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New York Comic Con

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Anonymous writes...

Can you tell us now what projects were these? https://twitter.com/greg_weisman/status/517893725863682048

Greg responds...

That was five years ago. I can't remember what specifically I was referring to back then. Can't even remember what I reveaed at NYCC that year.

Response recorded on April 23, 2019

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Jess writes...

Heya Greg! Let me be completely unoriginal and congratulate you on the upcoming Young Justice. I'll definitely be watching. So my question is the pretty simple yes-or-no type: Will you or anyone associated with the show be coming to NY Comicon? No worries if you can't say just yet, but I'd love to get more of a glimpse at what to expect, and of course to see you if I have the chance. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I hope so, but I don't know yet.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010