develop this one over and over, despite the fact that I successfully sold it to Michael Eisner on MORE THAN ONE occasion. The problem was that MY BOSS, Gary Krisel, didn't like the idea and kept rejecting every approach. Kept unselling the idea, in essence.
One approach had Captain Hook (easily the original model for Igthorn who was in turn the original model for Xavier) stumbling through the Wicked Queen's Magic Mirror into Jafar's lamp. Jafar can't get out, except on a technicality. If the world turns so evil, that letting him out is redundant, than he's free. So he applies a carrot/stick approach to Hook and has him gather the greatest villains in the Disney Toon Universe to try and turn the world evil.
Our main cast included Hook, Cruella, Don Karnage, Mad Madame Mim, Megavolt, Toadie. Ratigan, maybe. I can't remember now. It was long ago and we went through so many versions. We put together some VERY funny stuff.
There was one story with Ursula and Monstro for example.
Another great series I couldn't get on the air."
Now have you considered approaching Disney and Boom Comics with this story? I ask since Boom has published several comics already on classic franchises (i.e. Darkwing Duck, The Muppet Show, Toy Story). Infact, the continuation of Darkwing Duck is why I felt the need to bring up this question.
Or have you lost interest in the series?
I haven't lost interest, and it's an interesting suggestion, but I'm not sure how practical it is.
These villains come from multiple different franchises. Disney could do it themselves, but for another company it would be a licensing nightmare.
You once said that the reason Demona hasn't been back to Nightstone Unlimited since "Hunter's Moon" is because she is lying low, paranoid that "Dominique Destine" has been outed. Robyn Canmore found out, turned out to be a Hunter, and was then taken into custody.
But, and this is something else I was wondering recently. Would Demona have any real interest or even desire to run a corporation? That seems to be Thailog's M.O., considering who educated him.
Demona doesn't seem to me like she would have the patience to deal with all the paperwork, and other responsibilities of a CEO. Not to mention it seems doubtful that she has any business training. I'm assuming Thailog gave her a crash course when they both established the company.
I guess what I am asking is, did Demona have any interest in Nightstone Unlimited at all besides using its resources to finalize Operation Clean Slate?
Whether or not she's "interested" doesn't change the fact that she sees the advantages of it. Whether or not she actually has the "patience" to do it, doesn't sound like something she'd admit to, even to herself. Whether or not she has the "training" doesn't seem like something she'd consider.
1) Is Miss Martian like her counterpart from the comic book a white martian?
2) Is Artemis an original character like Aqualad?
3) What is the origin of Superboy? Is he a clone of Luthor and Superman like in the comic?
4) It's being reported that YJ is actually set in one of the DCU's multiverse earths? Is this true?
5) Why Zatara and not Zatanna in the Justice League?
1. No comment.
2. No.
3. No comment.
4. Yes. DC assigned Earth-16 to us. We're a parallel universe, but still part of their overall multiverse continuity. Some things will be very parallel. Other things will differ quite a bit, and everything in between.
5. That will eventually become obvious.
one last question:
In response to my appreciative ramble on your portrayal of Flash Thompson in the cartoon you answered that you had specific ideas about when and why Flash stopped liking Peter and being friends but you were on the fence about revealing them. Similarly on when he transitioned to actually tormenting Peter and whether all this took place before or after Peterâs parentsâ deaths. If you have come off the fence in whole or in part Iâd love to hear more.
You also said that Flashâs well timed hauling of Peter over the coals for his bad treatment of others was the reason he was went to the hospital and not to visit Aunt May. (Though I suppose he may have visited as well.) If despite all the animosity he believes he justly holds towards Peter he still came and did that, it speaks all the more highly of him. Also kudos to the animators for giving him that annoyed look that fits very well with: âI have to be doing this right thing here, but you really donât deserve itâ.
Okay. Here's my thinking. Peter and Flash were best friends at age @4. Then Peter's parents died. Flash's dad was a soldier and then a cop (both dangerous jobs). Young Flash couldn't deal with being that close to death. He didn't want to play with Peter anymore. And in his own YOUNG mind he had to find a way to justify/rationalize his decision that wasn't about his fears. So he convinced himself that Peter was a stuck-up egghead (or somesuch) who deserved to be dumped as a friend.
By the time WE meet Flash and Peter at the beginning of their junior year of high school, Flash's mindset is fairly well entrenched and the original reason for it is lost to him. Somewhere deep down, he knows better and given enough time and episodes we would have eventually dealt with this objectively in the series. Not to be, I'm afraid...
This is touching on the type of theoretical questions you hate, but Iâll attempt itâ¦
Are there any shows you watch that you wish you were involved in? Any shows you are glad you werenât involved with because you wouldnât want it any other different than it is? Any shows you didnât enjoy, but think you could have made the concept shine? I donât necessarily mean something you worked on and it didnât work out, (like when you wrote the series bible to Roswell Conspiracies or the like), I mean even seeing a cartoon as an adult that you enjoyed as a child and thinking âif I were doing thatâ¦â. That creative itch that sometimes hits when watching a show and really wanting to play in that sandbox.
I figure either you'll hate this question or one or two examples will suddenly spring to mind.
Yeah... I would have loved to work with Joss Whedon on Buffy or Angel or Firefly. Not that I think I would have improved on it, but I would just have loved to play in that world with the master.
There are cartoon series I was really jealous of, like the MTV Spider-Man series. But (no surprise) I'm over that now.
I haven't seen anything but a few clips of the upcoming series, so this isn't a comment on it per se, but I would have loved to do an Avengers series. Frankly, I would have loved to have taken what we did on SpecSpidey and widened it, building an entire Marvel Universe. It's one of the things that's so fun about Young Justice. We're not just adapting YJ or Teen Titans, but the entire DC Universe (or one of them (#16) anyway).
The Highlander TV series was one where I thought it had moments of greatness, but was also a bit of a mess at times. I would have loved the POWER (Bwahaha) to grab the reins of that one.
I'm sure there are plenty of other examples, as I have generally -- and I'm not proud of this -- lived a professional life filled with (and marred by) tremendous ENVY. I just can't think of any others at this time. At least not any others that wouldn't get me in some trouble. ;)
Iâve heard you mention several times that you have had very good luck with S&P over several series, praising people who really understood the series and were more interested in showing consequence than keeping any violence off screen. When they put their foot down it was generally to avoid what a child can copy, even willing to have a different violent action in place they couldnât. Did you ever have bad experiences? (Either on a series you were running, or one you freelanced on.)
Yes, I've had many. Some completely inexplicable. Others explicable, but still wrong-headed.
Taranee on W.I.T.C.H. was a constant problem, as her power was fire and the S&P executive was very uncomfortable with... I'm not quite sure... the notion that we were encouraging child pyromania? The possibility that kids would use magic to generate flames?
I can't think of a really funny example just this second, though God knows I have more than a handful.
I read an interesting article arguing that Ditko walked away from Spiderman because of an affront to his Objectivism principles. Specifically that he was setting up Norman Osborn to be Peterâs mentor and an exemplar of Objectivism. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the theory, and if there was ever a thought about it when working on Spectacular Spiderman?
I won't pretend I'm an expert on Objectivism or even on the reasons why Ditko left Spider-Man.
We did set Norman up as a mentor to Peter... but this was in line with how we had interpreted the character. Whether or not Mr. Ditko would like our interpretation is a question, I cannot of course answer.
I had asked what age you thought is the youngest age to start watching Gargoyles andâ¦
Greg responds...
Well, I may not be the best person to go to for this advice. Not like I'm some parental expert. Just a parent. But I started my kids on Gargoyles VERY YOUNG. And it held their interest, which was my main concern. There's stuff there for them to enjoy, and IF THEY ASK about any of the more mature aspects of the show, there are teachable moments. That is to say, I didn't sit them in front of the TV and walk away. I watched WITH them. We had fun. And we learned some stuff together. But I think they were each about two when they started watching Gargoyles.
That's right! TWO!!! <chuckle>
Okay, yeah, I'm a bad parent. I mean I watch Dexter with my fifteen-year-old daughter. So don't listen to me.
Me againâ¦
I just couldnât watch a show like Dexter with my little girl! It seems just wrong to tell a child, âTell mommy when the gore is done so she can open her eyes.â Wait⦠you meant because she enjoys it, not just so you donât have to watch âickyâ scenes? I suppose I can see myself doing that J
[Just in case you donât have perfect recall- the rest of your answer was really good parental advice, âexpertâ or no:
âBut I do think the key is to watch Dexter WITH your kids and not let them watch it alone. Oh, and when Dexter's over, put on an episode of The Office or something light and funny before bedtime. â]
Thanks. I do love watching TV with my kids. But we stick to shows THEY want to see that I don't mind seeing too.