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In the 201st epsiode of the show "South Park," Comedy Central censored the final monologue from the character Kyle.
I think some extreamists threatened Comedy Central/Paramount, and they bowed down.
I don't know if you watch "South Park," but "South Park" has always gone way over the line, to disgusting levels at times, but has never been censored save profanity "F" and "Sh" words.
My questions is: From your point of view, do you think Comedy Central/Paramount went too far, or do you think they were justified in their actions? Or, do you think "South Park" finally went too far? (IE, it's creators?)
My knee-jerk reaction is to be anti-censorship, but since I know none of the particulars of this specific incident, it would be irresponsible to take any stand. (And, no, that's not a veiled request to get me more info.)
Hi Greg! Love your work! Anyway, Can you tell me if any of these characters will appear in Young Justice: Raven, Zatanna, Starfire, Wonder Girl, Harley Quinn, or Joker will be appearing? Telling me if any of them will appear will be really Nice! Thanks!
Yes, I can tell you that some of the characters you named will be in Season One.
Hi Greg I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times but I am a huge fan of the gargoyles!! One day I'm hoping to become a film editor in the future, maybe even own my own movie set! So if your ever looking for an editor sometime in the future look me up, I would love to work with you! Also I been searching and I wasn't able to find this question so I hope you haven't been asked this yet. But I've always wondered I know it obvious that Elisa and Goliath will end up being together some how, but how does Angela feel about Elisa as possibly becoming a future step mom? Would she see her in that way?
I have answered this before, so you might check the archives for more detail, but basically Angela views Elisa as an older sister. That wouldn't change. But if you've read the comics, you know Angela ALREADY considers Elisa to be Goliath's mate (more or less).
Hi I am Edgar and I am a fan of spider man and the cartoons they are of it. I have been watching the new show "The Spectacular Spider-Man" and is going good and i think you should keep going with. If this is a real website that Greg Weisman reads him self please continue the season 3, the last two where great and since you are making this show i thought it would be best to find a way to tell you. I know this is out of topic here in Gargoyles but this is the only way i found of contacting you so far. Please continue with the show don't stop like they did with "Spider-Man - 1994 animated series". So hopefully you will read this and change our mind. Thank You for making does two episodes so for i would give them 9.5/10 and you will continue with the work. Thank You for your time if you reads this.
This is a real website that Greg Weisman (me) reads, but I have no control over whether or not a Season 3 was ordered, and unfortunately it was not. It's just not up to me. Sorry.
Hi Greg,
Okay, I consider this the anti "What did Titania whisper in Fox's ear?" question.
In "Ill Met By Moonlight", towards the end, Oberon can be seen in the background talking to Angela while Tom the Guardian stands nearby. His lips are animated as moving, but we can't hear what he says, because the focus is on Goliath and Titania in the foreground discussing Oberon's trustworthiness.
My question is: What was Oberon saying to Angela?
If you wish to review, here is the clip. From approx. 5:25-5:29. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmHmG0cylg
Hah! Damn good question! Sharp eyes, Richard!
And I have no idea. I'd have to think about it. Pleasantries, probably, but...
Very excited for your new series! Its good that you can move on to something else, especially after how spec spidey ended.
My questions are, how much have you watched of teen titans and justice league and JLU?
Will you watch the new ultimate spider-man cartoon when it comes out?
I've watched many Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans episodes (particularly from the early seasons of each) but not every single episode.
And, no, I won't watch Ultimate Spider-Man, though that's not a dig at it. If it's great, it'll just drive me crazy with envy. If it's not, it'll just drive me crazy with frustration. It's a no win proposition for me. So I might as well just avoid it.
Hey Greg.
I'm a first time asker but a long fan.
This summer I used my DVR to rediscover the Gargoyles series on DisneyXD, and finally saw the first 65 episodes at least once. I truly feel it is one of, if not the most, underrated action cartoon of all time.
I also was a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and it was the first time in a very long while I was really saddened to see a show I like come to an end.
I really hope both will find ways to live on in the future.
Anyways, I am now looking to the future at Young Justice. I have felt a great emptiness in quality action cartoons lately, and being a DC fan, I'm excited and intrigued.
As I've been reading up on it, I found the premise particularly interesting, specifically how the Justice League maintains a constant presence, and their own fame prevents them from operating, and require their wards to carry on the fight.
The main reason I found this interesting is in the Teen Titans cartoon, (which it sounds like you're familiar with. Apologizes if you are not), some of the situations seemed so dire and world threatening, you had to wonder sometimes why the experienced Leaguers NEVER intervened, or at the very least why Robin never called on his old partner.
I know a few of these were based on old comic story lines (like the Judas Contract), so since I've never read the originals, I don't have any reference to how world shattering events were dealt with in the original stories.
But regardless, was the decision to include the Justice League and give them a reason to not be actively involved in the story influenced by the sometimes in implausible absence of them in past adaptations, like Teen Titans?
Thanks Greg, and good luck on the show.
Brandon Vietti and I wanted to cut our own path, navigating between Scylla & Charibdys, i.e. between the incredibly impressive creatively and commercially successes of the Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans television series. So our tone and depiction of the DCU would be different from both. But I'm NOT confirming your last statement, which sounds like a dig at Teen Titans to me. Everything we're doing is organic to the show we developed and no longer any kind of reaction to or against anything in those other series.
I noticed there are numerous references to the number sixteen in Young Justice including:
-a 16 member justice league
-from reports this is an Earth 16
-Miss Martian is 16 in Martian Years
-Connor is 16 weeks
Is this some sort of in-joke on the part of the crew or is there a much deeper reason?
<chuckles evilly>
Hi Mr. Weisman, I'm from Italy and I'm a big fan of the Gargoyles since 1997(when the tv series arrives for the first time in my country).
My question is about the dvds(season 1 and season 2 volume 1) and the comic books: do you know by chance when they will released in the other countries?
Maybe if will happen the sales will increase more and then there will be hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2, what do you think?
Well I hope my english is understandable, and so goodbye Mr. Weisman.
Your English is great. But my answer unfortunately remains the same: I don't know. I would think the comic books (in English) would be available on-line for anyone. Same with the DVDs but they might not work on non-American machines.
If Xanatos's archetype is the trickster, and Thailog's is the bastard, what is Demona's archetype?
The Fury, largely.
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