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GREG-SPONSES 2010-08 (Aug)

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Mo writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. First, let me say how sorry I am that Spec Spidey was cancelled. It truly was the best show Marvel ever produced and was the first I honestly felt told stories of the web-slinger and didn't talk down to it's audience. Bravo on making an excellent program.

This does, however, make me all the more excited about Young Justice. I never read that specific series, but i've been a fan of Teen Titans for a while (including the trippy TV series) and am really looking forward to this series. I have a few questions, though:

1) Why the change in Aqualad's character? Was Garth just not interesting enough or was Jackson just cooler? And did the idea for him come from the comic first or did you guys make it up?
2) Why add Ms. Martian to the roster? She's a fun character to be sure, but doesn't exactly scream classic Titans/YJ member (It sort of seems like she's a stand-in for Starfire as the 'alien immigrant' of the team).
3) Will any voice actors from Spec Spidey be working on Young Justice?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

Just to be clear, Marvel did not produce Spectacular Spider-Man, though of course they were very involved. But Sony produced the series, not Marvel.

1. The idea came from myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa, though we had many, many conversations with the folks at DC, including Geoff Johns, obviously. And obviously, we think he's an interesting and cool character, or we would not have put him in there.

2. She's not a stand-in for Starfire at all - not in our minds. She's not a stand-in for anyone. To be honest, you need to get out of the mindset of some kind of fixed team, where all we did was substitute a few characters here for a few characters there. That wasn't our process AT ALL. We began with a list of over fifty teen heroes (male and female) and chose the ones that worked best for us on a number of different levels, ranging from chronology, power mix, personality, iconicness, dynamics, etc. We really started from scratch, with no preconceptions. It would be best if the fans did the same.

3. Yes, some.

Response recorded on August 18, 2010

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